Page 112 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 112
page 6 Scrimshaw April 9, 1961 "She's a dancer,.." Crack The Sky flashes in Alumni MUSiCwith lust three people and the version of "StrawberryFields Crack the SKY played to two full result is a leaner,more rock oriented by The Beetles. The two new songs house crowds last Thursday evening, album. The lyrics were still as confus- will be out on an album that is soon April 2, and was well received by ing and as cryptic as ever, but the to be recorded this month both crowds. The live man band musicdoesn't haveas manyfrills to it Crack the Sky played a good, light played fourteen songs in approxi- such as orchestra or horn arrange- concert in Alumni Hail and proved matelyan hour and a half, Including a ments. The guitars and keyboards themselves to be an original band shortencore of the Beatles'"I Am the have taken over those [cbs. and the with new ideas in a field of music Walrus" change is noticeable. Palumbo has wherethere are a lot of imitators.One The band played a wide range of tightened up the musicand still writes small complaint is that the band was songs relying mostly on material from good lyrics, but as a whole the music just a little too reservedand stiff when their first and last albums, Crack the is not as grandiose and pompous as playing the crowd creasers. like Sky and White Music, which are it was in the late 70's- "Hold On" and "All-American Boy" both the bands most critically ac- An interestingand valid comparison These songs sounded too carefully claimed albums. The band opened to Crack the Sky is Steely Dan: rehearsed and staged and not With a song from their third album, another group famous for writing enough improvisation and freedom Safety In Numbers, entitled "Nuclear cryptic lyrics and unusual melodies were used. But these flaws did not Apathy", After this selection the Crack the Sky surely doesn't sound prevent it from being a very good group played exclusively their best like Steely Dan, but they write their concert. The sound quality was very songs from the first and last albums songs in similar ways and the com- good for a small concert hall like The band's second album, Animal parison is valid. Music critics tend to Alumni is and the lighting was taste- Notes, an album mara almost as applaud both bands for the same fully done, if not a trifle bit extrava- good as the others, was completely things and likewise lear them down gent at times. ignored. Also during the show, each for the same things, namely their Admittedly, the warm-up band was member of the band was allowed to smug, self-assured lyrics which de· loud and a bit famitar sounding soc. and each showed his expertise pict perverse deranged people or Rolls-Roycewas a band that fell into and flashiness.GivenCrack the Sky's things the Black Sabbath/ACIDC category, music, which is quite choppy and Most of the songs played at the and thai means look out because syncopated, this skill is necessary concert were direclly ott the album in they'll deafen anyone within earshot leader John Palumbo has been their entirety:Ihat is to say there was They were just pale imitations in an said to have more weird ideas than no improvisationand the songs were overused genre of rock music, but he has songs lor, and a generous virtual copies 01the versions on the they did their job and that was to sampling of his songs throughout the albums. "Mind Baby", "She's a Dan- warm the crowd up, concert proved this fact. The music cer", and "Hot Razors in My Heart" One highlight 01 the performance was always varied, the group trying all fall into this categpry. Some nota- was an incredibly striking rendition01 for many different effects at once ble exceptions to this were "Ice", led Zeppelin, The singer/guitarist The weird, cheerfully perverse lyrics "Hold On" and "Surf City", which sounded remarkablysimilarto Robert seemto fit the very choppy nature of were nicely done and stretched out Plant as he had the same rough the music. Surprisingly, Crack the so all the players had time to solo gravely voice as the- lead singer of Sky's music does hold together de- These songs proved that the band led Zeppelin has. Rolls-Royce spite being very rhythmic. was capable of playing something played for a half hour longer than Since 1975,the year the first album other than that which was already on _.:::=.:o~ ! came out, the band has undergone vinyl ~h::d~h~~'~~~vi~i:~;~~s:e~:rndh~~~:.. many personnel-cnenoes. The only The band also preViewedtwo new rock bands and write some original Crack the Sky performed for capacity crowds in Alumni Hall for this remaining member is leader John songs and even played a short material or hang it up years spring concert Palumbo. Palumbo's stint with the 1978's Safety In Number., although Hilton departure to change choir band is not uninterupted,however,as he was absent in the production of he did contribute four of the eight songs on Ihe album. During Pal- Doug OUe sion would be culled fromthe College if Indeed they don't," said Elinor is also a good possibility that the umbo's absence from the group, he Significantchanges for the College Band. Dietrich believes that, "this Phillips,presidentof the Choir."When Choir will be open to the faculty and made a solo album entitled Innocent Cborrare likelyto be the resultof the college could sustain a choir of 75 to you work really hard and then don't Bystander, an album that didn't sell College'sdecision not to rehire Brent 100 people, as it once did" get a chance to give mai..Jt takes a staff if large works are done "We are Irying to find someone well away from the Crack the Sky Hylton, Director of the Choir A part- To gel the amount of people, the lot of purpose away. t think it's sad " is an excellent conductor on a name. Palumbo rejoined the group time instructor, rather then another audition requirementswill have to be Explaining why the Choir will be to-e basis," said Dietrich.The after the band's I:ve album Live Sky, lull-time professor will most likely be abolished. Also, the Choir will proba- open to anyone interested, Dietrich will also hire a In 1980, Crack the Sky recorded fulfill Hylton's responsibilities bly not tour during Spring Break,as it said, "We are Irying 10 render an oew",.e"'"hI,,,hed WhHe MUSiCat a studio in Owings with the choir and to teach keyboard has the past few years underHylton's across-the-college service. The de- Mills, Md, a suburb of Baltimore. (piano and organ) lessons directorship "I think II'Sa shamethat partment must serve the entire col- WhHe Music is a different album Carl Dietrich, Department Head, the Choir won't get to tour next year lege instead of a taientec few." There from earlier Crack the Sky albums talked about possible changes to the Gone from the albums are the gra- Choir. "I would like to see the Chair Melodic migration cious string and orchestral arrange- become much larger and do major ments The band recorded WhHe works," said Diel,j'icR.Under Hylton's direction, the Choir became a select Choir tours north ward Xerox Copies 5¢ group whosememberswereadmitted only after audition. Also, up until this caJ exetlence, people want to per- was a big success. Hylton said thatJ semester, the chotr performed only Doug Otte New Day acappella works (unaccompanied tans or working over Spring Break, While most people were cultivating form: they want to have goals. We've there was "decent aneooence at all Copy Center voices), Dietrich is interested in hav- the College Choir was busy on its ~~,a~~~~~~z~t~~~~'V~~ea~i~hfinae~.Ius~f ~~~~:~~.''~;r~Slv:;a~~r~ym.~n:~d:hde ing the Choir performworks such as Handel's "Messiah", Mendelssohn's annual Spring Tour. This year the spirit as well as good technique" Some students In the Chon were "Elijah", and Bach's B Minor Mass choir loured and performed in New T~e Choir performed four times d.isappolntedand felt that It was the 60V2W. Main St. These works require an orchestra Englandand parts 01Canada.Forthe during the week of break, in Roches- director's fault, but Hylton explained. IS up to our contact at the approximately twenty students who ter. New York; Wiliowdale, Ontario; 'It Westminster Strings could be hired from the went on the tour, it was a valuable Nepean, Ontario; and Syracuse.New particular place to publicize. the Baltimorearea, at one-half price due 876·7732 to something called the MUSicians' and worthwhile experience York, Most of the concerts were event." Both Hyltonand ElinorPhilhps According to Brent Hylton, Asso- arranged lor churches, Hylton con- felt that the penorma~ceat Syracuse Trust Fund. Woodwinds and cercus. ciate Professorof Music and Director tacts Alumnior personalfriendSin the was the best the Choir has ever had of the Choir there are two reasonsfor area to help set up dates and places 'That performance really brought us Carriage House Liquors taking students on a tour: it exposes "This tour was structured erounc two all together," recalls Phillips "Mr Hylton really glowed" the college to other areas and shows members of the Choir and people 113 W, Main Street what the college can do musically, they knew in Cauda," said Hylton The Choir will be finishing up this "at the forks" and it allows students to see other The choir usually stayed with families year with performances in Parkville areas. "II's challenging and exciting or, if there was no concert on a and Baltimore,then a concert here, in to perform for other audiences. The particular night, in a hotel. Phillips BakerChapel, on April 26th at 8 PM 12 pack Schlitz students prove something to them- said, "We were really blessed with One of the highlights 01 the perform- 12 oz. cans $4.50 selvesand others.Theyreallyaceom- food that we had at two churches, as ance will be the College Singers cnsn something and won't forget it .. well as everybody's family feeding doing madrigals in Elizabethan cos- Elinor Philtips,senior and president them really well" tumesdesigned for the Choir by Jane of the choir, concurs. "Seeking musi- Everyoneinvolved felt that the tour Davies expires 4/16/81 Present coupon
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