Page 119 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 119
April 23, 1981 Scrimshaw page 3 Dickinson slides by WMC Lacrosse wins big liz Siegenthaler 10 go into an extra inning. Western "We'ye been unable to get the key in T.V. debut The Terrors men'S baseball team Maryland errors avoided this exten- hits on in crucial situations," played two tough and extremely sian aliowing the Red Devils to pull said senior pitcher Frank Trautz, who Rob McQuay game close games at Dickinson College ahead to a 5-4 victory. pitched the second Saturday game On a bright, warm. picture perfect The offense once again did a great last Saturday. but were unable to To make up for their first loss. the for the Terrors. He fired a toter of five made its job, The middies hustled and the capture the runs needed for victory Terrors rallied in game two's first strike-cuts, with one earned hit day, the '81 Lacrosse team debut. What a success! track scored! Ron Hiltz again had a WMC was ahead for most of the innings, scoring two runs. rreou's statement was demon- television The Terrors struck with full force good day leading the team with 6 first game with junior Mike "Goose" Uebel sparked the effort by reach- strated well in the fourth inning, when againstFairleighDickinson University. goals, Behind him were Chris cor- Gosnell at the pitching mound. Gas- ing first and stealing second. Joe they gol as far as bases loaded. but Madison beating them 18-16. coo-s. Scott Kallins-2, Eric Schwaab- nell is now 2-3 in the conference. Della Badia and Johnson followed. were unable to capitalize on' this Western Maryland never trailed the 2(also 5 assists). Jeff Kuzumchuk after pitching a two-tuner on Satur- putting the visitors in a bases loaded chance. game. taking the first face-off in for a Brian Loftus and Stan Murray day situation One last run was scored for WMC score. The Blue Devils of FDU, Hustle is the key word in this game Early in the game. an error by Bruce Fr-ickthen hit a single. bat- in the top of the last inning, With however. were able to tie the game and for the rest 01 this season Dickinson's centerfielder put Ken ting in both Liebel and Della Badia Walker on second and Ridge on eight times before WMC finally pulled Saturday the Terrors displayed great Ridge on base. with Craig Walker at Craig Walker. shortstop and co-cap- third. Rick St. John hit a single that ahead 18-14 control. handling 21 out of 37 face- third. Bob Heath hit a line drive past tain, was walked to first. Next to bat batted in Walker. The effort was not While FDU tried to rally in the fourth otts and limiting their penalties. The first base and Walker scored WMC's was freshman outfielder Ken Ridge. enough to capture the game. how- quarter. the Western Maryland de- 6-2 team will face-off against a tough first run. who hit a single that should have eyer, and the Red Devils won. 5-4 In the sixth inning. the Terrors took been an RBI. Blowinga bubble as he Dave Seibert, head baseball coach, tense once again proved its su- Upsala team this Saturday. a narrow lead when Bruce Frick, who touched home plate, Rich Johnson said he feels that lack of success this premacy in Division lt, closing the Someoneonce said. "You can't win is batting in the 400's, hit a triple to was called out season is getting the team'S confi- door at sixteengoals. However. much 'em ail!" This was certainly the case of the credit to this defensive play in yesterday's 17 - 10 loss to Wash- left field. and Rich Johnson scored Not to be outdone by the Terrors. dence down must go to goalie Chuck Nolan, who ington College. This Saturday. Then Brian Zawacki drove a double Dickinson scored three runs in the The Terrors playa home game this made 23 saves, including four point- April 25 the 7 and 3 Terrors will to left field, batting in co-captain Frick first inning. They were the result of a afternoon. at 3:00 against Mt. St blank one-on-one Shots late in the face off against a tough Upsala leam and putting the Terrors ahead. 3-t home run by Jeff Burris Mary's. Their lead was short lived, however, Sophomore Dan Fielder. a consrs. inning, WMC had one last chance at a base and then scored a run for the Asimov offers future insights for Dickinson scored Ihree runs that tently strong second baseman, stole bat and a combination of a stolen Terrors in Ihe second inning. Fielder base by John Uebel and an RBI by holds the team's highesl balling aver- Melanie Clippinger '011 the other hand," said Asimov catcher Johnson, who is also battin~ age this season. .444 John Uebel. Isaac Aserov. the man who "pre- "when women are allowed semi- at a threshold to become "a creature in the 400's. tied the snore. who is tied with Fielder for stolen dicted that Mount Everest would human characteristics the birth rate of the universe- instead of a planet" Dickinson fans had their fingers bases. hil to center field, which put never be climbed in a story published He sees the recent successful land- crossed, because if they didn't score Dan on third, and Della Badia's hit five days after it really happened, and went down." He maintains that ing of the space shuttle Columbia women would "naturally want to do "under the power of human intellig- in the seventh,the game would have batted him in in 1956 published An Easy Introduc- other things." He stated, "once we ence" as a step in the right direction. tion to the Slide Rule (in which there , Harassment "wasn't a slide rule position I left had the Pill we freed her to have sex ance of the popularization of science stressed the import- Mr. Asjmovalso without the danger of pregnancy - unphotographed") lectured on 'The Future of Man" on April 15 in Alumni something men have always had - to educate the general public in and the birth rate has gone down. basic scientic tact. "In the future" he unprosecuted Hall In 'The Future of Man," Asimov's Once we have that we have every- predicted. "we may expect to see a thing." Man is then freed to have roboto- thoroughly cornputertzed, -. main thrust was the necessity for the space industry and an automated ctzec. space centered world," In control of world Population growth by world with robots laboring and freeing fro';' page 1 , would formally find against other ~o.ntra~eptio~to insure the .surviyalof people for education, creativity. and order to adjust man must gain knowl- was o~'Jeayeand not getting full pay. faculty. civilizationAsimov ~ees society as a~ "expansion of the human range" edge in such useful subjects as cost the professor an estimated Only In the fast year or two have obstacle to ttus Insurance when .'t Asmov sees mankind as standing science and computers $5000 in pay. San Jose State University. in the ::=~re~~~~I:I~Pf::Ie::~:: ~:~ocu~:~;:: ~~s~~a~~i~etob~e~~~o~i~; harassment cases, cons,tantly: It w~1Idestroy u~ "Up with people" ~~~tlt;~~~~~n;e~~~~e: ~:~~~~:nt~ Under legal interpretations Title IX Asnrov cites history as a witness to firea associate philosophy professor ot me Higher EducationAmendments the fact of mankind'~ tendency to .P.hiJli,o Jacklin in January, 1960 for of 1972 schools receiving federal reproduce faster than Its food supply. from page 1 7:00 lasting until 9:30 at night with_ "fondling. embracing and making lunds must establish these oroce- thus bringin~ controls of nature i~to had the experience of touring with Up only one day of respite. Kathy admit- sexual propositions" to five female cures or lose funds, But DorothyGray play. PopulationIS re? a high With People last academic year. ted to the emotional challenge she students. of the Education Department's Office death rate - by famine. disease. or Kathy reflected: "It was the best year met with. Today however. she has But a Natlonsf Advisory Council of Clvll Rights says that setting up wa~.. He then expressed a note of of my life and the best thing I eyer obtained the strength to say. "You on Women's Education Programs programs hasn't proven easy for optimism., saying that "we ~re the did for myself." She, through the can do anythingyou want to do," and survey suggested that. for avery many schools. simply because there only species who can look. Into the graciousnessof sponsors and a con- belieyes through her experiences that Instance Of puntshment, there are are no guidelines to base them on. future and prevent something from certed effort to scrape together "experimental learning is so much "hundreds" of harassment case. "/I's a new area under the law." she happen,lng."The only w~y to prey~nt funds, was able to tour with Up With better than book learning." never even reported. says, and enforcementand inyestiga- populalion growth beSides an In- Peopleand visit such foreign cultures Up With People tries to radiate this For example. a Berkeley student tion strategies are still being deyel· crease in the death rate is a de- as British Columbia and Alberta Can- knowledge it has gained through group. Women Organized Against oped, "It's not the type of thing you crease in the birth rate. This seems to ada, Venezuela,Panama.Costa Rica brushes with other cultures in their Sexual I...Harassment,says that one- come up with instantaneously__es- be our only option and the U.S.·sown Florida and West performance and are dedicated to quarter ~ the senior class -- oYer pecially when there are no guide· Asimoy ruled out such suggestions coast. Putting in days that began at the unity of mankind 5000 studenls -- claims to have been lines." she told the Higher Education as space colonization saying. "in the harassed sometime while pursuing Dally. next 30 to 40 years we will add 4 undergraduate studies But once a procedure is set uP. billion people - we can't send them Sandler says students. often learing Sandler says it makes a big differ. all into space" their reports won't be belieyed. do ence in the number of complaints Asimoy noted that during time of a not know where to complain, and filed, For example. she recalls that high birth rate a woman's status is therefore the teacher is never soon after the president of a Wash- low. She is too busy to be educated ""- ......... harged ington university formally stated that or 10 take an interest in things She T.hcour_intho Applynow for Fatt dditonally. students suspect that "harassment would not be tolerated"- has only time enough to concentrate H ....m.nitif.s.nd5oci.1 Som<'Stor Scimc .. dftianedfor air hearing is far from likely," says at the school. the number of com- on her children A';.1\n' C.t1.,.....,.ito: Fran"rlJ,Till. formeny of the National plaints fell from four to one at one Londonthroughf;.id Study AbrOMl Offic. Uni __ ty01 M.-yllo'" AdYiSo,(yCouncil. school counselor's office trip
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