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Committees provide for student input Keith l. Arnold Student members of Faculty and Students who sit on these commit- - be appointed for all openings. Dean Admissions and Standards Commit- sophomore Trustee Committees will soon be tees not only get an opportunity to Mowbray stated that student repre- tee, two seniors with at least a 3.2 Trustee Committee on Student Af- selected by the SGA Executive Coun- express their viewpoints, but also a sentation this year had been good. GPA. tairs, one sophomore woman cil. There are many openings to be part in the decision making SGA President teresa. Baker felt Athletic Council, one junior male Student Visitor to the Board of filled processes of the college that more communication with student Calendar & Schedule Committee, Trustees, one sophomore woman These committees are vital in the At a meeting at Dr. John's house committee members. would allow the two students There is still time to appty for these maintenance of student-administration last week, both Dr. John and Dean SGA to be better informed and able Undergraduate Academic Policy & positions; letters of intent should be communications. Often in past years, Mowbray stressed the importance of to serve the student body. Curriculum Committee. two students. submitted to Teresa Baker. Boll. t539. this link has been neglected these committees, and that students The following positions are open: Affirmative Action Committee, one by Friday, May 1 (tomorrow) Scrimshaw Western Maryland College Thursday, April 30, 1981 Volume XIIINumber 9 GRE: Suffering for a purpose Doug Otte Jeanne Higbee, Director of Coun- test results in determining a student's is a good test In fact, he thought it department were asked to partici- Stanoanzec tests were given 10 152 seling and Career services, said, "II grade were slim- Brown stated that was a better test than the Medical pate students from 12 departments. April is not the purpose of this test to he believed most professors would College Admission Test, which he "The reason that we began that 22. The tests are standardized assess individual achievement. II be more protective of the assessment also took recently was it enabled them (the Juniors) to achievement tests which are adminis- would be unfair because students methods they use for their students The Biology department seniors see how somebody outside of the tered to seniors in every department have had different classes." There Brown himself took the test lor Biol- take the test every year. and this year school would look at the results," said once every five years. 120 students was concern expressed by one stu- ogy majors on April 22 and believes it for the first time, the juniors in that continued to page 7 took the Undergraduate Assessment dent before Ihe test that the results Exam, and 32 Economics majors took be used for delermining a course the Graduate Record Exam grade for that student. Higbee said, Go suck some jello These tests are deeiqned to enable "1 cannot guarantee that faculty mem- each department to determine if it is bers will not use information the way doing a good job in educating its they shouldn't. They are meant to be Carnival Buffoonery students compared to nationwide group scores. It's really important to norms. The faculty voted to begin this understand that with any standard- self~valuation system. with all seniors ized test there are going to be Fidy Kuo All and any organizations are in- Band. Invited. to provide clowns and in a department to be tested once problems if you make information for The May Carnival is coming to vited to participate in these competi- amusing antics to uphold the buffoo- every five years. The Economics and individual scores available." WMC on Friday and Saturday, May 1 tons nery, will be the La Mer Mime Biology departments, however, re- Both Dr. Alton Law, Economics! and 2, offering students a chance to The film being shown Friday night Theatre. The May Carnival will be quire their seniors to take the exams Business Administration Department break away from term papers, in Decker will definitely uphold the topped off by a semi-formal Spring '; every year. In addition, the Biology Head, and Dr. Michael Brown, Biol- M.CAT.'s, U.G.R.E's, and whatever buffoonery theme. It's "Every Which Dance in the Forum Saturday eve- Gepartment requested their juniors to ogy Department Head. agreed Ihat may be plaguing Ihe average college Way but Loose," featuring Clint East- nlllg take the exam this year. the chances of a professor using the mind, to engage in two days of wood. and his faithful. hardhitting, All students interested in participat- "Bluegrass and Buffoonery," the orangutan companion, "Righi Turn ing in any of the activities may pick PRIDE 1aunches theme of this year's May Carnival. _ Clyde." up a sheet of rules and regulations at On Saturday, May 2, students will The festivities. or the buffoonery, the information desk in Decker. All will begin Friday afternoon. While Ihe have a chance to attack their fellow those students, who don't Ihink that '81 mission bluegrass band, The Buffalo Chip. classmates in the Sophomore Class' Ihey will participate in any 01the May kickers (?I) provide the background sponsored Pie Throwing Contest, or Festival activities, may be enticed by music, students will have a chance to dunk mem in water at the Dunking ready themselves for some of the Booth. Food and r-srsrts will be sold. the music of The Buffalo Chipkickers. to do so, since everyone will have to Helga Hein spoke at the Kick-off. Both stressed activities. This may mean running to a Performances will be provided by our hear them, anyways, with dinner ~ The Senior P~IDE Campaign got off the significance of the alumni role to store for some Alka Seltzer. since very own Sounds of Silence, the being served outside Friday, May 1 the life of Western Maryland. Dr. John students may participate in events WMC Jazz Band, and the WMC -- ~"~a~t~~s~~~~~!a~;~~he t~ ~~~i; compared Western Maryland to a like Ihe Jello Suck. the Water Melon 20. Cnairpersons Kris Milker and republic whose constituents include Eating Contest (only for those who Rebecca Weller and Development adminstration. faculty. students and know how not to swallow more than Coordinator Dudley Keller organized alumni. He noted how alumni reflect ten seeds at a time), or the Pie Eating the evening, which was attended by WMC's image in society. and that Contest (only for Ihose who don't I'm gonna get the captains and agents on both the although one's role in the republic of mind making a mess out of them- Golddigger and Greenbacker teams WMC changes in the transition from selves, since no utensils will be Also in attendance were Dr. and Mrs. student to alumni, one remains a allowed. as some of our favorite John, James Ridenour (Vice Presi- member for life. Mr. Ridenour ex- deans may, according to rumor). dent for Development), and next plained that alumni participation in Not all of the activities will be for year's chairpersons Laurie Mather contributing to WMC is essential in the, "s\rOl1gof stomach," only. Films, nd Sam Cricchio persuading companies to support the featuring the likes of The U'I Rascals, ..1, One feature of the evening was a college. He thus views Senior PRIDE The Three stcoces. and Yosemite slide presentation put together by as the start of a very meaningful Sam. will be shown all day in honor of senior E'Jeen Flynn. The presentation tradition at WMC the theme of buffoonery. There will conta'lM~ a moving collection of The first progress reports were also be a Tobacco Spitting contest, memories of the seniors' last four quite encouraging. As of Thursday, and a Soda Chug, since the use of years at Western Maryland April 23, 52 Seniors had been ap- alcohol is being discouraged Following the slide show, the sen- proached, and 50 had pledged The last outdoor activity of Friday iors present exhibited their pride by $19.81 or more, for a total figure of afternoon may be just the thing your signing their pledge cards. The fact $955.88. In terms of percentages. 17 dorm floor, club. frat, or sorority may that 100% of the seniors at the kick- percent of the class of 1981 have have been waiting for if you have a off pledged to the college started the pledged. and only 4 percent of those bone to pick with another group. It is campaign off on a positive note approached refused. Also, the money the Tug-of-War. Yvette Carney, Direc- Another highlight of the party came committed by the seniors exceeds tor of College Activities, has promised at the end of the program, when the the money contributed to date this that all unfortunate losers wilt be singing team of Martha and Fred year by the classes of 1978, 1979 dragged through an appreciable (Dudley Keller and Fred Smyth) per- and 1980 combined. Each senior who amount of wet mud. The winners of formed their rendition of "You Gotta pledges will receive a recognition gift the contest can expect general ac- Have Pride" of a Terror iron-on emblem, similar to claim, a prize of $25, and a sense of Dr. John and Mr. Ridenour also the rzoo alligator. survival
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