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page 4 Scrimshaw April 16, 1981 A legacy from '81: Senior Pride Helga Hein aid, faculty salaries, counselling serv- ing of Decker College Center, and and will be tax deductible. It should make a difference. Furthermore. with "II you believe in yourself, then you ices and purchase of books from the the renovations of Alumni Hall and be emphasized that the pledge rep- a high percentage 01 alumni particia- believe in Western Maryland Col- library. The importance of these con- Winslow Center. The seniors have resents an expression 01 a future tion, corporations are more apt 10 lege." This statement reflects the tributions is reflected in the cost of also seen the establishment 01 the commitment and is not a legally donate funds to the college. Corpora- theme behind the upcoming Senior tuition: without them, this year's tuition national honor society, Phi Beta binding contract. tions aren't as eager to contribute to PRICECampaign. tee purpose of the would have been about $4.200. $325 Kappa on campus, and WMC'S-first a school whose own alumni don't campaign is to raise money for higher than the actual $3,875 cost national sorority. Phi Sigma Sigma The campaign will utilize a pyrami- want to support it. WMC ls already Western Maryland's Alumni Furd The money pledged for Senior PRIDE With the Senior PRIDE Campaign, the dal organization to insure that each strong in this area: 34 percent 01 all tnrougn a pledge 01 $19.81 from wiN go into the Alumni Fund, the class will experience another first a senior is contacted in person. The alumni contributed last year. and 60 every senior largest single source of funds for the they begin another new tradition class has been divided into two have donated gifts over the last ten However. me Senior PRIDE Cam- Annual Fund. The senior contributions The campaign will begin April 20 teams: the Golddiggers, led by Kris, years. These figures are well above paign entails much more than simply will not be earmarked for use in a and continue through May 5. During and the Greenbackers, headed by the national average (21 percent) of alumni donations to colleges. The a pledge drive. Dudley Keller, Assist- specific project, but will remain as this period. every senior will receive a Rebecca. Kris and Rebecca have ant Director of Development and unrestricted funds letter from Kris and Rebecca explain- each chosen three captains from their Senior PRIDECampaign will allow the Development Coordinator ct tre Cam- respective halves of the class. Kris' newest alumni to continue this reputa- paign, along with Kristine Milker and Kris and Rebecca both expressed captains include Betsy Malkus, ble tradition. Rebecca Weller. who are co-chairper- their belief in the theme of pride in George Gressman and Andy Clark- Planning lor the campaign began in sons, explained tile significance of tne campaign. They commented met. son. Rebecca chose Carl McWilliams, mid-February. The idea for Senior Senior PRIDE. First of all, as me just as alumni contribute to provide MaryLee Fones and Debbie Patsy as PRIDE originated witll Louise Bur- name implies, the campaign will allow their class with a memorable and her captains. Each captain has ap- chett, Director of Annual Funds, who me class of 1981 an opportunity to worthwhile experience at Western pointed live ecepts. and these agents knew of similar programs at colleges such as Gettysburg, Muhlenberg and express their pride in their class and Maryland, the class of '81 now has a have been assigned nine or ten Juniata. Dudley Keller spent about a in their scnoot Furthermore, Senior similar opportunity to continue this classmates to contact in person in month compiling and organizing infor- PRIDE cceo potentially raise over tradition. Dudley pointed out that, if order to solicit pledges. Those day '$6,000 for WMC's Alumni Fund, if other people had not believed in students and January graduates that mation, and developing me system each senior pledges $19.81. This Western Maryland in past years, cannot be reached personally will be and materials to be used. her secre- amount could be doubled to $t2,000, students couldn't have enjoyed the sent a letter mat will enable them to tary, Betsy O'Brien, also devoted if the Development Office can estab- benefits of a Western Maryland edu- pledge by mail. The agents, captains, much time and effort to coordinating lish....a matching lund agreement with cation. Kris stressed' the value 01 and chairpersons will meet periodi- the project. Preparations for next a corporation supporting the college in terms of the cally during the campaign to report. year's campaign have already begun lifelong influence of one's years at and discuss progress. For example, Laurie Mather and Sam Dudley emphasized that the quality, i~ coming Cricchio have been selected to act weu-rouooco education one receives Western Maryland: "In everything you Dudley, Kris and Rebecca agree as"cneucereooe for next year at Western Maryland would not be do in the future, you can always that their goal is 100% participation In conclusion, Dudley, Rebecca possible without contributions to the relate to your college experience. It Rebecca commented that "if people and Kris believe that the Senior Annual Fund, which include gifts Irom becomes a part of you forever" will listen to what it's lor, they will PRIDE Campaign will be an effective alumni, parents and friends. Tuition The chairpersons also noted that ing Senior PRIDE. In addition, each respond." The actual donation 01 method of raising necessary funds of covers only 81 percent of the col- the class of '81 has witnessed several senior will be contacted personally to $19.81 viewed in another perspective Western Maryland College. However, lege's operating expenses. The col- unique additions to Western Mary- ercouraae him or her to pledge is only 38 cents per week or $1.53 their enthusiasm for the project lies in lege relies on the Annual Fund, via land's academic and extracurricular $19.81 (or any amount) to the cor- per month. And yet much can be the potential unity 01 the class of '81 grants and endowments, to cover the program, giving them lurther reason lege. This pledge will be payable at accomplished with that gift. For ex- as they express their pride in and remaining 19 percent. These funds for pride in WMC. For example, the any time during the fiscual year 1982 ample, a new boo!<. for the library their support for Western Maryland. are used lor such things as linancial class of '81 has observed me open- (July 1, 1981 through June 30, 1982), costs, on the average, $17. There- "Please {W)Rite In a Donation Every- fore, each individual pledge does Retum performance Hazing incident "Up With People" f~ page-I Although Alpha Phi Alpha hazing "We've been in constant communi- Bill Gaskins called the SaturdilY, April 25 at 8:00 p.m. learning first hand of the diversity 01 cation with the fraternities about our rimental not only to our i Smith but to the university as a whole," hazing policies since The renowned, internaitonal touring Up With People's five touring com- cultures and customs about the 1975," group, Up With People, will be ap- panies consist of approximately 550 wono exptains. In fact. every fraternity was Smith says the school has almost unanimously signalled its support for required to read and sign a copy of pearing at WMC on April 24. The young men and women representing In each community they-visit, cast the policy. the sanction. The Pitt News went so energetic troup of 100 students, rang- 23 countries. During the eleven members stay with "host families" ing in age from 18 to 26, will be months on the road, each student sharing in ttelr lifestyle and interests. But Alpha Phi Alpha "simply ig- tar as to suggest that the administra- performing in Gil! Gymnasium on spends- an average of 35,00CI miles Toni Luceano and Dan Popp, Up norco it," Smith says, and now it is tion's hard-line approach wasn't quite With People's crorcnon team in "reaping the ill effects of it" hard enough, but Smith assures that tile sanction will serve to preclude The Iraterni~ immediately.appealed Westminster, is 'NOrking with Kathy Smith's oececo to .Pitt's vice chan- other incidents happening. Gallery One opening Nebel, a lormer Up Witll People cellor after being ntcrmeo of the "We've had a very few minor in- student, in finding host families and making arrangements for the cast revocation. The vice chancellor up- dents nere. and none of explains. "And I don't expect we'll Melanie Clippinger college galleries. The exhibit in' For more information call 848-7000, held t~e decl~lon, ~ut remlf'la~ ~ne vorveo physical brutality." he fraternity.t~at its natl~al ?rganlzat~n extention 215 W,M,C.'s Gallery One can be viewed The paintings and drawings of ff_?mtOam to 4 pm weekdays. may petltl~ the umverslty for relf'l- see any more for a long time now " Sheila Hack will be on exhibit in Gallery One from April 7 to 24, 1981. MARYLAND Ms. Hack is a Baltimore artist whose HOUSE OF LIQUORS creations represent emotional expres- sion. Her wor'Ks touch the intellect COLLEGE STUDENTS and the sool alike provoking such diverse fJelings as love and hate, joy ARE TERRIFIC ero sorrow 6 pack Tuborg (bottles or cans) $1.99 Among the 34 works on display in Thanks to the many students Gallery One are several on canvas Present Coupon have volunteered time for tours, whispily Ohio Dream, and KI.. lng the BIlby I,:===========~~iilii~=:ii:::::: presentations, telephone calls, blended oil paintings 848-1314 expires 4/23 Some such as Just Before Beyond, Goodnight are created in soft pastel r ---- ~;~~,;,:"O~;:od g~:~,~~~:;:,:,~;~Sportswear & Athletic Shoes hosting visiting students, working t:J'L£ET FJE'ET ~ blue such as Roses water color and ink has also done Poem. Ms. Hack -::- In the office and more. d"wlog, aloog with ,,"", 3""lm,"- - sionaJframed creations involving ma- terials such as feather and bone. This FAIRGROUND VILLAGE CENTER We couldn't do it without you. latter style is represented in the 330 ONE FORTY ViLLAGE ROAD exhibit by·The Power of your Money WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND 21157 Ovef My Life and A catalon"n You are Daddy'. Daughter, \ All Brands of Athletic Shoes GREAT! Thank You Sheila Hack's art works have oeen warm-up Suits & Sportswear The Admissions Office widely exhibited in museums, art, and 10% Discount with 10 ,Silk Screen Printing for Groups
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