Page 75 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 75
February 21, 1980 Scrimshaw page 5 Diver's 1st season Terrors edge Falcons On the 'mark \ a hard fought contest by the score primarily from Mike Matta, who Keith Arnold PubliCity of;~;o ~~'rrie started out well as ~:::I:~ ::s g~:~t~~~n:1a ~c;:,~;I~: Last Thursdasy the WMC Rich Braver stole the ball for the but firm, lead, when the 12:14 Diving practice hasbeen a littre "I think my gymnastics basketball team teced the Messiah rough on Western Maryland background is what helped me Falcons In Gill Gym. The game Terrors. Passing to Jim Dawson remaining In the half, Lester College freshman Sonja Narr, catch on so quickly. That and all was of special Importance, for the first sc~re of the game. Wallace scored his thousandth especially after she fell off of .. or the help I've gotten from my because it was the last regular Early on the Terrors rebounded point. This, combined with some doveinto _.the board three days In teammates," shecommented. horne game of the talented Rich well, and made many steals, but goodshootingfrom DougPinto, got a row while practicing prior to a Jim Tarr, Donna Quesada, and Braver, and becausejunior Lester were unable to capitalize on the the Terrors on their feet, and they women's swimming meet against Pat Donavan are the other Wallace would have a goodchance Messiah Falcons mistakes. The soon shortened Messiah's seven Swarthmore College. Western Maryland divers who of breaking the thousand point game became a hellacious point lead, Finally Wallace got , Narr is in her first year ever of have been supportive of the mark. Trying to build up defensivebattle. Our scoring came WMC within two and, with 53 competitive diving and mistakes, newcomer to their ranks. The four momentum for their big game primarily from the Inside while secondsto go,·Steve Farely tied It or mishaps,are to beexpected.But athletes are constantly offering against Dickinson, the Terrors won Messiah racked up points with up. Thescoreatthe haifwas3S all. the .results the rookie from board critiques, suggestions, and "II"d brilliant "outstde shooting, In the secondhalf Messiah took Gaithersburg, Md. has been get. ccmments toeech ctber. GI provi es off to an early lead, but soon ting certainly are surprising. The moment of truth for Sonja committed some errors, including some costly travelling penalties. Shecollected 119.8points against Narr came against Johns Hopkins Swarthmore to win the one meter University. With her parents home advantage required diving competition and looking on, she won both diving ~:~llt:I~:e.~~r~ef::;:a~~O:O~~ excellent shooting from Scott , ~~~~:~I~iS~Pag::~~t~;:t~:~n::7~ ~;~t: B~~e~~~ 7~~67.tthe ,highly Publicity if dated, confines of home this Peters, who scored 13 of his 1S the one meter optional diving. "I just concentrated on my To an outside observer, Western year. In 1Shome games thus far points in the secondhalf, gave the Narr registered 154.3points in the approach," she recalled. "When Maryland College's Gill Gym· into their respective seasons"the Terrors a slim lead. With four six dive event to post her second that was done I thought dive. I'd nasium may seem more suited to GreenTerrors haveyet to lose. minutes to go the Terrors were out double triumph In a meet this been having good practices and sheltering cowsthan hostingsports Atternlne home starts the WMC in front by seven. Then Messiah, season. improving eachtimeout" , events' but as far as the (;reen men's team has startled two capitalizing on some brilliant A backstroke specialist in high As a nursing major, Sonja had Terrors athletes are concerned nationally ranked teams; Franklin blockedshots,beganto come back. school,Narr was exposedto diving planned to transfer out of Western there's nothing wrong with their & Marsha'll and Olckinson; With 1:36 remaining Rich Braver when her coach asked her to Maryland In a year to complete her homefloor. ' drubbed longtime rivals Johns fouled out, and soon after the practice a few in case the regular academic requirements. But her WMC men's basketball coach HopkIns and Washington College, Falcons had closed to within 2 divers w.ere to become injured enthusiasm for diving, and the Alex Ober explained, "Gill Gym and trounced Lebanon Valley, points. The Terrors played during the courseof the season.No hopesof a new nursing agreement doesn't look fancy like someat the Muhlenberg, Bridgewater, and carefully and the game was won such emergency arose and a with the University of Maryland, new buildings around the league Moravian. before SteveFarley fouled out with shoulder injury, acne while have her planning to stay on at The (Middle Atlantic Conference) but Western Maryland's men have eight secondsremaining. Two foul vaulting in. gymnastics practice, Westminster campusfor as'long as irs gota great atmosphere." won 13 straight games at home shots by Jim Dawson completed forced her outof swimming. posstbte. "A new facility may look nice to over the "past two years. This t~escorlngasWMCwon76-70. WMC's head swimming coach Not only have her original a new recruit but when it comes remarkable success story has It was a dose game, the starters Kim Easterday was notified by a academic plans changed but so time for the games you only see helpedWMC to an 11.4record and playing for most of It, although computer printout of standard have her athletic aims - pockets of fans sprinkled In the secondplace In the Middle Atlantic Braver and Farley were foul m Conferencesouthwestdivision. trouble. Lester Wallace lead four :~~~en~ar~d~~S~iO;;m~nt~~at::~ "I'm looking over some camps ~~~c~~:eS~~dp~~e~'~t .GIII :rh In women's roundball play, the team members In double digits perience. Soshecontacted Sonja. ~c;a~~~i,n;oaln~a~W~:~i:~~~ ~~: noisecould raise the:o:,.',~an e Terrors have taken the measureof with 20, while Simultaneously "I was hoping to meet people," summer. I'm preparing "tor the Both the men's and women's hoop foes Albright and Dickinson leading the team In rebounds with while stopping vtsttors from MI. 8.Jim Dawsonand Doug Pinto had ~;~rl ~~~~~~~'I'!~~ :~~~:~dat~~ AIAW nafionals next year." ,~~~:~s aa~~~~~nf~a;:~~~~~;I~~ Vernon, Susquehanna, Notre good games, scoring 13 and 12 ~;~;~~:;~~~'hOCkth.tI'veb""Cassily and -Gardner ueme. and Hood College. Their points respectively. Rich Braver, overall record is 12-4,which Isgood In foul trouble most of the game Assistant coach Dick Filbert, enoughto contendfor first place in still led the team in steals with 5, Ihe leaguestandings, andpulled down7rebounds. , who works with the Green Terrors .named captains divers, altered Narr's approach and taught her ten new dives. from Air High School, Bel 1 Running Publicity Cassilly and Reenie registering 91savesduring WMC's Counseling Jobs Becky Gardner, both first team l1-game~egularseason. Fred Smyth Baltimore College en-stars last ~ righf link, Gardner Is a GIRLS. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A Scaling, Canoeing and Waler Skiing POSITION? COUNSELOR Rollins Briggs and John Kebler season, have b,een elected co- graduate of Rockville High School. SUMMER ilre now being considered 101" Insirueto< 01"General Alhlellcs. Applicants UNIT LEADERS. were recently named cc-captalns captains of the 1980 Western Shescoredtwo goals for the Green Ihe 19&0camp seneoflhefollowlng: AriS& Cralls, camping. Able 10 plM schedule for Collegemen's cross country feam. team. also bea senior. Arts & Crafts DireclOl", Plano Ac acllvilies. evening programs. etc staff. companlsf and singing, Archery, Tennis. Jenny Filby was chosento captain_ Cassilly, who will be a senior, The Western Maryland stickers Trampoline, GymnastiCS. Photography, Supervise large Shelleydale Wrlle Camp 2409 Dlreclor, Orive, Nature the Green Terrors women's cross became the third player in Green posted a 4·3-4 regular season Cheerleadl"!!. Scoullng and InslruclOl". ~" Md. 21109orphone,J01.JS8. Ballimore, country array. Terrors history to be named first record and went 3-1-1en route to Sfudy, A.R.C. Swimming They were selected by a vote of team eu.Southeest and earned a fhe Baltimore College Field each team's returning athletes. trip to the 1979 United' States Hockey Association championship "lI;i~ ""''' ••••••••••• Kebler is from Washington Grove, National Field HockeyAssociation In the tall. Joan Weyers serves as i CtWuoge HeUae ~ . ! Md. andwill be a senior competitor Tournament. She is a goaltender the GreenTerrors healcoach. while Briggs, of Bethesda, Md., : 113W.MainSt. : A_A II":J~! teams had th~ir best records ever _."""",~ rC : COLD BEER STROHS or SCHLITZ: COLD.BEER! and Filby, of Towson, Md., will :, *;.c .~A "Atth,Fmh" both be juniors. 'Ii In 1979the WMC cross country under first year head coach Rick ~ _jl ! .'~ s1.9lfa six ,! Carpenter. The men's team posted ,., uo- ~ an 8-9 record while the women < a!;~~~er -1 :-. ! went 2-3. ' with this coupon expires 2128/80 Stroh Light ~ Salad Bar : 848-3466 College 10 reqUi~~ Carroll Plaza Shopping Center Sa8n7d6w.3!~5h5~O' I ~·B·r·"ea·k·f·a·s·t··················" ~••••• Ii.n•• "What is the purposeof the light Call Ahead for Takeout .Qrders signal on Route 140at Finksburg _ the one that blinks when red?" This question has probably momentarily plagued many WMC students. SCRIMSHAW contacted the State Highway Administration to find out. A spokesman for the admInistration stated that the light - called a Stroh light - is at that Daily Specials particular intE'rsection to catch people's attention, since cars Sundaes A short walk approach over a hiH from either direction. Cars had been coming from campus over the hill and not noticing the Banana Splits light until it was too late to stop. This caused many severe ac- cidents. The light is simply a way tocul downon theseaccidents.
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