Page 53 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 53
Letters to the Editor Readers speak out on Iran Hate: no answer Important that we Americans students. Being that this Is closeto -glOW!" some valId points concerning all recognize that the people of Iran Now, I had always thought that TotheEdltor: also have legitimate grievances. I 40 percent of the campus the American spirit had always student demonstrations. . population It is most encouraging, Dear John, After attending the John Blum especially believe that both we on proving the needfor sucha forum. allowed people to speak their Rumors are thick around cam- sponsored rally, In front of Big this campus and the edrmntstre. The rally was not without it's p~acewithout them having to suf- pus.concernlng your organization Baker, and then' the panel tlon In Washingtonshould I1mltour educational merits. The large fer from verbal assault from loud of a burning of the Iranian flag discussion, in the Forum, I was activities on this Issueto reasoned malorlty of the students on this violent mobs. Where Is Amer-lcan Monday night. While I havenot ac- amazedat the polarity of emotions discussion and diplomatic campus had never rallied for any spirit then? tually confIrmed these rumors, that prevail on this campus. What pressure, and that we should not major Issue.Although we all lived But I've always thought of they are disturbing enoughthat, I took place at the rally deeply commit a third Iniustice which through the 1960's,we were too American Spirit as being-many felt that evenIt they were only par embarrassed me as a student and would polson Iranian-American young to take sidesand understand times overemotional, strnpte- tially valid, I must write to you and a person. I saw numerousstudents relations Intothe Indefinite future. the Issues. We are no I.ongertoo minded, and having ncrrespect for expressmy feelings. advocating hate over un- Sincerely, . young - this situation affects us all. the rights of those who disagree This sort of action concerns me derstandlng and riding on emotion Ralph Levering It Is our responsibility to seekout a with the malorlty; I wasn't sur- greatly here and when It happens rather than knowledge. The History Department better ~nderstandlng of the prised at all when all of that hap- elsewhere across the country, conclusionof the rally was that we, Iranian crisis. penedat the rally, in fact I was ex- becauseit seemsto undermine the as good Americans and students, Rally upheld In support of America, pecting It. As another person sum- kind of rational, bloodless resolu- should hate the Iranian people. JohnW. Blum med up, "Just like any other ret- tlon that our leaders are working This was all done through the AN OPEN LETTER TO THE ·Iy." soadmirablytowards. playing of the Star Spangled MEMBERS OF THE COLLEGE Hysteria deplored And from the tone of the rally, I It Is also on the same level with Banner, thrcugh-c-lren! cheers, COMMUNITY: can only surmise that the Amert- the kind of actIons which Iranian calls to nuke the Iranians, and '1 would like to take this op- Dear Editor can Spirit stands only for hatred: . this country are faking cries that we must save our fellow portunity to address the members Having attended the Pro- hatred of the Iranians, who have towards the United States.And I do American brothers frol""Q. the of this college community In American rally Monday night I their own sufferings to cope with, not feel that we needto respond In hateful Iranians. What everybody regards to the rally that took place was appalled that the same dealt to them from the handsot the kind. tailed to reall.ze Is that hate is no this pastMonday evening. Irrational mass hysteria employed Shahand the United States; hatred John, 1,too, em deeply disturbed solution to hate, that death Is no The events leading up to my by rrenten students was being of anyonewhowants to try to nego- by the situation In Iran. I feel solution to death, and that organization of the rally were employed by American studentson tiate with the Iranians, because It strongiy that they are wrong In brotherhood Is not confined to many - too many to recount all of the Western Maryland College would "make us look weak"; and I what they are doIng and I am labelsof American or Iranian. them. Paramount among my campus. Ringing bells and hatred ot anyone who tries to cen- frustrated by the slowness with On the positive side, at the panel thoughts was the desire and per- wearing white arm bandsare ways sider Iranians as men like our- : which the situation Is being hendt- discussion, led by AII' Alzatarl I ceIved responsibility as an to showrespectand concernfor the selves,or, In other words, hatred of I ed. However, I cannot condoneflag witnessed cool educated heads American citizen to provide the American hostages, but burning . racists towards nonraclsts. . burning. Whlle I believe that you looking at the crisis analytically members of the college com- the Iranian flag, and shouting That whole rally was a poor lake have given this serious thought, I and historically. America had put munity a forum through which slogans of "Nuke them 'til they on WMC, played on the whole do not think that all participants· the Shah in power. America had they could express themselves glow" and "Blow Iran off the school by its students, wh.o ap· will necessarily have thought supported his corrupt rule. Now It regarding America and iran. map" are not only iii thought-out parently lack any self-respect. about the Issue,in which case, for Is time for America to accept Its WOf""ds travel quickly, and but dangerous.As HaynesJohnson Most of the peopletheir didn't care them It will be an instance of mistake. Aren't we a strong rumors stili quicker. There were wrote In Sunday's "Washington what happened In Iran-.they only violence for Its ownsakeand utter- enough country to admit we were many words, and many more Post": "The eestestand cheapest, came for a goodtime. No one with Iy worthless. It Is not necessaryto wrong? Granted there are human rumors. Some people chose to as Old Sam knew well, involves any serIouscommentsto make had understand or hold an Intelligent lives at stake, but that may be the Judge without facts, relying on waving the flag and blaring the an effect on the crowd; they were view on the situation to burn some- trumpets. difficult more The prIce we have to pay. If peace Is to these rumors as bountiful happily condemning any opInions thing, as was proven by the-fiasco be established as the new norm, evidence. requires exercising restraint In the that did not conform to their own last year. instead of vterence. then we are I was. alerted of an Impending face of flagrant provacatlon and death to Iran slogans. Since I believe that you do have going to have to swallow our pride letter to appear in this Issue of yet remained measured and The following panel discussion In an understanding of what Is hap. and accept the situation at any Scrimshaw ridiculing my desires strong." the Forum perfectly contrasted penlng In Iran and that you are cost. I was surprised that none of and measures to provide the wIth the rally. Peoplehad a chance concerned, gravely, about the the bomb Iran fans were heard student body with a forum to ex- JenlferUlrey to speak their minds, to hear dlf- situation. I urge you strongly to at fhe panel. Maybe they felt they press their views on the current ferent viewpoints, and most Im- find another method of expressing InternatIonal crisis. The letter was Rally: a poor joke might be embarrassed with a portantly to think In an at- your anger and frustratIon over re- format that favored rational written and submitted before the Dear Editor mosphere of mutual respect and cent events: a method which, In thinking over irrational emotion. rally took place proving to me the John BI um decided to have a calm. It ~as a welcome change keeping with the efforts of our What must be seenIs that if violent shortsightednessof it's author. rally to show those Iranians that from the rabble outside. John leaders, Is a calm, rational one. action Is taken, there could be To clarify things a little I want to studentsat Western Maryland Col- Blum, commenting on the slightly Perhaps the semlmar later Mon- grave consequences for say that I In no way designed the lege won't back down on this poorer attendance at the discus- day evening would be a more ettec- everybody. rally to reflect my opInion and crises, that we support America slemthan at the rally, said "There tlve place for your voice to be mine only. Rather the raJly was were more peopleat the rally than heard and for peopleto understand Bernie Jankowski 100% deslgn~das a forum through which Lots of people came to the rally here, andthafsa shame." the reasons for your feelings, Solution found those studenlS interested could that night. Many stccc arou,ndand any better. rather than simply seeinga result He couldn't neve understated it voice opinions of them. and hopefully their DearMissEditor: their supportoftheUnitedStates.I experienced all the great .LeeMaxwell I ask you, as sincerely as I know American spirit there. Many more I'd iust like to say t think It's must say I found the rally to be contrIbuted to that spirit, with flag Pre-rally plea ~:~~I;~r!OUSIY consider what I great that someone has finally most successful in that It ec- burnings and white armbands and come up with a solution to the Iran compllshed just that. meaningful statements like This letter was sent to John Thank you crisis. • There are many different people ~'~un~:'~:,~d':~~ut ~;" '!~:~~~~!~U~ae:fO;:p:I~~e:e~on~~~~~:~ r Yesiree, we really showed them. on this campus and lust as many A_n...n L=H....';;,n I'm sure that as soonas word of different views. My responsibility favorite, "nuke- 'em 'till they atterthefactbecausewefeellthas our demonstration reaches Iran, was, I felt, to allow for the ex- Tests protested they'll really feel put in their place pression of as many of these views Play review defended and. Immediately release our as people would air. My respon- Je-ff Whittaker hostages_ siblllty was to makethe rally what Won't it be great w;hen the you the student5 who attended Dear Editor, like to poInt out that it was never When Howard lJniverslty sprung. collegewins the Nobel Peaceprize. wanted to ma~e It, rather than After reCeiving some negative my intention to diminiSh the fact additional academic requirements Craig Rae "John Blum's Corner". feedback concerning my review of that a gooddeal of time and effort on students graduating this year, Many students opposed 'he The Houseof Blue Leaves, I feel I was exerted by the peopleInvolved the studentstook the matter sitting Causes examined ~~~~~~iS~~a~~:~~'le~:~nl~~:: must ctarlfy my position. not a in fhe productic:m. down. Last, concerning my comments am all, of First I A sit-In was held outside the ·students felt justified and It was professional critic, and I certaInly about Jeff Dyer's performance, I president's office to protest ad- Dear Nancy: their right to burn an Iranian flag. don't believe that my article is the didn't mean to Imply that Jeff ministration plans to give com- In the recent history of Iranian· I supportedthem in their pursuit of undisputable truth. It represents hadn't devoted enough time and prehensive exams to seniors. Over American relation~ are two major these rJphts, as I supported the simply my reactions and opinIons hadn't worked hard In preparing lunch, the students burned an inlustices:'the American C.I.A. In- rIghts of those who desired no on the play. If actors in the play for the performance. I... ecognlze effigy of the Deanof the Collegeof volvement in the overthrow of the burnIngs. The principle at stake request that I consider that they that the role of Artie Is a difficult Liberal Arts, who first recom- Massadeqgovernment in 1953and here was that It not be what I are students and not professIonals, and challenging one. My mendedthat the exams begiven. fervent support of the Increasingly personally wanted to do, or not do, I would request the same con· evaluation involved the way I A lawsuit seeking an Inlunctlon unpopular Shah' of Iran for a but rather that I support the slderatlon. per-celvedthe performance while It against the exams has been quarter century thereafter, and student's rights to express Furthermore, I realize now that wasbeing performed. brought in D.C. Superior Court by Iran's unacceptable ...holdlng of themselves and to encourage that In the article I made significant .' In conclusion, I would like to note the resourceful Kan HIli, president American hostagesduring the past expression. omissions. I didn't mention the set that my intent "waS' never of the Howard University Student few weeks. These Injustices on the The facts remain that many or technical aspects of the maliciOUS.I think -that my error Association. part of the United States and Iran students on this campus were producton. Also, perhaps I could was In lack of experience in this The exam, -alledgedto be illegal are very much related to each Interested enough In the situation have expanded and -explaIned type of writing. I hope that no 111 because It was not listed as a other. to attend and express their views. more specifically my evaluations will pre~alls because of my graduation requirement when Even though we have the fuJI That's what America 15all about. of -the actors' performances. I'm review. students enrolled, will be right to Insist that the hostagesbe At one time the attendance not going to make excuses for SIncerely, boycotted if the court injunction is released, I believe It Is now very estimate rose as high as 450 these omissions. However, I would Helga Heln not granted, suggestsMr. HIli.
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