Page 115 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 115
April 16, 1981 Scrimshaw page 3 Bullets bite the dust Tennis triumphs Rob McQuay On a dreary, dismal day Ihe 4-2 As the second quarter started, swered with his second goal of the Women titian is the number one team of Terror Lacrosse team took the field Gettysburg left off where they finished day and made the score 1~-6. With Eric Wayne Taylor and Armstrong. Hein and against arch-rival Gettysburg. By the the first quarter. The Terrors were the Terrors in the hole again the Dowd lollow in the second position end of the day the Terrors would be playing one man down and Gettys- Bullets took advantage of the man- The Varsity Women's Tennis Team with Herrera and Bankert playing for 5-2. The Terrors played their best burg was able to capitalize on il down situation and scored their se'l- has a five-game record of 2-3 the third pair game to date, by beating the Bullets scoring their third goal of the game. enth goal. Kuzemchak retaliated with Though they lost their first three Seeing action as well this year in of Gettysburg 16-10. On the other hand, Western Mary- his second goal and WMC's thir- matches, they have comeback to win doubles play are senior Kris Milker The Terrors got off to what ap- land was able to pull out their own teenth. Lou Boeri, coming in off the their last two, both by scores of 9-0 (3-0 in J V play last year), Junior peared to be a shakey start; Gettys- extra-man play. While the Terrors had bench, scored Western Maryland's The victims were Washington College Kathy Campagnoli, Renee Wichowski, burg took the opening face-off down two men in the penalty box, Chuck fourteenth goal and Gallaudet. In her seventh year of Mary York, and Liz Wagner field for the first goal of the game. As Nolan made a beautiful save and There was some poor play on coaching, Joan Weyers will hope to the next few moments progressed the defense cleared the bali effectively. Saturday's game, but these errors better her last year's team record of Men Terrors began to feel more at home Rick Morani took the goal and set the seemed trivial to the overall game 4-5. Rick Morani started the ball rolling for Terrors on top 9-3. Once again For instance, there was some mental This year's team finds veterans Eric wavne WMC by stealing a loose ball from G- cleared the ball to Chris Gordon who breakdown in the second quarter and blended with a few new faces. For The WMC's Tennis team currently Burg and feeding it to Eric Schwaab passed off to Ron Hiltz. Ron took the a problem in not getting the tace-ons the third year at -#1 singles will be holds a 4 and 1 record, with their who scored his first and only goal of bali in alone, making a beautiful shot Yesterday afternoon the Terrors Debby Taylor; numbers two and three next opponents slated to be the the day. Within minutes of the next while laying on the ground played a team that shouldn't have this year will be Helga Hein and Katy always tough Gettyburg. April 6 saw face-off the Terrors got on the board As the Gettysburg defense got been on the same field with them Dowd, who last year combined for a the Terrors win their fourth 'match of with their second goal. A well exe- tough, so did the Terror offense Dickinson College of Pennsylvania 13-10 record. Dowd will serve to be the season by defeating Gallaudet cuted out-of-bounds play set up the Schwaab and Hiltz pressured a poor mustered only 2 goals in the face of this year's captain. Senior Sue Arm- WMC won by a score of 8 to 1. goal with Chris "Flash" Gordon Bullet defenseman wl)o had managed an indomitable 18 point Terror offen- strong, posting an 8-1 mark test year, Franklin and Marshal proved to be pumping in his first of four goals. to get hold 01 a loose ball. The bad srve will be found at the number 4 spot a different story, as they whipped The fourth goal was set by a goOd pass was intercepted by Jeff Funk, The lopsided victory set the stage this year. In the number 5 spot is the WMC by an B to 1 margin. :The only defensive play by Stan Murffiy. With who in turn passed off to "Flash" for some new faces on the scoring always tough Louise Herrera, another win for Western Maryland came from Gettysburg trying to clear the ball Gordon who, put in his fourth goal of scene. Jim Bodine, Brian Loftus, senior. Louise had a 7-1 season last the number two doubles team of and the goalie out of the box, Murray tne game. As the first hall enoea, thtt._ Chris Imb~ch, Jim Emche and third year and is on the same pace this Tindali/Kemlage (6-4, 6-3) checked the goalie's stick and score was WMC, G-Burg 3. string goalie Eric "Jerry Lewis" Len- year: she is currently 4-1 in singles This year's six man squad seems to knocked the ball loose. Flash Gordon W11enthe second hall began Get- nert all made key contributions to a Freshman Becky Bankert is currently be optimistic for a successful season picked up the loose ball and tossed it tysburg came out like gangbusters never ending display of successful the number 6 player. Diana Vebares With back-up players Mike "slim" in an unattended goal scoring three goals. Jeff Funk an- fast breaks. was the number 6 player the first Rantmeyer, Scott Smith, and Jim three matches of_the year sterrt. the WMC Tennis team should Women defeated The r,:,ce Leading the way In doubles conoe- wind up tops in their division Beth Gray Track success continues The varsity women's lacrosse team by intermission the Blue Jays had suffered a narrow loss yesterday brought the score to 4 all Billy Crocker captain Colbert, who sent Messiah's' some bright individual performances afternoon against Dickinson College The Terrors got off to a good start Paced by three first place finishes, field record last year with a heave of Berit Kilinostad placed third and fifth, by a score of 7-9. Two goals apiece again in the second half, but Johns Western Maryland's men's track and 47'6", has not pushed so far this respectively, in the 400 meters and were made by Eileen Flynn and Hopkins came back to take over the field squad took third in the annual season and probably won't be until the long jump, and Mary Lynn Renee Gardner, while Pat Donovan, lead 9-7, late in the game. Anne Messiah Invitational last Saturday the MAC Championships Schwaab took fifth and sixth with Anne Glaeser, and Lori Rafferty each Glaeser made the final effort for Freshman sprinter Dana Hill won the The women's squad didn't fare so good times in the 1500 and 3000 had one, Outstanding saves were W.M.C. when she scored in the last 100 meters in 11 seconds and well in the team standings but had meter events. made by Becky Cassilly (7) and Meg 45 seconds of the game. Renee placed second in the 200 meters. Hill Hutchison (3). Gardener, Ardie Anderson, and Ei- also led off the second placing 400- On Friday, April 10 the W.M.C. leen Flynn scored tte other goals for meter relay completed by Tom Kni- woman's lacrosse team lost to the the Terrors. Western Maryland is now eriem, Sam Mitchell, and Mark Chad- ohns Hopkins Blue Jays 9-8. The 1-2 on the seaS;?~.• wick. In addition to their relay Home Games 9 began promisingly when Lori contributions, Chadwick ran for third Ratf.erty the (high scorer for tre The women's softball team defeated in the 100 and Mitchell earned fourth Terrors with 4 goals) gave the team Dickinson College at home yesterday in the high jump Men's Baseball: Today at 3:00 an early lead scoring 2 goals in the by an impressive score of 14-5. Now Leaping best in the high jump Men's lacrosse: Saturday at 2:00 initial minutes of the game. However, 4-2, their next two games are away competition was WMC sophomore Wednesday at 3:00 Study Abroad Mark Cockerill who flopped over 6'4" Women's Lacrosse: Wednesday at 6'6". So far, and just missed at 4,00 necessary forms and essays may be Cockerill is doing what he had hoped to do this season: clear 6'4" consss- The Institute of International Edoca- mailed early in the fall. Western tenUy I~iiiiiiiiiiii;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. tion today announced that the official Maryland had an award two years Winning the Messiah gold for the ( ning of the 1982-83 competition ago, and we would like to try for second year in a row was shot for wants for graduate study or more. putting senior Dane Colbert. Co- research abroad in academic fields •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• H L· • 1 30 YEARS AGO. WE Co ' . and for -professional training in the • ouse .quors : creative and performing arts is : mage PIONEERED lOW FARES scheduled for May " 1981. It IS • 113 W. Main Street .~ Present coupon mUATn.489 ::~~;~~ :~~u~~;~~~~:'~V:i~~ : "at the forks" : TO EUROPE. TODAY WE'RE ble lor the 1982-83 academic y~ar. : : The purpose of ttese crents IS to • Special on Easter Wines •. =~~e ;:~~~ ~nl~:~~~:~ta~~ • 10% off : and other countries through the ex- • change of persons, .knowIedge and expires 4/23 : IIS~ :~~e a~eut~~~v~~~~a~~~lf~~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• r Culture) Exchange Act of 1961 (Ful- l ~~~~~~~s u:~~e~~e~y !~~ig;ri~:~ oNMAY. STANDBY donors. '-.. 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