Page 3 - Scrimshaw1979-80
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to edge Ursinus Leon Brooke forced Urslnus toattempt a43 yard Colbert and Bruce England got the The Western Maryland College field goal-Which Walck proved Terrors In scoring position at the 3 grid squad opened the 1979season worthwhile as he quickly made It6- yard line where Selfridge took It In with It's first victory over Urslnus J. ~ on a keeper to make the tally 13-11. 17·1J. Through a sluggish first ' Almost Instantaneously, Urslnus Having nowhere to go against period marred by penalties, It was was back Into Terror grounds and the stubborn Terror "0," Urslnus Urslnus that drew first blood with threated to score. 'After faking a had to turn the ball over with just only secondsleft In the quarter. punt from their own endzOfle, minutes left to play. Spilt end Mark After marching downfleld with Urslnus moved to the 45 after the Chadwick had his third grab of the the aid of crucial penalties, ur- 23 yard run by punter Walck. On day with a fine toss and carry that sinus capitalized on a pass In- the next play, It was Walck once put WMC on the JO yard line of terference call at the 25 yard line more who tossed an aerial to split Urslnus. After getting big runs by where quarterback Craig Walck end Jay Repko who found the fullback Rip Jamison and tailback booted a 27yard field goal tei take a endzone S5 yards downfleld to Eric peeress. the Terrors were on a-oteee. make the score 13-3at the half. the 7 yard line. Once again On the next series of play In the second half, the Terrors quarterback Selfridge took It up Western Maryland came storming came out fired up and the defense the middle on a keeper for the final back on big plays by sophomore showed It's nat/onal ranking form score with only 29 seconds on the fullback Brain Bollin and quar- as they attempted to shut down the clock. The score read 17-1Jand the terbeck Jim Selfridge. Selfridge Urslnus offense. With strong story spelled victory. led all rushers with 86yards and 2 performances by tackles Tom In this week's football action the College Saturday at 1:00 on Hoffa I~:;~~~~~~~":====;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;JJ touchdowns for the day. It was Baugher end . Harry Peoples, Terrors will take on Swarthmore then the foot of Craig Walker that Ursinus was forced to the air tied the score at J·3.Walker kicked where safeties Tom Knieriem and Field. ~P;~.~t~':,~'~~~o~~~::;~;~the::,~~~t~::::i,::'hpulled dow" _V~ballfaces challenging season ba~~S~~~SonO~~:lr~~~~npos~s~:' qU~~~:I~e ;~~~I~~~ 1~:h:ef1~:~ 'Mimi Griffin I reglon~from Malh~to Washington, 'She was sure, that the girls would Int9 W_MC key move deep Into Urslnus Western Maryland's Volleyball 'D.C.·They won the Middle Atlantic give It their best and stated that down the territory. Great I the Terrors are getting ready for what Conference and tn the tnoet e)c_- she had "never seen any player they hope to be another great citing"wlrf.:ol-the year, the.Terrors " give lessthan all shehad." "Team- season. Coach 'Carol Fritz says took fl:..i):plac_eln the P~!nceton In- wQfI$.,'~j)1~1~:tI~er.l}'i."atl~n", ~Z~:~~~m:~~: ~~~ st: a~ ~:a:~o:~~~;:~~~?sOr:~a:l~ ~~~:~~II~~~:~~::~ ;~e~e:~n~ beat: "ihe season record .tcr last scholarship teams, so that winning Is. ·year.was seventeen wtns . one loss. was Indeed a major achievement. The first game of this seasonwill ";h~e~~:~~~~.~.soR~~~~~~ ~~I~~n~~ ~~:~:n:eri:~ ::~~~~t:~c~h:t p~r~ ~ sa:p:eO:bee:~la~~s;:;t~~7uhra~~: ment;. that Includes all eastern formance would be most difficult. senior starters are co-captains f I Tammy Roebber and Becky Mar- Runners power U ti,. AI,o,t"t;,. will,be ;";0" and sophomore Jayne Kernan. Jim Gilford Ron Antlite and first year runner Maggie Mules and Debbie Baker After recording one win the two Mark Morris will add support and Other members of the '79 team in. previous seasons, last year's depth to the team. Ali have been clude senior Cheryl STonfer,junior Western Maryland Cross-Country working out under first year coach Mary Schiller, sophomore Lisa team recorded a greatly Improved Rick Garpenter's strenuous Bryant, and freshman Ann Glaeser 5-9·, record. Most of the runners workout program, and all are now who will be vying for the sixth responsible for that improvement tamtuer. with WMC's 6.2 mue starting posItion and help complete are back again this year, giving "green monster" course, run on the varsity team which will even- Field Hockey prepares legitimate hope for a winning our hilly golf course. Just on the tually number twelve players. Ellen Scroggs, graduated senior (run on the basis of time trials season - possibly the best In the I Kaly Dowd, Mickey Potfs, Martha Hayner, schools 10 year program. Return. course in a downpour) It looks like starter of '79, will be assistant coach this year. both have Ing captains and lettermen Dou9 Renner and Kebler Renner' and Bob Holcombe and The 1979Womens Field Hockey l team will open their season Friday Diane Cavey; juniors Marcie All. returning lettermen Eliot Runyon, excellent chances of breaking the , A NEW LOOK , school record for the course. man, Reenie Gardner, Becky Cas September 21 with a home game surv. Deb Taylor, Lisa Potocki, John "Deke" Kebler, and Rolne There will also be several against Susquehannaat 3:30. Phyllis McMahon, Katy Dowd and Briggs give this year's team women runners on this years "SCRIMSHAW" now has an "Open The team, under Head Coach seniors Brazls and Dryden. A very strength and experience. In ad- squad, all newcomers to cross Gallery." If you have something to returning team Joan Weyers and assistant Coach promising group of freshmen also dltlon, Intramurals member country here. When possible, they seU or something to say, you can Mary louise Jones, returned for a help round out the team. will run against other women, but take out space in the "Open week of early practice on 5eptem- Although still In the building pro. upcoming l~S:~ ber 4th. The season looks very pro- cess, the 79 hockey team Is rapidly ~fu~Ow~~;;::I~~O~::s~o~~~, ~~:i~~~:n~e%~;2:~~::e~~ mislng under captains Barbara mastering a new system of play. Sue Armstrong Lippy, tran~ Leslie MacSherry shaw Box 1, or to any member of Brazls and Ann Dryden. Returning The new system, often referred to r This year's Intramural tennis and sophomore Jenny Fllbey are the Scrimshaw sta(l. piayers Include sophomores - Pat as a soccer set up, enables better Donovan, Laurie -Rafferty, Rose defensive coverages, while at the ~~;~~~~~~a~. sC:P~~~be~P22~~~::ec:m~~:r~:o~~dou~.opefUIIY '-----..:....---- ... Marie Walsh, Barbie Peterson, ward line. Guarding the cage for ~~~~~~~':"~;:"":':~:~:;,e,;",';';Intramural sign-up begins same time keeping a strong for- Murial Turn~r, Cindy Deeds, Cln- dy Wyatt, Wendy Sherretfs, the Terrors will be Becky Cassilly. Women's Single;s, Men's Singles Sue Armstrong year Welcome to another Booters look good andMI'I~Doublescompetltlons. Western Maryland Intramurals. to you Informed on the upcoming Trophleswill beglven to winners events. and there Is no entrance fee. You This fall holds a heavy schedule of Don't miss out! There are Ed Johnson needonly bring an.unQpenedcan of Intramural activities for everyone deadlines for sign up on all ac- Coach Easterday also gave a tennis bails. interested In a little fun. The fa/l tivltles. Once students see ae- Head Coach Steve Easterday shining report on lineman Albert I~ will be a double elimination IIne.up consists of the intramurals tlvltles In progress they say, "1 sees WMC's 1979soccer team as Mensah, calling him the soccer tournament and you do not have to tenniS tournaments, powderpuff should have joined that," but It's going very far this seasonbecause player with the potential to become be a pro fo partiCipate. 'In tact, football, racquetball, and cooed too late. SQdon't get left out! of their extremely optimistic at- the best In his sportatWMC ever. mem~rs of the.sfartlng varSity volleyball. If there are ever arJy questions tltude. So far In scrimmages the The only thing standing In the tennis teams are Ineligible- for the To those of you who are new to feel free to call either of the two team has benefitted from their at- team's way now Is a number of In· fourney. So tt)ls is your chante to Western Maryland . Intramural Intramural assistants at anytime. titude. WMC has defeated Hamp. juries, Including a broken leg to get out for a weekend of som'ef\.lI) programs are for everyone and we. The intramural staff consists of ~~~~~~~;y C;II~9:~~0. ~~e~:~~ r~~::aos~e~~~e~~e::~~e:~ al~ ~;!:!UtShlne. Freshmen are wei· ~~~e th~a:'~~~p;~:I~ h~~:n ev~~ ;1~~IS~nn~sT~~e HA:c~:~~:~ ~:~!: There years. be 344) and missing starters,' the team tied very keenon starting the season. .' .,To enter-submit'your 'name and IS previous In Scrimshaw, notes in Jones. Supervisor Mr. Ron will articles J The Terrors first home competl_ 'c~!Tlpusextension to' Box 155J.c/o Washington & Lee 1-1 in an ex- j hasdefeatedWMC 4-0. ber19af4'OOwlthMesslah 113 W. Main St. 19 F~":.::-=.=-'U4,.C,(J,-- --:--:_~-,...-'-. ;;;.:-';;:,~=,,-"j-.~=~:--~.-.~:",,=;-;:;.~.::·:-,-I"r- tlon will be on WednesdaySeptem- Only Drexel Welcome to Intramurals'79-80! cellent scrimmage. WMC today and posters to keep intramurals .• The DEADLINE WEO.NESDAV SEPTEMBER __;r! m~~;ter~~~:~~en!~~eCrO::~f~n~ j:.. ----------------- ... . CaNIi.age HNI68 .fiqua1I& several newcomers. Returning let- ~ .~-f)" -~id" ~~;;I~~ ~nc~u~:~~achal~~~~~~~~hn~ '- dy Butzer, Bill Delaney and Joe This Week's Special ;cU:~I~:I~I~:~~~~fc~so:;~t!~:~~~ COW BEER "A._t the Forks" COLD BEER .. ~ee~ ~, .~e"~ Dave Zauche. Freshmen Dirk ti'-(Y .~?:,. 'b~ . ~~ Moore on the line and Greg Blue Angelliebfraumilch $1.99 a bottle '~~o ~'If. ~"t> ~ '~~:'i~:Yf:; t~:~e~:.1 T~~o;;;iJ;;:~J Grolsch beer $3.99 a six-pack D;;oll Plaza Shoppin~Center ' ~ ,,-. ~. ~Ie~~~~u~~ J~fh~r~:~~:n s!~:e;:~ 848-3466 06~ete"PbIu Call Ahead for Takeout Or~~ _ -81.6-35~Q_ Stelt. . COllegeIO-required . 9/26
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