Page 90 - Scrimshaw1979-80
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Page 6 Scrimshaw Friday. March 14, 1980 Blue invader "The Spirit and the Madness" IRoger Gibraltar "He ... uh was about this high (gesturing to his navel), with a sort Connie Thompson The Spirit and the Madness." well and I couldn't think of a more tones. "Harold and Maude" was of bluish complexion." Those were What's new to W.M.C., free to The film series is a unique appropriate theme for the 80's." As saved for last because, according the angry yet obviously terrified students, faculty, and staff, and venture on the part of the Theatre a product of the 60's, himself, to Gargaro, "It embodies the spirit words used by Sal Buckminster, causing quite a stir here, 'On Department. Originated by Dr. Cargaro takes a personal interest of the 60's - music and enjoyment Rouzer Hall occupant, to describe campus? Got it yet? Here are a Ken Gargaro, also a new addition in the film series. He remembers of life." He also added a special an unknown intruder who made off couple of hints: it's happening in to campus this year, the series the decade to be one of self- plug for the Cat Stevens sound- wlth twenty cents of his. "Yeah, I Alumni Hall and it involves many began first semester with such expression through music, radical track which he deems "truly was getting a coke in the lobby (of famous actors and actresses. films as "The Ruling Class," "The changes in dress and hair styles, uplifting." Rouzer). I put in two quarters, and Nope, they haven't moved the Graduate," and "Easy Rider." and partying. Viewing the films as I was picking up the Coke, this Academy Awards to Western Why the 60's as a topic for the through ten years of hindsight has The Theatre Department. cor- little guy butts in front of me, Maryland. It's the new film series new series? Gargaro claims his enabled Gargaro to separate the dially invites you to attend any or grabs the four nickels, and takes sponsored by the Theatre main motive was to encourage superficialties from the sub- all of the following films in Alumni off out the door." Salvatore added Department in conjunction with discussions on the issues. Gargaro stantialties that created the aura Hall, unless otherwise indicated. that he would have beaten the this year's theme, "The Sixties: also stated, "I know the territory ofthe60's All films begin at 7:00and 10:00. , young fellow senseless, but he was , , Vanities 'planned Of the films that are scheduled March 100"J.W. Coop" meeker "so stunned that I couldn't move." Ior this semester, "Slaughterhouse Auditorium) Buckminster is planning to sue V" a film that asks the question, March 17-"Brother Sun, Sister WMC for the twenty cents (not "What are people for? 'I will be Moon'" Including legal fees). The Security Sheri L1nkoff "simple minded and Is concerned shown on March 31. "Woodstock," March 31·"SlaughterhouseV" . marriage Office Is 'continulng a desperate Get out your calendars now and with one thing last character and of the film that of the depicts a final be April 14-"Magical Mystery children." The celebration 60'S, will Investigation of the incident. make sure to reserve one of the the threesome is Mary. Mary is shown on April 28. On May 5, "Dr. Tour/ThePoint (Forum) April 28-"Woodstock" Room draw following date: March 13, 14, IS, or more rebellious and provocative. "Strangetove" will express its anti- May 5-"Dr. Strangelove" ?,:sc~:~~sw~:r in May 12-"Harold and Maude" spirit comedy war w~~l:e~~~: ~~s~:;~e ~~g a~at~:I:~~es "black" t~~:I~;: plans department JOhn, of Dramatic Art will desired by many men." on concentrates play. Heifner present line. Although the play is The knack reviewed Heifner's John Hines VANITIES. The show, directed by characterization rather than the Room drawing will be held In the Tim Weinfeld, promises to be narrative humorous and thought provoking. light, the girls all agree that If does beginning of May, according to The cast is small but talented. carry a message. "The play does Sal Buckmlnster like Chuck Berry and a bit like Dean Laidlaw. There are only a The three women in the cast In· have some heavy ideas that will E.L.O's version of the Derry class few changes in housing that are clude: Susan Carson as Kathy, really make the audience think," THE KNACK· " ... but the tittle "Roll Over Beethoven." "Mr. being planned. Three houses are Judy Walker as Mary, and Lynn comments Judy. Lynn, in girls understand" (Capitol) Handleman," an innocent song currently slated to be co-ed with Kinst as JoAnne. They all agree agreement, stated, ''I've really , The wided-eyed nymph on the about a man who is pimping his board options. (185, 127, Pa. and that a small cast is an advantage learned a lot from the play. It has cover and the title stolen from the wife, is propelled by a bouncy Chanler House). Preference wlll because It gives them a chance to taught me a lot about life in late Jim Morrison bear out the fact piano line and sounds like a lot of be given to students who have a learn to work well together. general." that the Knack is not out to com- mid-Sixties stuff, as does "Can't medical or religious r-eason for not The play covers fhe development VANITIES will be performed in pletely be a Xeroxed copy of the Put A Price On Love," which eating in the school cafeteria. of three girls from high school to Alumni Hall on March 13, 14, 15, Beatles for the Eighties. Doug features Berton Averre's lead stucen.s will need to apply for "maturity." They are all close and 16 at 8: 15and on March 15and Fieger, group leader, poopooed guitar sounding like a Hawaiian the ett-board houses in the same friends and quite popular. In 16 at 2:15. Tickets will go on sale critics at Carnegie Hall, denying guitar. manor with which students describing her character, Susan March 3 at the Information Desk. 'any intentions of copying the "Hold on tight and don't let go" currently apply for apartments. says, "Kathy is so busy involving They are free to faculty, staff, and Beatles, but then quickly launched and the mondo wimpy "How can Whe'n asked the perenial herself with everyone else's students and $2.99 for others. For into a letter-perfect version of love hurt so much'?" sound like old question of, "Is Rouzer going problems that she has 1)0 time for more information contact COllege "Hard Day's Night." Hmmm. Beatle outtakes (unrecorded coed?" Dean Laidlaw said that she her own." She is captain ot the Activities at 848·7000, Ext. 265. songs) much the same way that doubts If that will happen. She I~~S t~~ _ Dixon stars Anyway, the Knack borrows "That's what the little girls do" explained that the major problem ~~:r~~av~~:g t~q~~:r:o~~. from several other styles for their does on the lirstalbum. would be finding housing for the other hand, there is JoAnne. Ac· inspiration on this album. The "How can Junk sell so much'?" displaced men. cording to Lynn, her character Is Connie Thompson current single, "Baby Talks one can only wonder. The songs on Dirty," is a Sharona-Clone, with interesting are Is it true that all Dramatic Art almost identical structure {minus this album even more mediocre but mediocre, News Briefs frustrated actors ere.. aching reality, extended other songs on It, both than the majority of the material professors in solo). and quitar for that several l big break? Max Dixon, of our own is albums, of helped rather by Fieger's per- in- on the first album, which was at hindered are least Bruce consistent. more Dramatic Art Department, stead Gary's continues and and 19 from 4;00 to 6:00 p.m. Canoe class March 20 from 7:00to 10;OOp.m. in currently doing just this thing sistent childish moaning talked 'precise drumming propulsive, to be but and that he loves the most . acting. groaning, as though "Baby" leads are far less Western Maryl~nd College is Alumni Hall, Mainstage. The play Max is performing the role of dirty whilst aiming a foot at his .... Averre's guitar and varied as on "Get imaginative offering., basic canoe course open has six "meaty" roles, fhr~ male, Chekhov in the Neil Simon play, Most of the material seems to The Knack." Thank God they t th bll The emphasis will be three female. Reading copies are THE GOOD DOCTOR. The play come from early-Sixties styles. didn't call this album "Got It o~ t~:u prll~'cIPles of safety and available in the llb~ary under ccnststs of a number of scenes "The Feeling I Get" is almost a Yet'?" Is this the wave of the paddling skills. The beslcs of Gargaro or 1from the Drama based on short stories by Anton direct swipe from the Crystals' future? Hope not. flatwater and river canoeing will Department (Ext. 599). Chekhov. A human 'comedy of "Then He Kissed Me," with good Submitted by as well as rntcdte- lovers alsobe included. young and older character types, imitation Phil Spector production Salvatore R. Buckminster, '82, aged The class will meet on Sundays, Draft action Simon has created a play that touches. "Rave Up" sounds a bit Music Critic At~Large April 20 through~ay 18, 11 a.m. to We're having a draft workshop presents a crcss-secttcn of ages 2 p.m. The fee IS $25 a person Monday, March 17, at 7;30 p.m. in and types of people with a Piano class set (children, 16, an.d older, welcomed McDaniel Lounge. The workshop humorous flair. THE GOOD whenacco~pam~dbyaparent.) wlll feature Fran Donelan of the DOCTOR was first performed in For a registration torm call Dr. American Friends Service 1973 in New York with Christopher Jan. Burch fellowhip at the Juilliard Graduate Richard Clower, Western Committee. She will answer Plummer, Bernard Hughes. and lillian Freundlich, a member of School. Her teachers include Maryland Co.llege, at ~.7000, ext. questions about options people Marsha Mason in leading roles. It the piano department of the Alexander Siloti, Josef and Rosina 581 before Friday, Apnll1. have (now and when they're called was also shown last fall on network Peabody Conservatory since 1970, Lhevinne, and Edward Steuer· televlsiC'n. Auditions up), current status on other cam· As Chekhov himself, Max plays will be conducting a plano master mann. throughout the U. S.A. in· in con· She has appeared of legislation, College certs class at Western Maryland happening what's throughout by Susan Claypoole puses, and the anti·draft gathering the role of narrator portrays several the on Saturday, March 15. The class cludlng Hawaii. He also play. Open auditions for KENNEDY'S to be held the following weekend in other characters of various ages, will be held in levine Hall, from 9 Auditors are Invited to attene, CHILDREN will be held on March Washington. including that a 30·year·old a.m. to noon and 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. from the fee is $.5 for the entire day. Mrs. Freundlich graduated persons can contact Or. Interested Sexism is sign seducer. the director, to laurlene the Oberlin Conservatory with a a Heggemeier at 848·7000 Ext. 551 or According Pratt, Max is "in· B.M. and went on to be awarded 848·3447 for further stictive and technical, consistent, IF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ information. Jeff Whittaker showing intellect such as "wise", and thoroughly convincing in his 0 G II ry A study at the University ot "teach", "concentration", and variety of roles." Rhode Island, as described in a "reason". 'Pen a e recent Psychology Today, has The lower part of the head i~ fh::~~eP~a:~k~~ni~ ~~~~~~~:, ~: found that American Sign Touched to show words of emotion, but one ot the numerous produc Language (Ameslan) perpetuates such as "sad", "vain", "lonely", tions in which Max has par· To a kid named LH: May your There are no balding students stereotypes of men as strong :tnd words describing personal ticipated. Some of his previous mother make you kneel on dried on campus. JOhnHines cerebral producers and women as appearance such as "ugly", endeavors have included roles in corn in the comer aU the days of fender sentimental ornaments. "beautiful", and "dirty." VOlPONE, THE TEMPEST, your lire. Gobble Gobble Reptilia Brain-Thanks for the In Ameslan, masculine words KRAPPS LAST TAPE, and pitcher! such as "him", "he", "man", and The article concludes with the BECKET. Dr. Greybo-How's your Har- "son" involve hand movements observation that even the sign for THE GOOD DOCTOR will run D. W. Does Spanish Fly really vey's touching the upper head or face. "love" is different for men and weekends through March 16 in the work? LLP-What is English not? In The equivalent female words are women. For women the arms are Barn Theatre at Theatre Hopkins, two pages or more signed at the lower part ot the face. crossed at the chest with the palms Baltimore, Maryland. For ticket. D.H. Have you won your pocket Pellit for WWMC Committee Significant, according to the pressing the body. For men, the information contact Theatre pool game yet? chairman! study, is that the upper head is also hands, crossed at the chest, are Hopkins or Max Dixon in Alumni the reference point for signs clenched intofists. Hall.
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