Page 91 - Scrimshaw1979-80
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.Surveysrirs SGA Lee Maxwell "she Is responsIble for the lack of any Dean Laidlaw dominated the thought social life," and several "she lIed to me's" and scbtect of diSCUSSionat the last SGA as well as some unprintable phrases. meeting; the consensus among those Interestingly enough, Kelly saId that while present seemed to be that some of her Or. John got a high ratIng. most students behavior as Assistant Dean of Student had no Idea what hIs [obwas. Affairs needed to be clarified, if not Following Mike's report came 45 justified. mInutes of discussion on the Dean and the The Issue of Dean laidlaw came up perceived problems in the alcohol and during the report of the Editor of the SGA disciplinary policies. Many people newsletter, Mike Kelly. He reported that remarked on how there was a large he had received back 140 to 150 responses number of Inconsistencies in the alcohol on the questionnaire Included In the mass. and disciplInary policies; several mailed newsletter. The questionnaire had disagreements among some students with asked students five questions to rate four a knowledge of the policIes underscored college administrators: Dr. John, Dean thIs point well. Several students also McCormick, Dean Mowbray and Dean remarked that Dean Laidlaw did have a Laidlaw, on the performance of their jobs bad attItude towards students; Sophomore _ In relatIon to students. While the first three Tom La Rosa mentioned that when a ~ got generally favorable ratings, Dean delegation from Whiteford Dorm went to :i Laidlaw's rating fell below one on a zero to her with grievances over some ~roken E five scale, a very negative response. doors In Whiteford and the lack of security .; In his report Kelly mentioned some created by the doors being broken, c( written addlilonal responses for Laidlaw; LaIdlaw brushed off their complaInts as if some of these included "she has a hostile nothing was wrong. Also, some students at Student mailboxes pose security problem. Story on page 4. attitude," ."she promotes unnecessary the meetIng claimed that she had lied to friction between herself and students," them. The Senate also discussed what to do about the situation: some courses of action mentioned Included a referendum, either on what the student opinion about herls, or on whether she should be out and out fired. A petition to have her removed was also mentioned. Whether to ask her to appear Thursday,March20, 1980 WeslernMarylandCollege VolumeXI Number6- before the SGA' to answer questions or challenges on her actions or policy; or lust Discipline Procedures attacked to publicize the Issue In Scrimshaw and the . Newsletter was dtmated. Kelly Mike anything would publish stated that the Newsletter on the Laidlaw Students (Dean Laidlaw), two faculty Issue, and at the same time accused members selected by the Convener of the Scrimshaw of having no guts because they Western Mjr""land Co l lege, board from ~ pool.of 6 faculty members 'Westminster, Ma'ryland -2"1157,L elected by f!1i faculty, and 2 stu..,ts . hadn't printed anythtng on the Issue yet. selected by the Convener from a pool of 6 This brought the predictable response Dear students elected by the student body. The from Scrimshaw staffers present, In- Convener of the Board is Dean Laidlaw.' cluding editor Nancy Menefee. who said I~ Scrimshaw was not willing to sacrfflce You have been named tn a violation report. I would-like to One student observed "when it comes discuss the situation with you .. Please make an appointment right down to It; you have the choice of 'credlbUity by publishing any news not _. ~i~h my.s,e:retary toda! __ ~- - _ \" ' •.•• _. " havl~ ~~r caM heard})y De~n-Laldlaw ..,.· .backed by facts. _ agreed that bean or Dean Laidlaw." . • The. Senate tacitly You are advised that "failure to appear on o'fffcial request Another' _student· commented that" Laidlaw should be Invited to a Senate ..... questionS. However; to answer meeting , before one of the duly constituted di sc'tplinary agents of the althoUgh Dean'. Laidlaw, handled some formal action will not be considered until Handbook, (Student college" 'page 63) a violation- is. ccns.tderec cases fairly, In others "she has her mind publ ished regulations. of • made up before you even enter her office. • tonight's meeting. Other SGA notes: Ifs a matter of being guilty until proven 1 Sincerely, r \ il innocent." --A motion to add to the SGA constitution .. -0/' :.' "" 't,(I/((L- Questions were raised at the SGA the position of Student Advocate was In- cC-,-Lvf"~"~"/ ' meeting concerning the Dean's respen- troduced .. The Student Advocate would be a service provided free to any student who Elizat)eth ,J. laidlaw Slbillty to Inform students, in writing, of has to face disciplinary proceedings before Assdctete Dean of Student Affairs the charges against them. Dean Laidlaw the Honor Board, Judicial Board, or either said that this was only the case for of the Deans. The Student Advocate would EJl:hlh Disciplinary Board procedures. Some have expert familiarity with the studenfs argued that students should be procedures of all ·the above mentioned Informed of the charges against them in all Bill Byrne jurisdiction of the Appeals Board In the cases before they are asked to discuss boards. and would be responsible for The consIstency and fairness of WMes following manner: "The Appeals Board them with the Dean. One student felt ",It Is advising the accused of what his rights and disciplinary procedures was a topic of meets at the request of the Dean of Student unfair that students should have to go Into responsibilities under the system are. This debate at last Thursday's SGA meeting. Affairs to consider the appeal of decisions such a meeting not knowing what to ex- amendment will be brought up tonight for SCRIMSHAW discussed this area of and/or sanctions Imposed by disciplinary pect." final approval. college policy with Dean Elizabeth agents of the college. Appeals must be Another area ot confusion was the --Treasurer Mike O'Neill reported 13 Laidlaw In an effort to resolve some of the presented In writing and may be rejected determInation of fines. Suggestions have organizations submitted budget requests questions raised at the meeting. by the Dean of Student Affairs (Dean been made that the administration adopt a for money for next year. and that the Dean Laidlaw said that her first action Mowbray)." clearly defined fine policy to avoid what tentative total for the budget for next year In such cases is to send a letter to the One of the most often heard complaints has been descrIbed as an "unfair double Is 537,125, up $2000from this year's budget. students involved informing them that by students with these procedures Is that standard between Individuals and Most increases asked for increases In their they have been named in a violation report they give Dean Laidlaw too much power in fraternities." allotments for next year: Circle-K and the and requesting that they make an ap· determining disciplinary cases. Students Dean Laidlaw said that she decIded BSU were askIng tor large proportional polntment with her to discuss the matter. Involved In disciplinary violations wilt cases on an Individual basis. and that no Increases .cver this year; Social Com- According to the student handbook, have their cases decided by either Dean two cases were alike. She added that mIttee asked for relatively mlnor,_ In- "The Associate Dean of Student Affairs Laidlaw or the Disciplinary Board. The money raised by way of fines went to the flatlon-adjustment increases; Yearbook may after an Informal, hearing with the student handbook writes that the Board college fund or was used to repair any asked for the same as last year. student either resolve the Issue ad- shall consist of the Associate Dean of damages related to the violation. ·-WWMC Is askIng for $4,500 under a ministratively or convene the Disciplinary special arrangement with' the SGA to allow Hearing Board.- A student denying the them to build a "bere-bcnes" carrier allegation may request a hearing before . current AM station on campus. Dean the full board." Mowbray has apparently said a budget Dean Laidlaw explained that to "resolve Increase is in the cards, so that WWMC the Issue administratively" meant that she ~ill be able toget its money without takIng would discuss with the student the degree it from anyone else. If for some reason the of their Involvement in the violation and money does not come through, WWMC's other- related factors before deciding what budget request Will be the first to be cut sanctions would be Imposed. She added The SGA formally abolished the SGA that shl! could not predict what her or the radio stetton , subcommittee. An Disciplinary Hearing Board's decision unrecognized student group WWMC is would be before the student decided which what Is left, Independent of SGA, and way they wanted the case to be deter- hoping to get recognition soon. mined. --The Assembly had its second meeting Dean LaIdlaw emphasized that any two Tuesdays ago and OK's several student who was disatisfied with decisions organization budgets. last Tuesday's made by her or the Disciplinary Board meeting was set to discuss the Alcohol could appeal their cases to the Appeals policy. Everyone Is encouraged to attend Board. The student handbook outlines the these meetings.
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