Page 94 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 94
page 4 Scrimshaw Thursday. march 20. 1980 Men and women take to track MAC's, Phyllis led the scoring by school record In that event an9 the LaPorta, a graduate assistant, and Snow, sleet, and rain take turns capturing first place In the 220 long jump, too. Freshman Robin "Big Jim" Hanselmann -wnt be last year's slxth.placing MAC slaplng the campus. Glaciers of yard dash, second In the 100,and Blaker, though presently nursing coaching the throwers. squad (Light, Smyth, and Runyon) brown slush fill the sidewalks. A by anchoring their secondplace In an Injured ankle, should also help The pole vault will be an exciting are back, thus adding credence to stinging wind whips across The the 440yard relay team. Returning out In the short runs. The only non- and powerful event for the Terrors Rick's contention that the school's Hili making you wonder what senior Allison Ward and gridiron man of the group, Russell this Spring.• Led by senior Rip record "can behad. 0 happenedto the 60 weather of fwo sophomores Sherry L1nkoff and Johnson, a junior coming out for Jamison (who sometimes It Is also realistic to think, says weeks ago. What's going on? What· Ann Royston were also members the first time since high school, masquerades as a 10,000meter Rick, that several members of the are these malevolent, capricious of the 440relay. Ann placed third in will add yet more depth in the runner), WMC has three returning team may qualify for the NCAA atmospheric conditions trying to the 100 meter hurdles as well. - horizontal leaps. vaulters, all of whom are within Division III Championships. Ac. tell us? Two things: Spring Is on Other returning veterans include Sam Mitchell, a junior, and striking distance of the school cording to Rick, Freshman Wallin the way and, of course, track sophomores Berlt KIlJingstad, In freshman Mark Cockerill are both record of 13'4". The other fwo In the javelin, Runyon In the -«0, seasonIs just around the corner! . the quarter.mtfe and long jump, 6'2" high jumpers and, thus, will returners are Chadwick, who and Smyth in the 440 hurdles are all potential qualifiers. Knieriem, A week after Spring vacation the ~:~ ~~~:r::~~~:~e:~ ::~f~:III~~ ~~vn:~t~~ !~:~ d:pasr~~en~~es':~ :~nar~~:s:a~I~~n~~e~~e:~ce: Rick thinks, however, may have ;he~~o~!~~~~.a;t~:!::~n~~II~~:~ Leslie Mcintire, a long distance also sprints (occasionally) and is sophomore who also dives for the the best chance of any In the triple jump, where he is only a foot shy of coach Rick Carpenter ctrerec- :uhnOn:;1tfi~~~~~~n~I~~n~heL1~:I~:~:t~:gt; porte-ott carriers ~:~~e~~',~~~~~~~~I~.SqUad_Will the NCAA standard. :eri~'~;~::lye:Z:~t~r~n's~~;~~~ mile, and Kathleen Crooks, also a Senior Harry Peoples, who Unanimously voted the most Though hesitant about making sensational predictions, Rick is College track and field team." If :~:stman, who will bethrowing the :;~~~;ho~ r~:e~~~~~~r~~~ ~~s~~; ~:;::il:~:e~ea~~~::~~o~().~~Pt:~~ quite optimistic about the team's ~~~~~~~:p~~ta~::ns~~:t~:fte;:m~~ Themen'steam,lsaddltiontolts team last hear. Harry will be Fred Smyth will b_eback to com. chances this spring. He says that as usual, their stiffest competition win/loss record this spring, then he ~t~I~~C:;~:s 2~x:;~e~~et~~I~~s:~~ :hcr~:~~a;~:~ts ~~ D:~: ,,~~~~~!~~:I!nal:~ea~~~~ey:~~~:te::~e~f will come from Franklin and ~aasst~~~:eh;:~~ ~~~~~et~I~~~I~~~ are seniors. In fact,'nearly every Colbert, a junior who placed sixth both the 440and mile relay teams, Marshall and Lebanon Valley (the y Terror's only losseslast year), and have won 23 meets while having ~;::t ofo~:en::~~:r~pr~~enn~~b t:; ~"o:~:s:~~ a~~~~ ~~~:s, ~ot~II~~ ~~~r~:6~lr~eads~~I;~~hh:~:~:~f~~ that this year Susquehannashould lostonly6. distance races, the mile and the 3· chairman of the Hoffa Field hurdle track for the first time but is be tough as well - a team that the What Rick reaJly means by mile will besenior cc-captaln Doug crew. New comers to the throwing proving lobe a quick study. Terrors will face fwlce this season. "typical," however,'ls the way In Renner, senior Bob Holcombe, ranks Include Bruce England, a CoachCarpenter is excited about Come out and give the team your which the team does Its winning. John Keeter. a junior, and senior, and freshmen Bruce Mc· the possibility of the mile relay support at their three home meets. While many teams win meets on sophomore Rollins Briggs. This Calion and Paul Wallin. In the team qualifying for the prestigious Your cheers could make the dif- the strength of fwo or three cut- squad pushes each other hard in absence of coach Sam Case,.Jchn> Penn Relays. Three members of ference, especially when Franklin standing athletes, the key to workouts and will be tough on the and Marshall comesto town. Terror track success In recent track asa result. years has been the depth and In the middle-distance, the 440 '0 , balance of Its attack. This year's and 880yard dashes,W.M.C. again -Cornputer minor. team Is no exception. It has good has experience In Its camp. Senior offered performers In every event and, co-ceetetn Eliot Runyon will be thus, should fare well In dual meet trying to duplicate his 1979season Steve Bainbridge competition. be remaining undefeated at 440 yards In dual meets. Eliot, who Starting next year the Math Among the professors already dltlonal equipment. An almost The women's team, on the placed second at the MAC Department will beoffering a cern- using the computer on a regular _unlimited number of "local ec- contrary, though It has a strong Championships last spring, will be puter option In addition to Its basis are Drs. Cross (chemistry), cess" terminals can be installed, nucleus returning from last year's followed no doubt closely. by regular major. The option wilt In. Neal (political science), and these would involve installation In spirited squad, lacks the depth and sophomore Kirby Light. As a verve faking 29hours In math, and Seidel (economics). They will be Memorlal,andwouldbeconnected an adequatecoverage of all events. freshman last year, Klcby finished 12· hours In computer science. encouraging their students to take by direct wires and not by phone. This Is a frustrating situation for second only after Eliot In every Although the computer program Is computer courses; and expect that Ms. Johnson looks for con.tinued the women currently out for the meet and placed sixth at MAC's. neither a new major, nor a minor, several might take the entire expansion of the computer system, team because their lack of nurn- Also running the quarter, In ad. It Is as .cne professor put It, "the program. in order to make the and increasing useof the system as bers may prevent them from dltlon to the 220,will besenior Sam nearest thing to It." Although the program more flexible, a new more students and faculty become fielding a competitive dual team. Hopkins. The 880 will see senior option Is, as of now, available only computer scfence professor will be 'computer literate.' She predicts These women, Rick and Ellen Jerry Beason setting the pace to math majors a number of other hired for next year. an eventual set-up where both Scroggs, a graduate asslsta,,+·..ho followed by trrst-veer-men Mark departments are said to be con- phoneana direct line accesswill be Is helping with the coaching of the Morris, also a senior. Jerry, an slderlng adding It as an option to All of this bodes for increased used. women's team, urge any women on excellent -long jumper, may help thelr"]_aj~r. .., stress on a system that is ep- The new Math/Computer option campus who might have an In· the team with his leaping as well. proaching maximum use. At pre will be the first step in the Increes- terest In track and field to come 1979 graduate and 4.year track The computer program will sent there are 8 "ports" (ports are ed use of the computer. The out for the squad· they need your man Ron Bowen is assisting with Involve 5 courses, of which only phone access lines, they are in· machine Is, a very "powerful piece stalled in the basement of Lewis). bodiesand your spirits! the coaching of these long sprln. one, Intro. to Numerical Methods, Ms. Johnson can expand the of equipment," and we can look for The women are led by senior ters. requires Calculus 118 as a more and more majors to stress its system to 16without having to pur· captain Phyllis Landry. This will The short sprinters and prerequisite. Although, as chase additional hardware, and use. Anyone Interested in either be Phyllis's fourth year running horizontal lumping events will be previously noted, the option of this will be done soon, the system the math/computer major or tak· track at WMC. Her freshman and strong and quick, led by a con. taking what Is essentially a minor can add up to 64 ports before ing computer courses should con· sophomoreyears shehad, at most, tlngent of WMC footballers. Senior In computer is only open 1.0math reaching Its limit, however this tact Dr. Eshelman for information. one other female teammate and Eric Degross,who recently placed majors, the math department is would require the purchase of ad. rarely had opportunities to com· fifth at the Indoor MAC Cham. encouraging students from all pete. Things changed drastically plonshlps over 60 yards, is disciplines to take all or any of the last year, however, as ten women returning to the outdoor squad for courses. As Emllv Johnson, head Post Office box came out and competed In five the first time since his freshman of the computer center noted, a meetsasa team. year and looks faster then ever. number of other colleges '-have Compete they did, too, placing Returning Juniors Tom Knieriem studentS'uslng computers to write secunOty third at the Messiah Invitational and Mark Chadwick led the team music, do syntax analysis of and sixth at the MAC Cham· in the sprints and lumps last year literature, analyze music, and do plonshlps . not bad for a team of and ran on the 440 relay as well. various studies In economics and students don't bother to report It to only ten women, many of whom Tom placed thirdln the triple lump political science. She expects that "I'm really very concerned us then suddenly there's an 1m. had never run track before. At at the 1979MAC's and holds the several of these majors will add about the security of these boxes," portantscrew missing, and that's a computer options eventually, and stated Postmistress Irene Young, small contribution to the problem. J MUSIC STILL pandtheir useof the compufer. Is someofthem, I don't know. I'd say for a certain amount of abuse. that l'the majority of those at the time other majors (particularly I don't have time to keep up with those In the sciences) would ex· of purchase were r.econdltloned therepalrs." The student boxes also come In maJlboxes. How tong we've had The math/computer malor "We handJe ",hat goes stydents to some of them we've had since 1959, Irene' commented that she didn't allow designed to prepare for careers In the com· when Winslow was dedicated." mean It as a put.down Of. the &etlCleenthe ears" The puter Industry or related fields, do mailboxes, Irene students, but abuses do occur. One which Village 857-4949 Fairground computer science, or pursue any abused" are wearing out, and can Friday night, a student Informed Irene that all of the latches to the number other of careers. Or. be easily opened by passersby. T-Shirts ~ graduate study In either math or described as both "used and Saturday morning, after a party Eshelman, who teaches.a number After extensive use, the catch on mailboxes In row 729.839(a bottom ~ Custom & Stock of the computer courses, hopes the lock falls to work. Many boxes row) were lying on the flOor. Ap. that other department will see the are bent or broken, and some are parently someonehad come along ~ .. $4.99&up "Importance of college graduates missing the glass panel. Irene felt and kicked the latches oft the being 'computer literature' and that the biggest factor In the mailboxes. will encourage their majors to take deterioration of the mailboxes is Irene pointed out that the ac. some of "the existing courses. She "the normal wear and tear that a cesslb1l1tyof the mailboxes Is part feels that Economics, Political mailbox gets." Students also of the problem. "They're apt to get Musical InstrurJI~!'ts ~!!ings: Buy 1 at regular _price~ ;~~~~~~ht Cahd~m~~%~'ute~h::I~S~~~;;:~:~::dt~h;~,:~:I:~~r!~~:' ~O:e ;:!~n't~!!h :~~~f !~e: ;~~~ 2nd at half price , I Ih f I I 86 ~ ....... ,••Q~ II ontof h· elrmalors n e uure. loosenedonthemallboxesandthe ":,' .... Conlnue d pag
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