Page 111 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 111
April 9, 1981 page 7 Coach Stevens: fromWordsworth to Weaver • atue league soccer team, Dr. Stevens \ Amh Yob has re-channeled his efforts in the , ~':"; .' se:~t~e~:~:~:~h:d~P:~C::~~ ~s1 ~hr:c:~~u~o=~~~et!=-t: \;~\ coaches who are trying to mold expressed his interest in soccer is ~ 1.; athletic teams into fine competitors basicly due to the fact that he isn't ~:w • ~c,~u~=ry ,=hE~~~Sh ~e~~:~~ :~~~O~~'i~n tS;~~man:t!;ret~: _.1._.___J:_ -, ~,,, Dr. Ray Steven, fines not coach regard 10 baseball coaching. ,G ' game. He drew parallels ~tween his college level sports, none-the-less, he soccer and baseball expenences and ,'- -, has .the responsibility of went on to say, "Eight. ye.ars .is rf1,. ... young persons toward composing enough to take anyone's sanity," In 'ill ' fine little league teams. Dr. Stevens has coahed little league Dr. Stevens became involved in baSeb.alt for. eight year.' a. '. well as little league sports to keep kid.Soff of '\'. ~. . soccer for a period of three years street comers. Through his efforts he \ ' )0.,. .. ~ :~:~~~:n~~to o~hehi~poC~~ld-:,dg:. ~~~~~entOtoc~~i~~elth~~;S~~~~ a~~ ~ \ \ . ' ~ Stevens started out a field liner and constructive and fun as well. - ': ...:..;.. " _,_ worked his way up through the ranks Dr. Stevens received his Ph.D. in ",<' to become team manager of a local English at the University of Pennsyl- little league baseball team. venia. He was"'8.WMC undergraduato Driven to the coaching world by his student and now instructs here with love of teaching and children, Dr the english department. As well as Stevens created a fine baseball team coaching, Dr, Stevens is an active composed of the best little sluggers participant in the PTA and Its efforts from here to Prince George's county. to provide a park for the local thus his eight year career as baseball children. He has also served as a bone and serves as a textural editor mace coach, pouring over books ably, for that of coach, Dr. Stevens coach. local preacher in the Methodist in addition to his teaching. familiarizing himself with coaching commented, "I can teach them pro. More recently, be has embarked on Church. has a particular interest in The doctor who claims to be a techniques and such. Leaving the per english while they're on the field his mission to develop a respectable auto racing. dabbles with the nom- closet sports nut has become'.a self- title of "shagger of baseballs" ineviti- as well " Baseball from behind Hartwyk Liz Siegenthaler If a team ever waited until the last stormy on Saturday," explained Joe Della Badia slammed the ball minute to make a comeback, the Coach Dave Seibert, comparing the past the shortstop and made it to resigns Terrors baseball team did it in Satur- games of 2 extremes first. Gettysburg~s pitcher, his arm day's game against Gettysburg In the second game against Gettys- growing tired, walked the next two The home doubleheader was look- burQ._the Terrors were up in their last batters. John Liebel and Rich John- from page 1 ing pretty bleak for the Terrors. Their inning of the match. They were down ron SGA Treasurer John Hines said that first game, plagued with errors, was a 7-3, and there were 2 outs on the In the previous inning, the Terrors twyk's position after his resignation, 'I was surprised that he resigned. he 21-7 loss, in contrast to Fnday's.- leam. had loaded the bases but were "II there was a lack of support from had discredited all the charges about lopsided victory at Messiah, when the Spectators and team members alike unable to score. Now Craig Walker the Executive Council it was because the tickets." Hines added that "his Terrors dealt a crushing 28-7 blow. were unexpectedly thrilled by the took over the outcome of the game the Executive Council was such a attitude toward his position and the "It was sunny for us on Friday and next tum of events: "two-out lighting" by saving the team from defeat diverse group." Explaining that she rest of the SGA turned me off," and be an felt that this diversity could agreed that Harwyk's support on the Volleyvall champs! the fence, jOyfully jogged the bases, asset in solving problems, Baker said Council could have been stronger. Walker made a grand slam hit over that this year's Executive Council was By pulling themselves up from the Senate meetings. Sue Armstrong merman and the score was now tied able to work together effectively at controversy The SULTANS triumphed as Intra- In the women's division of 12 teams first loss, the team showed a lot of Caryl Connor. former chairman of mural Volleyball Champions on Sun- F.FW C" more discreetly known as character, said Seibert, who was the SGA Housing Committee, will be day, April 5th in an hour long 2 game 4th floor Blanche defeated the Delts pleased that the game ended on an assuming Baker's duties lor the rest from page 1 struggle against THE INDEPENDENT in a j game decision for the champi- optimistic I1Ote,The game was called of the semester. Connor said "I'm "I was doing a favor for my fratern- ALTERNATIVE(who up until the finals onship. The first game was easily due to darkness, but can be contin- sorry to see that he resigned. It hink it ity. Most of these people were my had 5-0 record) The Sultans battled won 15-7, but the Dells battled back ued if there should be a tie in the is obvious that there have been friends and we wanted to sit together eir way into the finals by beating to win the second game with a large conference problems, there have been conflicts. I didn't do it for personal gain," said especially on the Executive Council b~~r~~H~r~~ka~h~nt:~s~e~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~d'i~-7he~~;:~d Ii~~~;:~ Hartwyk. they tiC'lh held. The Sultans then with a great team effort 15-9. Mem- Tennis The Spring Concert was a huge success!! Two oroceeeeo 10 beat the BETES who bers of F.FW,C. include Beth Green. shows with Crack the Sky sold out!! We will naObeen undefeated through out the Karen Heffner, Mickey Potts, Carol thank Bart and Tom for their great effort. season, knocking them oul of the Resnick, Nancy Held, Kim Edwards, I play-offs as well. Members of the Jan Rice, Martha Voss. Beth Schaef- from page 6 L;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=i Tindall and Brian Kemlage win a 6-3, Sultan team include: Gary Harris. Carl fer, linda Byrne, B.J. Dunn, Andie 7-6 victory over the hot-tempered Tarbell, Craig Clary, Steve Allgier, Bill Anderson. Coaches include Cyndy Hopkins opponents. Scott Smith and HOUSE OF LIQUORS rm RayThO~:;;;~~lMO:ictory Mark McCullin were defeated at 13 Cooper, Paul Jackowsky, Adam Mal- ChurCh, Jayne Kernan and Patsy doubles by the score of 6-3, 7-5. W,M.C, wins 7 to 2 6 pack Tuborg After playing three or so games at L.V.C" the rains came, forcing the ,(bottles or cans) $1.99 teams to play in the lebanon indoor Laney Fisher game turned out to be a hitter's ~:ii~~~~;i;layH~~k~::~i~~fhi~O~PC: Western Maryland's softball team game. The pitchers came through in anent and scoring an 8-' win 848-1314 Present Coupon won its second game of Ihe year on tne clutch with timely strikeouts and W.M.C.'s Kent Ziegler played his expires 4/16/81 Saturday over Notre Dame College defensive help- usual aggressive and steady play, as The team's ability to produce hits and The team showed its ability to score he pummeled his opponent 8-2. Ward runs was proven in the final score 01 runs in this game which should give Street posted an easy 8-2 victory at 12-10 the players confidence. With the '3, while Eric Tindall at #4 found no Western Maryland captured the determination shown on Saturday, the trouble, as he won 8-1. Fran McCullin early lead but lound themselves be- team looks to make this season a won 8-3 at '5, and Brian Kemlage hind after a big Notre Dame middle winning one extended the Western Maryland lead inning. Seven of the game's runs Prior to the Notre Dame game, the to 6-0 as he won 8-1 Tak~rou.wsintM Applynowfor foil ~:=nfr~t~~ ~~ ~~~~ni~i~a;~: ~epae~in~~~::~dm:g:e~~d;~r'~lk:~ m~~c~~:~et~~a~i,:ai~~~~;:sWt~~: ;!:~:~~~~~~:'::itr 'grand-slam and one 3-run homer. College by the score of 7-1 was won 'easily. for Western Maryland Londont~'Wlllhf;~Jd Stu4yAb<_'Offic~ The game's momentum seesawed followed by two unsucceS$ful cam- Hackerman/Ziegler won 8-2, StreeV hip
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