Page 77 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 77
Shades of Olympics Musical talent 'unnoticed Doug OUe tack of interest in classical music movements with a common motive Ken Ballou Few people on campus are is another factor. tying them t~e~her '. The:e i~ so The world renown University ot aware that we have a true Although my fIrst copy was much chromaticism '~ ttrts pl~ce Maryland Gymkana Troupe recording artist in our midst. incredibly warped, the quality of that it ends up saYing nothlOg arrives at Western, Maryland- Brent Hylton, Assistant Professor the disc is generally good. The two except fhat. t~e ~o.mposerwas a College tomorrow, February 29th, of Music, recorded an album of pieces on the album, Reubke's very neurotic md~v~dual..The only for a spectacular one-pertormanca organ music over a year ago in' Big- Sonata "The 94th Psalm" and !e~ling I qet from It ISanxiety I feel exhibition of gymnastic skills. This Baker. Mr. Hylton. recorded the Reger's Toccata and Fugue are It ISvery Indulgent work. . is the 34thyear of showmanship for album to help finance a new organ provided wIth ample info on the Reger, who composed hts the troupe, one of the oldest and in Little Baker. jacket. Mr. Hylton's performance Toccata and Fugue at the t~rn of last fully performing exhibitional Something called the Wm. J. Is top-notch. How anyone can have the20th.Century, also wrote In !he gymnastic organizations in Baker Memorial Fund _providedthe coordination to crev . two Romentlc st~le. The Toccata, like existence In the United States. the greenbacks for the recording. keyboards and tootpedals while the. Sonata, IS.a fu!lblown assault The word Gymkana is of Greek So far, however, few copies have flicking sundry switches is beyond crYing out With disorder. Reger origin. Gym referring to gym. been sold, even though the disc 'is me. An organ is capable of a wide has ~een.called a m_odernBach, nestles. and kana, to showman. available in the bookstore for a tin- range of sounds, from a breathy and listening to the Fugue one can ship. The fifteen acts of the show beat that for current record prices. flute to the onslaught of an entire ~eewhy. It contrasts the Toccata range from competative gym. Some copies have been given out orchestra, and Mr. Hylton c~n.tro!s In that. it is understated and nastic events on the parallel bars, as publicity and to alumni. ·Mr. it beautifully. The recording IS symmetrical. . . the stilt rings, and the side horse to Hylton feels that the college is good, except for a slight hiss. F~r th~se who are mteres~ed In more imaginative acts such-as partly responsible for the lack of Editing is unnoticable except for ge.ttln~, Into cresstcer .muslC. or vaulting, adagio, juggling and publ icity. The college has an obvious gap between two of the :hlnk It s sedatea?d bOrl~g, thts Ip pyramid buJlding. generally been lax in publicizing movements. ISfo: ,you. The price can t be.beat Dr. Field, a former professor at Music Department events, and this Reubke's Sonata is in the 'I~sh and It s an excellent opportunity to Maryland, organiZed the-original record is no exception. Students' Romanuc style. There are five exposeyourself to campus talent. troupe in 1946.Under his leader. this small group, eight men women, soon became wett local communities tor fine gymnastic per . . Each year a few more and as the 1980 Evaluations unfiled John Hines Faculty Affairs Committee (when every semester and it would give . It troupe are currently under the Two years ago, the SGA passed a required). Any other access is everyone access to the forms. direction of Dr. George Kramer, resolution calling for SITE forms currently left up to the faculty However Dean McCormick stated an instructor at Maryland. (student evaluations of faculty) to member. that he would be willing to This event, co-sponsoredby the be kept on file in the library_ The The Dean said that he doubts If resubmit the proposal to the Lecture/Concert Committee and purpose of the SGA action was to the faculty would be willing t.o faculty If, the SGA is still in. t· n the Physical Education Majors aid students in determining which accept the SGAproposal becauseIt terested. He cautioned that he professor they would prefer for a would require the use of the forms Club. can be seen at 8:00 P.M. given course. To' date, no action C I· couldguarentee noresults. , tomorrow, in Gill Gym.-AdmlssJon , has been taken on this proposal. ounse Ing ac 10 ;'_i"_"_'_"_"_'_h'_d_OO_'. Dean McCormick stated that he Opera on campus was unaware of the SGAaction. Helga Heln Brawley, Western agency, before coming to Western Dean McCormick also explained JoAnn Maryland. After counseling people other reasons for the lack of action Maryland's new personal and of en ages at Clinical Services, she on this issue. He pointed out that National Opera performs -the use of SITE forms is only career counselor, comes to WMC found she preferred working with cottege students. Mrs. Brawley to fulfill a desire to work with required when a faculty member is ccneee-ecestudents, but notesthat views professional experience with being considered for tenure, she also has personal ties to the this age group as valuable in her its thirtieth consecutIveseason. promotion or reappointment. college. Mrs. Brawley worked for personal life in relating to and Jenifer Ulrey Puccini's La Boheme is a love A faculty member being con- Clinical Services, Inc., a private continue to page 2 La Bohemewhich has etten been story taking place in Paris around sidered for such action is required described as "the most popular 1830.The opera is a comedy.drama to submit two full semesters of opera ever written" witt be per- centering on the relationship SITE
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