Page 86 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 86
, 1', Letters to the Editor- Deaf club lives the Deaf In Columbia. The fair was Club was represented at the a huge success for the 24 kids as meeting; I was there. No one asked respond Students want parties several I would like to I have heard to well as all those who worked on the me which Do we have to wear I organization comments sponsored The Club fair. Deaf represented. around campus concerning Deaf Joyful Sign from Gallaudet signs around our necks to prove we as trashcans burn Club. Contrary to popular belief, College. We also presented Deaf a do exist? Deaf Club does exist, Is alive, and dinner for these performers. does do things on campus as well Club also Investigated some Jane Bielefield The Administration could not help but pick up one key not in Junior as off campus. In the past years, rumors-that we were made aware Woman dies Follies: students want their open section parties back. However, Deaf Club has been involved in of concerning Deaf Education at there is another side to this issue, a side that students are unwilling getting a TTY for the Registrar's Western Maryland College. Decr Edttor-: to face. offIce; for whIch we matched funds I really got a problem. When I Saturday night, the coke machine in Rouzer was tipped over. The with the administration. That We plan to sell t-sntrts for our over in SAO, uh. I don't how to tell glass in the Rouzer front doors has been broken several times. 5 year, we came up with $250 for Ihat own members as well on campus. you this, but, ah, I killed trash cans have been burned. Alter a party Saturday, one of the TTY! Deaf Club has also been More information on that will be somebody. It's no big deal, you sections was covered with broken glass Sunday morning. Broken connected with Sounds of Silence. available later on. Deaf Club will know, I don't think anybody will bottles and beer cans are found all over the quad on Sundays. Ob- We support them in many ways. help to promote Deaf Awareness at find out about it; it's just that this scene messages were written on-the hood of Laidlaw's car. Fourth Although both have gone their a Health Fair in Baltimore in woman started giving me a lot of floor Rouzer is the on1y floor in Rouzer that has a working inside separate ways now, both have AprIl. trouble and I just couldn't take it. phone. Inside phones, and sometimes outside phones are oIten ripped worked together. The comment was made at the So I wasted her. But she was from the walls of the dorms. The walls are spray-painted. The This year alone, Deaf Club has first meeting of the SGA's already dead. bulletin boards are burned. Sometimes this place resembles a riot put on a fair for some of the Assembly that it would like to hear Sincerely, corridor. students at Maryland School for more from the Deaf Club. The Deaf James Douglas Morrison With all these evidences oI maturity and responsibility, the students nonetheless feel justified in asking the Dean for the Personal Viewpoint priviledge of open section and floor parties. There are, of course, many sides to the questlon., The students maintain, and rightfully so, that these are the actions of a few in- Testing Service Blasted dividuals, and the entire student body should not be punished. Keg parties would cut down on the bottles and cans left lying around. And, as the various jncidents of vandalism prove, ending the open or catching up with summer coalition of parent. teacher, section parties did not end the vandalism. The student's are Reprinted from Hagerstown courses, New York Governor Hugh student, labor and minority groups theoretically, adu1ts. As adults, they do have the right to decide for Community College Newspaper Carey signed into law the nation's led by the New York Public tn. themselves what kinds of social lives they want. And the sentiment Campus Crier first strong "Truth·ln·Testing" teres+ Research Group (NYPtRG) on campus is obvious; students want the open section parties. By Ralph Nader bill. The bill requires ETS to make successfully convinced the Questions can also be raised about the quality of the social life public internal studies on the tests' legislature of the merits of the which the section parties provide. They were often referred to as Until thIs summer, the validity that they have steadfastly bill. Hearings made it clear that "meat markets." However, again, the quality of a social event is a Educational Testing Service In kept secret; tell students how their any increased costs due to the bill matter of personal preference on the part of the student. Princeton, New Jersey had good scores will be reported to schools wouldn't be great enough to justify As the system stands now, "section" parties are allowed, just not success in keeping Itself free from and what they are supposed to an increase in fees or a decrease in "open" section parties. The difference is sometimes indiscernable. much public inquiry. Though Its measure; and make the questions services. Thus, students who have some connection to fraternities might have standardized tests were taken by and correct answers available to So Ihe test companies turned to an opportunity to attend, while other students may lack the nee- over 8 million consumers .. and students who request them. their last threat: withdrawing the cessary "invitation" or might not hear about the party. It is required for admission at most Clearly the bill only offers a testing services they were created however, safe to assume that students who really want to attend will coUege and graduate schools In the reasonable modicum of scrutiny of to provide. Months before the first - which defeats the point of "closed" section parties. country .. ETS had successfully this vast and powerful private tests were scheduled to be given After examining these pros and cons, the question still remains: pulled a cloak of secrecy over their corporation. But ETS fought It under the new law, the Association exactly why have open section parties been banned? If the theory operations, and kept them secret tooth and nz il all the way. last fall. of American Medical Colleges and was that ending open parties would end vandalism, one look at this the American Denial Association campus on a Sunday morning disproves that theory. We hope that, ~::~~~ :::c~:~:~::t~~~~~~~;u~~ :~::r~~h~~~~:~i~~'~~:I~r~~;S~:;~ announced on July 17 Ihat they once and for all, the questions surrounding floor parties, and were pulling their tests out of New especially open section parties, will be resolved ... fo~:~r~:~~~~I~tt~~!'!~~mer. ~~!f~i~~~S~.ntiIT~~ywa~O~;~~:~:~ York _.even though those tests are But no matter - the entire question may be resolved by the decision In July, while the students it blocked another bill proposed In required for admission to virtually of me Maryland State Assembly. every med school in the country. affected were at work or the beach Maryland this spring. Personal Viewpoint In New York, they launched New York legislators are now their most vigorous campaign to investigating Ihis blatanl attempt to force the state and high 10 back off the date. College Presidents I Anderson: an obvious winner school principals of were buried law. Information is power, and Ihe telegrams, under waves mailings and memos from ETS passage of this law would begin to Jim Frye Republican presidential debate dustry and has supported the that misrepresented the provisions bring into line the balance of power "Why NottheBest?" Anderson proved himself 10 be feminist movement. specifically of the bill and warned of dire between the testers and the John B. Anderson is the pragmatic, sagacious, concise in ERA. Shapiro also says that, economic consequences if it students they are supposed to Republican party's best shot at the his selt-expresston, and the sole ~~~:~!~~ t~:S~o~i~~~a"h~os~~oo~s~ ~:::~vd~d"ls:a:u~~ve~~;1 n~~er a~ serve. TheIr lobbying efforts, that, presidential office Ihey are so students should begin writing their zealously seeking, and the ~~:i~;aJ o/a~~:~::~Oy~mohn';;~iS~ political party. In 1978, he voted educational bill," said one SUNY Senators and Representatives in Democrats and Independents of "politicians." with organized labor less than 40 University President. support of H.R. 4~49; they should this country know it. Walter also press studenl groups and Shapiro in the February issue of qu~~edrS~;Yi~~~ r,~fea;;~!r ~:~~ r:;~:~~~~t:t~:~:;~~t:~a~l~e:::~~ th:~:~~:s '~~ ~~~:rasny n:aou~~~ administrators to issue similar The Atlantic Monlhly called An. whether you call me a con crude oil prices, he follows most of campaign, it was to no avail. A declarations. der scri Washington's favorite servetrve so long as you give me the standard Republican line on P I' h rt ' I lif Republican and Stephen Kimation, credit for having ideas." Again in the economy, believing in the 0 ICY U S socia I e a delegate candidate from the Shapiro's article I paraphrase that therapeutic value of a balanced Third District pledged to Anderson Anderson has his appeal among budget, voting for the Kemp-Roth Keith Arnold events are sparsely attended. At said, "The real job facing us is the both parties with regard to Ihe tax cut bill, and calling for new One of the most often mentioned the same time students are saying party' nomination. November political issues in his campaign. He business tax incentives to en. problems on campus is the general there is nothing to do, there are would be vastly slm supports Ihe SALT 11treaty and is courage capital formation." lack of social life. Students more faculty than sludents at such pler .... Anderson neutralizes him opposed to the MY< missile. He However, to decide one's support perennially complain that there is events as the Carl Rowan lecture. (Carte") on social mailers and approves of President Carter's for Anderson with regard to any nothingtodooncampus. Joan Nixon cues several reasons because Anderson is a fiscal windfall profits tax on the oil ln- . stance he may take upon any The reason for this problem is for why students do not show up for conservative, he's the one recent liberal legislative recora single issue is unfair and clear to\ two student government such events. She feels that campus Republican who could beat Car- tnus. "I will be a conservative no unrealistic. The president cannot officials, Action Committee events have to be relevant to the ter." more. You acquire more be all things to all people. And Chairman Mike Davis, and SGA students personally, and often, as The Massachusetts and Vermont knowledge, you study new ideas, Anderson in turn will not permit - President Mike Steinmelz. Mike in the case of Mark lane, sen- primaries were pr orntsscrtes that you recognize change so you himself to be accused of trying Davis, in an announcemenl in the sational. Many students also, Anderson is a legitimate can. grow." John Anderson is now an such pretenses. He has, in the past. WMC today, stated, in a list of according to Nixon, see some dldate. Anderson's success was impressive statesman and one that voted supporting public funding of campus issues " ... the alcohol events as more class room time largely due to the fact that in those I feel would only grow within the abortions for the poor. I do not policy (and the lack of social that they can do without. states Ihe primary election is an office of the president. His House approve of abortion, but given the life)", crearvtv linking the strlct- NEWSANAlYSIS open one, that is, voters may cross record confirms my opinion. reasoning for his decision to ap- ness of Ihe alcohol policy 10 Ihe It is a shame that students on party lines, and many Democrats It is of particular imporlance prove such public expenses I lack of social life. Steinmetz, in the this campus can not have a good and Independents decfded that he that those who support John An· cannot disagree. "When the tun- SGA newsletter, stated that the time without consuming alcohol. is the man for them. In a recent derson begin actively campaigning damental issue is pierced, It Is this. college alcohol policy, "has all bul While the loss of section parties edilorial in The Washington Post it in his behalf. The Maryland The most fundamentally private destroyed the potential tor having removes an interesting and ap- was said Ihat, "His main primary ejections does not permit decision an individual can en ecuve soctetnte." pealing activity from Ihe social achievement so far has been that· voters 10 cross party lines. We make ... is when a woman decides to cil:endar, it is very questionably in a year when so many candidates must, as a responsible, educated end a pregnancy, and I (Anderson) While many students consider whether this has, "all but are being supported grudgingly community, make Anderson's feel the tndividual has to be free the alcohol policy on campus to be destroyed the potential for having because they are nol someone else presence, his posilion on the under our system, free to choose." strict, does this policy really an active social life". People do . Mr. Anderson has caused people issues, and his campaign known to Anderson is not a static per· eliminate social tife completely? have a right to drink, but, to vote for him." Myra McPherson the people. II is my inlent to vote sonallty and has grown and The present policy has, essentially, especially with the numerous ~says that Anderson is no longer for the best and welcome the matured during his Six terms in the eliminated the section party, but events offered by the college, it is just "Doonesbury chic." voiced opinions and intentions of House of Representatives. Not one there are other things to do on sad if drinking is the only way During-the recently televised others within this forum. to make excuses, he defends his campus. And yet these other sludenls are capable of having fun.
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