Page 96 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 96
Thursday, March 20, 1980 Scrimshaw page 6 Cult film to hit WMC Jim Fry, actively encouraged to club's newsletter, says that, "It You've all seen those movie ads "misbehave" whereas before the gets laid·back people to let go, to before, that list simple phrasesand fads were p"assively suggested by torgetthelrpeerpressures." superlatives, that have been taken role models. Despite what you're thinking by out of context from reviews, Those who are followers of the now these people are not proclaiming some producer's or Rocky Horror Cult usually dress necessarily drug addicts or social star's latest achievement with the according to what sex they are not. deviates. Rocky Horror seems to hope of encouraging even more Their makeup is over done, dark provide an escape or outlet that people to run to their nearest and garish. They like black may be compared to primal theater to see It. Sowhy do people leather, Hsb-net stockings, and scream therapy, If you will. The still run to seea film only to stand spiked heels. They do the same atmosphere Is relaxed, the room Is In line when such revrews and thing every Friday or Saturday dark, no one cares who you are or articles In recent months describe night: that is, they see The what you do, and if they did why It as infantile, bIzarre, stark Rocky Horror Picture,Show. There are they there? Besides, the movie raving mad, warped, outrageous, they perform either along with the keeps repeating, "Give yourself tasteless, pointless, and plotiess? characters on the screen or they over to total pleasures." And the list goeson. act as antagonists. If you are Nora Sayre says in Horizon Maybe it's because disco is out caught in between the two for the magazine that talking back, and punk Is In. Nevertheless, The first time enjoy yourself. It's okay. singing along, dressing up are Rocky Horror Picture Show Is But, don't admonish or discourage essential to the experience of currently cult chic and no, If there these people. They are serious Rocky Horror. "Though you catch Is a guy dressed In drag next to you cultists. some whiffs of grass, fewer tonight when you finally do see Rocky Horror has become the spectators are stoned than in the Rocky Horror, and he Isn't on the money maker that It is today past." One spectator said, "It's so screen, he Isn't~ frat pledge In the because of the "devotion" of its much fun that you don't need an midst of a Hell Week mission. If cult following and the nosey Induced high." Sayre concludes there Is such a person next to you spectators who want to go seewhat that the eudlence seems to have tonight he Is "simply" followIng all the fuss is about. Serious control of the movie, to have power the dictates of the Rocky Horror cultists may have seen the film as over It. "That Is one of the charms Cult. many as sixty or seventy times. If Rocky Horror has for Its The Rocky Horror Picture Sho,\", you have seen It less than ten you adherents." has inspired a new wave of cultural are literally labeled as a "virgin." Perhaps the best analysis repercussions that may be cern- The f1Im has grossed over an provided yet, as to why the Rocky pared to such fads as not wearing estimated 55 million, which Is no Horror Cult exists and flourishes, T.shlrtsbecal,lse Clark Gable big take for a corporate giant such 'comes from Keith Mano In The didn't or wearIng leather iackeh as Twentieth Century. Fox who National Review. "Rocky Horror" becauseJames Dean dId. But, this_ holds the films' rights. But, they as film has frail significance. Like fad Is far more extensive in its paid only $1 million to produce It Shllch or Antietam, it's place Rush week .fInds the four sororities puHlng ·thelr compass and th_efilm audience Is and nothIng on an advertising where forces met: convenient but pledges through •·~ell.·· budget. Rocky Horror's success adventitious. What we do get _· K'."~ .. h ·t· . mouth. . the relationship between audience has strictly been one by word of though Is a brighter definition of ....~,..~...These·cultlstS_go to.see,Rock~· andperformer.lf·-began;wlthona- 0 .;'.'r·.,:' .~e;rs ner:':' ·re 1"r'eE!"/-:.'.·.iHOi-,., bece ... ·" ts ilk•• ,eil.ion ';"'d, o""'pie. G,"'pie "' ...... ~ .' to them. The very real dltference Is an Intimateness that the older that, unlike other religions. the world never hael: - , . ..congregatlon,ls encouraged to do these people. Groupies make a leading. cytologl~. From this accept more. respo!,Slblllty .• as they damn Wl!Wplease.Insanity nard commlttment: 'almo'st .experience, . she ~was able to However, she clarifies this by Is permlsseble, self.lndulgence Is familial. They assume Inltatlve Dr.JunKerschneroftheBlolQgy establJ~ a ~Iogy CObI'$ ~Ylng, shtt Is not always cerlilin -"~~ouraged and ~ansyt!s!itl~m Is "'!'styles: ~Iofhlng,"'mak" up, . ~WlII~etl,..thlnpf-lng. WMC!~replace~·h'.Storogy.cless.. tNt every S~dent reSJlClf! the.result.·_ mora!lty, you name It. Bot, this, afler ,.·:years· of teaching .t which; dealt-with jtte :mC!re thafchal~nge... qlla Newman, a Boston Law olfter, all, ,Is a thanklesS epf\ld. Western ~aryt.nd. "I'" miSS the 'speclallzed" .stu.dyr ot- .tls~ues. :'Desplte the'c~nges, Dr: Ke,.· stUdei1t, said In 'an Interview In dePendent.CQnnectlon.The'Rocky captive audience,". she admitted During anoft'ler--sabbaffciln Or.' schrier feels tha' WMC has. Newswuk that seeing the film 'HOf"ror Cult foretells ~ new art jokingly, but Is anticipating new Kerschner learned 'more aboIJt rJlalned lithe· flavor of a small changed her life. After seeing the coming: or a recognition of'terms experiences In retirement. human genetics at Hopkins with college In that the students and film several times she left her anyhow. Audiences want more Dr. Kerschner spent much of her one of t~ natt~ally foremost faculty tend to know each other." husband, and went back to schooL credit Input: equatblll!1\9 at ieast. early life In Philadelphia. Shefirst geneticists, lind Incorporated the .She Is furthermore impressed b.y "I'm enjoyIng doing exactly what I Or else they'll go Into open com. bKame Interested In biology while knowledge Into Impro'tlng a the good spIrit among students. want to do. That's what Rocky petitIon.. " attending Hood College ~Iffi the January Term course on the topIc. She has witnessed at other schools Horror's all about. If I don't come Maybe the Rocky Horror Cult Intention of becoming a librarian. In additIon, Or. Kerschner the lack of principle, honesty and to see It I feel guilty." The Rolling has a good thing going here. Just After taking the biology course for recognIzes the opportunity to fair play that can often occur in the Stone has called It a personal Imagine, we could all have a part her science requirement, she expand her knowledge through the fierce competition for grades. sexual liberation. Adam Stargls, In our favorite movie If this cat. realized she liked biology better, teaching process Itself. For "But," she says, "this is co.publlsher of the first Issue of cheson! and thus changed her major. example, she was able to combine something I don't see here." Transylvanis, B national fan 0t the Following graduation from Hood, her Interest In classical mythology Moreover. Or. Kerschner has OX secun y she received her doctorate from and culture with science, and learn enjoyed a congenIal working the University of Pennsylvania. with the students In her Jan Term situation In the Biology Depart. Prior to coming to Western class fhls year, "Science's Debt to mel'll becauseof its continuity with from page 4 Irene hopes that they will have Maryland, Dr. Kerschner taught at the Classics." people "who work well together WorkIng at night, sometimes I time to begin workIng on this Elmira College in southern New Dr. Kerschner notes several with no rivalries or empire hear a student come by and say, 'I solutIon. York state for one year. Shefound changes that have-occurred on the building by Individuals." wonder If my last years com· Irene felt that the Ideal solution this experience difficutt as shewas campus dur:lng her years here. After leaving Western blnatlon works', or they start would be to change combinations teaching two courses she had First, she points out fhat "the Maryland, Dr. Kerschner plans to flddll,~g and fOOling with the lat· each time the boxes were never had before herself. She then campus has evolved" In terms of move south to a small town in the ches. reassigned, "but agaIn, we don't left teaching and worked as a the addition of new buildIngs. She Appalachian MountaIns In North A locksmIth was called In, and he have the time and manpower to get hematologist at the Army also states tha' WMC has become Carotina where she and a friend Installed a cam to the latch bar, Itdone." Chemical Center In E"dgewood. much more liberal In allowing have an option on a house. They but there were stili problems. The best malibOxes are boxes However, the strict Army students certain freedoms, will buy the house as soon as the Bob Faslno, Campus Security 1121.1269.Irene wistfully added regulatIons soonbegan to limit her recalling that when she first couple presently residing there Coordinator has come up with a that she'd love to see all of the freedom. Therefore, when Or. H.P. arrived at WMC, drinking was find a home In Florida. She is similar solution to the cam Idea. boxes constructed like those boxes. Sturdivant, then head of WMC's prohibIted and hours were more looking forward to exposure to a Biology Department, offered her a strictly regulated. Shebelieves the different culture and outlook on life teaching position, she decided "to school Is more socially conSCious In the mountains of North glveltanothertry." - than previously, evIdenced by the Carolina. She believes it will be Two events_which stand out In Increase in social activities. She rewarding and Interesting to Dr. Kerschner's mind as hlghllghts views these changes as positive in participate In this different In her career at Western Maryland that they challenge the student to lifestyle. 1~~~~~;Uis~~~~e::h~~:n~e:ar~hl~ ~1OC1OC1OC1OC1OC1OC1OC1OC1OC1OC1OC1OC1OC1OC)QC)QC)QC:IOl~ r:J~~ PIZZA & SUB SHOP 1961·2, ,nd havino ihe WMC T,i· . !~:~c~:tergCrheo:~ns~st::c~~~:~~~ ~q...~ 22 W. Main St. Westminster, Md. 21157 nationwIde while she was Its counselor. She has also ap· preclated the college's generous 10% Discount Call Ahead sabbatical policy whereby she has With This Ad for Takeput been able to t.ake leave, gaining Plays tonight in the forum new. knowledge to share with' Open: (i). others here. On one of her sab· Mon.-Thurs. 11:00 A.M.-11:00 P.M. 848·5276 Show TImes baticals, Or. Kerschner studied Frlday-Sat. 11:00 A.M,·1:00 A.M. 7:00 9:30 12:00 cytology, the science of cells, at Sun. 4:00 P.M.·11:00 P.M. College10Required $),00 CC?lumbia University with a 1c)QC)QC)QC)OO)OO)OO)OOI)OI)OOOOOOOI)OOOOOOOOOOO~ • ~ ..
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