Page 5 - Scrimshaw1979-80
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open party back is if theYcwork together In can visualize circumstances where I might Bill Byrne maintaining the rules that have been set 'authorize the use of a keg on a weeknight. I To seniors at Western Maryland College, up by the Dean." - won't authorize it for a party, but If for ex- open parties in the fraternity clubrooms ample, a group of guys wanted fo get togeth represent a fading memory. To Incoming The Dean explains er and watch Monday Night Football, some- freshman, they are little more than a myth. thing might beworked out. One year. after the administration took Its The facts concerning the opensection pelr- SCRIMSHAW: There have been many first steps to control and eventually end ty controversy have been clouded In uncer- complaints that sponsoring parties in the 6pen clubroom parties, the controversy re- talnty since the debate began last fall. In an Forum ark too much trouble. Have you mains. The administration Is standing firm effort to clear up some of these misunder- made any progress on your promise to look In Its opposition while the fraternities con- standings, SCRIMSHAW discussed the tot- Into making better arrangements for clean- tinue to express discontent with what they lowing questJonswith the Dean of Students, Ing up? feel tobean unfair decision. Mr.WrayMowbray. Mowbray: ThaCis, to a degree, a legiti- Speakingfor the Bachelors, Tom Baugher SCRIMSHAW: Do you thlnk- that open mate concern which needs to be addressed and worked out. But students will stili have Partying explained that the fraternities "can't do parties w11lbe permitted in the fraternity • to teke someresponsibility In that area. much to substitute for the loss of section clubrooms in the near (or distant) future? parties." He went on to say that the open SCRIMSHAW: Is It true that the practice Mowbray: In my judgement we will not be parties were an Important part In the re- returning to the type of open parties which of charging a dollar at the door and then controversy cruitment of new members for the fraterni- were once allowed In the fraternity club- serving beer free of charge at parties in the ties and that the parties in the Forum were rooms. At this point in time I don't think can, clubrooms was a violation of state and local not an acceptable replacement. "In many cases,the fraternities don't want to sponsor ditlons lustlfy a move in thatdlrectlon. laws? Mowbray; Atthe time that I recommend- SCRIMSHAW; Could you elaborate on a Forum party because It is so much trou- continues ble," referring to clean up duties which what you mean by "the type of open parties ed to the frats that they run their parties in this way, It was to my understanding that It which were onceallowed In the clubrooms." have beenknown to keepstudents busy untll Mowbray; I am referring to the anything three or four o'clock In the morning. goes,anyonecomestype of openparty. was legal. It first came to my attention that what we were doing was clearly Illegal last Tim Street, social director tor the SCRIMSHAW; WIIi the frats be allowed to year at Homecoming. Preachers, pointed out that besides having sendout Invitations to clubroom parties? SCRIMSHAW; Is It legal for the frats .tc put an end to an important part of the cam- Mowbray; I have already permitted this sell beer for a certain price at clubroom par- pus's social life, the administration "has on two occasions and will continue to con. ues cr to charge a single feeatthe door? stepped in and taken away the fraternities steer such requests on an Individual basis. Mowbray: If there is any exchange of largest way of making money." But If the frats chooseto play games, like money in any way, they must get a one-day Steve Evans, president of the Phl DeWs,- handing out Invitations at the door to who- beer and light wine license. Events in the said that while he understood the Dean's ever comes, I_will take whatever steps are Forum and Cafeteria are covered by the justifications for taking away the open par. necessaryto restric! theseactivities. Pub's license. The switch from charging at' ties, the fact remains that their demise will SCRIMSHAW: Will you allow the use of the door to charging for individual beers is be a severe blow to the school's social ute. kegs·onweeknlghts? my rule and it was designed to cut down on He also expressed his Opinion that "the Mowbray: Last year's policy of no parties the amount of beer thrown at parties or only way the frats will get any form of on weeknights will remain unchanged.But I wasted in other ways. ' ~~' ~,westernMarYIandCOllege _ ' Volume x, Number 2, I" 'Thursday, . September 27,1979 1 ' , ~~~~ I A reply to Metz Abscences questioned Story challenged Judy Walker Calendar and ScheduleCommittee the Administration is etten crttlctz- As the 1979-80academic year _ 2 students with a minimum 2.0 ed for not Informing studentsabout Russell Johnson begins at Western Maryland Col GPAfl Sophomorerselected for a decisions being made, but that It is Members of both Gamma Beta given $25fines for each having an lege, a newrv-erectec Student two-veer term each yeo!lr); The Lt. the responsibility of student repre- Chi and Delta Pi Alpha fraternities illegal keg so "the rules were Government Assccretrcn.takes on ·brary Committee - 2 students; The sentenves to report back to the I were at a strong disagreement definitely enforced." the responsibility of providing Undergraduate Academic Polley SGA on committee actions. 11the with George Metz over what did SGAdrags Its feet in assigning stu. and Curriculum Committee - 2 stu- Dean Laidlaw said that she does WMC students with an opportunity l happen and the Intensity of those not plan to hire a new Head the college. Most student represen- dents; The Trustee Committee on dent committee members, the in- for participation in the affairs of 6 students . 3 stu- Resident for the quad. Tom Glyn Student Affairs· formation flow is slowed.Mowbray happeningson Sunday, September 9th. will be In charge of ANW, Mike tettves are directly elected by the dent visitors to the Board and 3 said that the SGA has had trouble "George Metz's estimation was O'Loughlln will be In charge of student body. In the case of the other students named by the SGA. filling these positions in the past, lacking," stated Tim Street; Social Daniel MacLea, and a new RA, WMC Faculty Committees, howev- To receive ccnstderetfon for posi- and speculated that the difficulty Chairman of Delta Pi Alpha Jim Tarr, has been hired to help er, there are openings for student tlons on these committees, inter. stems from a lack of student in- Fraternity, "because It was rather both Glyn and O'Loughlln. representatives to be selected by' ested students submit applications terest. mellow over here." When asked whether or not the the SGA. Itself. This selection pro- to the SGA, which then selects the Mike Steinmetz, newly-elected "In no way was Sunday night incident on the 9th has evoked cesshas not yet taken place for the correct number of qualified repre- President of the SGA, explained (Sept. 9th) even close to the in- changes in school policy, Dean '79·'80academic year. Several stu- sentetlves from among the appll- the situation differently. Accord- tensity of the night of last year's Laidlaw said, "a clear definition dents have voiced concern over the cants (with the exception of the Ad- Ing to Steinmetz, the problem Is and interpretation is neededand I fact that at least one or two of the missions, Financial Aid, and Stan- one of timing. He stated that the ~)I ~~ot~~~~a Ji~t;UI~~~nir;:~~~ will do my part to help clear upany Faculty Committees have already dards Committee, which choose unfilled committee positions are "We were a small group of friends, misunderstanding of the rules but held meetings, despite a lack of full their own representatives from a attributable to the fact -thet the not even closeto 70In size as Metz at the present, no specific changes student representation. The names list submitted by the SGA.) At the new SGA is lust getting underway said we were, drinking beer from have been introduced. However, 'of the Faculty Committees and the present time, noneof theseFaculty and has literally not had the time onekeg-andone keg doesnot make "Laidlaw concluded, "any number of student representatives Committees have full student or opportunity to undertake the a party," Sullivan exclaimed. "Not regulation is subjectto change." required for each (as found in the representation. task. Steinmetz expressed some only that," Sullivan continued, Bill Hamilton, when asked how Student Handbook) are as follows: Wray Mowbray, Deanof Student doubt over the actual productivity "we were not congregated in the he felt the new arrangement in the The Admissions, Financial Aid, Affairs, whenaskedto comment on of some of the committees, but clubroom becauseit was locked up quad would work, said, "Mike is and Standards Committee z.sen- the present situation of the Faculty claimed that the SGA will attempt thatnight." well known in the quad, I lor students with a minimum 3.0 Committees, stated that the com- to provide studerrt representatives I d Street said that both the don't think we will have any GPA: The Athletic Council - 2 mlttees should not be expected to for the available slots. Any in- Preachers and- the Betes were · problems." . students, 1 male, 1 female; The walt to hold meetings until the Stu- terested student who meets the ell- I Counse Ing services eva uore dent Government Association as- glbility requirements (where they .x;,1) moy "bmlt representetlves. student 0,,11001100'0 stcns the Executive Council of the SGA. &.1 Dean Mowbray claimed that the Helga Hein newsletters ana workshops. One County. SGA should have made the com· Meanwhile, some committees will Western Maryland offers Its example of the services available In addition, workshops and pro- mlttee assignments_ last spring, ""be conducting business as usual students counseling servlces'ln the is the Career Library, located on grams offer sfudents answers and before the end of the '78-'79 with or without the required stu· areas of career, personal and the upper level of Decker College advice regarding college and academic year. He also said that dent representation. health Interests. The Office of Center. The Career Library pro- career decisions. These services Draft bill defeated Counseling and Career Services, vides materials' concerning explore such varied subjects as located 'on the upper . level of various careers, professional and choice of a malor, opportunities In reprinted with permission from reg~tratlon proposals in the Decker College Center, exists to graduate schools, and possible different fields of study, choice of a the UMSC Retriever House, including one by assist with career- and personal employers. The Career Newslet- graduate or professional school, By a 252to 163vote, the Houseof Representative Paul McClosky (R. concerns of Western Maryland ter, published at the beginning of and tbe skills involved In job hunt- Representatives rejected Wed- CaL) which would draft all young I ;_. students. Students may obtain each month of the school year, in- ing. Additional Information can nesday an attempt to revive men and women but give them the health counseling at the Thompson forms students of activities of the cernlng career services can be ob· registration of 18-year-oldmen for option of either civilian or military Infirmary. Careers Office, as well as national tained through a brochure avail- the military draft. service. Career Counseling test dates and times of employer able at the Information Desk or by The House voted to take the But Representative Thomas P_ The Office of Counseling and visits to the campus. Another contacting the office at Ext. 240, measure out of a $42 billion O'Neill (D. Mass.), speaker of the Career Services, under the dlrec- source of Information, the Counsel- Monday through Friday 8:30 AM- weapons bill and instead to ask House, said he believed Wed- fion of Lynn- Shuppel, offers a ing and Careers Service bulletin 4:30PM. President Carter to conduct a nesday's vote would end future wealth of career information and board, outside the WMC Post Of- Personal Counseling study on the feasibility of reviving efforts in Congress in the ~ear assistance in the form of Individual flce, features part-time and sum- The Office of Counseling and draft registration. future to bring back registration and group career counseling, mer job opportunlfies in Carroll Cont p·2 However, there are still other -forthedrafl.
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