Page 95 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 95
Scrimshaw page 5 Men's Lacrosse prepares for third Conference title Publicity captain Rob Bowman shook off the Downs, and Pete Koeppen to There 'are gaps to be filled and effects of a knee operation and provide depth. Freshmen Jeff holes to be plugged buttheWestern Steve Asroff settled his lob com- Kuzemchak and Rick Watts also Maryland College men's lacrosse mittments to salvage two of last figure In Thomas's plans. team stili has seven starters and 23 year's startIng defenders. Regan Sophomore Eric Schwaab of lettermen returning this year, as Smith, of Towson High, should South Carroll High scored 14goals the Green Terrors seek their third settle In on crease defense with and dealt 19assists In league play straight Middle Atlantic Can- Dave Mllchling, Dennis Van- last year on attack. Freshman ferencet1tle. cheskl, Jeff Vinson, and Bill Chris Gordon, of Westminster "If we're lucky, If we can avoid Jacksonas reserves. High, worked with schweee and lnjurjes, and [f the freshmen come Sophomoremidflelder Jeff Funk Jack Thomas, a four year all- through superbly," said WMC Is considered an all-America American at Johns Hopkins and headcoach Bill Thomas, "we have candidate by Thomas. "He will be Bill Thomas's son, In summer a crack at the league cham- a great one," said the Terrors leagueplay to prepare for a shotat pionship." coach. "ThIs year he's got the starting this year. Defensive, Western Maryland confidence to assert himself." Junior Scott Ka1l1nsIs a retur- iost two stellar athletes. Last Funk, a Dulaney HIgh alumnus, nlng starter to the attack and Ron year's Most Valuable Player In the will handlefaceoffs.. Hiltz, a transfer from Washington MAC, Wayne Blrely, and daten- Co-captain John Patrick, all- & Lee, will see plenty of action seman Charlie Brown are gone. league In 1979,will .start at rnrd. after April 4th when he becomes Crease_attackman Jack Kendall field alongside Funk, but com- eligible to play. Hawley Waterman ki k T r rs has qreduated.. petition is tough for the other and Kevin Smith should also see midfield spot. Seven players are someplaying time. Birely's shoeswill be tough to '0 C It _S Ie t- er 0 fllI,-butsen.lorChlp Steelehasbeen contending for the first string surprised to win the league title, Thomas stated, "I wouldn't be posltlonbutlttooksllkeaverltable waiting three years for a shot at leon Brooke but they couldn't cut the lead. ~;;~inggra:~:te t~~ll ~:~d~!st~:.~ r~~:~~llf~~1;:~~~~rmer North ~~ttIY:bo~~~n'ta~~ec;r:~~~~tlni Sunday evening became yet ~~eJn~w~:S~i~~~~~e:~:~~~~~;~: Initially. Freshman Chuck Nolan, -Arnertcen Soccer League goalie Marshall last year was a miracle another landmark In basketball sntver psuedo-dunk the Colts :~~mpl:~i~gL~~neH~~:,~~~~~~~ ~;: ::s:;~~ti~a~I~~~rbf~~b;~ to;;':-" Green Terrors went 8-0 ;~~~;~:,'t~;;~::~~~:,;,;~::~~r.:c'~~i:;'~~:~':'~~nW~~:::~::~r~,~~,:~~';~?£;n~~~~i~;~~~~J~;:~~!C~:P':",':; 00:S~:~1~~:~~::~:~:~J:,;~ ~~~t~~oreag:I~S;~~ed h~~h~~~I~~~~.I~~~e~~!~~Sa~a~l~o~'t~e;:s~'e~~;Tim Daniels has looked tough In team, never played rec-csseontn aganlst their loop feesIn 1979,9-2 90-47 upset victory this year but his performance In "brick" Arcnfe practice. overall. The team's two losses the over and Jamison tlmldated the youngand persistent Although often resembllng.a ~~,o~:~u'I~Cn~~Pb:I!~~~~~!~~I:~a~~~~~!;Y(~o~o~,::~~n~ml~~:~~~:~~:I:~:~se~~:~:~m~i~;s~~v~:~~ ~r~~:h~qi~~st~~:~;;:,~e~e~~~na; ~~c~~s::~::;:n~~:~~:e~!~~~~ ~:; Nolan or Daniels get some playing maybe this year, for him to champs. The overall MAC winner the Colts from the floor were localfootbaJlenthuslastsandgave time." becomean outstanding player." will get an automatic bId to the Sanders Shiver, Joe Washington fans a chanceto meetand talk with A former questIon mark, the Doug Foreman and Randy Shaw NCAA division III national and Stan White, el! of whom had som'h'of ,the POPU,'.',st.arsas weu ::~;~~d~: n:;o:;e pO:ln~~s~: ~Ii~f~:d In~~~se~:,laY~:r::m~i~ playoffs. pfus- 20 point games-behind the as e no sopopu ar s ars. ~;:~:.~,:;!~~"~'OCklng0' Mik. Baseball team heads south Western Maryland got off to a gaping 1-0 lead in lust minutes Publicity are also- back from last year's TheTerror mentor is also hoping anyone In the league, "the key to time but the leadwas short lived as When the WMC baseball team starting nine. Leon Brooke, the for another strong year from first successIsthe right mental attitude a flurry of Betttmore buckets heads for Florida Saturday to fIfth member of the quintet, Is the baseman-pitcher Bruce Frick (4-1, and having everyone playas one ~ quickly put the Colts on top, 12-3. participate In their secondSanford Terrors ace fireman and may also 2.56E.R.A.), as well as the healthy unit." Shouldthe Terrors combine I J~ef:~e~~;a~ P~~nl~~tl~r:!~a~~ ~~~~ta:!~~~lt~O~s~~~~:~~t':;mI~ se:.~~~~~~~;..~uctCh Clark, much ~e:~~~~e:t~~O;o~~cti~t-::nt:~ ~~:~~~n~~~tl~;t~~~c~fu~~:e~~~~~ build an early lead that was In- proving on last year's dlsap- of the successof the 1980 squadwill donltls for mostof lastseason. SouthwestDIvision. creasingly geometrically. The polntlngl.6southernstlnt,andlJ-B depend on repeat performances In addition to the returnees, Terror TidIngs.. Terrors play Terrors, however, not to be regular seasonrecord. from last year's freshman stan- Coach Clark stated that doubleheader Saturday 'Is. discouraged, came bouncing back The Terrors, under the tutelage douts, BrIan Baln and Mike newcomers Brian Zawacki (3B-P) Lewisburg College (N.C.), before quickly as point gOard, Lance of Jrd year headcoachPeteClark, Gosnell. Baln, an AII·MAC first and Carl Strozyk (P-OF) could traveling to Sanford to begin French put consecutivebasketsoff lost lust one player to graduation. team selection from his catcher play key roles In the upcoming tourney on Monday. .Among glass and brou-ghthometown fans ThIs year's assistantcoachIsAndy position last season,ripped the ball season_ those partlclpaitng In the tourney to their feet as they pulled within Weber_ Unlike the past two ata .462clip, while Gosnellleadthe In assessinghis team's chances will tie Division I members 24_ Good performances by Eric season's,whenthe Terrors had but Terrors mound corps with a 5-1 of improving on last year's second Farleigh Dickinson and Kent Walker, Sam Mitchell and Joe three seniors, thi~ year's team Is record and 1.87 E.R_A. Coach place finish In the Southwest State Terrors first game after Childrey kept fans alive but the blessed with five. Speedster Clark also cited the addition of Division of the MAC, CoachClark returning from Florida is home, ••..~h~:i:!:·..H·.:::·.c.;~.•--,.-,:,. "too tall" Colt Five were playing DenniSHanratty headsthe quintet, Infielder Craig Walker as a big stressedthat although the Terrors April 3, vs. Messiah, whom they over their heads bringing a 42-21 coming off a .382seasonfrom his plus for the team. Walker was probably have as much talent as pastedlastyearbyal_5-3counL ha~f~~~~al~f the bench, Ken ~:ftt~~i~!din°s~:;t~r~le:h~:m~~r~~ ~~:~~~b~etol~~l~~~ma~~~Ii:;~;~ ~.' _._.... • Cherry, John O'..Connell and Joe baseman Kevin Zawacki and CountyCommunity Collegein New t '6"~ UWJ~ I!-, Ii Z':,~;:":~:t~a;akr: ~~f~~~I~=~~ shortstop Kent "Coon" Mulholland Jersey. I'. ~ 113 W_ Main St. ~,: I great to cover_The Terrors did all CASH :! ,GOLD BEER ":",t the Forks" . COLD BE~R :: McD,d.·P,.Iff,,-W.,d-d.'.n" . 8 7607837 I ec,.. _OJ..P_ GERMAN BEER-,,~ ~- ,: they could, Including a special $4.99 a case Driving For School Rings i t;i 'Chock our Eastor Wino Spoclals t;i- 's !: '. I' ... ' Buying Scrap A!!848-3466 OFFEREXP.4/5/80- ,CoII.g.1D"q";~ . I. . . "f. ors Cr~!~p~:~he loss of five linesmen - Gold . Co~pt~:r' li".~:::::::~::::::;;:::~Z:_::::::::".~ f L -, H golf'"m ,"'p,',;ng'y'PPO'" $30-$125 t:"' ouse·o lqU I: .. :i from last year's squad, this year's !~~Ciu~~:rO~I:p~:!~r~~~~e::;~~~ *;. ?c.- --~S.peci~_1of the Week -.1 , , ., better than expected. - sophomore Bill Morley, a lot of _I·A A. '. ~_' National Pr~mium i~ ,"ppo" will be look.d '0' ',om ;I ~~~:ff,h~~~fUr~~lor~en~~~ K~i~~~ 'K.r~. Ji $1.99 a SIX :' ! _'_. /I'_ ~:;"';~~d:!:'~~:n'~~:n;o~~:'~~~; Ir-~ ColdBe';r:' ~ with this eoupoD ; (bottl~s_or ~_!n~) and Bart Steve Richmond Pizza •• ~ I 9 -I ~~~~:~~ne~0~9an~h:r~t:e:: J~~~ , _ Salad Bar e -C~arrollPlaza, WestDlinster i ~r~:~ma~ar~~~~, T~:ZiS:.eIlFr:~ CarrollPiazaShoppin~Center Sandwiches! - 848·1314 f • :;:~~rs~ryan Gately, and Jim . Call Ahead for Takeout Orders 876.3550i ••••••••••••:.~;.;~I1 ~ _ _.~. ..i t
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