Page 93 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 93
Thursday. March 20, 1980 Scrimshaw •• ""page3 Agent Orange investigated Dave Cleveland officials In [all." pa-ralyzed In the fetal position, spring of animals exposed to Usually I ignore propaganda Michael and Maureen Ryan unable to see or talk. Through Dioxin to study Its effects. sweats. about the evils of government were married In 1960, ten days Incredible love and effort, the Maureen's response, after she But such stories are common In and/or a capitalist society. But before he was sent to Vietnam. Ry.ans have Kerrl seeing and read a 200page repor} on the ef. the Agent Orange offices. Paul sometimes something will hit me While he was there he operated In talking, and she may soonbe able fects of Agent Orange 0fI veteran's Reuthershan, the founder of the hard enough that I can't Ignore It regions where Agent Orange had to walk. In 1978the Ryans were children, was that "I felt like I had Agent Orange organization, anymore. I found an .article I been sprayed. One year. later he considering having another child been raped on all levels. I had recalled his contact with Agent couldn't Ignore In an Issue of The returned, having lost 50 pounds when they received a report on the believed In the American Dream, Orange: "As a helicopter crew Drug Survival News entitled "The and suffering from migraine effects of Agent Orange. In the John Wayne concept, that It chief I usedto fly through cloudsof legacy of Agent Orange." headaches. In 1971,'theRyans had Agent Orange is a 50% mixture meant something to be an the stuff all the time. It was brutal. Agent Orange was the defoliant a child, Kerri. Kerri had 18major of the chemIcals 2,4.0 and 2,4,5.T. _American. Now Us over. I found I usedto watch 100foot trees topple we used in Vietnam to destroy the bIrth defects. she had a hole In her 2,4,5.T has been shown to ccntetn that the chancesof having another over and dIe Instantly when protection fhe jungle provided the heart, part of her spine was Dioxin, a substanceChemist David child like Kerrl were more than sprayed with Orange." Vietcong. I had read occasional missing, and her Intestines were Metzler calls "the most toxic likely. My husband may die of the When Paul Reuthershan learned stories about people in the western shaped like spaghettI. Her-right substance known to mankind." DIoxin pOisonIng.At least Hitler In 1977that he hadcancer, hewrote states fIghting to prevent lumber hand, which had lour unusual Dioxin can causeover 24effects In told people what he was going to a letter to President Carter. The companies and the NatIonal fingers and no thumbs, was con. those exposed to it, Including do; here the Chemical Companies following areexerpts from it. Forests from spraying the stuff. I nectedto her elbow. Her left thumb - ulcers over the entire body, acute didn't evenwarn us." "I sit here tonight In dire needof remember that there were stortes was underdeveloped. Her psychosis, cancer, and birth Michael was equally bitter, help. I've been a cancer victim, of crops destroyed by runoffs, and esophaguswas blocked,shehadan defects. saying: "How do you pay for a and Doctors say t don't have long stories of Increases In birth imperforated anus, and she was The Veterans AdminIstration life? 1mean, how much is an arm to live. I am a Vietnam veteran. I defects. But the Importance of the incontinent of urine and feces. She calculates that at least 370 pounds worth? How much is a normal life joined the service when I was 17 Issuedidn" strike me-until I read was born with two vaginas, two of Dioxin was In the Agent Orange worth? We usedto look upon Kerrl years old. I have read an article aboutthe Ryans, the Agent Orange uteri, and two cervixes. DUring sprayed In Vietnam, and that as an act of God. Now we know warning vets exposedto a certain Victims international, and Paul open heart sur:gery when she was 4,200,000 VIetnam veterans were better. Now we know she Isn't a defoliant Orange. As a helicopter Reuthershan. These are people 1112years old, a blood clot struck exposedto the herbicide. gIft from God, but an act of the crew chief... I flew through It and who say, with justice, that they her brain, causing severedamage. The defects Kerrl was born with DowChemical Company." near It many times. As age 28, in don't hate the Dow Chemical The Ryans took Kerrl home, correlate with defects In the off· Dow was the major rnenutac- the hospItal with terminal cancer, . Company, they "lust want the break blues turer Involved In producing Agent and the many doctors not being S nng ~~r~'::ted, b~t M~n~~~~~~SNO~~h Within a year and a half, Paul able to find a cause, this could be P the only logical, possibleanswer." Phillips, and Diamond Shamrock Dave Moskowitz book explanetfcn . "you're wrong amC?Untit contributes to that West Industries, North American Reuthershanwasdeadof cancer. The crippled, the sick, and the Corporation were also involved. We left WMC on March 15for an this time Evil. Truth constitutes happiness. Fill full this ~I, f~1 These companies have been dying of the Agent Orange Victims extended spring break. After all, the search and defines It. It Is a no distress, 'uss only one more named In a class action suit by 386 International have been to Maryland's break is that early, contradiction In terms to attempt brain cell less." veterans and their families who Washington to testify In a stream and N.C. State's is even a week to questionits tuncuon." 48 hours after heading West, we claim they are vtcttins of Agent before congress. Paul Reuther- shan was there, the Ryans were ~~;~lt;·~::;I!~::~~.m:~:,r~~ ~ a~~~:~n~o!:'; h~~ n:eld~:e~a~~ ~~~e~~~;~dD:~V~c~~;;~I: hi~~, ~;h~~g~~te~~:n:~~lethe~~e;am~'I: there, and others have testified mean competitive small liberal would come to question aJi I held Rand was in the booth next to us, say they are "the victIms of cor. too. They have had some effect. arts college without any trace of close. but not even pure objectiveIsm porate genocide," and have hired The EPA has banned the use of grade inflation, we deserved the "Even more than Bong Sucker, could stop Hayoll now. In a sea of an attorney torepr.esentthem. 2,4,5·T and Slivex, both of whIch extra week. We left, heading south it Is you who must look harder. Future Shock,the look In Hayoll's contain Dioxin. on 97attempting to hook up wIth I· Those who are on the right track eye Isa universal constant. But stili theIr call for justIce 70 on the annual California term can stili be going In the wrong "You all know what a war Is, The organization behind the agaInst the chemical companies paper run. direction. Things Are SeldomWhat right?" court actions Is the Agent Orange hasnot beenanswered.What more The cruise got off to a good "rnev seem." "Ofcourseweallgruffed." Victim's International. The Ryans evidence could they have? They enough start; 1/. ounce of We were winding down Into the "Than there are two questionsto are running one of the group's ten have the correlation between lebonese, a p-chem book, a ozs. of Windy City. I scoffed Inwardly at ask. Have you read Johnathan offices. Michael Ryan Is typical of Dioxin and both cancer and birth gold, The Complete Works of Hayoll'sclichefllJedstyle. Livingston Seagull, and can you the organIzation In several ways: defects, and they have tnem- William Shakespeare, 2S blue Chicagoturnedouttobeawaste. emulate Einstein?" • he Isa Vietnam veteran, he Is sick, selves: their bodies, their lives, dragons, and enough toot to keep We had been looking forward to Suddenly I saw what he meant, and he thinks Agent Orange has and theIr children. In the words of us awake. Tunes were under trading wit with the Harvard of the and It was true. To be great and caused his problems. Michael stIli Paul Reuthershan, "I am a control. lots of Feat, two reccr- mld-west, but instead found wide. different within the framework Is suffers from migraine headaches, VIetnam nightmare, and I won't go ding of Steal Your Face, some eyed radicals handing out John totally different from changing the hascloracne on his thighs, his liver away until the government owes Roxy, and a John Oenver Anderson literature IhCalvln Klein conceptItself. I thought about war, Isaffected sohe can't drink, and he up to thIs. They have to pay for songbook. jeans. We were all in need of ln. and knew my education was not gets what Is known as the night what they havedone." "Johns, I'm down. I feel like sight. what it should be. I had killed doing this Isreally wrong." "Don't you see D, we are beIng another dragon, and made up my Baker refurbished "No problem Bong Sucker, taught to question only withIn the mind. everybody buys term papers, and framework. We are being shown "I don't think I fully un- there's no reason we shouldn't the way to vested interest. seer- d,:,r:t::~~ ~:!~n~·gS.u';~::S?dC;:: Bob Egan or any student groups who need make a few bucks. After eu. we ching for half-truths takes you better than nothing." The long awaited renovation of storage, should contact Dean t<>?,~~~~,t~:~t~~~~:v~outhere." !~:~~~S~:~~h ~tOa~I.,t,hetrue path It was dark, starry night and we ~h~::e;:ab:'erW;~le ~:stc~~:.~e:~ ~o~i~~~o~~;~~~.henext few weeks "Hey look, I told you drugs is no "But I've always heard that r~~I~a~~~;~~:~~n~~~~l~I~~:::~ college---hasbuilt a stairway from Various wedding parties have ~~~I!~~,~::~:~ ~~.~,er55,and the :~.t~;:~~!h~~~~~~: ;hoa:.r~~da: up at the sky, and than across the ~~: ::~:t~ue~:~~ :~~r~;:t:~~~nd ~~~~~~I~~~mO:~:vet:~iI::=:Iti~~ "What I mean Is I feel guilty believe In it. Toquestlonisgood." desert towards the horizon, and The major reason for the for the ceremony to begi". Mr. about skipping a'week of class. If "D, you missed the boat. Why decidednevertogo back. renovation is to permIt both YIngling explained that the new ~~~~'tf~~~e~U~e;Lt~:~~~~Oyt:~~ ~o';",:fyt~:r~~~t~~~::c:n~;~e~~!~ la!~~~:h~~reWca;nt~I~~~at~n:~~: students and the Dramatic Arts staircase would permit the groom to fully use tan when John pointed out pe,fe,' the theneededprivacywhilewalting. Department I ;':"~~:'w:;~,~;,,~~:~h:.'e:'~~~~~::hed~'~~le~:z;:o:"~~~::~m'oiIhew".,al>oylime.OvmomePI~:I"~~e,~~'~~;:'~,~~~;:~a~:~~:;:~r~~::;;w~~~e'o::::;: Mr. Yingling further explained that California could break off Into amend the present system· alblet chapels' basementfor storage. is cooked.Plus, If we get back late Importantly, I feel that I'm thinking which will challenge you by 15 years of education and the said thatany student who wishesto than bulldlng a new storage missing the chance to increase by to explore totally new fearotrd::t~a:t~~:!;h~~:no~ usethe basementfor their bicycles bulldmg The labor was done by :~a~~II~~~:~:~I~~~S~~;;~I~~:o~ po,~~=~~~lt~'~aspedaSqUlntyeYed ~~~g: :nyway. Furthermore how ,or other recr~tlon~~~~~'!l.~.nt, campusperonnel. as he seeks the truth through Johns,_"you'retotallycrazed.The could we play intramural ~. va~~:~~~;trul~~~:~:POIIS we all ~:~~tll~: l;e~:~:;~ss~_~~v_~~;_._~:ketb:l1lncaIiIOrnla? " I 'Br.eLauknfaChst .,:'1 .' ._. ~~~:. ..... ' fought the dragon as we flew up I· .~ ~;~k;~~dne;lrhe1~~an~:~I~:v:~; Dinner . . '.: ~... ' :,_. of Evil Hayol1rang true. . _ • I" . "YO" "OW B.S. 11',limeIhalwe ISub' & Pizza Specla Ists . ~~~S;:~~e~~~s~~:;~:u~~~.,~ruth' I 50'- off any Pizza su;:rf~:'s~n:ft:rh~:r II:~ s=n~~= Daily Specials ~~~;.,'~~~=dYe!~;:":~"w".:: or whole Sub designed 10 make me a ratIonal A short walk individualist. I knew I could go out A UNIQUE COLLECTIONOF HANDMADE JEWELRY AND fromcampul Into the world and Improve if a GIFTS al LOCUST MALL, DOWNTOWN WESTMINSTER with this Ad little bit through responsIble ac· tlon. With the Clever Innocenceof 10% Discount with Student J.D. Open 6 AM 'jl12 a multi honors society Intellect I Mon.·Sat. 10-5 Fri. 10-9 phonE!' 876-7606 Saturday and Sunday blurted out· antlc/patlng a text·
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