Page 113 - Scrimshaw1980-81
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Scrimsli'ifw "" Western Maryland College Thursday, April 16, 1981 Volume XII) Number 7 One year later "Hell Week" survives policy change Jeff Trice deaths or injuries resulting from hazing. Presently, eight states have Problems The week of March 3O-April 5 was what is known as "Hell Week" laws on the books making colleges officially liable for hazing injuries. or "Pledge Week" for 3 WMC fraternities. Last year, a controversial Maryland does not have such a law, but the implication is clear who hazing policy was adopted, which was stiffer than the previous policy would ~e responsible. This is another reason for the policy: to reduce arise beyond at WMC. How effective was this new hazing policy in curtailing or eliminate th~ college's liability if an accident from hazing would hazing practies? occur. ThiS policy makes a preventive effort to see that an accident According to Dean Mowbray of Student Affairs, "We have a long isn't allowed to occur. WMC way to go. We need a 101 of improvement." Mowbray stated that he . Althoog~ Mowbray says he does see an improvement, he is felt thai there has been a reduction in the public area of hazing but q~ICk to poI.ntout that there must be an attitude change to go along that a lot continues in private With the policy change. The policy means little or nothing unless it is CPS Statements by WMC Greeks echoed this observation. "There was abided by and obeyed. Mowbray says that it is not his purpose to The University of Pittsburgh has less public display, but that's about all that changed," said one cut out anyone's fun, to limit activities, or, on the more drastic side of revoked the charter of the Alpha Phi fraternity member possible actions, abolish the fraternity system or an individual Alpha fraternity for "the most serious last July, the Student Affairs Office sent 001a detailed letter to all fr~ternity. But he does think it is necessary to convince organizations, violation" of j.miversity rules ever, upperclassmen explaining the new hazing policy. In the letter were either forcefully or voluntarily, that dangerous hazing activities are not citing hazing that resulted in the examples of what was not tolerable: paddling, road trips, kidnapping, necessary. Tradition need not be heeded when dangerous practices hospitalization of one pledge March late work sessions, treasure hunts, the wearing 01conspicuous attire are being used 19, according to Pitt's swoeot Activi- in public, and all other acts 01 buffoonery which interfere with Dean Mowbray contends that the fraternities form constructive ties Director, Andy Smith scho~astic activities. ~e letter also appealed to the student body activities, not some of the degrading activities of hazing, He cannot Smith said the incident, )Vhich in- and. In effect all orga~lzation s not to condone or applaud any such see the paradox of doing harm to a person that is being accepted volved severe paddling causing back hazing attitudes or activities. Th~ le~er gave as well, a briel history 01 into a group. bruises and kidney damage, was "at hazing at Western Maryland, which incuded the abuse of freshman in Mowbray commented "I'm certainly not deaf, dumb and blind to the far extreme of hazing," Such such ways as public paddling and the wearing of beanies. what goes on," He suspects that a lot more hazing goes on than he "brutalization will not be tolerated by The Student Affairs Office had the hazing policy published in the catches, but since he cannot verify it, he can do very little about it the university," he states. WMC Student Handbook for 1980-1981 According to Gary Stern, a member of Gamma Beta Chi (the Smith, along with the assistant dean The reason such a hazing policy has been adopted is to protect Betes), the new policy "emphasised that you can't do things in for fraternities, decided to revoke the the individual from harassment from an organization or other public, which is probably for the better. I think it is more our affair fraternity's charter in light of the individual which may resun in injury or possibly death. The policy then that 01 the entire campus." injuries sustained by the pledge and also seeks to protect a pledge from physical abuse, embarrassment Most hazing practices take place out of the public's eye,~and 01 the fraternity's refusal to obey and ridicule. What reports do circusate are orten COfQraO oy tf~il9gcrol;.,n O! rumor unIVersTfYccecv- Since 1970, there have been reported at least 30 hazing fatalities Mowbray suspended for one month the clubroom and social The Pitt case is the second time in from colleges and universities all across the United States and privileges 01the Betes at the beginning of April. One incident which two months that a fraternity has been injuries are numerous as well. Hazing activities usually end up contributed to this suspension was the 'kidnapping' of a group of disciplined for hazing. In February the hindering classroom performance in some way, Western Maryland Bete pledges who were driven to Pennsylvania, According to one University 01 Southern Califomia in- has had no deaths or selious injuries because of hazing, but Ihere pledge, the efforts of these pledges 10make a call for a ride home definitely suspended the Delta Tau have been instances where Western Maryland fraternity pledges from a private residence led to the involvement of the state police Delta fraternity, when it was cited for have had to seek medical attention. Mowbray stated that he had received phone calls in three hazing continued to page 4 According to Mowbray, the college would be liable for any continued to page] Harassment review designed Lifton alleges Kennedy coverup Oppenhei!!!_ student or complaintant would still calling and wondering what in the response to a student complaint, have the option to further pursue the world is going on at Western Mary- Beth Williams the faculty and administration are case. land College!" he said at the back of the head creating a grievance procedure to The counselor would then present Because the incident usually occurs In a lecture to the WMC community When the President's body was review campus incidents relating to the case to a live-person grievance in private, providing sufficient evi- 7, David Lillon, author of Beat brought into the autopsy room, the sexual harassment committee in a hearing similar to the dence is another complication presented "new evidence doctors reported "apparent surgery" According to sociology professor Honor Board. The names of those "That's something a responsible and the most important evidence in of the head, but ,\'no such surgery Mary Ellen Elwell, 16 faculty members involved would be revealed to the carefully chosen panel hearing com- Kennedy assassination case was perfO!'l'TleQin Dallas, No doctor drafted a possible procedure to pro- committee only. "We'll work very hard mittee wHi have to attempt to deal President Kennedy's body," was lying," said Lifton, "the body was hibit sexual harassment and to make to keep it as quiet as possible," Ms with," Or. John said According to litton, whO has spent lying to the doctors" students aware of the avenues lei Elwell said The proposed policy is presently the tast 15 years investigating the The President's body left Dallas seeking redress. The punishment will depend upon being reviewed by Dean Mowbray, November 27, 1963 assassination, wrapped in sheets in a "large ornate "II isn't an easy problem to deal the serioosness of the crime, but the faculty council, and the SGA Kennedy's body was "surgically al- bronze coffin," according 10 Lifton: with," Ms. Elwell commented. "You're involves on a general basis a repri- Executive Board tered" somewhere between lhe Dal- but it arrived at the Bethesda Naval in a very wlnerable position is what it mand for the first offense, suspension Many institutions are feeling the las hospital and the Bethesda Naval Hospital in a zippered body bag in a boils down to," for a second offense, followed ulti- need lor some type of protection Hospital, where the autopsy was plain shipping casket. This self-appointed committee ee- mately by a dismissal. against this problem. Although Title IX performed. According to Lifton, after the bronze vised a two-part policy which begins Or. John agrees that WMC should legally protects students against sex- Lifton believes the body was altered coffin was loaded on "Air Force One" with a clear definition of sexual develop a policy of this type and said ual harassment, this specific issue is "in order to change the visible direc- and before take oft, Mrs. Kennedy harassment. Specifically, sexual ha- that one should exist "by the end of not mentioned in Title IX because it is tion of the wounds and support the was called away 'rom it to "freshen rassment deals with unwelcome ver- this academic year" a new area of concern. Therefore, single assassin theory." up" for the swearing in of Vice bal cornmenls or physical contact of "I see it in Ihree dimensions," Or there is a need to establish specific He told the audience in Alumni Hall President Johnson. "In fact all the a sexual nature which occurs in a John said. "An educational, legal, guidelines to heighten public aware- that the doctors in Dallas reported a )(,ennedy 'loyalists' were caUed away power relationship. A professor in a and moral problem. But another ness and protect the rights of stu- 2-¥. inch hole in the back of the for about 20 minutes. The only people position to control or influence a angle, the rea) reason for concern, is dents and faculty head, but the occtors at Bethesda with the casket constantly from Dallas student's career or grades may use the violation of integrity 01 a human Several instilutions throughout the reported a hole 5-Veinches in diame- to Bethesda were the Secret Serv- his authority and power to coerce the being." country have organized active groups ter, The Dallas doctors reported the ice" student into sexual relations or punish One problem in dealing with the to deal with growing public concern. brain was intact while those perform- Lifton speculates that it was during that student for refusal. issue of sexual harassment on cam- "We're at a vanguard,". Ms. Elwell ing the autopsy told Lifton that the the "20 or so minutes that Mrs The first stage of the procedure pus is the adverse publicity for the iaid. "If the students want protection skull was empty 01 any brain. The Kennedy was away from the casket," calls for the creation of a counselor of school, Or. John said. "The commu- and feel that it's an important issue, OaUasdoctors determined the hole in that the body was switched to the sorts to whom students coold discuss nity may believe that the problem lies they might want to say so--it affects the back of the head was a bullet exit shipping casket and then "placed in any such violations in a very confi- in the particular school, which is not them" wound, but the Bethesda doctors the forward right side of the plane" in dential manner. At this point the the case. Alumnus from all over are reported a small bullet entry wound continued to page 2
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