Page 105 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 105
Scrimshaw Western Maryland College Thursday, April 9, 1981 . Volume XII) Number 6 j, Chris Hartwyk resigns SGA Presidency Explanation: personal reasons Controversy attributed to misunderstanding Chris Soto make were he elected. According to Chris Solo accepted, and that I, being in future, a oener understanding 01 what "Effective immediately, I resign," Hartwyk, after he was elected he was As "Crack the Sky" concert tickets charge, was able to sell as many as policy IS to be used will be estab- stated now SGA ex-president Chris met with a certain wariness Irom went on sale, students waiting in line someone might want The reason for lished beforehand Hartwyk, at approximately 10:30 p.rn some members 01the SGA Executive to buy tickets questioned the legiti- this was that I would be at the WMC Today, printed by College at the March 19 SGA meeting. Fot- Council, and also with jealousy. Her- macy of a mass ticket purchase by information desk only to sell the Activities, stated nothing about 1\0w lowing the statement, Hartwyk picked twyk stated that some of the mem- SGA President, Chris Hartwyi<; concert tickets while Norma, the infor- many l.o.'s would be accepted by up his fold 81 and left the room, bers of the Executive Council's lives Hartwyk bought 74 five dollar mation desk attendant, has many each person buying tickets for Crack leaving the SGA members who were revolved around the SGA, and here tickets, two on each of the 37 LO.'s other responsibilities.' the Sky present at the time, stunned and was an "outsider" making important he carried, with 370 dollars in cash Stocksdale stated that Mr_ Sacks Stocksdale and Hartwyk, in the two silent decisions and changes Many angry students questioned if and others were simply victims of two Letters to the Editor, were accused of Hartwyk staled that before his deci- "One of the first things I did," this was allowed by the existing conflicting policies. He wrote, "I conspiring on the ticket sales, and sion to resign was made, he did a stated Hartwyk, "was declare many poticy of the SGA Social Committee hadn't realized that the Activities 'Hartwyk was accused of abusing his great deal of thinking about it: weigh- SGA resolutions unconstitutional According to Bart Stocksdale, Co- Office had put on the poster in front power as SGA President. Hartwyk ing the pros and cons of a resigna-' Hartwyk also said that from the start, Chariman of ·the Social Cornrnlttee. of the desk a statement limiting the stated exactly what happened before nco. HartWyk said that the primary he had declared that the SGA was Hartwyk's act was allowed, given number of l.Di's to two. Had I the tickets went on sale reasons for his resignation were per- going to follow the constitution to the Slot:kdale's policy on ticket sales, In realized it. I would have taken the Hartwyk stated that he was In sonar, but he went on to give a few leiter, and if problems arose, then sign down immediately" Stocksdale's apanment the night be a letter which was read aloud at the other reasons. they would revise it March 19 SGA meeting. Stockdale Stocksdale went on to comment fore the ticket sales. and Stocksdale Hartwyk emphasized that, "My res- Hartwyk stated that he wouldn', answered the complaints of two Let- about Hartwyk, saying, "Chris Har- told him what the proc.edures would ignation had nothing to do with the have minded if people had aired their ters to the Editor printed in Ihe twyk was in line, had 37 10's, $370 be on the ticket sales, students could controversy over the 'Crack the Sky' gripes and oppositions to him in a Scrimshaw. Stockdale's leiter was in cash, and purchased 74 tickets buy two tickets on each I D. at $5 ticket sales" civilized manner, but they kepi to addressed to, "The nate Senior, Barry Each 10. was checked, Ihe seats each, with as many I os as they had First, Hartwyk cited some problems themselves until his back was tumed Sacks, and anyone else who ques- marked taken, and each ticket was Hartwyk staled Ihat he had nolhing to which arose when he began his "When some members of the Exec- tions the ticket sales of the Crack the highlighted for the sale price of $5 do with making up ttus policy presidency, such as, certain SGA utive Council, which administers the Sky concert" each. His actions were permissable Hartwyk then posted a sign on his member's mistrust in him based on decisions of the SGA, do nol have Stocksdale wrote about his policy; given my policy. \ regre the cornet- section's bullelinboard, saying to his the fact that f-e is in a fraternity, "That confidence in you as their leader, or "After much thought. I then decided it ing policies that might have mislead fraternity brothers that if they wanted lack of trust was totally unfounded don't trust you, or don't support you, considerate to allow each student to Mr. Sacks and the like" him to stand in line for them for the said Hartwyk it makes it very hard for that person purchase two tickets at $5 each on Yvette Carney, Director of College Crack the Sky concert, have their $5 Also, HartWyk said that before he to accomplish anything," said Har- each 1.0, And after that any number Activities stated that she and Bart and their ID.'s in his room by a became SGA president, he had writ- twyk I 01 $8 tickets could then be bought" had agreed on one policy prior to the certain time. Hartwyk said that after ten a letter which was printed in the According to Teresa Baker, SGA "In agreement wilt: College Activi- ticket sales, and that policy was that he received the 37 ID's he alphabe- Scrimshaw, criticizing the SGA, and Vice-president who assumed Hat- ties, we decided tnat for their employ- only two l.o.·s per person would be tized them to make it easier at the listil'lg the changes that he would conlinued to 7 ees, only two I.O,'s would be accepted. Carney said that in the desk continued to 7
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