Page 78 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 78
~~~~w A mixed blessing Education as a tool God's will misunderstood "A friend of mine at a New York hospital recently told me of the and present society. Scripture is possibility that science will be able to sever completely the human Mark Mylin the most universal and is what never think of the 20,000people mind from the rest of the body and with appropriate tubing, Many people here at school call who starve to death eachday While machinery and pumps keep the brain alive indefinately with no themselves Christians that is, holds the faith together. Different the fertilizer on our lawns and golf churches consider it differently. coursescould produce enoughfood connection to the heart. My comment was that this was really not followers of Christ. Many of us Scripture is the Word of God,is the for all thosenow starving. We feel new-we had been doing it at Amherst for years." claim to "believe" in God; we words God, was the Word ot God, that we supply food to starving don't turn to him often, but we was the words of God,becomesthe peopleWhilewe Import more food Robert Ward, former Dean have this feeling that He is Word of God,or becomesthewords than we export. We disobey Him of Students atAmhert College somewhere and we may go to of God. What ever it is, it speaks whom the Bible describes as God heaven when we die. We at school clearly about society and The statement is an apt description ofthe way in which this society seekto support ourselves, to learn specifically about affluent people and no longer teach our children tends to set up education as a goal unto itself. We are taught-to marketable skills. This pleases who have strayed from their God. who God is thought to be. We are our own God. reason,to apply all methodsof logic, and to approach all manner of God and we get along with Him The Bible Is full of statements, material with a sophisticated thought process. But it is only rarely well. Even those not willing to through prophets, speaking about God reduced Israel from twelve that we get a chance to explore our feelings about all these facts claim bellef In God assume His what the times were like. tribes to two in judgement. The Bible claims we all are to be we've learned. "' benevolenceand niceness. God Is believed to havegiven the judged and all unfairness repaid How much of wfiat we learn has changedour perceptions? Does Who is God then? What a big Ten Commandmenfsand Is said to the material presented us make us rethink the convictions that we question. I can't prove nor will I have punished Israel for with wrath. The God we expect to blessus is not the Godof the Bible, hold? Are we exposed to ideas and works of art that become attempt to prove the identity of disobedience.The Bible condemns not the Christian God. I can't now somehowintrinsically, apart of us?Are we notquite thesameperson God. But more pragmatically, who affluence at the cost of the poor, get into why God is this way, but because we ha ve been exposed to a new is it that we call God? Regardless and Idolatry. We in America are reconsider why you expect the book/movie/idea/play/philosophy? of His existence, we think God is guilty of both. We consume and blessingsof God. Western Maryland turns out intelligent, skilled students-but do illustrated in the Bible. We are a , our experienceshere make us more human, and more aware of what "Christian Nation." so it would it is to be human? Have we encountered the human part of the God of The Old Testament and of Letters to the Editor seem that we are considering the humanities yet? lrnpossible cornblnatlon ~~~~'~,;~'t;;':7,'.~tO;; :~~:~ problems or confusion this has exists as described by the The tuition figures listed in the created. Christian faith, or that we believe February 21, 1980 issue of All the figures listed in tre paper Pizza. For most 01 us, it's a frequent part of our diet. For someof in Him et eu. I justsaythatif He is Scrimshaw contain an error. The were obtainedthrough an informal. us, it's a way of life. No one expects miracles from the cafeteria, there, He Is glad that we strive for correct amount charged by Get- telephonesurvey conductedby our after all, to prepare pizza for 1,000peopleis a task worthy of Mama fairness and selt-sufflclency. If we tysburg College for tuition, room, staff early in February. Final Celeste.However, we do expect a goodpizza pie from the pub, and call this god the God of and board for 1979·80is SS710,not official charges may vary therein lies the problem. The pub refuses to put combination top- Chr i st ian i ty, what does SS510as listed in the article. The somewhatfrom thesefigures. pings on it's pizza. Scrimshaw fails to understand just why the pub Christianity say aboutGod? percent increase is approximately Sincerely, can put mushroomson onepizza and pepperoni on another; but is Another rough question. There 12%. The Admissions and L. Leslie Bennett,Jr. unableto put bothpepperoniand mushroomson thesamepizza. are three sources of authority In Financial Aid Office regrets the nrrecter of Admissions Really fo1ks- if you can put both lettuce and tomatoe on a ham- Christianity: scripture, tradition, burger - you can handlethis. and apologizes for any and Financial Aid Prof primary New action in counseling office in~~~:;;e i~~:~e ~e~~~~~:te :~: :f~:~8 ~:~i~:.ents are re·eligible from PlIge 1 :~~~~~~,ab:~~~n~o~coe;;~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~mc;r:,m~;~:YB::~Ji;~~~~~~ Distinguished Teaching Award. Ballots wilt be totaled by the understanding her own children of services available on campus. She to work with the campus tour ALL Juniors and Seniorsare asked SGA Action Committee, with the this age. points out that both the personal gul~es who could inform potential to participate in this selection names receiving the most Mrs. Brawley is already well. and career services "can be a real studentsof such counselingaids as process. nominations being forwarded to acquainted with Western aid in deciding one's future." For the Career Library. A~::d isD~~:~ne~~~~h:~nu~I~:~~i~~~~~u~f~~C~a~p~~u~~un;e~f~:~~~r: ~:~~~~~:' fro~ s: ~~:b:;rd ~;~mpt~' t:':r~;:,re~~;!~i:::: :~~ likl; a~odit~~~~~~sshB~~~I~~;;::~~ interested alumnae club at the selected by the Sigma Alumnae ticipates in Western Maryland's concerns of students. and thus program geared toward freshmen. Spring Honors Convocation and Club, will rate the nominees by annual alumni events.Shelikesnot alleviate some of the anxiety Because of the adjustment dif. Investiture to commend a WMC secret ballot which will then be only Western Maryland's beautiful seniors may experience when :~~~~~:~ha~:~; c:::~:~~~zse t~~ !~~~::~d~fet~::~i~~~excellence in ~~~~ftf~~t~e~~e:S~:~:~~P~ff:i~~ ~:;;:~:~e~u;h:I~~t~f: :;~~h~~a~~ ~:~7s~ons~ith post-qr-aduatlon coupseting services could prove Juniors and Seniors who vote Office for mailing to the club students have come in to inlroduce Mrs. Brawley has initiated especially beneficial .. Mrs. will be asked to select not mo;e presfdent. The Club tallies the themselves and I've appreciated several courses of action to alert - Brawley is considering the im than 5 nominees from the list of rating sheets and selects the that." students to the available services. ~~~i~ntpl;~lea:r~i~:~: ~::;~ :::~:~:: :acf~I:~I;e:e~;~r T~u~~ re~l::~~ber, nominations ere on B~;WI~~ ~~~rte~~~ueat:~rew~?~ :~:s:~ti~:~ i~a~~~s~e~~;y~~ a~n~ studentand counselor. ::~:st;~~u~eurl~;d th!eaac:ade~~:~~~~~.ab~ ~a;~a~lf~~~e: ~~~h~~~~::~~il~gb:~:~s, p~ann~~~sf~I~~; :;,:ai~sp~~~~t~~~uc~~~::;:~~~~~~hBr~~leays~~~~~~:~nr~esn~t~den~7~ . year in which the award Is given. StudentCenter. those needs. The new counselor a WMC senior to survey the screen their mail from the Stroki og to champi onshi p ::1;~~"~~:;~I;,~~~~~~:~it£I:~ JohnWilcox . " ~::~:n:"'~!.~v.~~~~ o::::v;~~~ unread notices. The Counseling Western Maryland swimmers breast stroke was a conference in both the 100and 200yard back Doremus,and AnneGlaeser. initiative to investigate and use swept the breast stroke com· record, 1:10.9. In addition to her strokes.) The men's 400 medley The women's national cham· what is offered. For information, pet1tfon at the 1980 M.A.C. first Place wins, she grabbed relay of Dumler, O'Loughlin, pionships will be held March 13·15 call the CounselingOffice (located championships last weekend as fourth place'in the 200 individual Larry Gallager, and Mike Allen at Alleghenty Collegeand the men on the upper 'level of Decker Senior co-capfain MikeO'Laughlin medley. O'Loughlin who capped was good enough for a fifth place will swim March 20·23 at CollegeCenter) at Ext. 240. :;r~df;~~~;I:~e ~e:~I:I~~:thc::~ !::u;,.:::;s s~:sso:~m;~~gc:~~ hii~ ~r~~st~le~~~;;lte;~c~~~'L:~~hl~ ~W::'::'h::::;n::gt.::;on,s,.;",nd:.;c.J"'·"'''·;R""o=n·''::I:-·M=-':'S=''::H:''':''f\~-=W=-=='---' 100and 200 yard events. Eleven third In the 50yard freestyle. Both Allen, Gallager and Fred Hubach M.A.C. schools sent teams to the swimmers set schoofrecords in all placedsixth. championship meet at Ursinus of tneil"events. . For several swimmers, the College which marked the first Other M.A.C. stand out per· season is not yet over, as they Nancy Menefee Editor-In-Chief time that WMC swimmers have formances were turned in by continue training for the Division Dave Cleveland Managing Editor placed first In an MAC cham· Jenny Doremus (3rd in the 200 III National Championships in Bill Byrne,;' News Editor pionshlp meet. breast stroke), SueLapidus (4th in March. Frech has qualified for the Chris Hartwyk The women's team placed fourth the 200backstroke and 6th in the SO,100,and 200,yard breast stroke . Sports Editor in the overall competition, falling SOOfree) and MIssy Sulliviln (4th in events, and the 100yard individual Jim Wellman .. Business Manager only six points short of third place the SOfree). the women's 400yard medley. O'Loughllng has already Vernon Roberts Photography Editor F&M. A week earlier, the women medley relay team of LapidUS, qualified in the 100 yard breast Photographers .' Adam Wright Scott Dahne surprised area swImming circles Frech, Suillva~ and Lisa Kleven strike and may qualify for the 200 Typists Mimi Griffin Jane,Bielefield by finishing third In the State placed third and set a new school yard distance at an Invitational ChampionshIps behind Towson record. the freestyle relay team of meet to be held in the weeksahead. layout. Qjan~ Pa,liwnes .;, State and Navy. Western .Lapl~us, Leven, Doremus, and The women's team w!ll also send Janet Trainor Mimi Griffin· Nina Blecher' Maryland stands as the bestsmall Frech captureda fifth. two relay teams to the nationals. Spec,ial Assistant : . Joan H~ghes colJege team In the state. The The men's team got dutch Frech, Sullivan, Lapidus, and Graphics. Ralp~'Prehe-nd?rfer men's team placed _sixth in tlte performance from Bruce Damler Leven will compete In the 200yard M.A.C. tournament. • (5th place in the 100 yard back free relay. the 200 yard medley Scrlm~haw welc~mes and encourages diverse opinions:, Frec~'s tl":';'. In' t!'te,!~, 'y,arrJ,..stroke) and Joe·P,rotz.ko(6th,p(a;I!:~.'·.will " be' 'PrtIth,•••.Sc.nrvan,
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