Page 83 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 83
March 7, 1980 Scrimshaw Page 3 Cagers take a look back, Publicity For a team that was outshot and Alumni Gym in Carlisle, Pa. by rebounding, 173, and shooting outrebounded by its opponents clipping the Red Devils 79-66. percentage, .534. He recovered 73 starting five. Dawson assumed a repeat as a playoff entry, due to a over the course of the 1979--00 On the other hand Ursinus took turnovers. Braver's physical style starting role six games inl~ the I 9-3. loop mark, and took home the season, the Western Maryland the measure of the Terrors twice, of play didn't endear him to the season and responded with an 8.9 second place trophy from Johns College men's basketball team with both games on the Bears Green Terrors opponents, but scoring average and 3.2 assists per . Hopkins .University's Blue Jays compiled quite a list of home court, 87-72 during the dictated the intensity with which game. Farley grabbed 156 loose Christmas Tournament. achievements. The Green Terrors regular season and 6B-M to end Western Maryland plays. He is the b~~_Wh:le averaging 9.2 points, . According to the most recent entered the national rankings for Western Maryland's season in the only player who will not be o Hea~v~~ch Alex Ober enjoyed. ~<:AA division.III statistics, WM.C the first time ever, tied a school league playoffs. returning next year '. l~th freshman of calling record for the most wins in a Joining Dickinson and Ursinus in Peters is a senior but retains one the luxury Doug Pinto, 6.1 points per f1ms~ed With an In the co~ntry per In forward scoring 80.3 pomts season, and reached the Middle game and a .869 free throw game team average. Also, the M_AC is !o~rney Atlantic Conference playoffs. the regional. division champion year of athletic eligibility. He sat shooter, off the bench. AI Fultz, a Green Terr~rs went 10-0 a~home to from cut a season after transfering northern Not since 1961, when WMC Scranton univ~rsity and Al~right ~ East Stroudsburg State College. junior 6'6" center freshman gtiara' extend their current Gill Gym posted a 16-7 record, had a Western College. Scranton, un~ranked In the Peters topped the team with 94 Maryland team approached the ~~;: ~~~~l~~:ad :;!h~~~~~~~' .~~~~~~~. streak to a record 14 all-time victory standard until this region. .upset Albright for t~e recoveries, hit at a .503 clip from year's squad compiled a 16-8 mark. league title to earn an automatic the field and will play again next reserve duty. '. b'~Teb ot'the eleven Green Terrors Mid-way through the season, while ~~t~~n t~a:;'~!i~~,a~a~~~ f~~~J: • year as ~ graduate student. Ober enjoyed the best of his eight varsity players return next year holding an 11-3 record, the Green in the region. Sophomore guard Jim Dawson seasons at the helm, while boOsting for another shot at the league chance "at Terrors were ranked 15th in the Junior guard Lester Wallace was and junior center Steve Farley his career record to- 83-94. The playoffs, national ranking, and a country by the NCAA division III WMC's scoring leader as he struck round out the Green Terrors Green Terrors were the only MAC· competing in the poll. for 16.4 points per 'game and team in the southwest division to natioria~ t~)\~rnament. Two teams that qualified for the climbed to eighth place on the NCAA division III national tour- school's all-time scoring list with Grapplers retire from-Mats nament appears on WMC's 1042 points. He is only the eighth schedule, Dickinson College and Ursinus College. Dickinson is the Publicity -It was a lob In the absensa of Sam MAC southern division champion Senior forwards Rich Braver frustrating year for the Western coaching the Green Terrors 16-year an anathem'a to the Green Terrors maHne'n who went 0-4 at home. Case, and is ranked 14th in the country and Scott Peters both shotover 50 Maryland College wrestling team, mentor who Is away on sabbatical. Keith ·~Stagg had a promising but the Red Devils were unable to percent from the floor while as the Green Terrors dropped their Case is spending the spring season at 134 pounds prematurely handle Western Maryland on two scoring in double figures. Braver, last four meets of 1980 to finish occasions. a four year starter, registered 13.2 with a 7-8 record and registered a semester In Colorado Springs, ended by tendon damage to his Western Maryland upset points per game while Peters disappointing 15th at the Middle Colo. aSSisting with the training of knee. The ju.nlor had posted a 9-1 Dickinson in Westminster by a 73- averaged 13.8 points per game. Atlantic Conference Tournament. the United StatesOlympicTeam. record prior to the injury. Another court home The advantage, 70 margin and spoiled the final Braver, despite his 6'2" size, WMC graduates Ron Bowen and which has been devastating to Gill tough loss to the WM,C lineup was p'at Gr'lffin. He had a 190·pounder regular season game slated for wound up topping the team in Steve Anuszewsk! shared the head Gym's visitors in ether sports, was 1·0 record, .!I pin, Defore attending lu'mp schcoltn accordance with his Shoot your way Food drive starts up ROTC academic ranks put pressure program. The thlnnfng cnt-sentcr to success roter-versrrv will be sponsoring Jamison, who wrestled captain anywhere Rip team a food drive on March 16, 17, and 18 contrrbure 2 cans we could raise ·:~,~t~l;~/;~~:s ~~ !::=7~St~~ Western Maryland College, in 2. The category and title here at WMC. The food raised will close to 4000 cans. So please, go most wins for Western Maryland conjunction' with Calvert Savings (optional) ofthe photograph. be distributed by a number of !~O~~~:U~~~::;~:~n~o~;I~~o~,e:~ with a 14-6 mark and placed fifth at and Loan ASSOCiation," Inc., is c. All entries must be submitted Christian organizations to needy sponsoring its Second Annual to the College Activities Office ill people here in Carroll County. The the collection points. This is a th~~:h~~~r~e:hn Hackney was Photography Contest to promote the Decker College Center. organizations include Grace chance .for the college communify the only' other wrestler to advance student interest in photography S.Judging Lutheran Church, St. John's ~~~~~~i~u~~:ul~~eu:Oa~~e t~a~~~; In the MAC meet for WMC .!IS he and student use of the darkroom a. Entries will be judged by a Catholic Church, and Fish, a facilities available in Decker panel of qualified professional and Christian Social Action-committee ::~::s.·'ess fortunate· than our- ~~~:~~~~i~~C~\~t~~::a~~y~e~~~ ~ College Center amateur photographers. based in Westminster. Specifically we need the was 9·8 with a team leading total of First prize ($35.00) and second b. The prize money of $35.00 The 17th and 18th there following Items; canned fruit, five pins. I prize ($25.00) checks will be (First Place) and $25.00. (Second will be a collection table In front of canned vegetables, dried or Vince Bohn, [unlor ISO-pounder, awarded in each of three Place) will be awarded in each the cafeteria on the Rouzer side canned soups (get rid ofthoseCu of and Gary Colbert, [unler 158· categories: action, still life, and category, after judging. from 10 to 5 both days. Cash con. Soups you bought last semester!)' pounder, were both felled by Injury portrait. Each photograph may be 6. Notification tributions can be sent to 'Steve canned or dried milk, noodles, in the first- round of the league entered in only one of the above a. Students will be notified as to Bainbridge, Box 1537' via campus cereal, pork ai'ld beans, spaghetti, tour_nament. eonn, 11-4-1, suffered categories. The contest is open to when the photographs may be mail any time between now and the Western Maryland College picked up after display. 18th. - etc ... Every little big helps so :.7~e:~:;!~s~:~~e; ~~~s~olbert, students only. 7. Information We encourage and invite it~~~~~~~.e~:fi:~~Uo~~~tg;aen~~~ Dick Frew showed some promIse All entries will be exhibited at a. For questions and in- everyone associated with the give a quarter drop it by the booth, at ),18 ~ound's for Western Western Maryland College March formation, contact the College college to contribute food. If every every donation no matter how Maryland as the freshman started 17-31 and the winning entries will Activities Office at 848-7000, ex- faculty, administrator, and small witl be a big help. Thank t~e ~a-son ~~'a..6-0 clip. He taliled be featured at Calvert Savings and tension 265. stud·ent resident of WMC were to You. ·off to!'flnlsh lp-6. Loan Association from April!st. to April 30th. Prizes will be awarded at a reception held at Calvert Savings and Loan on Friday, April :?~'?~ 1l,fromS-8p.m CONTEST RULES I. Eligibility l'rd a. The contest is open to SiIVl'r.m,ith.~ Western .Maryland College un- Pun'f'yon of FiJII' crufn eo';:~a~er dergraduate anc!.... graduate students only. Salad Bar 2. Deadline A UNIQUE COLLECTION OF HANDMADE JEWELRY AND Carroll Plaza Shopping Center Sandwiches a. The deadline for submissions is Thursday, March 13, at4:00p.m. GIFTS at' LOCUST MALL, DOWNTOWN WESTMINSTER Can Ahead for Takeout Orders" ' 876~3550 3. Categories EACH PHTOGRAPH MAYBE 10% Discount with Student 1.0. ENTERED IN ONLY ONE OF Mon.-Sat. 10-5 Fri. 10-9 phone 876-7606 THE FOLLOWING CATEGORIES: or depict motion of : a. Action - includes photographs •••••••••• ~•••••••••• ~~.~~.~ •••• I!!I.I!I-!~ ... which highlight Douse of Liquors . any kind, i.e. sports photography. b. Still Life - emphaSis building, iSpecialof is on stationary objects, i.e. the Week plants, scenery. includes -, c. Portrait of people or animals, i: Schlitz Malt Liquor photographs : candid or posed. '1.'99 a six (cans) 4. Submissions : a. Submissions are limited to : with this eoupon b. Each photo must be mounted : black and white photographs only. and phone number. . and labeled on the reverse side : Carroll Plaza, Westminster : with the following information- name, : 848.1314 - Musical Instruments Strings: Buy 1 at regular price~ 1. Photographer's address 2nd at half price ••• R.I!.II •••••••• O II •••••••••• ~
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