Page 58 - Scrimshaw1979-80
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Page 8 Scrimshaw Thursday December 6, 1979 Tearn as yet untried Bonnaccorsy named all-American twice Publicity field hockeyteam and Martin cap- One game, one point, and one tained the Green Terrors volley- Publicity tern Maryland's sports rntor. foul Is all that stood betweenthe ball team Inthefall. matlon office has been In cor- A quiet night In the dorm for R!c- Western Maryland College wo- Elliott, who averaged 6.5 points ct Bcnnaccorsy-tumec Into an respondancewith the Dallas Cow- men's basketball team and a berth per game, and Kernan, with a 6.1 evening of jubilance for the boysconcerning Ricci's pro poten- In last year's Middle Atlantic Con- average, are the next highest Western Maryland College senior Hal. ferenceplevotts. returning scorers. The Western when he left his room, and the Although a defensive end In col. The 1979_80edition of the Green Maryland dribblers usean offense televised Sugar Ray Leonard wet. lege, Bonaccorsy Is considered a Terrors Includes three starters that Involves a tot of screensand ter-wetqht championship fight, to candidate for outside linebacker from that 8-9squadwhoseplayoff hopesended with a controversial glve.and-go'sagainst the ever pre- answerthe telephone. by professional scouts. His size, sent zoneIts opponentsuseto sag It was BonaccOl'"sy'sgirl friend 6'11/2"tall and 215pounds,as welt overtime loss to Franklin & Mar- InonMartin Inthe middle. with a message from the Green as his exceptional speed (he runs shall. Seniorcenter Becky Martin, Her 5'9" stature putsMartin at a Terrors assrstent football coach the 40-yarddash in 4.7)would nee- [unfcr forward Jean Elliott, and disadvantageagainst most teams, Ed Kelly. Rtcct had beennamedto cesitatethe changeInpositions. junior guard Maggie Mules return which have taller centers. She is Eastman Kodak's first team "The odds are against a player to the first five with seniorforward the tallest athlete Inthe GreenTer. NCAA division III all-Amer-lcan from a small schoolmaking 11."he Barb Brazls and scphcmereguard Jayne Kernan rounding out the rors first five. Not only doesMar- squadfor the secondyear in a row said, but 1have to prove to myself to become WMC's only two-time openinguntt. tin provide a large portion of atI-American in 89years of varsity whether I can or can't make It. I Western Maryland's offensive ef. just want ashotat pro ball." "The team is difficult to describe forts, she calls defensive signals As a youngster Bonaccorsy's at this point." said WMC head for the squad's matching zone or football neighbor was Washington Red- "I was hopingto make It for the coachCarol Fritz, "the overlap of man-to-mancoverages. second time," said Ricci, "and I skins center Len Hauss.Ricci was sports seasonshas left some play- Mules and Kernan played guard was anxious to find out. I think I a guest in the Redsklns locker ersa little behind." together at the prep level for wasbetter, a little bit stronger and room and at practice on a number Fritz guided the WMC volleyball TowsonHigh. Elliott Isaproduct of faster, this year." of occasions. team to a 36-3 record this fall North Hagerstown High, Brazis He has already been chosento "Growing up around Len however, due to the Terrors post- hails from North Harford High, the first team all·Middle Atlantic brouqht me down to earth. I'm not season activities, three netters and Martin is a Westminster High Conferencehonor role and is in an in awe of those guys in the NFL, who double as basketball players enviable position tor a third I'm just excitedaboutplaying with got a late start on the cage pre- alumnus. ourselves.Thewomenherealways straight first team all·Maryland them," hesaid. reserves give over The Green Terrors season. Two Western Maryland often enter gamesas a five person court." 100 percent on. the honor. His parents attended every field hockeyplayers were also tar- unit. This year's backup crew tn. Western Maryland will preview "I'm shootingfor the pros," said Western Maryland football game dy due to post-seescnall-star ep- pearances. etudes forwards Lauren Temple Its team at homeSaturdayagainst Bonaccorsy,who entertained a re for all four years of Ricci's college presentativeof the Baltimore Colts career, homeand away. They wtt. and Maureen Noonan; guards an alumni group at 8 Gill Martin led the basketball team Wendy Sharrets, Patsy Moyles, Gym. The regular season gets Tuesday. "I'm lifting weights so I nesseda senior year that included In scoring last year with an 18.6 and barb Peterson; and center underway Tuesday at vcrk Col- can gain eight to ten pounds and 92 tackles, 56 assists, 15 seeks; points per game averaqe en route Nancy Held. Senior guard Cheryl lege. keepmy speed." three fumble recoveries, and a to a first team all·Mlddle Atlantic "I don't really expectto bedrett. blockedfIeld goal. Conferencespot. Brazls and Mar- stcnter Is being brought along "Right now winning or losing is ed but I do think I'll get a shotas a Bonaccorsy commented, "My tin wllt serve as co-captains, a slowlyduetokneeproblems. not as Important as getting some free agent," headded. family is backing my ceclsrcn to "We're often faced with a height games in to seewhat we can do," responsibility familiar to both disadvantage," remarked Fritz, said FriJz. "Thlf> will be a good TheSeattleSeahawks,NewYork try pro ball and the team gave me ... women. BrazlscaptainedtheWMC "but we never short change competitive team by mre-seescn. Giants,andthe Protesstcnatscout. a chance to get there. Our defen- ing Bureau have met with Bonae. slve line Is so good that no one corsy over the past year and Wes-'" could key on me. Also, Coach Wrestling squad shows great potential ~:~~;~:'t:~;·;:it'!;:I~!:~;;~! Ed Johnson Jameson. Steve ptaced sixth last Becausemany weight classesare Terror wrestlers placed high recognition. Nell Olkewttz, a former Univer- Western Maryland wrestling year at the Middle Atlantic represented by only one wrestler, against bigger, tougher opponents, sity of Maryland linebacker, Is the I finished with a 7 10record last Championships. Rick returns to in the eventot an lnjury, there is no such as GeorgeMason, UniversIty man Bonaccorsy models himself the squad with an 8 and 1 record back up wrestter to grapple for the year.,1t was a successfull season of Virginia, and V M I. With the Olkewltz, at 6' and 205 after. l which producedmany outstanding from last season. squad. • Impetus from that tournament pounds, was a free agent who At our most recent tournament, wrestlers. This year again talent WesternMaryland goeson to meet Wrestling at 118 will be Dick and dedication poInt to a good Fre)'V, who placed fourth at a James Madison, Western Sesquehanaand Juniata, Satur scrapped his way Into the wesh- Ington Redskins and a starting season. tournament recently held at Vork. Maryland pertormed welt. The day, December8. linebacker lob. Western Maryland has a very At 126Ibs.,will be Craig Freeman, toughschedule.Many of W. M. C.'s and at 132Ibs. wlil be Keith Stag. opponentsare division onecolleges Lary Light will be wrestling at 142. - anduniversities, suchasAmerican He Isa freshman,with anexcellent $1.00 OFF ALL University and neer ce wrestling career from McDonna Washington.Many opponentsfrom HighSchool. our own division three will also be ALBUMS AND TAPES challenging, like Tousend, Wrestling at 150 are Vince Lycoming, Deleware Valley, and Boone, who placed fifth at last (excluding special items and cut-outs) Gettysburg. Many of our op. year's MA C's; andBruce Reinert, ponentsare Pennsylvaniaschools. a senior with an outstanding These colleges tap their talent wrestling record. Gary Colbertwill from Pennsylvania high schools. wrestle at 158.He·ls a junior and Pennsylvaniahappensto haveone placedsecondInhis weight classaf of the country's best high school theVorktournament. wrestling programs, thus the teams have better trained Wrestling at 167 Is Rick 8 REC.RD 8 Wrestlers. , Jameson.Bill Angelosisour 177lb. 4 Coach Sam Case's squad is a wrestler. last year Bill showed 7 perseverant one. The squad's great improvement, but was In 8 6 motIvation is extremely apparent lured during the season. Pat during their practices. Each Griffing wrestles at 190and our wrestler of the fourteen member two heavyweightsare Tom Logger 3 GALLERY. squad is prepared to make an all and John Hackney, who. placed 6 third in a tournament at James out effort. This attitude will help Madison. 9 7 make up for the.small Sizeof this 3 o year's squad. The wrestling squad is showing great potential. Injuries could 9 o St;~~cap~~~nr~tl~~s:~e_!~~adR~;~ prove to- be their worst enemy. ~_./J ~ Cold BeN PINK FLOYD Off The Wall List $11.98 - Price $9.98 ,., u.o- ~ Sandwiches LED ZEPPLIN In Through the Out Door List $8.98 - $6.99 NEIL YOUNG (Double Album) Live Rust List $13.98 - $9.98 Carroll Plaza Shoppih.e: Center Salad flar Call Ahead for Takeout Orders 876·3550 LITTLE FEAT Down on the Farm List $8.98 - $6.99 140 Viii_Be Shopping Center
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