Page 49 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 49
.Thursday, November 29, 1979 Scrimshaw Page 5 Nuclear alternatives examined Ed Johnson ~ustry. They are coal gaslftcation, Costly top soil must be brought In, steam from hot #;,Ings and are collected. The chemical then In the quest to do things bigger shale 011, geothermal, nuclear along ~Ith various plant life to geysers beneath the earth's sur- flows through the pipes which and better than ever before, man fusion, and solar power. restore the land. face to be piped into a system lust extend along the house's walls to has always tried to harness some Coal Gasification is an alternate If the coal Is not.strlp mined then above the ground that generates cool or heat It. To heat you home form of energy to fulfill his source many environmentalists It must be mined underground: a electricity. the chemical acts as a hot water dreams. With fossil fuels running look to positively. By gasifying dangerous and expensive method, The use of solar power as an radiator does. Only the chemical short, government and private coal the fossil fuel can be used but one that has been done for alternative source of power is can store heat better than water. Industry once pointed towards without harming the air. During centuries. expected to grow quickly In the To cool a building the chemical nuclear power as the final solution the process of gasification Shale 011 Is another possibility. near future. This growth will be must go through a cooling to the energy dllema. With the polluting sulfur Is removed. President Carter says that we have encouraged by the tax Incentives generator. hazards of nuclear power gaining However this process Is a very more 011 In the western United recently passed by the Congress Many scientists believe that publiC attention, newer and safer expensive proposition. So far States than do all the Middle East and signedby the President. nuclear fusion may one day solve 'alternative energy .sources are Congress Is unwilling to ap- nations combined. Government There currently exist three types our nation's growing thirst for nowbeing Investigated. propriate the necessary funds for and Industry are both Interested In of solar home heating systems. energy. Current nuclear reactors There is somuch material on the coal gasification. tapping this vast source. However One contains a system of mirrors usenuclear fission (the spllHlng of topic of alternate sources of Coal gasification becomes even environmentalists are concerned placed outside, facing the sun. The atoms) as a source of power. This energy, that onecould take several more expensive If other demands about strip mining the land ana mirrors then reflect the sun's rays Is an exothermic reaction which books to explain them. Today five from envlronmentllsts are met. If threatening both the West's supply and heat on your home or building. produces heat and radioactive alternate sources, besides nuclear the coal Is strip mined, ecologists of water and the migration pat- The second type consists of solar wastes. In nuclear fusion, two fission .are being closely con- demand that the land be returned terns of wildlife. panels, like the ones usedto power atoms are joined together to · Each panei contains Shale 011 is also extremely ex- Sky Lab. sidered by government and In- to Its natural state after mining. pensive. An elaborate hydrollc elements that can absorb and store produceenergy.ltmayevenlually provide a cheap, safe source of S f a ety regu ·ations system Involving special pumps the sun's heat. These panels are energy, but years of research must 1 and other machinery Is necessary normally placed on the roof and becompletedflrst. The quest energy to force the 011 out. 011 from shale then the heat is absorbed from the for will cost much more than the roof into the building In the same goeson. How exPensive will It be? - checked out current prices paid for oil from the manner that a greenhouse Is Where will the search lead us? Middle East. heated. The third type Is a system These are questions that lie In our Geothermal energy Is limited to the Southern and Western regions olplpesenclosed in solar collecting future. Only through technology material. Inside the pipes an antl- and careful consideration will they of the United States. Geothermal freeze type chemical Is placed beanswered. safe enough both from equipment from p. 1 failure and human error or abuse energy Is produced by allowing the which reacts when the suns rays the reactor. This would again cool to justify the risk of clouds of Personel Viewpoint the fuel, but it would also create a radioactive steam seHllng over great cloud of highly radioactive Baltimore or Philadelphia? And steam that would becontained only are the benefits of nuclear power Phil's terms defined by the reactor's protective wall. great enough to justify· devoting Should that wall crack under the millions of dollars or resourcesto steam's pressure, a cloud of debugging the nuclear reactor and Mary Ellen Bellanca can certainly be a Fundamentalist legalistic. It also became common radioactive steam would spread Its system, assuming there Is no The latest edition of Phil without being a charismatic; In to associate them,wIth aHltudes of out over the countryside around hiddenunsolvabieproblems? LaPadula's column, entitled fact, many Fundamentalists complete opposition to 'critical' in- scriptural of methods the reactor, poisioning everything Answering these questions and "Keep Your Church Off My State," disagree vehemently with in its path with radiation. deciding how nuclear power should disturbed me becausea number of charismatics onpivotal Issues. terpretation. Fundamentalists So far no full meltdowns have be used in the future is now up to statement in It may confuse some Phil writes that he ersessccieted became a symbol (In much the degenerated to the point of these the federal government, especially people. For clarity, I would like to himself with "the movement" same way as the Vatican has become-a symbol to many people events happening. Whenever Congress. The Kemeny Commis- quote this key passage from that {presumably the charismatic of religious bureaucracy and ec- something has gone wrong; either slcn, the presidential commission article: movement} when It turned Into a cfestestrce! power politiCS)... back-up systems have kicked In or set up to probe the TMI incident, "Nearly everyone has heard of "political charade." This reads as techntcens. acting quickly and has ~Id that some sort of the 'born.again' Fundamentalist a general statement. Many conservative Evangelicals with Insight. have stablized and moratorium should be declared on Christian movement that has I have been Involved with gradually distanced themselves defused these situations. ccnee- the future construction of reac. become such a pOwerful force on several charismatic groups from from the Fundamentalists and quently luck, some skill and a high tors: the NRC has declared a de college campuses throughout the time to time and I have seen no some of their more extreme tolerance for safety have made the facto three month moratorium on country. I first became Interested political charade. Phil's ex- positions, so that It Is no longer safety record for the nuclear granting of licenses and operating I", this movement, also called the perience was evidently different accurate, If It ever was, to describe power industry higher than In permits. The prevailing opinion In charismatic movement, In 1975. from mine, but it does not entitle all conservative Evangelicals as many other Industries. the government is that nuclear This passage Is misleading at him to make sweeping statements Fundamentalists." terms This attempt to clarify Several questions have been and power Is stili a necessary part of best. Its effect, and that of the about "the movement." only hints at the compleXity-of the are being raised concerning the ac. the future energy system, but that whole article, depends on the Accordln~ to steve Clark In the situation, t-ut I hope It shows how tual safety of nuclear reactors future growth must be much definitions of the terms used to March, 1979 Issueof New Covenant from_disastrous meltdowns. Each slower than before TMI until the describe certain groups. Here the magazine; "Over the years, the ru.eevrsec It Is to use the word accident allows technlcans to learn problem of reactor safety, among words "born-again:' "Fun- Fundamentalists acquired a "fundamentalist" casually. about what cango wrong and what many others, is dealt with to the eemeotenst," and "charismatic" reputation for being . entt- To return to "Keep Your Church to improve or correct, but does satisfaction of society. And are used Interchangerably, but this Intellectual. politically con- Off My State," I would like to that justify the risk of Irradiating whether a breakthrough in sate- usage Is simply not accurate. You servative, belligerent. and address the association of the several square miles of populated guarding reactors Is achieved wltl can be a "born-again" Christian .3 land? Even il better run and safer determine in part how nuclear without being either a Fun- plants can be built, are they stili power will beusedIn the future. .damentallst or a charismatic. 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