Page 81 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 81
Music Department to move; dorm planned for Levine Steve Bainbridge Department would occupy the The Music Department has existing office space, as would the proposed,as part of the college's musical library. building program, that the An architect Is now studying the basement of Baker Chapel be Idea, and should present an ap converted into practice rooms fer proximate cost figure In the near theMusic program. future. The cost would not only Essentially they are requesting include construction and that the entire Music Department alterations in Baker, but would be movedfrom Its presentspaceIn also involve conversion of Levine Levine Hall to Baker, with the into dormitory space, probably Religion and Philosophy depar-t- .mere. mentsmoving elsewhere. Although Levine was used as a Professor Brent Hylton stated dorm by the seminary when It was that he and Carl Dietrich had located here, some work would asked the administration to con- have to be done before Levine sider moving both office and would again be usuable as living practice spaceInto Baker. space. Although the department did not Hylton expressed several file its requestearly enoughfor the .reasons for the desired move. conversion to become part C!f the First, the department feels very ImmedIate building program Isolated in Levine. He feels that a (construction of the gym, and more central location would in· renovation of the track) several valve thedepartment in college life administrators expressed positive toagreaterextent. reactions to the proposal. He feels that by being in Beker Dean Mowbray stated the idea the department would beable to be Music Department complaints of isolation in Levine Hall have initiated plans for a move was receiving study and would be to Big Baker. formally presented to the Long more know among students, in- Range Planning Board for con- crease-student tnvctvernent. and attendance of improve Music sideration. programs. In detail, the plan ceus for Another major concern was the building ten sound proof practise lack of security for students rooms in Baker 100 (where self- practiSing in the building late at scheduled exams are taken) and night. By locating the practise' converting the remaining half of area in Baker, security would be the room Into a rehersal space for greater and would make prec. Volume XI, number 4 Western Maryland College Friday, March 7, 1980 the various bandsandchoirs. ticingeasier. Concurrently, the stage in the College struggles to conserve upstairs auditorium would be department is a major hole In the Where to move the Religion expanded so that larger produc- plan. Memorial and Lewis are both as (such tlons staged productions) could be orchestral filled toa large degreeandthe only Bill Byrne program that would keep ther- buildings on campus were con- there. According to professor viable alternative would seem to the library. be basement of Hylton, it is the general opinion of mostats within certain levels of structed. This means that even if However, the library plans to the "It is usually so hot and stuffy in calibration. He added fhat "this the college had an unlimited the Music of Faculty that are expand Into' that area after the Alumni acoustiCS thedorm that we haveto wear gym will save money and energy, the amount of money to make im- inadequate for musical programs Psychology Department- moves shortsandT·shirts." two gohand in hand." provements, some changes would while thoseof Baker are more than into Winslow. RouzerHall Resident not be cost effective in the long satisfactory. The other major stumbling block In addition to these routine run. maintenance adjustment, the The faculty of the Music Is the lack of funds. " ...just about everyonekeepstheir college has turned down ther- window open most of the time. We perature of the hot water supply. Nuke debators face off ~ leave the window open and run a mostats and lowered the tern. fan all night throughout the win- ter." Mild weather over Christmas Jane Blelefield . rates In the past few years as a mines for the disposal of RouzerHall Resident break enabledthe schoolto shut off Tne Nuclear Teach-In Taslc. result of nuclear power plants radioactive waste was more a the steam supply to some of the Force presented the Nuclear costs of waste disposal and political problem and Issue that " ...if tners why they are raising dormatOries. Power aspect of a two night storage, cleaning reactors and the would haveto bedealt with soon. the tuition, I'd rather have an What can be done beyon'dthese presentatIon February 27 and 28. interest on the loans to build the Lastly, he said that the cost of extra sweater." measures is uncertain at the Both sides of the issue were plants. nuclear power is much lower than Whiteford Hail Resident present time. Many factors limit represented. Mr. Michael Lastly, he talked about the fact ether-sourcesof energy---10% the Last month's tuition increase the college's ability to make more Baseman from the Chesapeake that uranium plants are mostly cost of all and 20% lower than the announcement underscored the comprehensive (ana expensive) Energy Alliance and Dr. Stillman, located under Indian Reservations cost of coal but that there Is still a college's need to develop more changes. oneof the physicians called uponin and the U.S, government Is needfor conservation. efficient methods of energy con- the Three Mile Island accident, meeting resistance to the taking of Dr. Stillman from Howard servation. But even as oil prices The first I!. money. lm- represented the Canside while Mr. their lands again for Its own County was the last to appear continue to climb, school ad- provements made thus far have Robert Ash, a nuclear engineer at purposes.At the present time, 50% Wednesday night. Stlliman has a ministrators are discovering that been financed from the operating the Calvert Cliffs nuclear plant In of the uranium in the U.S. is under Ph.D. In physics as well as having progress along the con. budget, and more money will be Southern Maryland, represented the Indians' lands. a private practice'asa physician in servetlonlst's path Is often slow anoted for this purpose next year. the Pro side. Maurice Pltzner Mr. Ash followed with the Pro HowardCounty. and expensive. Yingling said that whlle this In- moderated the Teach-In Wed· side. According to him, the ad- AccordIng to him, the radiation crease will help, It would not be nesdaynight. ministration at BG&E "will not cut levels were 10-15times as high as The antiquated heating equip- enough. He expressed some op- The Teach-In format Involved corners when it comes to safety:' claimed by Metropolitan Edison ment and inefficient temperature timism that the federal govern- each personpresenting a half-hour He had a slide presentation on the had claimed in the Tjjree Mile control systems of many campus ment might provide the college worth of information to support positive aspects, using Calvert Island accident. buildings are the major barriers to with matching funds for energy theIr side followed by a question Cliffsasanexample. He supported the evacuation of energy conservation, according to related improvements, but and answer period. A wrap-up While It Is true that It takes 500 . the entire erea during the trouble Bob Blackwell, WMC's Superin- cautioned that It was to soon to from eachspeakerfollowed. years for the waste to lose Its at the TMI plant but endedup with tendent of Bulldlngsand Grounds. determine how much assistance Mr. Baseman went first, radioactivity, BG&E stated that just pregnant women and small would be forthcoming. presenting facts on the history of this is their most reliable energy children leaving. The Director of the phvectet nuclear power in this country. sourceatthepresenttlme. Since the accident, 13 children Plant, Preston Yingling, listed Rez~ning of the thermostat AccOl"dlng to him, In 1978there There are three protective have been born with thyroid several such problem buildings. controls in Whiteford and Rouzer were 75reectcrs In the U.S. By the coverings to cOf\+""n the radio- ccodttrcns and damage. This All of Elderldlce Hall Is heated by and the installation of storm year 2000, there will be an activity, according to Ash. These figure Is four tImes the number a single thermostat. Many of the windows are two steps which the estimated JOO reactors. three Include a tube housing the born with this type of problem In floors in Rouzer and WhltefOl"d college is considering. Yingling Also, In 1978, a study was pellets; the core, whIch is eight theareainthesametimeperiod. Dormitories have only one or two also hopedthat somethingcould be authorIzed costing $16.2billion to inchesthIck-solid metal; and a four According to Stillman, we were thermostats. Maclea and ANW doneto improve the steam heating investigate Nuclear Energy. The foot tnlck metal wall which has 30·60 minutes from a meltdown Halls also have serious heating systems in MacLea and ANW. study did not include in- beendesignednot to rupture. Stillman also stated that following system design inefficincles. Blackwell indicated that "an vestigatlons into waste disposal. Ash said that the safety systems a NRC Inspection the previous actual timetable (for im- Yingling said that "we havedone provements) cannot be given at uranium enrichment, and ttnan- are redundant, with each taking year, the TMI plant came up with our part as far as we can," in this time. When you are talking cing for the staffing of a govern- over when the previous one fails. 22 safety violations but that the making energy saving ad- about this much money, you have ment Commission. Each part of the safety system plant stll! remained open and justments. Pipelines have been to be sure to choose the best Basemanalso discussednuclear must be working for the plant to operating. reinsulated, steam lines repaired plans." waste and the problems related to operate. During fhe question and answer and new valves and traps have the disposal of the plutonium as He also said, "the physical period following Dr. Stillman, he beeninstalled where necessary Another limiting factor in energy well as the possible results of a damage is minimal but the and Ash debated over several of conservation is the advanced age nuclear meltdown, the least of psychological damage is ex- thequestionsasked According to Blackwell the of many buildings on campus. which would be a mud slide or tenstve. Therefore, we (BG&E) The question was asked con c.ollegehasalready begunworking Blackwell explained that con- volcano from the build up of heat. can't afford anything like this," cernlng alternatives to nuclear He said that Baltimore Gas and with control companies to develop servation was not an important with referencetoa meltdown. cower. Solar Energy was a good preventive maintenance consideration when most of the Electric {BG&E) had raised its Ash believes the use of salt continued to page 4
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