Page 57 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 57
Thursday_Pecember 6, 1979 Scrimshaw Page 7 Students tour the world for credit will move rntc southern Spain and five days, and the political life of snorkeling, and macrame. They Dr's Dietrich and Stevens will be Barbara Rido.ut the Andaluclan cities. They will Belize for three days. They will will also learn about the historical, taking 27 students to New Orleans There are six study tours continue through La Mancha - the then head to Tikal, an ar- political, and social aspects of the from January 21·29. While here at scheduled for Jan term this year. route of Don Quixote. Most of the chaeological site in the jungles of area. They will leave January 20 WMC, studentswililearnaboutthe Five will be going to such distant trip will go through the nontourist Guatemala (It was also the site of and return February 2. On board, music, history, and culture of the places as Spain, Central America, areas, to give the students a taste the rebel base in Star Wars). They students will be the crew of the ctty . both past and present. They The West Indies, Hawaii, and New of Spanish culture, as well as the will continue to Palenque and ships. They will also do some. will alsobe reading, among others, Orleans. There will also be one chance to practice their Spanish. Yucatan to explore the ancient navigating, exploration (towns, Life on the Mississippi, The operating out of theWMC campus. There are still some places left on Indian ruins. They will then leave islands, and shipwrecks), swim- Awakening, and The Gran- Or's Williams and Deveny will the tour. " interested, contact for a few days rest on the beach of mlng, and snorkeling. They will be dissimes. While in the city, the be conducting the study lour to eitherDr.WiliiamsorDr.Deveny.' Cozumet before returning home. expected to keep a tog 01 their trip students will be able to sample Spain. The 17 students, including "Rtvers, Reefs, and Republics, There are still a few places left, This tour is closed to any more French and Creole cooking and to three from Albright College, will Ruins In Central America" is the and Interested students are ad- students. listen to music by Peter Fountain, be leaving December 27, and name ct.the study tour Or's David vised to see Or. David. The culture of Oceania will be \.AI Hurt, and Preservation Hall. returning January 17. They will and Alspach are conducting from Forty-seven students and six under scrutiny In the tour con They will also take a tour ot the tour both Spain and Portugal. Two Jan. 7-23. Thetourwill go to Belize, instructors will be setting off for ducted by Hugh Dawkins. On bayous by paddle-wheel boat. All nights will be spent in Lisbon. In a small, poverty-stricken British the West Indies on the Wind· campus, the students will get an placesohthistriphavebeenfilled. Spain, they will visit Madrid and colony; Guatemala, and Yucatan. jammer tour. The first two weeks overvtew ot the religions of the The final study tour Is entitled They area. Polvnessten other important cities of northern 'They will be studying The Am- will be spent on campus learning ~~:~~~~~~~;;iof~i~~~~~i~~;;~i:~i~;;:~~~:{~~~~:~~ft~~ and is being Own Backyard," will learn "Our e' 'd smm ~oain'nTh'tO r'h'a'O"s' tber9rmiSCilIYe' "t"'a) OffmOfBeloizefO ' phOWh'Oo"'s' C r students will encounter. The lour tourswillincludethehistoricareas issues. not require illustration. Or, if they leaves January 13 and returns of Westminster, Union Town (the Jerry. Proffitt The best of these poems are the do, the poet will a-dd the January 27. They will do complete only lown in the National Historic The fall issue of Contrast three contributed by Ira Zepp, illustration. 'tours of Honolulu, Walkikl, Oahu, Register), Annapolis (the State magazine has been published, and which describe a painful hospital All in all, this issue of Contrast and Pearl Harbor; visiting, among House, Naval Academy, historic Scrimshaw has asked me to review experience from a few years ago seems at first a disappointment, others, the East·West Center, the houses and on the Eastern Shore, it. The first thing that struck mels Those poems are the niost con. mainly because of the mistakes Kodak Hula Show, a State Park, the Chesapeake Bay Modell, a that it Is not a magazine at ali; crete, effective, and non- and the arguably sloppy layout. the Polynesslan Culture Center, Lancaster Amish farm, Frederick rather it Is a collection of Broad- 'pretentious of the issue. These However, the poetry itself, with a several schools, a pineapple and a and Harper's Ferry, Gettysburg, sides printed on vettcw. orange, poems seem to point to something, few exceptions, is the best that was sugar cane plantation, and the Baltimore (three days) and and brown paper (for Autumn, I make no straining effort to be available 10 the editors, and worth stete legislature. There will be a 2· Washington (four days). This trip suppose) and contained In a white "profound" (which adds to the reading. Also the editors have 3 day stop In San Francisco before has been closed cardboard holder, with a white profundity), and avoid the vague given us something which we neve returning. There is one spot open With the variety of trips, this Jan cardboard cover. The poems are abstractions which plague many long asked for: an e+t.cempus on this tour. Contact Hugh term .ctte-s something for mimeographed with Illustrations modern poems. issue. Dawkins if interested. everyone. added. The main problem with this issue If it sounds like I'm condemning is that it is riddled with errors. One Contrast for this layout,' I poem In particular has no fewer apologize. They have not had a than fourteen mistakes, and budget increase in seven years, probably more. I know, because I and publication costs have been wrote it. There are words added, soaring. There will be another words omitted, and many places Issue sometime this spring with th"l where letters were sloppily same layout. then most of the scribbled in. I'm not famllar budget will go to a large magazine enough with the ether poems to issue at the endoftheyear. know whether or not they were So much for the layout. As far as prtnted accurately, but there are editorial choices, Contrast had a many cases of sloppy typing and huge amount of material from printing. Even my name was which to make their selections. misspelled. of The problem with this l Many most the were submiSSions were issue isthe other "artwork". Most of the 1fie and good, mediocre, others quite awtut- And, although drawings are mediocre, and the there were several excellent rest are worse. If there is to be submissions from off-campus, we artwork in Contrast, it should be have been given an ett-cempus for its own sake, and not for the issue for the firs! time in many purpose of illustration. Poems do JERK ................................... : - Rouse of Liquors e I- iSpecial of the Week : Budweiser 12-oz. cans • • • • • with this coupon $2.19 UNIVERSAL PICTURES PRESENTS : • : Carroll Plaza, Westminster • • AN ASPEN FILM SOCIETY WILLIAM E. McEUEN· 848.1314 • H_ ill" • ,~.~.-!..~•..~~,~•....... _!.!': DAVID V. PIi:KER PRODUCTION A CARL REINER FILM J :f.~~~ STEVE MARTIN 10 1heJERl< "TUSK" by M!Q Reg. '10.1IL CHEAP TRICK DREAM POLICE $5 ...!!!!... JUDAS PREIST LIVE 4.aIL NEW PINK FLOYD $9.].!. Musical Instruments Strings: Buy 1 at regular price. 2nd at halt price
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