Page 82 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 82
~~~~w Letters to the Editor National issues Talk block periences in the English and about. Also, record reviews than In more variety History Departments. and concert touch students A Letter To The Editor: serious exists com- at munication gap exists. the com- just popular music would help. I do not know where a I believe I do not The money raised from the sale problem munication Western Maryland College. Any wish to label either the secretaries of the record is to be used for Three weeks ago, while Mike Steinmetz and the SGA were arguing student who has tried to contact a or the professors as the guilty ones, renovation of Big Baker, not for an about the problems of getting five keys for the Student Government professor through a departmental but I strongly feel that a professor organ In Little Baker. The Faculty offices, 250 student government leaders from across the country secretary knows what I am talking should be accessible to the student Creativity Committee funded were meeting with President Carter and National Security Advisor after class. I also feel that it is up about cne.thlrd of the recording Brezinski to discuss registration and the draft. about. In attempting to make up a to the professors and their cost, not Just the Wm. J. Baker t a certain The group of student leaders was part of the National Student final exam, I spoke and the Biology secretaries to solve this com- Fund. Biology professor association. During Jan Term, Mike Steinmetz proposed that our munication problem so that the I wish to apologize for any SGA become part of a similar organization. The motion passed. Dept. secretary and made student will noC continue to get misunderstanding these What has become of it? Obviously, the W,MC community would necessary arrangements. I showed stuck in the middle. produced. benefit from such contact. The SGA needs to ~ in tough with up at the designated time and Sincerely, Dou'gOtte national issues in order to guarantee that the student's voice will be waited.. .. and waited ... no one CatherineJ. Hosley the test. heard. Currently, there are, several national issues of particular showed was up to give me afternoon _ I found it (This a Friday interest tostudents. - 1 Errors noted Dear Sirs: In addition to the draft, many students are concerned about the maybe they decided to start the bent over, old God is a wrinkled, drinking age. A bill to raise the drinking age to 19 for beer and wine weekend early.) I had to return Dear Nancy, man whose breath smells' like he was recently introduced ipto ,the Maryland Senate. It passed over- twice to rearrange the test. I asked In my article iast week on Mr. has been chewing garlic for the whelmingly on the first day. It i~, at this time, being debated in the .,the secretary to make an ap- Hylton's record there were several last five years. In fact, 'just the House. If it passes, according to Dean Mowbray, it will spell the end pointment for me to see the errors that I'd like to correct. other day I was walking down of seclon parties. -: professor and I was told that she There was a misunderstanding .Main Street and he stopped me in Another issue of concern 'i,s theprcposed paraphenalia laws. A law did not make appointments. (The between Mr. Hylton and myself on Mission which makes paraphenalia illegal has passed the Maryland state professor's hours were not posted some important points. It Is not the front of the Rescue with people to express his concern Senate. ,- anywhere.) college which Is lax in publicizing Mike Steinmetz's proposal that the SGA join national One might assume that mine is music dept. events; he feels they who think that in they a can 3x6 discuss inch Christianity organizations of student governments was a step in the right an isolated incident but on do all they can. Rather It's newspaper article. direction. Now that the proposal.has passed, the question remains as numerous occasions I've heard of Scrimshaw that falls to pubilclze to what is betng done.; ..... and on thatnote ... secretaries telling the student that events. In a recent article, Looking back on this encounter, r they have no idea where to find weekend events were suggested as ani comforted by the fact that our students of run- X. way type of Inaction Committee Professor is in the not This Biology 'Depart- a a campus. dept. keeping on weekends on Universe- is in the hands of such a being. wise and insightful are many exclusively around Actually;.there problem events music Sincerely, ment. I have had similar ex- which Scrimshaw says nothing Duane Char-low The action C~rlunittee is the SGA Committee which handles the various issues which: a,re of concern to students. Perhaps one of the problems with the Action CO'!}IDi,ttee is that they are asked to handle a variety of issues at once-everything from co-ed housing to WMC to Emmett Ashford dies food quality to cirriculum and appropriation problems. They also handle specific issues, such as.the ~ overload charge and the Honor Requirements. . At Christmas time, the Action Committee was still hoping to have Emmett Ashford, who was Mr. Ashford started his career more than one member. There were communication problems at the scheduled to speak at Western as an umpire in 1951. In 1965/ he beginning. of the year-neither of the. two co-chairpersons had any Maryland, died of a heart attack began officiating in the American contact with the other. However, now that one of them has quit, that Saturday morning In California, league. He retired In 1970 and problem has been solved. ' Hewas61 years old. began working for Commissioner Scrimshaw believes that the students on campus are concerned Emmetf AShford was the first Bowie Kuhn. In 1974, he delighted with more than just food quality. However, since the change of the black Umpire in major league baseball fans by appearing bet. Honor Requirements, the Action Committee has not moved on any baseball. He was known for his ween Innings at a major league issues. "Turn Hover to the ActionCommittee" is the kiss of death for flamboyant style olofflciatlng. He game and dancing a soft-shoe' to any proposal in the SGA. evolved his style when he realized "Tea for Two." . I potential to change existing the Action and initiate new ones. Scrim- that he would never geta since they Mr. Ashford was scheduled to Committee Of aU the Committees, chance to has the greatest umpIre schools, attend policies l make like Lazarus and arise from the dead. the Action Committee will dIdn't accept years. during speak at WMC last Tuesday. Concert The by blacks shaw hopes that during second semester, was to be co-sponsored event baseball'searly the SGA and the Lecture Personal Viewpoint Committee. Jim Eliot. WMC alumni and Baltimore Sun Sports Sit down and be counted writer, follows the WMC Lecture he of Mr. When Series. heard Steve Bainbridge ' students had been apathetic the remember, this is the Me Ashford's death over the AP wire notified Dr. John. A lot tiM been said about the hostages would never have been Generation, brought to you by "problem of student apathy" teken. If the Tories In Virginia discos everywhere. I mean If lately. Mike Steinmetz t~lIs us that ,hadn't been apathetic Pat Henry. people WOUldn't be so apathetic Students fed up the reason his administration. can't would have been strung up and the Bruce Springsteen would be the get anthing done is because US Revolution would never have biggest thing since sliced bread, students are too eeemettc- to geJ occured. If millions of voters had and we all know he can't sing _ involved. His solution, it was ob- not been apathetic all those right? K~lth Arnold Donald, something might be ac- vious all along, set up yet enothej- wonderful presidents we've had Students apathy has real ad- The SGA Action Committee Is complished, organization for students not to get lately would never have been vantages. Suppose the Russians planning a food strike against the Encouraging student reaction is Involved in ... eb. well. I, for one, elected. If the Yankees hadn't gave a war and fheir students were cafeteria. A student poll will be good, but the purpose of the Action would like to sit down and be become apathetic, the Orioles apathetic. Nobody would show up, taken in the next SGA newsletter Committee's poll is not. Certainly counted for apathy. In my four never would have come close to the we would send over the hockey concerning the possibility of such a there are things wrong with the years here 1have refined apathy to pennant. team and that would be that. Or strike. cafeteria. Perhaps the staff does an art. It really Is simple with a Apathy saves lives! How many suppose the college decides to When asked for the reason for not do quite as good a job as is little practise. times have people idly stood by make comprehensive finals this project, Action Committee humanly possible. First, lets look at some of the while crimes were committed. mandatory for graduation, it Chairman Mike Davis replied, Similar complaints can be made historical evidences for the ad- They were no dummies! They would be hard to get an apathetic "It's rather obvious Isn't it?" about other organizations as well, vantages of apathy. If the Iranian ~Ight "have gotten shot. Lets bunch of students to show up. Or Davis cited a poor variety as well including the often in-active Action as poor quality of food as. fhe Committee. t---=-::;:== .....=--=-=..",...",.~-==-=---, ~1:~~~eS!~:tutsh~r~~~u~~II~:~.i~; reasons for the proposed strike. Survey results could ignore Mikey What Davis believes that the cafeteria, FUN!!!! In general, Is not doing as good a tabulated When you get right down to it job as It could. The exact time and Ann Hackman apathy could be the best thing to extent of the strike has not been Results from tne concert survey happen to this college in years. By decided. '- • held last week by the SGA Social ignoring the edrnlntstretlon we NEWS ANALYSIS committee indicate that the could avoid paying those tuition This prgject by the Action campus prefers to have two groups increases, I mean really apathetic Committee is unnecesserv. A perform .on campus. In a vote students would lust trash the strike is an antagonistic, Inef. which included 26% of the student letters and go back' to bed. We tectlve, and unconstructive course body, the top choices (from column could abolish tests simply by not of action, Polling the student body B) were Sea Level, Livingston taking them! This has possibilities. on whether the cafeteria's food is Taylor, John Prine and Ambrosia .. Diana Palavnes What we need to do Is to get good or not, will merely invite in that order. Rick Roecker, the Janet Trainor Mimi Griffin Nina Blecher organized in our apathy. I suggest general comment on how terrible chairman of the concert sub- Special Assistant Joan Hughes we form uses a ccrnmtston to sfudy the food Is, nothing constructive committee is currently working of apathy in con- will come out of it. possible for these groups to Graphics Ralph Preisendorfer trolled doses. I"nour apathy we are However, if sfudents were asked with the agents a date for a large determine invincible! Today the school, to cite specific complaints and Scrimshaw welcomes and encourages diverse opinions. tommorrow (well, maybe next suggestions, and these comments double-concert The with two of the Is" choices. performance week) the world!!!! were then shown to Mrs. Mac. planned for some time in April.
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