Page 76 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 76
Scrimshaw Hearbreakers hit with 'Totpedos' Kurt Llnkoff but working extremely well to. and Century City which have Tom Petty and the Heart gether with the capability of pro- powerful lyrics and good jamming, breaker's new album Damn the duc1nggreat things. are the best on side one. Side two Torpedos Is a solJd album, hands There Is a good chance you have features tunes like Don't Do Me down. I really have not listened to heard one or two songs on the radio Like That, and Louisiana Rain any of their music in the past but but I feel thIs group cannot be fair. which both have good Slide guitar I'm glad someoneturned me on to Iy judged unless you hear the solos. 11.Their music can best bedescrlb- whole album a few times. You also ed as mlddle.ol.the-road rock and might have noticed that none of This album grows on you, the roll. That Is to say, it is not the fast these songs are top 40, which is ex- more you listen to It the better it hard drivIng "blow 'em away" cellent. For once the radio stations gets. Keep your eye on this _group, it could be hot one In the it rock and roll nor Is It mellow or top cannot ruin a decent group. Songs eighties. 40. like Refugee, Here ComesMy Girl, very similar to Dylan without the Performers chosen plays lead who Petty, Tom guitar and does lead vocals sounds _ _____~__].III:Jj raspiness of Dylan. He Is backed Sue Claypoole Walker, and Lynn Kunst. up by Mike Caldwell (slide guitar}, VANITIES is an unpretentious of Dramatic Beaumont Tench The Department comedy about the fortunes of three (keyboards), Ron Blair (bass) and Stan Lynch Art of Western Maryland College southern girls. It follows their The old logo is still present on the scon-tc-be renovated ~r~eUt~:~rl~~:;IS~~~e:~sseu~::t:~~ ;:~:c~~~\~At~~T~;7;_:~ I:~~:::' ~~~~th1~;;. lal~k ~~r: fr:e~a::~! whiskey distillery. Ot 1° W' t ° ster "The Sixties: The Spirit and the scenes, the actresses are seen as ReVl a Ize es mIn Madness." The show will open high school cheerleaders, college Tho"day,Ma«hl31oA'omo'Ha" and continue through March 17. senrcrs. ene """"y a' "mature" existing runways Furthermore, Helga Hein and John Hines ;eh~~~ot::ds~::~~n:~~;na;:~e~i~le~; will be widened and lengthened to VANITIES has only three In a 1976 review of an off Two major projects to revitalize period. accommodate large airplanes and characters, all women. Each Broadway production Harold of VANITIES, candidateforarolehadtosetupa Nation's Westminster's downtown area are Donofrio believes both a demand light jets, adding appeal to light personal Interview with the Clurman said, "VANITIES is currently underway. Plans include and a need exret for the shopping industry corporations. Sue- transformation of an old whiskey complex. First people from this cessfully attracting industries director to discuss which tartly humorous and by no means character she preferred and how weighty." distillery Into a shopping mall and area frequently patronize major such as textiles, computer and expansion of the Westminster outlet centers in Pennsylvania. electronic corporations could she would attempt to create that VANITiES is free to faculty and character. Her chance to show her staff or $2.99for others. For more Airport into an air-industrial park. Also, Donofrio notes that although result in new employment op- abilities as an actress came later Information, contact the College The projects aim to make West. Westminster has four shopping portunitles and an increased tax in a group audition. Director Tim Activities Office ai 848-7000,Ext. minster less dependent on centers along Route 140, 25 per base. Weinfeld chose: Sue Carson, Judy 265. Baltimore and Washington for cent of. local consumers would employment, shopping and en- prefer shopping In the outlet center tertainment. over the present centers. Further The old whiskey distillery, advantages include creating Student loans located at the intersection of Main hundreds of jobs and attracting St. and Route 27,will be converted shoppers- from other cities to into a shopping mall surrounded Westminster. are now available with office space, restaurants and The Carroll County Council is other shopping areas. John supervising the Westminster Donofrio, the developer for the Airport project with state and at Carroll County Bank. project, plans to feature high teeeret funding. An industrial park quality, low cost factory outlet featuring light industry, (Loan applications available until stores in the mall. Completion date warehousesand office spacewll be for the mall is scheduled for 1981, constructed around the airport. June 13, 1980 for Fall semester, 1980) If you are an undergraduate Glasses confiscated student in an accredited college or university and have been a occupant will be permitted to be Jenifer Ulrey present." Maryland resident for at least one Over Christmas break rooms On December sixth a were inspected and any college notice was issued and posted on year, you are eligible to apply for property found was confiscated. bulletin boards stating "for a loan for tuition expenses at According to several students over reasons of health, safety, and fifty percent of the men had beer building malnteneance, all rooms Carroll County Bank glasses, and pitchers confiscated will be checked by residence hall from their rooms. The staff. Loans of up to $2,500 in any confiscated glasses have raised Dean Laidlaw said "students single year, for an overall total of questions as to whether it is per- have not challenged the action, missable for resident staff to enter have been very cooperative and up to $7,500, are now available, students rooms and confiscate paid any fines." The action was Repayment is computed at an school property. felt to be justified because of the In the statement on Student problem with stolen pub property. Annual Percentage Rate of 7% on Rights and Freedom it is written The resident assistant of Blanche a monthly schedule which begins that "when the college or state remarked that, "residents are offlcfals seek access to a students instructed to check rooms for ten months after graduation, room to determine compliance safety or health hazards." Shealso You can obtain a student loan with regulations relating to said "If college property is spotted multiple dwelling units, the cc. I would take it." Shemade It clear application at any of the six cupant will be notified of such that in a routine check a student's planned entry not lessthan twenty- personal belongings are not Carroll County Bank offices, four hours in advance, and the searched. Applications should be sub- J ~~.J..~ll CCB Student Loan Center, mitted to Mrs. Rainey at the Carroll County Bank and Trust Westminster. Loans for graduate ~ , Fairground Vmage 857-4949 5 Company, 45 West Main Street, programs are also available, For details, contact Mrs, Rainey. New Heart L.P ./TP 's sa New Knack L.P .ITP 's sa Carroll Coun~Bank New Rush L.P,ITP 'S " = and Trust Company Your Careful Community Bank '_,,, ~ Musical Instruments Strings: Buy 1 at regular price~. CARROll COUNTY BANKAND TRUST COMPANY • MEMBERFDIC 45W Ma,nSt t93E Ma,,,St We!;lm
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