Page 2 - Scrimshaw1979-80
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·~~~~w Lettersto theEditor Where is Metz: no choice but to resiqn WMC today? thing to wake up to In the morning. It told me what activities were go- Ing on and where. It told me when Dear Editor, to avoid the cafeteria. It was oneof Scrimshaw feels that we must question the eel- feels that If there is a valid purpose for a rule, It Eight In the mOl""nlng. Tired, , the things that made the campus, lege's enforcement of their own policy on alcohol. should be enforced, AND THE AUTHORITY OF run, along with the Dean, the We assume that the reported events of Sundaynight ALL THOSE ENFORCING THE RULE SHOULD groggy, stumble Into cafeteria. Power Plant, and the Fraternities. were Illegal. Weshare Geor:geMetz's viewpoint that BE UPHELD, especially In front of the students. If Reach out for WMC Today. Hand WMC Today should always be a violation of college policy was occurlng. And yet a rule Is not enforced, especially by the upper returns empty. Look around, say, Metz received nobacking from the authorIty, wblch eschelon of the administration, 01"" If It serves no "wnere's WMC today?" Guy at published every day. Reading a was In this case Dean Mowbray. Weare concerned valid purpose, then we must question the existence cafeteria deer says, "don't you day,old WMC Today just doesn't about the resulting low morale of the residence hall of the rule. Know? They only print them on make one's day, uplift one's staff. They question, at this point, whether they are Scrimshaw feels that the reSignation of George spirits. BRING BACK WMC TO- any more than lust "paper pushers." Weagree with Metz raises many Important questions about the et- Monday, Wednesday, and Friday DAY TO FULL PRODUCTION. George when hesays, "If we're to enforce the rules, cohol policy and ifsenforcement, aswell as the cet- anymore." They may take away Section Par- let usget backed upall the way." lege's enforcement of all rules. Why did Metz and Then he hands me last Monday's :r George Metz stated, "Let's enforce the rules the Mowbray treat the same situation with such a dlf· WMC Today spackled with dav.cld ties and Linda Claggett, but this Is way they are, or changethem to the way they realis- ferent Interpretation of the same rule? yogurt. It says "WMC Today will too much. Let the SGAprotest. Let tically are." If the administration Is going to turn Scrimshaw regrets the loss of George Metz, and (only) be published Monday, Scrimshaw protest. But bring back their back on students drinking beer In the halls of a feels It will bea detriment to the administration. We Wednesday,and Friday ..." our WMC Today today! reatdence, then why have a rule at all? All the ad- quote Dean Laidlaw who says, "He was the best Sincerely, . ministration hasdone Is create double standard that head resident I've had over there." We hope his reo Why Is this? What happened to LeeMaxwell Is confusing to both students and resident staff e- slgnatlon alerts someone to the seriousness of the . dally WMC Today's? I really look- like. And as Metz said, "The double standard Is go· problem. ed forward to them. It was some Of mice and Ing to hurt everybody sooner or later." Scrimshaw cockroaches Post-feminism a myth Dear Editor As we start another year at WMC In the current Issueof MS. magazine, Gloria Stelnem quotesa feminist (Where's my class?), we hope this professor who says, "Undergraduates are probably the only large group '-/tI( . year will be better than last, of women to whom you could say 'post.femlnlsf - as If the feminist revclu. becausefor $5,000a year, how can tlon were already cver • and not.get laughedout of the room." anyonebefully satisfied? This attitude of American college students Is curious, especially when The lives of us all depend in ~:~~:Sr:~:'f~~~~;~;h~v~;~t~'~'h!"~::;tag:~:;n~kue:i :I;ho~a~:~k::y~ qreef" part on the surrounding still has not beenrealized for women. facilities and community. It may Perhaps worn-enon American campuses feel that this Is an Irrelevant - seem as if things have taken an statistic: Yet, Scrimshaw wonders why don't campus women view their upswing since last semester. We potential role as a worker seriously? Studies show that the average have a newshopping center (Route woman, regardless of education and marital status will work fwentv-uve 140and Route 97), but only four of years outside the homes. the twenty stores are open. There We at Scrimshaw feel that there has not been enough concern raised Is a new Safeway (thrills) and a among women about their right to pursue a satisfying career. Too often new Rite Aid (more thrills). There ~~~:;~a':~ee~c~~~ t~~~~~~~~~o~; I~P~~s~~n:C~::I::~tt~~d:~~~Cnh is also a new Burger King, and a ~e:~~~omen bound for eternity tc their limiting roles as housewife and ~~:d~:~s~h:,te~:I:~~~e I~:~~~~~~~ American women have always assumed they had a right to happiness called Twinklss to finally be con- in the area of the home. No one choosestheir husbands for them, and demned). businessesthrive 0r;Jthe latest trends of child care, home-making, and In· Residents ot Rouzer found It terlor decorating. Gall Sheehy,author of Passages,researching a report crawling with roaches, probably onwomen's happinessfound their goals soordinary shesaid, "They could leff by the summer residents. How- be ceuecr rne New CohventJonals...At almost all ages the three things ever, thanks should be given to they value mostare mature love, family security, and Inner harmony." them for disposing of last year's th!~e g~~~~h:,ww:u~:e~r=/~~s~n;~~7h~e~U:~~:n~ ~~~~:~~I:oW~:~~ MY F"UTU~E.7 mice. Rumor has It that they grad· ~~:;~I~~er~:n':a~;o;:~n~~b~~I~ ~::~~~~t:O;::~ln~~~:~::::'~: __ • SURE I 1\1OJQfr A~ rr! ~::~~o;~~e~~~h:~:sea:v::' three viewpoint equal pay, and most Importantly, the right toan Identity that Is not based Personal AI')effective tool The long-awaited Grill has open. en men. ed wlth a dult rcervbut Is dettnttety Gloria Stelnemsays, ''I've yet to beona campus where women weren't a great dietary supplement to the worrying about someaspect of combining marriage, career, and I've yet vending machines. A few minor to find one where men were worrying about the same thing. But women Dave Cleveland th'a'nthe superpower it now Is. flaws have been noted. You can will go right onsuffering from the double-reteproblem and terminal guilt Bureaucracy. It Is omnipresent As a nation we have to rethink buy a hamburger, a cheeseburger, until men are encouraged, pressured or otherwIse forced, Individually and seemingly all powerful. our attitude towards bureaucracy. or a cheeseburger sub, but not a ~n~:;:~~~~;I~~:~::I:~~: ~~~I~:;~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ut:~I;e;~: !,::e~~c~~~IC~~' ;:::n;~~eco: ~~~:~~~er~e9!~I~~t~0~ac;~e;ss~ hamburger sub. On the other hand, belief that only women can be emotional and nurturing, only men can be merce. Quite simply, bureaucrats purpose Is to waste time spending you can have a steak sub, but not a Intellectual or centered outsidethe home." are essential for the continuation our money and making our deal- steak and cheesesub. What does all this mean for the women of Western Maryland. scrtm- fo the nation's day to day ac. ingswith It more difficult. We must With all these revolutionary shaw feels that right now,WMC women have a uniqueopportunity, an op. tlvltles. abandon this combative attitude changes In our llves, it's amazing portunlty many women of the last generation never had. You now nave Yet on the American political towards bureaucracy. It is the ad- anything Is stili the same. But, the chance to traIn for a challenging, exciting, satisfying career. You scene bureaucracy receives even mlnlstratlve arm of our severn- alas, some things will never have the chance to learn to do something on your own that will give you a harsher criticism than such tradi- ment, and as such Its sole purpose change: long lines In the cafeteria greater Identity than_that of someone's girlfriend, wife, 01"" mother. The tlonal targets as Big 011 and the Is to serve the interests of our pee- (tor the first two weeks only... 1 years on campus are onesIn which women pursue thegoa~~of love, faml· Russians. Jimmy Carter was pie. It Is bureaucracy which In· wonder why?); the football team ~ha~: t~eU::~to ~~~;I:,~r~ee~::c::e ~e=~:~~, ~:~ ~o;r::..::~eln~ ~~er~~~cr:;:~~e~!r:~ M~;t o~~~~ :~;,ts~~~I!:: ;~I~~::~ ~:~:s~~~~~ was off to another season (with no dlvldual. You may never again have the freedom or the time to do this. Republican candidates hope to manages prisons and courts of our publ~Clty); the annual freshman Most of_usare not bound down by financial responsibilities. Our time Is repeat his performance. Polls justice system, cares for our na. fashIon show; talk of a campus ra· not eaten up by domestic and family responsibilities. show that the most popular motive tiona I treasures In the Smithso- dlo station; B. Irene Y_oung;tuition And yet the word feminist Is stilt a dirty word. It creates a picture of a behind the Proposition 13 tax nlan, and distributes social securl- went up; arguments over the a1co. radical (possibly gay) man.hatlng, violent revolutionary. It Ignores revolts and balanced budget ty checks. Our bureaucracy pro- hoi policy; parldng tickets; marsh. women who have come to believe that they have a right to happinessand amendments is to force govern. vldes services both necessary and mallow-roasting over a couch in control over all areas of their life. Is It such a radical Idea to believe that ments to make the bureaucracy useful, and does so with an ade· the quad. happiness and satisfaction can be extended to more areas and relation. more effective. There are frequent quate amount of competence and shlpsthanthatofhomeandhusband? calls to cut out the fat and to effectiveness. John Hines It Is tragic that many women will work forty hours a week In a lob with eliminate the waste. ..- -, which they are unhappy becausethey are afraid to ask for more, bellev- Even worse than the Proposition Ing that husband, family, and nice home are all they have a right to ask 13attitude Is the extreme attitude Nancy Menefee . Editor-in Chief for. ~ thaf no gOOdcan ever come from Dave Cleveland .... Managing Editor Scrimshaw would like to plead especially with the freshmen to consider bureaucracy. that It Is Inherently Bill Byrne . . News Editor the feminist cause. Before you begin your search for happiness, ask by its nature Incompetent, Ineffec. JimWeliman . Business Manager yourself, what do I really want? Do I control thesefactOl""s? tlve, corrupt, and acts only as an ~hillis Menschner .. In'the beginning of the 1960's,Betty Frledan In The Feminine Mystique Inhibition on the proper expression . ..... Sports Editor ~:~~:h:~!e:y~U~~o~o:,~ :I~; ;~~,a~~w:!~C;:!~I:I~I~I~~I,I!~·s~~ee~ ;;I:~eS;~:!~~I~h~ !~~sf~~t~~!e~~ LaYOut: Nina Blecher times wonder how It would feel to be able to stretch and stretch and obviously mistaken can be reveal. Special Assistants: Joan Hughs,·Steve.Bainbridge stretch and learn all you want, and not have to hold yourself back." ed by the simplest study of the ScrimShaw is a student newspaper published by the students of Western In the beginning of the 1980'swe hope that women will finally stop economy of our main international Maryland College. The editorials are the opinion of the el!itor •.AII other holding themselves back, and stretch to reach their full potential as enemy. The Soviet Union Is run by opinion is the opinion of thewriteralone. human beings. the largest bureaucracy in the Scrimshaw welcomes and encourages diverse opinions, and provides Scrimshaw applauds, encourages,and supports women who attempt to world, so If bureaucracy were in· room for opposing viewpoints. If you desire to be published, or wish to ~~~dt~e7:-~~~;~I:I~~e~~eirIlves basedon exploring their capacities and us· {~:f;ttIYU~i:Of"!"l::~~~~tffienbeth: communicate In any other fashion, please address material to Scrim- Remember, the key point apout.decldlngyour future Isth
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