Page 4 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 4
September 18. 1979 SCRIMSHAW Page 4 Honors "requirements examined from page 1 sort of implied contract, the right JEFF: The students shouldn't be of honors doesn't vest until gradua- Iar they could hire a professional to o JEFF: The college catalog is, ~~~g~~t;:::: S~~I :~~ ~~e:n~o :~~: ~~~~ ~sc~~~ ~:tT~: ~~~~~:~~ ~et Sg~:~~~ ~~i~~~T~!~r ~;~t t:t :!~~~~ :~~~:~t~~~~:~:a~~~e~~~~~ nancial changes which have taken tract. The change will have notic- tion they are entiUed to them. The minster attorney willing to risk the contains a description of the pro- ~~~e~~ ~~~~I~e~O:~o~~~nw~: ;~~.~ee~~~e~no~e~:rso:~ ~=~~:~!~~~~ustbehigherat ~~~:~~mc:n7:~~h~;~es~!~g~~ gram, the facilities, and the facul- 3.2, now it's 3.4. No trick. No sur- hand, has shown no good effects JEFF: The rights vested when the there are attorneys in Baltimore ty. It is an important part of a prise. which the new policy will have this students forked over the dough. who could advise them whether a students choice to attend WMC. JEFF: Inflation and changes in year, next year, or any year. SUSAN: Yes, the dough they'll pay judge would be willing to deter- Thats why the pages are full of pic- faculty are reasonably anlici- SUSAN: What bad effects? Spank- for next semester's tuition. And, by mine the extentof their legally pro- ~~::Ss:A~~:~e~t's like a pated. Impromptu variations of ings? then the new requirements will tected interest to contract for the menu? ~:d,~~~~i~~~~~:~tif~~n:; ~~~r~o ~~'l~nIC:;::es~C~:;~ ~::ths~~so,ar~~~re f~~u~r:~ ~~~~~~~~,~u~:r~~~ting it will ~:ri~~!s~i~~~~e::ta~ogffe~ quirements disproportionately af- lose a gem on their grad school ap- thatdinstead 0dfdoing the best they cost the school moneybeto defe~~ it- fect seniors who were eligible for plicatlons, and they'll lose their coul, the stu ents went for an ar- self and that cost will passec on exchange for your dollars. If a stu- honors and now have three years good student discounts on auto in- bitrary number called honors to the students in the form of high- dent accepts that offer by giving worth of what was honors GPA to surance. Plus, their opinions of when they could have done better. er tuition, if the school isn't driven the dollars, the school should be raise in two semesters. WMC will always be tairited by the They get what they are capable of. into bankruptcy first. bound to honor the offer it made to SUSAN: There is always a trade last minute shaft they got. If they think otherwise they're fool- JEFF: That tuition argument is as get the money. off to achieve the greatest good for SUSAN: The seniors will still have ing themselves. The college has crappy as it is everpresent. You SChe,RhfoMnSoH"A[Wh-O'nfo:~'hWMe,oc"oe',',e.""'nd the greatest number. It may be un- scores representing their achieve- thhe right to reward whoever it better be good ~rllyour tuition will I.,.. realistic to expect seniors to raise ments. Grad schools examine the c ooses. go up. Tuition WI go up no matter 'all night it was honor and offer. their GPAs, buti{ they're that bent GPA no matter what it's called at JEFF: The college is a business. what you do. Inflation controls the JEFF: Exactly. on getting them they can work WMC, They sell a product. You wouldn't college - the college doesn't control SUSAN: Catalog or not, students hard and get them. The school has JEFF: Most students aren't going settle for any less than you've paid inflation. can't assume everything will be given them a year. The school has to grad school and honors repre- for, would you? • SUSAN: I wouldn't call the cost of r:i~E~;6°:~~~\~~L~~: ~!~l~;~!:y s:~e~:id~h~ye i: FJ~~A;~iEf:i::.::e:::;.: r~u~~~~~~2~;t~~:~!~~;~:;~n~~~~~~:~t~::::fla: and he graduated that year do I sue JEFF: It's too late to leave without grad school or not, honors have no a business. The liberal arts college many people will be affected by the college? Or when a professor in making a mess. calculable value and you can't re- is part of an incredible system of one decision, the court may join all the catalog leaves the school? Or SUSAN: That's up to the students compense someone for the loss of . transfering the knowledge of past those parties together in what be- when the trees pictured in the to weigh out. The benefits versus something with no value. generations to the new. And in only comes a class action - a suit on catalog are torn up' to build? The the burdens. They can make a de- JEFF: No value? The good student four years. behalf of a named class of people, catalog represents what the col- cisionandstoobein crybabies. discount is 25%. Afterfour years of JEFF: Don't be taken in by the WMC juniors and seniors for ex- rF;:r-o"';m'--t":h:-e--:S:-:G::"A~P::-res-i-d"';e"'n""t==""""""==~--' ~:~~n~ e;;7i~~~~~~~:y~~ r:s~~u~~I~f t~:~~!~e~~ s~~~: ~~~~~h~~~~ c~~~~~ ~i:~:~ d cti 4 Issues deman a on value, why does the college offer from the student's parents It's a busi- everybody's in a single would be adju- it to the rights faculty them in the first place? suit. And dicated of the school. SUSAN: To motivate the students ness, and the law frowns on busi- sounds like the only thing the stu- As your fellow restdent of the caused an actual deterioration In and reward those who show out- nesses which offer one thing and dents are after is reinstatement of Hili and 'as President of the Student the social atmosphere. standing achievement. Besides, I provide another. the old honors requirements, not Goverment Association I urge you There are other negative effects get a good student discount and I SUSAN: Wait a minute. Allusions money damages. to evaluate the amount of excess of this policy. For example, the didn't graduate with honors. If that the college has baited and SUSAN: This sounds like a time you have. Devote at least a sandwich sales In the dorms, a rna- many students get honors the pur- switched are uncalled for. The de- nightmare. You're seriously dis- small part of It to participation In lor fund-raising activity of the Pi pose is frustrated. cision of the Standards Committee cussing suing the college for the student policy process. West- - Alpha Mu, can no longer go on be- JEFF: Not so. Don't quote me on is likely the result of inquiry into honors? I'd hate to be a teacher ern Maryland is at an Important cause It would-be In competition the figures, but I hear at Harvard trends in the trade, some debate, who dares give a student an "F." turning point. With your Involve- with the new Grille. and Yale SO to 60% of each class and the feeling, by whoever in the Jesus, or even a "C" for that mat- ment we can turn It In a direction Your Student Government Is graduate with honors,. maybe committee makes the decisions, ter. I can see now why grades have that we, the students, want. commlHed to aggressively repre- more. That's what they mean when that the higher honors require- been going up so much in the last The Administration Is moving senting the Interests of those who they say it's an honor to go to those rnents would benefit the school. few years. their policy In a direction which, In are paying the money to go here. schools. So what's the big panic by JEFF: Well, unless the college can .- ---; 1 several specific areas, Is not In the All of us together must not resist the Standards Committee? A lower show some unforeseen emergency l best interest of the stuclents. Opt supporting the concept that of Western threshold contributions from alumni which makes it imperative go into effect Fairland the school would benefit that the Maryland College Image as an "In- ing for a beHer new honors standard because we per- stltutlon of higher education" they celve. Only with total student par- would increase dramatically _any- for this year's seniors, Ithink their Nursing have de<:lded that achieving the re- tlclpatlon, though, can we hope to one can tell you honors alumni give rights have been trampled upon. Home qulred GPA for honors at gradua- achieve our goals. the most money. Why not make The Student Government could do tlon should be made more difficult. On this Thursday, Sept. 20, the graduating from WMC an honor something useful for a change and Obviously, this will also make en- SGA wlli be holding an Organlza- for everybody? seek counsel. "Good Luck trance Into graduate school more tlonal Meeting to work on strategy SUSAN: Because, if everyone gets SCRIMSHAW: A lawyer? difficult for WMC students. There and give students the Information them it's no honor. What's honor- Wouldn't the cost be prohibitive? Students" would be a negative Impact on em- necessary to participate. The able about being in the top % of JEFF: How much are your rights 21 01 Fairland Rd ployment potential as well. meeting will at be at 9:00 pm In the your class? The higher standard worth? SOt? A dollar? If all the af- The new Student Center has Davis Room of the Library (on the puts the carrot in: front of the fected students contributed a dol- Silver Spring, Md. _ brought an Important social qp. 2nd floor). Please take advantage goal of3.2 etc., some of them work- .--~~----------------, students, not behind them. tion, namely the Pub, to WMC. of this opportunity to gel involved. JEFF: The students were given a I However, the total policy of the Ad- We will not be successful If you • ~ 425 E. ~St., 848-9848 ~ ~~ ministration, which is trying to don't. ed hard and got it. Why should the I R-4.'O"" . ,. (,.s'~ ~'1b I conflne_as much Interaction there school now be allowed to take away :c,\'·~~~~OS & GINNY'S 'l'oo!~: and In the Forum the cookie? 1- as possible, has Michael H. Steinmetz ~SUSAN: They're not taking away ;_.,... Pub blacked out the cookie. Even if there was some I "THE PIT" I I Specials 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. John Hln~$ sons." It was originally thought : J-¥Qt-:~~ Open 7 days a week 11 a.m. - 1 a.m. I Lunch Last Wednesday night the elec- that Rouzer would also lose Its I ~QQ 25' OFF ANY PIZZA ~ "y I trlclty In some of the buildings on power for at least two hours. Abortion I ~O \II 0" I campus was shut off due to an 011 Rouzer and other buildings, In- WITH THIS AD . teak In the transformer next to the cludlng Whiteford, did lose power ~--~--.;!.v~M~:;l=:!.~~~ ~_ .. Decker loading dock. for two 10 minute Intervals at the -Services. The power was off In Decker for beginning and end of the Decker ·;;i~~;;·B~~k·;;.-~d;~t~·I:·(. 31/2 hours, from 9 to 12 p.m., conse· outage. This was necessary to quently the pub had to be closed Isolate the Decker transformer Free pregnancy testing. early. The rest of the building was from the main system and then Birth control services. locked for "precautionary rea- reconnect It after repair. Prompt confldenUal help. Rouse of Liquors , - Goldsmith Special of the Week ' o Pur ..eyor oj Fine ~raJ~ Stroh's 12 oz. cans : • ~ Silversmith $3.99 12-pack ~I C.. ioo< 'Duilj..a eqll'J.-ct ruuI Weddioq RUIg& with this coupon ~:. G~ ad Weddioq Gijf& Ca....oll Plaza, Westminste .. Monday - Saturday 10-5 -,- LOCUST LA liE MALL 848-1314' :~ , F,jday - 10,8- - DOWIiTOWIIi ................. ,.. •
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