Page 87 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 87
Friday, march 14, 1980 Scrimshaw Page ~ Personal Viewpoint Criticism in'spires patriotism by Mary Nash Kelly our own countrYside and our own American mentality, the at- Renewed Faith weaknesses. I came away less Criticism increases patriotism resources. We have consumed with mosphere of plenty that I could not explaln It all, nor find cocky of the ultimate "rightness" Reprinted from Wake Forest's reckless abandon, precipitating Americans grow up although thIs excuses or justification for all the of the American way, and newspaper crises that are not merely I~difficult. To say that we are used charges. I saw that we have things realization that other systems also There Is probably no better way American but worldwide. to our way of life was a cop-out, to learn from the Europeans--a work in their own way. to get a real feeling for America My Russian hallmate blamed It although It Is true-end 1t Is dlf· recognition of the value of natural than to leave It. all on the evil capitalistiC system, ficult to teach old dogs, relatively resources and the environment, a I loved many aspects of the We Americans tend to believe epitomized by America. Arguing young though we may be, to realization of how small the world European lifestyles, and agreed that the rest of the world, deep with him was fruitless, for the change the'[r ways. really is, an acceptance of other with much of the criticism and down, would really rather be clash of Ingrained ideologies ran When the criticism was ways of life and other's solutions. skepticIsm about how we Americans do things. And yet my America. The "Old Country" Is a too deep. especially harsh and it was I saw that they share many of primary gain from a summer great place to visit, but the New My only parting shot was to point sometimes I was tempted to pull a our problems; their criticism overseas was an increased loyalty World Is the place to live. out that he was, after all, in the really cheap shot and ask how the stemmed from the fact that until to and faith In the American This assessment has certainly West, and planned to stay here-- Germans thought they got where recently we were the savior a.nd been accurate In the past. After all, with all our evil ways, we are they are, to point tathelr turbulent the shining example. system. the United States is predominantly better than "Ccmmumsm. But his history and new democracy, and , left Europe with a stronger is Maybe It because populated by descendants of those arguments were not the typical stick my superior American nose feeling of the _uniqueness of the America Is "home," just or maybe, United States, and a new, out- who left the old for the promise of a ones of the Europeans. in the air. But this Is an Inadequate new and better world. The energy crisis ieads this list, reply to charges about our steer-s perspective on our way of just maybe, it is because the Even after the days of the great symbolized by the two cars per problems today. life with all "Its strengths and. Amerlcanwaylsagoodway. migrations, of the influx of large family equation of middle class numbers of Immigrants to this comfort. The gas gunllng products Anti-theft measures taken continent, America has been of Detroit are viewed with con- looked at as a land of opportunity, tempt by the efficient Germans. offering hope for the oppressed, They laugh at our complaints of l:ew Maxwell Even better would be to put the whatever system the host college freedom for the enslaved, Idealism ecuere-ceuce gas--they pay Selling stolen books to the WMC mark in two or three places in the used to buy books. And when asked and optimism on the world scene. near-ly two dollars a gallon bookstore's bookbuyer may-be book. However, he said he would If he fe!t the bookbuyer could be We have been a land of already. much more difficult in the future; buy a book "If the name in it is named an accomplice, albeit superlatives, and this idea Is We have other problems, many the bookstore is Instituting a new "x'ed" out. unwaittingly, in the handling of ingrained in the American con. of which are the subjects of smug security system designed to trace Mr. Jarkowlac stated that he stolen property, Jarkowiac replied sciousness. scorn by the European. Our once down the setter of a book to the "will make every possible effort to that netmer the bookbuyer or the There are views of America healthy economy is In trouble, the bookstore when a third party determine whether a book Is stolen college store were negligent or other than our own rather idealized mighty dollar- with It. and the identifies that certain book as his or not." He said the documents are criminals, and that they can't be one. Superlatives can mean worst Germans in particular look at it or her stolen property. legat documents that could stand heldresponsJb.le. as well as best. The American gets with disdain. They are almost The new plan was formulated by up-In a court of law. He feels that Mr. Jarkowiac again made the a glimpse of these other per- ple as ed-c trlps to mythical Mr. John Jerkcwrec. manager of the system he has devised "will, point that the system won't stop spectives by talking to those who California are suddenly within the colleage store, after an article for the most part, have no way to theft, only- slow it down. He says live elsewhere. their reach as the German in Scrimshaw called attention to get around it." students should still not leave their After a summer In Germany I economy booms. problems some students had with When questioned about what the books unattended and to put 1.0. had had a real dose of the other Our national leaders_are not some of these books being stolen bookbuyer thought about the marks in each one, so the t they can side of the coin. Even in Germany, excactly exemplary In the and sold to the unwitting book- svstem. Mr. Jarkowiac said the be found if and when they become a country who was put back on her European eye either. President buyers. bookbuyer would !=JO along with missing. feet by American dollars, there is Carter's naivete was beyond Mr. Jerkowtec's plan calls for a strong criticism of American belief. They watch curiously as the system of signed documents that Assembly Meeting ways. pols drop, and the beloved name contain the name and student These days are gone when "Kennedy" comes tothe fore. number (which will be verified by American goods were previous In Defensive inspection of that person's 1.0. from page 1 Europe, when a dollar was gold, The American is suddenly on the card) of the person selling the tecuve organization before its about Steve that because he lived when the American people and the defensive. I have never felt so book, the tttre of each book sold, attendance might increase. in the apartments and didn't eat in American way of life were the patriotic as Idid when facing these and a code number. The code After the candidates spoke and the cafeteria he would not have as standard toward which these attacks on the u.s.rrcrcec to think number of each document will be answered questions, they both left much contact with students as reviving countries strove. about the why's and how's of written into the corresponding 'the room and Mike called for John. Th other side quickly The strongest criticism is among America's situation. While con- book at the time of the sale. debate on who was the better asserted that where someone lived the students, the youth. Their ceding the problems, I somehow Thereafter, If a student Identifies candidate, Debate lasted for over on campus was irrevalent to judgments are not tempered as are had to justify the place and the a certain book in the stock of the 30 minutes as one side of the room whether he could do the job. After those of the older generation by system that Icall home. bookbuyer as his own stolen book, argued for John and the other side some more issues were discussed, memories of GI's with pockets full The European.s have no concept the files of documents will be argued for Steve. At one point a the debate, described by one ob- of candy bars and, In Berlin, of of what It is really like to live in a checked, the setter of the book will rumor was raised by one person server there as "Meaningless," American planes bringing a steady country as huge and as relatively be called in, and the two in- that John considered the assembly was closed, a vote by show of stream of supplies allowing them empty as ours. After all the 6-hour dividuals will confront each other no different than the Student hands was taken, and John was to survive an otherwise fatal drtve ' from my home to Wake In the presence of the Dean of Union. A person from the other elected. blockade. Forest would get me from one end Student Affairs. "Then Its his (the side quickly discounted the rumor, John then took over the meeting Criticism of Germany to the other. They seller-s) word against the other saying that what John said and Irom Mike as chairman, but only For the younger generation, this cannot understand with the feeling (the possible owner}," said what the rumor said were two went on to say that other issues part of therr country's past Is now of freedom and expansiveness that Jerkowtec. different things. would be discussed at the next history. iTheir picture of America accompanies so much space. Mr. Jarkowiac further said that. Another person raised the issue meeting, which was last Tuesday. Is that which they see on TV and I can point to our system, the "the person claiming a book as read In the newspapers. Their longest standing democracy In the stolen bears the burden of proof," criticism is strong, even harsh, world. Even some of our worst He suggested that a student mark and much, if not most of it, is moments--the Nixon years, each of his books with his 1..0. justified. Vietnam--can be plusses In that number in an Inconspicuous place. They charge us with gluttony In they were blows absorbed by the almost every area. We are too system. We have had bad times, materialistic, too wasteful, too but we have survived. self-centered. We have destroyed I could try to explain the SHOWTIMES MUSIC STill hl'\' rrl'~lni'lIK"" tl'~l 7:00 9:30 12:00 J Fairground Village_ 857-4949 cOllhknlii'lllwlp. Prompt Friday Night SGA Movie 11\~1 Birth nmlr,,1 "We handle ...,hat goes between the ears" Cost $1.00 Nothing'S On Sale ~ ~fI "Fabulous Entertainmentl" Just Everyday Low ~:.' In the Forum Prices T:~'f p.s. Irish Tunes Now in Stock pholll' for iulcrrnatlon without ohliY(llion Baltimore. Maryland Musical Instruments Strings: Buy 1 at regular prlce, lOJ) 788-4400 2nd at half price
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