Page 120 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 120
page 4 Scrimshaw April 23, 1'981 Avant !:Jarde innovators Eno and Byrne: no fear of music Doug Otte has devised. In the folk music of Suffice it to say that the recorded this? -you mayor may not ask. He is nally a histrionic radio evangelist is The Global Village: Ihe late Marshall Africa, each performer has a rera- voice of a radio evangelist on one of more a student than an equal of now an urgent. powerful orator, a McLuhan's perception of all the tively simple rhythmic and/or melodic the tracks was there without said Eno's, I believe. He probably supplies Lebanese singer wailing away on 4 or world's cultures being tied togelher pattern. When all the performers' person's estate's permission. and the more of the purely musical elements 5 pitches is now a beautiful voice via electronic media is now an ob- parts are put together, the simple but track had to be altered. My L)fe In (i.e. bass lines, chords, guitar riHs) gracefully sliding up and down in vious reality. We can now abstract very different parts cornplement each the Bush of Ghosts was finally The main compositional technique pitch, creating a subtle melody the essential elements of all great other, creating a complex structure released last month. The title is taken used on My Life In the Bush of Some of the outstanding tracks: extant civilizations to find that, after Eno and Byrne's first experiment from a book by Amos Tutuola Ghosts is this: prerecorded voices 'The Jezebel Spirlt" uses the voice of dredging through the surface differ- with this music was on the Talking Eno's approach to music is unique (some taken from the radio, some an exorcist. The music and the voice ences, our primal natures are the Heads' LP, Fear 01 Music. Byrne is he likes to set up a pliable structure. from folk music records) form the ("You are a believer born again and same. There can no longer really be the leader of Talking Heads, Eno was then allow the structure to go its own basis, under which Eno and Byrne yet you hear voice and you are even a separation between East and producer. Here, only one track was way. After setting up the guidelines. create instrumental tracks. The voices possessed?) together form a chilling West, so long a favorite subject of presented in the new style: "I zm- the composer can view the process are altered. double-tracked, and scenario. Funky guitar. bass, and comparison for philosophers and so- txa". complete with a chant in a objectively. This open-ended struc- looped to create interesting effects drums create a feeling of impending ciologists. language I can't identify. Next came ture is a perfect balance between The music is highly rhythmic, a violence, while synthesizers add an This great "melting pot" (much a bold step: last year's Remain In control and spontaneity. The com- mixture of electronic sounds. bass eerie atmosphere. The tension that more comprehensive than America's) Light. Again under the name Talking poser's guidelines form a kind of guitars. and a great variety of percus- builds up on this track is incredible reveals its homogeneity best through Heads. this revolutionary disc is actu- skeletal framework, out of which sion instruments. Generally. there is The previously mentioned "Ou'ran" the people's arts. In music. for exarn- ally free reign for the two composers, spontaneity arises. The unit or units in one pattern set up per song that is uses synthesizers like an orchestra of pie, the first melodic interval sung by with the other members 01 Talking the structure can be either electronic repeated until a teoe-cut Most of the flutes in a temple, whiling Eno oenodi- children, the descending minor third, Heads functioning as studio musi- devices or human musicians time the music fits the voices rhythmi- cally develops a driving motive in the is found in every culture. Our modern cians with other guest musicians. I Critics claim Eno's music is too cally and pitchwise, at other times I bass register. electronic media, so complex, can tie wrote about Remain In Light last intellectual and rational while it is don't think it is intended to. The Some tracks are not completely us to our species' origins. The elec- November and my fascination with it actually a perfect mixture of rational voices used are very diverse: an effective, but all are interestingfor the tronics themselves become a part of has only increased since then. Pop restraint and emotional energy. Like indignant American radio host creative effort put into them. My main this unity, creating a new folk art not song structure here is totally Ihrown Steve Reich, Eno probably wants the ("America is waiting for a message of gripe with Eno's technique is his limited to any particular culture out the window. Highly propelling. listener to hear the process of the some sort or another..."), a Lebanee almost constant use of the fade-out Brian Eno and David Byrne have single chord structures bounce along composition as a part of the resultant mountain singer, the Reverand Paul Surely there must be other interesting been interested recently in this cross- with chant-like raping or can-ard- sounds. The most redeeming quality Morton ("Talkin' funny and lookln' ways to end a song, even in this cultural exchange of arts, specifically answer singing floating above. Eno of Eno's music is his ability to meld funny, and tatkin' about nobody repetitious mode. On a visceral level, rnusic. They are melding electronic and Byrne like to describe it as "non- this abstract process with pop music, judges you-you make yourself look about half of the tracks are very instruments and highly abstract com- hierarchal" music: thai is; no revitalizing both. Of course. the bad!"), Algerian Muslims chanting the danceable. In a broader sense, Eno positional techniques with primitive person's part is more or less impor- process doesn't always produce tnte- Qu'ran, etc. In all, the addition of the and Byrne are to be commended for folk musics. The particular culture tant than another's resting music, as in "The Overload" music produces a startling transfer- their efforts in combining modern that Eno and Byrne are focusing on is Before and during the recording of from Remain In Light mation in the voices, heightening the technology with folk musics of the that of Africa. African folk music, =:al:o:~ngLl~t, aE~~;~d w~~:~ r.;;Wh;,;;e;;;,e;_;;;doe:;;';_;;;D':.;';;;'d...;;:;;.;;;...;;;lit_;'o;,;;IO;_;';,;;ff':;;".;;O;;_'.:;,,;;:,h;_;;;OO;;;'_;Wh::;;;;,,_;w;,;;,;;..,.::.:, r~1:... ~. through its use of "stationary" polyr- hythrnic motives, fits in best with the Talking Heads. The trouble they had techniques of cornposition that Eno releasing this LP are old news FOUL PLAY Publication positions open leff Trice his Sunday in the fo head of the Board of Publications. The Board of Publications is again there still has to be another deadline 7 and 9 p.m. this year having problems finding set in order to gel more applications editors and business managers for to get the positions filled. The Boad the three publications that it over- Richwine. Dean Mowbray and the~=================~ by Dr of Publications is formed sees. The three school publications that need positions Ulled are the editors for all Ihe school's literary r school newspaper, Scrimshaw, the publications HOUSE OF LIQUORS school yearbook, and the school's Finding people to take on the job of literary publication, Contrast. The liter- an editor or business manager has ary digest only needs a combination not been easy. Last year an editor for Canoll !Plaza, rw£~tmin~t£.'t editor and business manager. the yearbook was not found until late Special So far, only two applications have in the fall been taken for two different positions. If anyone is interested in applying Schlitz 12 pack $3.99 Robert Holt has applied for editor of for one of the five positions available Scrimshaw and Karen Knecht has and would like to submit an applica- for the position for Contrast. tion, see either Dr. Richwine or Dean Dr Keith Richwine. expires 4(30/81 Present Coupon & Athletic Shoes FLEET FEET~~ FAIRGROUND VILLAGE CENTER 330 ONE FORTY VfLLAGE ROAD WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND 21157 · t=.~ \ All Brands of Athletic Shoes ·===~'::::'':.:.''..,., co.t. Oedk.t .. Ivlf- • ~1s1. nST·n-T.,(III'-=lIIun 1o',..... o'cl ... I"IOft$ .... •UJltJlHltfltll)' mal.,I" •. ·SIn.llcl .... 'tlu,tItb'Ullltcl IftSl,ucIOl1. CALL TODAY; SSG Jerry Inghram OTHER COURSES AVAILABLE 663-8455 Counselors, over 19 who like to have fun and make GRE PSYCH· GRE BID· MAT. PCAT· OCAT. VAT fun at unique overnight boys' summer camp in I TOEfL· NMB· VOE • ECFMG • fLEX • NOB. NLE Penna. Able to instruct either one of following: Watersafety, Waterskiing, Boating, Soccer, Basket- ball. Arts and Crafts. Rockclimbing. Riflery, Ba.m 243-1456 Radio. Rocketry. Science, Archery, Track, TennlS. ArmJ Golf. Pioneering, or General Athletics. Write Camp 3121 St. Paul Str • ." BE ALL YOU CAM BE. Dir:ctor. 138 Red Rambler Drive, LaFayette Hill, Baltimore, Maryland 21218 Pa.I9444.
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