Page 80 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 80
Scrimshaw page4 Ires campus Foreign films wind up I_-----.:.._~~-:::::,-;'------_, Barbara Ridout Recen+lv, there has been an Jim Fry epidemic of the flu sweeping not This year's series of foreign films to come. Ms. Quinn, who will only the WMC cempus, but the concluded last week with Cousin continue to influence the selection, entire area. Numerous students Angelica and received about as since she appears to be the most and teachers have been struck much notice as did the beginning of actively interested, would like to with the virus, reducing class size the series. The retatrvesuccess of show addifiona'l films from Italy, considerably, and even causing the series, judging by the size of Sweden, and England. She also some classesto be cancelled. the audience attendance, was hopes to show some works by Mrs. E. Dollenger, a nurse atthe sufficient. but not as enthusiastic Bergman, and Fellini. specifically, infirmary, felt that the epidemic is as Ms. Carol Quinn would have La Strada. letting up. "The peak seemed to be liked. Ms. Quinn is largely like 100 many other programs last week.end (Feb. 15 to 17). responsible for .initiating the on campus, the foreign film series Monday we had 37people herewith foreign film Into the Lee. seemed to lack any real en- flu symptoms." ture/Concert Committee program thusiastic backing from the The symptoms range from a and would like to continue the student body. Ms. Quinn did high temperature and aches to series next year. mention that Bread and Chocolate, congestion and coughing. The A survey was recently conducted shownduringJanterm,hadavery Infirmary has been prescribing by the Lecture/Concert Committee I,arge audience in attendance, and decongestant (the infamous little and Ms. Quinn said that foreign was literally applauded by the blue pills) and cough syrup, as well films received the highest tally of students. But, that was only one as plenty of rest, lots of fluids, and votes. However, shealso noted that film in five. Ms. Quinn receives aspirin. "It just has to run it's less than one hundred surveys only minimal aid in preparing the course, which will tak.e4 to 5 days. were returned. Hopefully more Forum for each showing. If Because it is a virus, there are no students will provide an input into students enjoyed this year's series, anti-blotics to combat it," stated the chctces to be made by the Ms. Quinn would be more than Mrs. Dollenger. committee. Everyone is en happy to hear from them. If If students plan to go to the in couraged to provide additional anyone is unhappy, their com- firmary, a short wait should be suggestions. ments are welcome, too. expected. The nurses and the In the future it is hoped that the The Lecture/Concert Com doctor are doing the best they can 1 foreign film series will receive mittee's surveys are still available the large amount of students adequate funding to show films of for completion and Ms. Quinn, as must see each day. The high quality and popularity. This well as the rest of the group, is there from 8:00 to 12:00 year was the first for Western genuinely anxious to receive any . and 1:00 to 6:00 p.m.. while Maryland's exposure to foreign suggestions....As for the rest of the I i is there from 4:00 to turns. Thus it was possible to show films to be seen this year on a higher quality, as the films were campus, The Rocky Horror Pic, old, and ccnsequentlallv cheaper, ture Show is as foreign as they are than may be possible in the years going to get. Student loans SonSeals his ax drips sound life (seen as) are nOW available the strings are metal and (real, the middle class the notes are clusters of diknttantes used to metallic blue rockers musically at Carroll County Bank. son seals is metal too jerking off shout "yeah!") a cyst in the back of your pop the sound pop writhing brain opera-like (Loan applications available until grows you feel sad, angry swaying sweating metal June 13, 1980 for Fall semester, 1980) (mad at the sadness, sad man at the madness) (yes, the sweat belongs) If you are an undergraduate standing in a darkened par.enthetical shudders of room yet not blind-seeing jagged identity student in an accredited college just feeling (duke says the exists in the form of blues ain't nothin' but a fingers and ZZlUP pow! or university and have been a cold gray day) he sings, all throat and Maryland resident for at least one the drummer steamy rain' elvin jones triplets steel(sharp) year, you are eligible to apply for openmouth funk face blackness which is not a loan for tuition expenses at the bass player marches a surprising, merely us goofy stop shuffle Carroll County Bank. the metal man rips Loans of up to $2,500 in any SQUEEE.! 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Applications should be sub- mitted to Mrs. Rainey at the Breakfast CCB Student Loan Center, Lunch Carroll County Bank and Trust Dinner Company, 45 West Main Street, Sub & Pizza Sp~cialists Westminster. Loans for graduate programs are also available. For details, contact Mrs. Rainey. Soft Ice Cream Daily Specials Sundaes A short walk Carroll Countv.Bank from campus ...1:§:r Banana Splits and Trust Company You, Careful Community Bank -!i!!r." ~ -Rt. 140 Westminster DPen 6 AM til 12· CARROl~ COUNTY 8AN~ AND·TRU5T COMPANY. MEMBERFDIC 848·9110 Saturday and Sunday 45 W M",~ 51 W"Slm,~.. ", • 193E Ma," 51 .....,.. m'nsie< • Weslm,~sl'" Shoppong Cenler 2 N Ma,,, 51 M~ncn..SI'" • R"'"~ ~2 aM Lan" E'OO'Sbu'9 .999S M.l~SI,H""'PSl,,:od
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