Page 52 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 52
We like to munch -; Last semester, a WMC tradition fell by the wayside. Rowdies abuse rally, mouth war slogans We did not have like to say week sandwich we have sale the exam Scrimshaw how much would always appreciated the sandwich sale. And so, we meekly put our hands behind our backs and ask enough to come advocate such action, would you really One of the cries we heard at the rally last Monday politely, could we please have it again? We realize we night was, "America's integrity is at stake!" Scrim- go to fight in Iran? Now? If you're so concerned, have now have the pub, but it's not the same. In the past, the Did The President? your congressman? you written shaw feels that the student integrity was at stake, and pub has had problems handling crowds, and finals the flag wasn't the only thing that was burned. you attend the panel to gain some information, or do week will probably create similar problems, The From the rantings of the crowd, it was apparent that you just follow slogans? _ sandwich sale offered us something new in the way of many demonstrators felt that war was the solution to ' We feel that most of the people at the rally attended munchies; by now we've pretty well incorporated the the Iranian crisis. But what was expressed was no real to satisfy their curiosity, or just to raise a little hell. pub offerings into our diet. knowledge of war and what that means; rather there Someone might say, "So What?" We feel that each And finally. the sandwich sales were fun. The was a psuedo-masculine show of "strength." "Fuck" individual present should examine his or her motives. cafeteria had something of a party atmosphere, not was the most common adjective and verb, followed by How many of you could write a position paper sup- unlike that of the Titanic,and it was easier to relax and porting what you shouted at the rally? "burn it" and "blow 'em off the map." One male We feel that it is ironic that such a demonstration talk without the juke box and the crowds. student even shouted to the predominantly male crowd, "1 feel good getting off and burning flags!" The occurred in front of the chapel decorated for Christ- crowd was asked, "how many of you assholes would go mas. One cannot help contrasting that scene with the Marathon men to war?" To cries of "You'll enlist'!" the crowd roared traditional scene of people gathered around Baker for approval. - the Christmas service. Congratulations to Sam Case, Marc Scrimshaw would Ii~e to ask these people who care Last Monday we asked not for peace on earth and good will toward men, but instead for war and death to Miller. and Dr. Alspach for finishing the Iranians. " Maryland Marathon. Sororities slop "Ask and ye shall receive." Cry for Justice In this issue, we salute the Phi Alph'sand Sigmas for the most Childish, selfish act of last week, These to sororities or individual members of such, decided of Grade appeal needed redecorate the gazebo for us. They assumed we did not care to read the "Carpe Diem" (which is something a campus motto) but would prefer instead to read their Greek letters. The Phi Alphs covered "Carpe We ask the faculty and students to place themselves Senate Subcommittee was told the Faculty Council in this position: you are a student, and you have would get back in touch this year. They never did. On received a grade that you feel is unfair. You feel that Tuesday, November 27, Ralph Levering, Secretary to the grade is a result of a faliacious or prejudiced the Council, proposed that the Faculty Council create a evaluation on the partof the instructor. You discuss the subcommittee to examine more carefully the question situation with the Department Head and the Dean, both of the Grade Review Board. The motion was defeated.' of whom are unsure as to whether or not the grade is In effect, the Faculty Council has said they will not fair. Even if the Dean is sympathetic, he does not have further discuss the issue. the power to change the grade. You consult the AAUP Scrimshaw finds this a curious attitude, especially Joint Statement on the Rights and Freedoms of after last year's faculty response, The Grade Review Students, and the Western Maryland Statement on Board Proposal was discussed with 43 faculty mem- Student Rights and Freedoms. Both of them say, bers. Then, on the basis of their suggestions, the "Students should have protection through ordinary proposal was rewritten. The faculty expressed concern procedures against prejudiced or capricious academic over whether or not the Grade Review Board would be evaluation." flooded by cases, and whether or not the faculty would And then you realize, there are no "ordinary be knowledgeable enough to handle them. Precautions procedures." All you can do is talk to the Dean and the were taken against this in the structure of the proposal. Dept. Head, and you've already done that. Scrimshaw Of the forty-three professors contacted, twenty-four Diem" with the insignia. The Sigmas then came along feels that the proposed Grade Review Board would were in favor of the proposal, and completely obliterated both the "CarpeDiem" and provide an ideal solution to this problem. The students against, and nine were undecided. but only thirteen were the Phi Alpha Mu with a square of white spray paint. seem to agree. All four proposals concerning the Grade SCrimshaw suggests that the Faculty Council Above this they wrote their insignia. Review Board have won unanimous approval from the examine the proposal closely, at least to make Where is it going to end? Will we someday see the SGASenate. suggestions, if not to consider it's implementation. It is entire campus covered with ever-larger Greek letters? Yet the faculty seem to be dragging their feet. Last a proposal that offers both students and faculty a just Scrimshaw suggests that both sororities be held year, in the Spring, the proposal was sent to the procedure to protect student's rights, and as such, responsible for removing the paint-the rest of us would Faculty Council. The Council felt they did not have certainly deserves further discussion. like our unblemished campus back, please, adequate time to reach a decision last year, and the Grade Review Board SGA proposes procedure Summary olthe Proposed Grade Review Board Board by submitting a petition as non- voting members a faculty issued for the class. The Board leave the school, the department The purpose of the Board Is to stating the student's case. The member and a senior student of the may then review all the grades involved is asked to retain the provide students protection Dean will select an acting chair. department involved, and other Issued during the semester. One records of the grades, syllabus, against prejudiced, or fallacious person for the Board, whowitl set a students who have had the class. the basis of the grades consteerec. expectations for the students, basis academic evaluation, as Is time and place of meeting, at Upon hearing the case, if at least the Board may choose to overturn of grading, and any other relevant recommended by the AAUP Joint which the four members will read one half of the Board feels that Is or uphold a given grade. information for six weeks of Statement on Rights and the petition and hear the student. A not knowledgeable, Informed or At the request of both the student regular scheduled classes or until Freedoms of Students, and majority of the Board must con- competent enough to render a and the faculty member involved, all appeats have been heard. In the Western Maryland College's sider the case to be justified lor'ihe proper decision, It will refuse to the Board may order the case of a student questioning a Statement on Student Rights and Board to then formally consider It. judge on the case, and the grade Registrar's Office to change a grade from such a faculty mem- Freedom. The Board will refuse to hear the will stand. Upon hearing the case, grade which the faculty member ber, the department chairman will The Board shall consist of two case if the student has not ep-" the Board will dectde by majority has reconsidered. become familiar with the records, faculty members selected by the proached the faculty member, the ,....::.".:'~f::,,:::"::.'fy=m:::.m=b~'~' ~W=".:.':":.,:';::"::d p:::.,=",,~":::ft::."::m:;'~o'::":-8:..:0::."::.d.--, faculty for staggered two year department chairperson, or the ;~:~e~~:~~e~h!~;:~:::rtl~~;:~~~ SCRIMSHA W terms (with half of the first terms Dean of Academic Affairs, or not grade. This judgment will be of one year only) and no two submitted a petition. The Board considered in noway to reflect the " faculty members from the same will refuse to hear a case quality of integrity of either party. department may serve on the -petitioned more than six weeks of If the Board Is unsure of the Board~Thls restriction is to reduce regular scheduled classes after the validity of a grade, but not Nancy Menefee. . Editor-in-Chief thechanceofmostofthefacultyon grade was received. This process- thoroughly convinced that it was in Dave Cleveland. Managing Editor the Board disqualifying them- Is to weed out unfounded cases error, the Board should uphold the Bill Byrne News Editor selves. with minimum effort given grade. The Board should Jim Wellman Business Manager The Board will be 'a continuation If the Board agrees to hear the remember that in all cases the Phyllis Menschner . . Sports Editor of the current review process. A case, the chairperson will set a burden of proof will be on the Vernon Roberts Photography Editor student who questions a certain time and place of meeting, giving student. If the Board decides to Scott Dahne Photography Editor I grade must firs! discuss the grade both parties at least one week to change the grade, a majority shall Ralph Preisendorfer with faculty member involved. The prepare their arguments. The decide what new grade to give the . Graphics student will then discuss the grade Dean of Academic Affairs shall student. The Board may reconvene Special ASSistants Joan Hughes with the department.chefrperson. select a member to act as recorder at a later date to reach this second Ty~sts . Jane Bielefield, Pats! Moyler, II dissatisfied wllh Ihe results, the for the Board. A record of all cases decision. student will discuss the grade with' will be kept by the Dean's Office, The Board may be petitioned by the Dean of Academic Affairs. If and the Dean's Office wifl handle one student, or in a joint case by Scrimshaw welcomes and encourages divene opinions, and providM still dissatisfied, the student may all correspondence for the Board, several students in one class. This room for opposing viewpoints. If you desire to be published. or wish t request the Office of the Dean of Prior fo hearing the case, the petition may only be submitted communicate in any other fashion. plea5e address material to' Scrim- Acacerruc Affairs to convene the members of the Board shall name after the final grades have been L'~ha~W~,!Bo~'~l,~W~.!!,,,~,!!;"Ma~'Y!!'a:!!:"~d!:!Co~II!!"~',.!W::.. ~'m:::;::;",:!!";::',.!!M~D~2~11~S7,-. _...J
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