Page 89 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 89
Friday. march 14, 1980 Scrimshaw Page 5 Relay sparkles on MAC's WMC by Fred Smyth shadowedby their rntocne-eteteoce threat outdoors. the teammates, still The only other placer for the Eric After an indoor track season performed well. sprinters Degross Terrors was junior Dane Colbert which found WMC sprinters get. muscled his way into the final of who heaved the shot 44 feet, 8 in· ting most of the print, the tables the 60 yard dash by winning 'his ches to finish sixth overall. Dane were turned at the MAC' Cham; qualifying heat in 6.8 seconds. probably would have performed plonship Meet at Widner Collegeon Running consistently, Eric went on better If he had had more than just Feb. 29, as the Terrors' two mile to place fifth in the final, again a dish of teuc for dinner before the relay team of Doug Renner, Jerry clocking 6.8. Mark Chadwick, rneet. eat up, Dane! Beason, John Kebter, and Eliot though he scampered the distance The Terrors are now working Ruzon brought home third place in 6.6 seconds,.tlntshed second in hard in preparation for the fast honors. Running the race for only his heat, thus failing to qualify for approaching outdoor season. This tne second time this winter, the the final. year's schedule includes three team knocked nearly 25secondsof The sprint relay team of Fred home meets which could well be its previous time. Storming Smith, Degross, DenniSHancrattz, the last meets coniested on Hoffa through his half· mile stint, Kebler, and Chadwick finished a dtsep- Field cinders, since a new t;ack is once again, turned in the fastest poi.nting Sixth etter poorly in Ihe works. Come out and cheer split with a 2:06.5 clocking. The executed baton exchanges -cost the team on as Ihey go for an un- squad is a well-balanced one, them several seconds and defeated season your support however, as all four runners were probably, second or third place could make the difference! Look under2:10. medals. WIth 'some stick practice here next week for a Spring Track Though somewhat cve r . !he squad should be a considerable preview. Terrors challenge Colts to tip-off Publicity Office Menendez, Steve James, Bruce 7000ext. 582 or (from Baltimore) The Baltimore Colts of the England, Mark Chadwick, and Jim 876·2055ext. 582. National Football League will pay Selfridge. a visit to Carroll County on son- Additional ethtetes, to be named day, March 16, for a 7:30 p.m. later, are expected for both teams. benefit basketball game against The Baltimore Colts will hold an Warm wea~har brings atlathes out to start tha spring saason the Western Maryland College autograph session for those in football team at Westminster High attendance. Tickets for the game are priced Rich Braver School. at $2.50 for adults and $1.50 for Joe Washington, the only Colts player selected for the 1980Pro children; and may be purchased at elected to all-MAC Bowl, will lead an array that in the Western Maryland College the activities cludes Stan White, Bruce Laird, located in office Joe Ehrmann, Mike Slant, Sanders Decker College Center or at the Publicity Office .sentor forward starter at WMC, this Is Braver's Shriver, and Ken Huff. Fleet Feet sporting goods store Rich Braver of Western Maryland first all·MAC selection. Western Maryland will field a located in the Fairground vtnece . College has been named to the au- Wallace was 17thon the leClgue's learn that includes two.ttme all Shopping Center, lAO Village In Middle Atlantic Conference scoring chart with an offensive American defensive and Ricci Westminster. For further in. southwest division men's average of 15.3.Healso handedout Bonaccorsy, Eric DeGross, Joe formation call Pele Clark at 848 . " basketball team. Junior guard 30assists. Lester Wallace of the Green Joining Braver on the all- Splashing up a storm Terrors was an honorable mention conference first team were: Dave pick. Freysinger of Dickinson College, Braver finished fifth In the Dennis Westley of Franklin & league with a .643field goal per- Marshall College, Rick Coslett of A six woman contingent, led by Sullivan and Frech have qualified Western Maryland is at the centage. He averaged lA.A points Moravian CoJlege, and Dave. undefeated breaststroker Denise for the 200yard freestyle relay and national event for the first time in per game and grabbed 6.7 Evans of Dickinson. Frech, will represent Western Anne Glaeser, Frech, Ktevln, and school history. The Green Terrors rebounds per contest. A four year Honorable mention was ex- College on Thursday through Sullivan are entered In the 200yard had their best dual meet season tended to Bill North and Bob Saturday, March 13·15, at the medley relay. Jenny Duremas will ever in 1980by posting a 9·1record. And Justice? Rudisill of Gettysburg College, Association of Intercollegiate attend as an alternate for both If WMC is to rack up some points Rocky Calvo of Lebanon Valley Athletics for Women division III relays. at the meet, a lot of the work will Kieth Arnold College,and Wallace. national swimming championships The host school for the national have to be done by Frech. The "And Justice for Ali," a film Braver is a former Pikesville in Meadville, Pa. championships is Allegheny freshman, a Catonsville, Md. starring AI Paclno, Jack Watson High athlete while Wallace hails College. California stete- native, is running neck.eoe.neck and John Forsythe, is an en- from MI. Hebron High. Frech will be competing in four Hayward, Gettyburg, Kenyon, with Pam Williams of California tertalnlng as well as thought The Green Terrors finished individual events; the SO yard Wooster, and John Hopkins will be State-Hayward for the fastest provoking film about teday's legal second in the MAC southwest breaststroke, the 100 yard the main contenders for the team division III breaststroke times in system. division with a 9·3record, posting a breaststroke, the 200 yard title. the country. The film Is centered around 16·8 overall mark in 1980.Alex breaststroke, and 100 yard in· ·r,··········..·•·..····•·•····..···~··········· Paclno, who portrays a young Ober Is the headcoach of the WMC divldual medley. !, lawyer trying to maintain his cagers. Lisa Ktevln, SueLapidus, Missy .. CIwriage Ihlloe ,CiquI.'0 : •. another that Is suicidal, Paclno is :2~?~ :. I COLD BEER SCHMIDT'S COLD..BEER: ideals in a world where nothing 113 W. Main 51. seems to be right. From Innocent "At the Forks" ,.... ,.... 5 men In prIson and guilty men out, to a iudge that Is a rapist to In Pacino's ultimate confrontation, l'rd ~~~a~er l i;~e,,, '5.35 a case ~~e,C; '5 . constantly confronted by forces which challenge his ideals. It Is not : - (bottlesl until the final moments of the film, that the audience finds out whether Salad Bar 848.3466 EXP 3/19/80 ,College10 requ,re"d-,i the lawyer's Idealswill survive. 1iid The 111m,set In Baltimore, is Carroll Plaza Shopping Center Sandwiches .J ~ wen-crettec, visually realistic, and Call Ahead for Takeout Orders 876-3550 smooth moving. Pectno is ex rounded r cellent, displaying a wide range of ,{,•.................•.•.•.•.•., , ~ ~ emotion, creating an extremely ll«nis-e 01 Liquors ---, !: Breakfast realistic and well -Lunch character. John Forsythe Is good sup· !,Special of the Week I: In his out·ot·character of the judge Dinner Walt," wit', a brilliant portrayal of r Schlitz 12-0Z..bottles ,oi who is accused of rape. Jack Watson repeats his earlier porting s..rccessIn "Heaven Can a judge who likes to take risks with i. Soft Ice Cream his own life. $1.99 a SIX rare blend of humor and substance 5 with this eoapon ~'. Sundaes A short walk The Film Isbrilliant, finding that that Is necessary in a truly great o M from campus film. "And Justice for All" forces : Carroll Plaza, WestlDinster :' Banana Splits take for granted, and .! us to look at justice, something we ·S nornally 848.1314 -R'.140Wes,mins'e, Op.n6AM'i112 beentaking it for granted too long. i ~~ ~L,.8_4_8-_9_1_10 S_a'_u_,d_a.:,y_a_nd_S_u_n_d_av::_,_J makes us wonder whether we have
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