Page 85 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 85
Weslern Maryland College Volume XI Number 5 Friday, March 14, 1980 Laws threaten SGA deals paraphernalia with issues Steve Bainbridge Bill Byrne The Maryland State General At the last SGA meeting (March Assembly is currently considering 6th) the result of the concert seven different legfslative acts survey was announced. Ap designed to outlaw or control the proximately 420people voted. The sale, possession, or display of drug majority of votes were ceet for paraphernalia. Group B, which would mean Maryland Senate Bill 63 (co- getting two bands of less fame sponsored by 40 of the Senate's 47 (and resulting expense). John members) would prohibit the Prine and Sea Level were the possession, sale, or display of winners. Unfortunately neither of these two groups were available, paraphernalia used for the ad- ministration of controlled sothe Social Committee then chose dangerous substances. Bill 63 Orleans, which had recleved 75 passed the Senate in January and votes - the third place finisher, as is now awaiting action by the the Spring Concert band. After House Judiciary Committee. some debate over the possibility of Senate Bill 680 would affect only having a quad party Instead of a Charles County and has passed its . concert, the choice was approved second reading in the Senate. and plans continue. According to the General Mike Steinmetz then r"lln over a Assembly Legislative In- series of proposals which had been formanlion Office, no action has ,; made during Jan Term, and brought the Senate up to date on yet been taken on the other 5 them. Among these was a plan to paraphernalia bills. already J ,., bri_.ngIn a Health Inspector from Other states have the county, and a nutritional ex- passed- legislation designed to ::. pert to examine the cafeteria food. control the activities of "Head Steinmetz also plans to poll shops". NEWSWEEK reported Lynn -Kunst (center) and Susan Carson rehearse for John students to find out howthe student that the 1,000 member Dekalb Heifner's • to be performed at Western Maryland College on March 13- . body feels about the quality of the Families in Action, of Atlanta, 16 In Alumni Hall. Curtain rises at 8:15 each evening at 2 p.m. on March 15 and food. Mike hopesto seeif there is a helped push a tough anti-head shop 16. For tickets or Information can College Activities at 848-7000 ext. 265 or (from legitimate taste. health, or ammendment through the Georgia nutritional complaint about the legislature last year. Newsweek Baltimore) 876-2055 ext. 265. food. went on to quote Attorney Jill Among other issues mentioned Gerstenfield (the head of for Drinking age increase considered were student apathy and student the Montgo-mery Citizens Education who helped draft anti- privacy from room searches. Mike paraphernalia legislation for the Stave Bainbridge raising the age that are given by existing regulations, and to also brought in three speakers who Maryland General Assembly) as A number of bills to raise the proponents of the bill. First, Is the educate students about alcohol, not are organizing a committee in explaining "we are not rednecks, drinking age to 19were Introduced Increase in traffic deaths In the 17- to raise the drinking age. Carroll County to opposethe draft. has to the Raising the drinking age will we're from all walks of life and we In both the Maryland House and 21 age group since the age was cause WMC many problems. Most This group Friends ties Service American lowered, and the number of alcohol are trying to resolve a problem." Senate. Senate Bill 1126 has passed related violations by that age of the freshmen and many of the Committee in Baltimore, and Baltimore-Washington are~ the Senate and is now before the those I merchants who sell paraphernalla House Judiciary Committee. Also group.~ He counters auf that Joan Nixon expected that the Pub distributed a petition against the not be of age. sophomores will draft. arguments by pointing l are mounting an effort to block the in the Judiciary are House Bills 47 studies show that all age groups would have to begin requiring ID's This meeting rammed home the passage of this new legislation. and 101.These bills are essentially and ,having more are drinking and restrictions on put more The March issue of the UNICORN similar and share many of the more alcohol related traffic parties. If the law doeschange, the SGA's main problem, lack of TIMES had a full page ad with the same co-sponsors. Most legislators problems. Although lowering the dean plans to put a stamp on the ID student involvement. Of 59student headline: "Pitch in to save the are predicting that if any of the representatives only 22 were bong." The ad listed 12 mer- bills get out of committee, they will age may have accelerated these when the student turns 19. Since present. Steinmetz announced a chants who could be contacted for pass the House. problems, it has not caused them Freshman are the major target of possible plan to approach all reps information about what could be Many students are aware that and raising the age will not solve frat parties, the dean felt that most who have missed 2 meetings in a done. Sponsored by the Mid- during the early seventies there them. The second argument used of them would have to be banned row and remind them that, con- Atlantic Trade Accessories was a long fight to get the age is that raising the age to 19will get oufrlgnt if the age is raised. For stitutionally, they are no longer Association, the ad also requested the alcohol ouf of the high schools. that practical reason, the dean reps, they must start going to contributions. lowered to 18. What few students The dean rejected that as false, hopes that the age will not be meetings if they want to relain raised. The dean "recognizes that know is that Dean Mowbray was a and noted that laws do exist to their position. One Baltimore merchant who leader of that fight, indeed, his "make It illegal for students to some problems will be caused for Oneof the final Items of bustness currently sells paraphernalia wall bears the pen that Gov. posess alcoholic beverages on us, but again It comes down to a discussion of the radio branded the new laws "absurd". Mandel used to sign the bill that school property ...and if that's a student use and abuse, and if they W"lS station, WWMC. There has been He explained that if some of the lowered the age. Mowbray has problem, enforce the laws." The abuse the rules they lose the considerable speculation that a legislation currently being con- gone down to the Assembly to dean noted that he has similar privileges. Its that simple." Noting proposal would bemade to shift the sidered was passed, convictions argue against the passage of bills for the sale of bongs and other that would raise the ageevery lime problems with alcohol abuse here, that en-campus drinking is a radio station committee's money accessories could bring prison sucha bill has beenproposed. but he will enforce the laws and privilege, not a right, the Dean to the Social Committee. A number sentencesof 5-8years, a fine of up rules. The thrust of his argument Is expressed a desire to get people to of reps argued thet it would nct'be to$15,000,or both. I The Dean noted two reasons for that the solution Is to enforce the be responsible drinkers than through fair to give the money to a group education en- rather then take il back. Ann and Hines wins Assembly forcement. Hackman argued that since the radio station is a part of the Social Again this year Dean Mowbray •will probably go down to the House Committee, Ihen taking money Lee Maxwell election, opened the first meeting meetings and be able to represent to testify against raising the from the Social Committee to give with some comments on the in- the opinions of the assembly and drinking age. Intellectually he it to WWMC was merely a John Hines, running on a ~Iat- tended purposes of the Assembly its members in the Senate." The remains opposed to the bill, but reshifting ot the committee's for~ of getting rid of U"~ef- and what he expected it to do. Mike chairman of the assembly can vote emotionally he is obviously weary money. But as representative fectl:'E_!nes.sIII ~~ SGA by fostering _ said the primary purpose behind both in the Senate and the of fighting the battle. He has Craig Rae noted later, Ann's paructpeuon III I.t, was elected to the Assembly is "to increase the Executive Council. gcntected our legislators to ex- argument against shifting money the chatrma~shl~ of th~ SGA effectiveness of the SGAby getting Both candidates in their short press his opinion. Delegate Harken from WWMC to the Social Com Assembly at. Its fn~t meeting ~st people involved in the assembly as addresses to the Assembly Horn of Carroll County Is on the mittee was exactly Ihe same thing Tuesday mght III McDamel organizational representatives and stressed the need to make the Judiciary committee, and is op- as the proposal test semester to ~unge. John defeated .St~ve studentseif-representatives." Assembly and the SGA effective posed to the bill. Also the powerful give Social Committe money to the RIChmond, who ran on ~ similar Mike stressed that any student organizations through the interest head of that-committee, Delegate Radio Station Rae also platform and agreed with what can vote in the Assembly and that and participation from both in- Owens,isalsoopposedtothebill. wanted to know why hewas told at John said, by a sixteen to twelve all recognized student dividual students and student Maryland students can write a previous SGA meeting that margin. organizations are representatives. groups. Bill Hearn raised the their legislators {House Office WWMC had spent $200; yet they One or two students at the Mike also stressed the loose question, "how do you propose to Building, Annapolis, Md) or call 1 now have a net profit of $70.Mike meeting, who wish to remain structure of the assembly that get the other 1200 students on 800-492-7122,Ihe Assembly In- O'Neill ended the discussion by unidentified, cited the fact that gives it greater flexibility and campus to come to the next formation switchboard. (Ask for suggesting that if the radio corn- John had more friends at the informality. meeting? Steve replied that "you your delegate, or find out who he is mitteewould "get on the ball" they meeting than Steve as the deciding Mike finally stressed the can only do somuch" and that "the toll free). Students desiring to could request the whole sum factor in the election. requirements he saw for the campus would take care of itself," express either OPPOSitionor ep- needed for the stat,ion in next chairman of the assembly to fill. then John said the assembly must proval or the bill could also contact year's budget without having to Mike Steinmetz, SGA President He must be "an independant build up its reputation as an ef- members of the Judiciary corn- take the money from another and temporary chairman until the person who is able to conduct continued page. 3 mitfee group.
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