Page 104 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 104
ONLY THE ARMY GIVES YOU TWO WAYS TO LOWER THE COST OF EDUCATION IN JUST TWO YEARS. LOAN FORGIVENESS if you have a Guaranteed Student Loan or a National In fact, in just two years you can accumulate up to Direct Student wan (made after October I, 1975) hanging $9,200 for grad school. (Only the Army can offer you a two- over your head, consider spending a couple of years in year enlistrnent.] the Army. It's not a loan, so you'll never have to worry about If you train for certain specialties, the govemment will making payments. It's simply a savings program between you release you from 1/3 of your indebtedness (or $1,500, which- ,------------, and the government. ever is greater) for each year of active duty. THEARMY'S COUECE IIENEfIn If you save between $25 Obviously, a three-year enlistment would eliminate and $100 of your monthly 2 Yrs. 100% of your indebtedness. But you may prefer to take a YouSave Pee Mo. $2,400" Army pay, the govemment will $100 shorter route and sign up under the Army's two-year enlist- Gz.?ov:~!Adds match that amount two- ment option (and [Jut 213 of your debt behind you). f-:;"""';'c"- __ ---;$"'ZOO;;:-_$;::;4"'.800~_1for-one. On top of that, you Or you might want to join the Army Reserve. If you r~~IYAdds: $300 ~i'l~ might qualify for an exclusive qualify, as a Reservist you can stay home, get paid for your 1-'===----=. =--1 Army educational incentive active dury, and receive 15% loan forgiveness (or $500, To"! Benefiffi' $9.Z00- of $2,000. {Longer enlistments whichever is greater) for each year you serve. "MaXimum individual contribution can result in higher incentives.) But we're not just offering you loan forgiveness. With -t~:rn\~~~:~re~ll!~~~:~~cangetyou And youcan participate in your education, you can probably qualify for a higher rank as much as $!4.100 for college, plus a $SJXX1 YEAP at the same time you're and pay grade. You'll have your choice of many sophis- cash enlistment bonus for a (oral of $19.100 receiving loan forgiveness. ticated Army skills. So, in just two years, you can go back to school with 2/3 of And you may be eligible for generous monetary educa- your debt behind you and up to $9,200 for your education ahead tional incentives. of you. (Of course, a longer enlistment could result in more edu- TWO-FOR-ONE SAVINGS PLAN cational benefits and 100% loan forgiveness.) To find out more about both ways to serve your country If your dream is to continue your education some day, as you serve yourself, call 800-421-4422. In California, joining the Veterans' Educational Assistance Program can 800-252-0011. Alaska and Hawaii, 800-423-2244. Ask for bring that day closer. the name of the Army's college representative nearest you.
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