Page 122 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 122
Scrimshaw Letter to the Editor Missing interns Dear Editor: I was most interested in your "seen- involved in the January Term intern- ano'' about the experiences of the ship program fictional Western Maryland College An interview with most of these political science editor, Ralph Jones, students would have produced the in your story entitled "Student Intem same response without giving the Opportunities" impression that Western Maryland However. I fail to see why it had to College political science students are be fictional. You might have inter- deprived 01 such rewarding educa- viewed anyone 01 three or four tional experience political science students engaged in Sincerely yours, internships every semester or any Robert J. Weber one of twenty-five students who were Political Science Department Senior recital "Doug Otte will present his senior 2," by Prokofiev; and "Capriccio in B piano recital on Friday, May I, at 8 minor," "Intermezzo in E major" and p.m. in Levine Recital Hall on the "Rhapsody in B minor," by Brahms campus of Western Maryland Col- Otte is the son of Mr, and Mrs lege Edward Otte. of Laurel, Maryland one will perform "Sonata, Op. 31, The May 1 recital is free and open No.2," by Beethoven; "Sonata No. to the public * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * Elections * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * Honor Board '83 Treasurer Elections for honor board positions and the fun off election for Ihe '83 Sieve Goon Treasurer will be held today outside the Rouzer side of the cafeteria My name is Steve Goon and I'm Junior Class will be responsible for Kurt Hubach looks as though I will be majoring in Inner Varsity Christian Fellowship. The running for Junior Class Treasurer. I are the Junior Follies and the Junior- English (much to my parents' dis- experience gained from these activi- am currently a member 01 the SGA Senior Prom, If these are to be a My name is Kurt Hubach. I am a may.) I guess those are the vital ties will undoubtedly prove helpful in Senate as well as a member of the success. the people running the sophomore living in Daniel Maclea statistics. In case you are interested this new and challenging position Housing Committee and Ad Hoc show have to be responsible and As a candidate in tcoaye election for in knowing why t want to be 011the I firmly believe in the principles of Committee. I'm funning for office, willing to work hard. I know I am, but the Honor Board I have been asked Honor Board, my reason is very our Honor Code As college students, because I want to be a responsible if I am to do the lob, then YOU must to talk a little about myself and why I simple, While I spend a good deal 01 we expect and deserve to be treated and active member of the Junior support Me lor Junior Class tree- wish to be on the board time studying, visiting, entertaining as adults, and with this goes the Class. I am a chemistry major with inten- my Hinge kid, or' siUing around responsibility of doing our own work Next year. some of the activities the tions of attending med-school after playing the banjo, I am looking for a The cooperation of all students is graduation from Western Maryland. In meaningful way to get more involved needed for proper functioning 01 the Ed Johnson addition to time spent studying my with the college. Thus, when I heard code. Your vote will help give me the activities include participation on the about an opening on the Honor opportunity to do my part in seeing soccer and swimming and various Board, I sought nomination, since the that the rules and regulations of our I'm Ed Johnson and I'm running for the sophomore class. I have gain,mj intramural teams, Supporting these. honor system is one of the most vital code continue to be properly admin- re-election as the Class of '83 Trea- the necessary expenence to effec- and many other sporting and social aspects of this college. I feel I have istered surer. As treasurer this year I've had tively fulfill the requirements of this events is an important part of my the qualities necessary for this kind of the opportunity to put together var- office. I also hold the enthusiasm to involvement with the student body. position. and I hope you will take the ious fund raising activities. This year work with Ihe other class officers and The Honor Board offers another inter- time to vote for me today. Thank you Michael Grusby the sophomore class gained $500 organize an interesting array of class esting and important facet to life at from selling concessions at men's activities. a great Junior Follies pro- WMC and I would like to do wnat I basketball and lacrosse games. and gram, an excellent homecoming float, can to make it work Mark Cockerill I, Micheal Gruaby. hereby annouce sponsoring a mixer and a dance and a super May Day and Junior- My name is Mark Cockerill and I am my candidacy for a seat on the Honor Furthermore, the SGA has alotted us Senior Banquet I ask lor your vote Bill Spence seeking a position on the Honor Board, My reasons for seeking this $1500 for 1981-82 and we hope to tooey wnen you go to the polls Board, In my two years here I have position stem from my desire to play sponsor the Spri~g Formal. In serving Thank you. My name is Bill Spence. and as you been involved in a variety of activi- a 'more active role in the formation probably did not know I am running ties: Basketball, Track. In-Beta. Trust- amd implementation of WMC policies for the Honor Board, I am a sopho- ees Committee on Student Affairs, As a member of the Honor Board. I Phi Beta Kappa more living in C-section, and so far it College Hosts and Hostesses, and will have the opportunity to help insure that the board is serving the Scrimshaw best interests of both the student inducts members body and the administration, as well Editor.. .Bill Byrne as. the responsibility of enforcing the Managing Editor ...... Sue Frost honor code of Western Maryland Debbie Wooden News Editor ... .Keith L Arnold College Phi Beta Kappa (OBK), the most words meaning 'philosophy (is) the Feature Editor ....... Robert Holt Myqualiflcatiens for the position are prestigious honor society in the guide of life.' Those Western Maryland College Sports Editor . Liz Siegenthaler exhibited in Ihe nature of the activities United States, has selected 27 West- students honored this year are: Jan{lff Science Editor TerryDom in which I have become involved in ern Maryland College students to E Carr, Katherine E. Chromy, Davil\-~ Business Manager .. . RussellJohnson during my first two years her~. My become members this spring O. Cleveland, David B. Cross- Mark Ad Assistant .. Kathleen Moriorty desire to serve WMC ISevident In my The Western Maryland College S. Dachille, Krista M. DormSri. Bar- Photography Editor... . AdamWright membership in the Freshman Advis- Delta Chapter of Maryland. estab- bara Forrey. Kathy A Fran~, Mary Ad layout ... . Janet Trainor ory Council and my particiation in the lished in May of 1980, will initiate its Beth Gibbons, Bruce R. Gourley, M Artist. lynda Boyer tourguide program, My scholastic second group of members to this Jennifer Hardin, John F. Kebler, Mar- layout Karen Street, Fran Henderson. Chris achievements thus far include mem- oldest American fraternity with a garet E. Malkus, Kevin M. McLaugh- bership in Tri-Beta. In addition. I have scto. Pete Roof, Judy Mitnick, Bob served as Sophomore Class Secre- Greek letter name. Founded as a lin. Rosemary C Miller, Keith D Michlowitz, Beth Williams secret society in 1776 at the College Osborn, M.D., Jo Ann Peroutka. Seth tary for this past year 6f William and Mary it became solely It IS my conviction that, due to my an academic honor society in the C. Prager, Sarah E. Poole. Cynthia L participation in these and other activi- 1830's. Roe, Kathryn E. Sheridan. Kenneth M. ties. I will be able to approach the Short, Debra J. Stock, Paul B. War- Published by and for the students of Western Maryland College. The work required of me on the Honor According to the Constitution of the field, Mary Beth Webb. Rebecca J opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect Board both from many different an- United Chapters of OBK, the purpose Weller. and Deborah L Wooden. those of the staff or administration gles and with the maturity that the of the society is to "recognize and Formal induction, open to the pub- position demands. It is lor these encourage scholarship, friendship lic, will be held Sunday. May 3 at 3 We welcome comments and/or suggestions. Please address all mail reasons that I ask you to vote for and cultural interests," Membership is p.m. in Baker Chapel. The speaker to Scrimshaw, Box 1. Western Maryland College, Westminster. Md Micheal Grusby for Honor Board based on high scholarship, liberal will be Kenneth Greene. Secretary 01 21157 Thank you culture and good character the United Chapters of OBK in Wash- The letters OBK,stand for the Greek ington, D.C
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