Page 51 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 51
Volume X, Number 10 Western Maryland College Thursday, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!~~!1~~!!~~~December6,1979 at rally becauseevery American Isbeing held asa spiritual For the first time since the Vietnam War a hostage." demonstration took place on Western Maryland BlIl Kirby, a student, suggestedto the crowd that College's campus, however, the tone had changed they should "get on their knees and pray to God from burning. the American flag to burning the becauseIt seemsas though you are leaving him out Iranlanflag. of the picture." Kirby'S statement led to John Onestudent chanting "world peace" andcarrying Hines' remark that "Some people want to pray, a sign which read "No Wars R GoodWars" was some people want to nuke 'em till they glow, well muffled by the crowd as they shoutedsloganssuch whatever you want to do, do it. But the point is, as "Nuke 'em 'till they glow" and "Fuck lren." we're all here becausewe care. Last week there Another studentwas toting a sign which read "Be a were peopledyin' In Cambodia, but we didn't care goodAmerican and shootan Iranian." about that becausethey weren't Americans. These Onegirl, turning red Inthe face, shouted,"you all are Americans. And the point is we all care (pause) are turning this into a party but I will tell you one and we all hate Iran."Hines' statement brought the thing, tomorrow if there Isa war, you will bethe last crowd to an uproar, the National Anthem was oneslaughing, suckers!" played. John Blum, the organizer of the demonstration, Allen Kwiatkowski then spoke of the Christian expressedhis support of the President In trying to ethic of "loving thy neighbor" and madea plea solve the crisis In a non violent way but was not all Christians to leavethe raJly. successful In stopping a group of students from After Kwiatkowski's plea many left but burning an Iranian flag. As the flag was burning, demonstration continued on a more rational one student shouted, "I feel good getting off and ShOrtly afterwards, Channel 2 News burning flags." Blum then shouted, "It's not lust filmed the last the rally which I Iranian crisis probed Jenlfer Ulrey Someof the questionsdealt with malnlalned If the hostages are There was a strong support for were "What can be doneIn view of harmed, Dr. David remarked that President Carter's efforts for Iran's present actions?", "How "respect would not comefrom rnu- peaceful negotiations, as express- shouldrespectbe maintained If the Itary force." It was unanimously ed by the Panel at the Panel dis- hostages are harmed?", and agreed by the panel that the U.S. cussion concerning the Iranian "What has causedthe strong Anti- should avoid military action and crisis. The Panel discussionwhich Amerlcansentlment?" "maintain the bestIdeals." In responseto the first question Dealing with the cause of the ;:~~~~~:~a:n~~tv7da~r~:~~= Dr. Weber stated that one of the Anti-American sentiment Or. Political ScienceDept., Dr. Lever- main problems Is that the U.S. Badiee pointed out that there Is a Ing from the History Dept., Dr. doesn't know who to actually deal "resentment towards westemue. Badiee from the Art Dept., Dr. with since there are three conflict- tlonwhichJsaresulfofthecultur:e Zepp from the Religion Dept., and ing groups In existence. The panel coming to terms with the twentieth AII-Alzatarl from the International was In strong agreement for a century." She stated that Iran Relations Committee. The panel peaceful resolution. Dr. Badlee often experiences the worst as- openedwith a brief history of the pointed out that an understanding pects of westernization and they Iranian political situation which of Islam and what led up to the connectIt with the United States.It has led to the Iranian crisis. The crisis would be helpful In dealing was madeclear by all the panelists discussion, which lasted about an with the situation. that "U.S. dtlzens don't real1zethe hour and a half, dealt with ques- There was a voice of concern extent of our Involvement In for- tions concerning how the Iranian about the possible lack of respect eign governments." It was sugĀ· sltuatjcn could be resolved and towards the U.S. Government. Or. gested that the U.S. needs to what has led to the strong anti- Levering pointed out that "the U.S. change their policies concerning American sentiment. Isgaining respect which is evident InvolvementInothergovernments. sinceworld opinion Isonour side." Jobs lost with A, foe as I rule change The administration's decision to follow a closer Interpretation of funds to students through the Honors amended Federally financed College Work (CWS) Program has Study membersof the schoolcommunity. Lee Maxwell classes." generated concern among- many The faculty hasapprovedthe Ad- Or. William David also objected The current controversy centers missions and Standards ccmmtt- to imposing the new requirements around two main Issues: (1) The tee'samendmentto the newhonors on all classes because trends In new, more specific Interpretation requirements which exempts this grades show them to be moving of Federal CWS program year's seniors from the new re- down,sothe new requirementsare regulations and, (2) Whetheror not quirements. Theamendment,post- "rnlssumed" because they will the Financial Aid office made it ponedfrom the November faculty promote gradedeflation. clear to employeesupervisors that meeting, passedby a voice vote at More debatebrought out the idea this new interpretation would the Decemberfaculty meeting last of using a percentage quota in- prohibit work study workers from Tuesday. stead of an exact figure for each earning extra moneythrough other The motion did not pass without requirements, but some faculty forms of campusemployment. some lively debate. Dr. C.C. Herr- members objected to the idea be The College Work Study' mann, chairman of the sponsoring cause it made for fluctuating, lrn- Program is designed to help committee, clarified a question by precise standards. ~ colleges assist financially needy saying that of the whole senior Scrimshaw later asked Dr. Herb students meet the costs of et- class, 80would be able to receive Smith whether he thought there tending college. The amount of honorsunder the old system while was a chance a faculty member CWS funds that a student Is 55would receive honors under the might movein the future to exempt allowed to earn is basedupontheir newsystem. present juniors and sophomores need. Mr. Ned Aull, the esststent Dr. Ethan Seidel objected that from the new requiremenf!l. He director of Admissions and the motion didn't go far enough said hedidn't expectanyonewould Financial Aid, said that, in past becausepresent juniors and soph- do so; but he did say the students years, the college has allowed omores would not be exempted should consider this a victory, students to earn income in excess with the seniors. "The grade infla- because they were able to per- of their financial needby switching tion is our fault, Or. Seidel com- suade the faculty to compromise them to regular campus em mented, "And I don't think it is on an issuethey hadalready decid ployment once their CWSearnings politic to jump this on the present edupon. 5
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