Page 92 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 92
·~~~w Personal Viewpoint Student Handbook: SGA survey validity attacked a backwards look? Chris Hartwyk bonafide Interest in the outcome of vlously don't .care for Dean The last page of the February 28, "Dig this, she told me, 'To understand your student handbook you 1980 SGA Update featured a the survey, for whatever reason? laidlaw. This can be attributed to And if this Isthe casethen why was the fact that she is a disciplinary must read it backwlI:rds'." questionnaire. The questionnaire it conducted in the first place? dean and In her position of -Mike Steinmetz quoting was a student evaluation of Ad- There are, I'm sure, many authority she has made some DeanLaidlaw's advice mlnlstrators, which consisted of reasons why people did not fill out people unhappy. This says nothing about reading the student handbook four questions, and involved rating and return the surveys. One about how sheperforms her duties. "The OiscipJiDary Hearing &ard wiD consider aU easesinvolving the administrators from O-very possibility is that they had no Briefly stated, there Is no aUegaUonsof miseonduct.••" negative (disagree) to 5-very desire to do so, (I.e. they didn't statistical significance to this -The Student Handbook positive (agree). The Ad· care because their filling out 'the survey, and there never can be, for As of March 17,the Disciplinary Hearing Board has not met to deal mlnlstrators being evaluated were survey was going to serve no the simple reason that It is ex- with a single disciplinary caseaUsemester. Dean laidlaw, Dean Mowbray, purpose nor was It going to create tremely subjective. In addition to This emphasisesthe problem with the student handbook. At the last DeanMcCormick and Dr. John. All any change In present Ad- the above mentioned problems, 'SGA meeting, thirty minutes were spent debating the proper the administrators rated in the 3-5 mlnistrator's actions or pcnctesr. there Is a problem with what at- disciplinary procedures. Some questions still remain: What is the range with the exception of Dean In addition, how many stu.dents t1tude corresponds to the 1, 2, 3, difference betweenan aUegation,an accuseuon, and a confession?If a laidlaw, whoseaverage was below really know what the dut.lesof our and 4 ratings on the survey. Only 0 student pleads innocent to a charge, does he have the choice of going one. Ad~lnlstrators are? How many and 5 have designated meentnas. before the dean's or before the hearing Board? This raises a question There are however, some rather students could sit down and list of impartiality- might not the student consider which group will be critical questions to be asked Dean Mowbray's or Dean Mc. What was the purpose of the more_!Iympathetic to his case? One student leader pointed out that if regarding what theseresults "really Cormick's or Dean laidlaw's survey? Was It to gather data on every case was heard by the board, there would be somany casesthat mean. First of all, of the ap- duties? I would venture to say that how the students rated our ee- a separate person would btl needed just to chair the board. Perhaps proximately 1200 surveys that 90%of the students on campus can mlnlstrators? If It was, it failed for this is true, but if misconduct has reached such proportions, the I were distributed only 125 were not tell you anymore than the fact the above obvious reasons. If the college must sacrifice impartiality fo~ expediency, then something is returned. That Is a return rate of that Mowbray Is Dean of Student purpose was to get students tn- wrong. . _ 10.4%,and can hardly be classified Affairs, McCormick is Dean of volved and to. get them to fill The Senate was unable to clearly explain the procedures. Several as a reasonable return rate. Mall Academic Affairs and Dean something out and have input into students felt that Dean Laidlaw was inconsistent in her interpretation surveys usually have low return laidlaw Iswho you get letters from the system, then it faIled 00.4% .and application of the procedures. rates, however, when accessibility when you do stuff like squirt fire return rate) If the purpose was to Recently in a meeting betweenthe Rouzer Hall ResidenceStaff and to return Is high and those sur- extinguisher, break bottles and make people-think about rnenibers of the Scrimshaw staff, an attempt was made to determine vevee have C! bonafIde interest throw snowballs at Rouzer wtn- ministration, then we can never be the difference between twenty-four hour visitation and cohabitation. then return rates should be well dows. If you don't know their sure If the purpose was met. If the After fifteen minutes ofdiscussion, somestudentswere still unciearas over 50%. Since returning the duties, you can't possibly access purpose was to enable students to tothepreciSemeaningsa~definedbytbeStudentHandbook. survey required no postage, and their performance accurately. give the administrator of their Given the varied interpretations of the Handbook, the Office of Involved merely dropping it In a 'there are those students who feel choice a low rating, then for 125 Student Affairs, and the imagination of various people, the only thing box at the post office, one can that the administrators do an people we now know who that that is clear is that nobody understands anything. Maybe it will make conclude that the ablllty, and adequate or better Job,but do not administrator Is. Finally, If the sense backwards. "Board Hearing. Disciplinary the convene'or ad- .accessibility to return the survey feel compelled to write anything or purpose was to waste paper and ministratively issue the resolve either student the with hearing in- were high. Would It then be. fill out their survey. Or they simply SGA money (really student money), then the purpose has been formal an after may Affairs Student of DeanAssociate Tbe. reasonable to assume that 89.6%of have they don't know realized and we can rest easy that -HandbookStudentThe From Anderson: still the best ~h~p~~!e:~~~:;::~h:h,.~:v~;,,~e . those surveyed did not have a how they perform; thus they don't the SGA has finally accomplished agoal. Personal Viewpoint Scrimshaw regrets that Jim'. artlel. WI. chopped to the standard Republican line on pl-.:•• I•• t WHk.W•• r. reprintingIt In I\,s entirety. therapeutic .' value of a balanced Anderson shot down the economy, believing in the .JlmFry . are being supported grudgingly "Why Notthe Best?" becausetheY'are not someoneelse budget, voting for the Kemp-Roth John 8. Anderson Is the _Mr. Andersonhas causedpeople tax cut bill, and calling for new Keith Arnold economy." In support of this Republican party's best shot at the to vote for him." Myra McPherson business ta,x in.Eenti~es"to en- statement he cites that Anderson presidential office they are so says that Anderson Is no longer courage capital fo~matIO? I would like to comment upon has voted with labor "less than zealously seeking, and the Just"Doonesbury chic" However, to decide one s support Jim Frye's article on John An- 40%of the time." Republicans vote Democrats and Independents of During the recenttv televised for Anderson with regard to any derson. First of all, I would like to with labor a whole lot lessthan 40% this country know it. Walter Republican' presidential debate s!ance he may. take u~n any compliment Mr. Fry on a well- of the time. While he does believe Sha~o in the February issue of Anderson proved himself to be Single. !ssue IS ~nfalr and written article about a good man. in de-requla+lcn of 011prices, he The Atlantic Monthly calied An- 'pragmatfc, sagacious, concise in unreailstl~. The creereent cannot Before this man is canonized, couples It with heavy taxes. not a derson Washington's favorite his self-expresslon, and the sole be all thinqs to all. people. An.d however. I would Ilke to clear up a Republican policy. Republican and StephenKimation, rational candidate amongst 'a Anderson In turn will not permit few points. Mr. Fry states that "John B. a delegate candidate from the group of pretty-boy. hawkish himself to be accused of trying Mr. Anderson Is a good man, but Anderson is the Republican party's Third District pled.gedto Anderson "politicians." such pretenses. He has, in the past, it Is doubtful as to whether he is the best shot at the presidential of- said, "The real job facing us Is the Anderson has repeatedly been voted.supporting public funding of man Mr. Fry depicts. I am not tree." He is not. He will not be able party nominatl'on. November quoted saying. "I don't care .abortlons for th~ poor. I do not calling Mr. Fry .a liar, he merely to get the nomination because he would be vastly sim- whether you ceu. me a con. approveofabor!lon,b~t.glventhe uses the facts to support his alienates the majority of pler ....Anderson neutralizes him servative so long as you give me reasoning for hiS .declslon to ap· ~~~~m~~t,:s 6es~~r:,tte:Pt I~~ Republicans. Mr. Fry claims that (Carter) on social matters and ~~:~:r~~;;~~~~:li::~:~~~~:i~h~~ ~;~~~t ~~~:gr:;b~:~h:~p!~:e~u.n~ dependent, Mr. Anderson would ~:neS~~~~~iV:,~~~~~ndr~w~h:i~i~~ ~~~~~~:a~~~~~ne'siS t~~ fiSoC:~ Anderson has his appeal among damentallssue ISpierced. It ISthiS. appear to be "the sole rational onspending. Republican who could beat Car- both parties with regard to the The ~ost funda~e~t~tly private candidate-..amongst a group of ter." John Anderson is not a fiscal ter." political IssuesIn his campaign. He declslo~ an IndiVidual can pretty.boy, hawkish politicians" conservative and, although he has The Massachusetts and Vermont supports the SALT II treaty and is when a woman decidesto (name caHlng, nasty, nasty). decided notto join the race, Gerald primaries were promissories that opposed to the MX missile. He end a,and I (Anderson) Clearly Anderson is the most Ford, who, while people laughed ati Anderson is a legitimate can- approves of President Carter's feel the\ Indtvi,dual has to be fr,;; liberal Republican in the race. his WIN buttons, brought inflation didate. Anderson's success was windfall profits tax on the oil in- under our sys.tem,free to ch~se. That, in fact, may be an un- down to 4.8%when Carter entered largely due to the fact that In those dustry- and has sUpported the An~erson IS not a static per- :~~~~:~.m~~t. f:~::~~~yn, fl~nd~l~, the White House,could beat Carter ~::et:~:=,et~;;:~~~t:~:c~~~ ~~c:~~e;~~is~h;;,~~~m:~t~ ~':r~ifl~~~I:: ~;~~~Zd d~~1~9~i:sSiX~~~~~ in~~~ abortion, ERA, social security for th~ ~::~;:y~~:~:.I~~~tloo~ one ~~~t~nl~~~n~~~t~~:~d~~~~~~a~: ~~~:~~:~ t~:S~o~ib~~alth~os:~~~s~~o~:ko;. ::~~:::~t~;l~:sf~~~~ °h~~ ~:~~~~~~~~~:;~f~:i~~~r~~:~ ~~~~~den~e~~~~at~eci~~~ t~~t ~~i:~~i;~~ ;~~;:~in~~o~ ~~~~~ ~~!~i~~~:n~:~d l~n~:71~Ssh~h:~t~~';~~:,n!'I~~~~a~eI:g~~~~~:~a~~~o~~ spectrum. And while these ~~::r~;. 6e~~s~v:~~0¢fO;~:~I~~ was said that, "His main percent of the time. He believes in more. You acquire more ~:~;I~~:b~a~S b: n;~:~~a:.v'~:~~ wow!), the Chappaqulddlck Kid o -··· -.) 1~nC:I;~:~;~:~~a~;~; ......."'i":;;;:;~~=~:;.;.;:.-=;.:;-~;,:;~,:;;:;.:::~-~.grow." John Anderson is now an servatlve," Fry calls a "fiscal ~~:s;~~o~,n!~d:~:~r~;m~~~:~~ ::~~i~~~!~ ~~~::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~il~;! ~~s~:~ ,~~~WI~:~~nr;~ s:~:~g~eV:.oide;:~ who Mr. John B. Anderson is the best will draw the line on CRIMSHA W impressive statesman and one that spending. Democrat running. When An- derson said "I be a con- He will draw the line on defense I feel would only grow wIthin the _ wIll _ fffice of the president. His House of course. In his Infinlfe wisdom, record confirms my opinion. Mr. Anderson has analyzed the servatlve no more," he was not onyr· ats Managing Editor It is of particular importance ~~a;~~~a~!~I:'s!:~e~~g:~rs~~;~:~endfOklSldd'l'"~90' OOOOoClOCIlOCIlOCI1t News Editor ;~~~~~~:i~:~ti:~:~:r::~~n~nn~ armed forces, and concluded that 'in his behalf. The Maryland the situation calls for defense cuts. primary elections does not permit This from all "Impressive voters to _cross party lines. We statesman" (how 12 rather ob- J ,must, as a responSible, educated scure years in congress qualify a 0 an 'community, make Anderson's person for the-fltle "impressive Jpresence, his position on the statesman" is beyond me). Again, 'issues, and his campaign known to . Mr. Anderson Is, shall we say, on a Janet Train'or the people. It is my intent to vote the liberal side. SpecTarAssistant for the best and welcome the Still, according to Mr. Fry, Graphics _ .....=="'"'~"'"'.;,,;.;.;,,;.;...;,,;....;,,;.,;.:;:::.::::..:.:;==::.:.:::..__j voiced opinions and intentions of John Anderson, "follows most of the others wit.hin this foru!T!_, on the 1c1OC1OC1OC1OC1OC11Sc)()C)()C:JIS Republican line
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