Page 54 - Scrimshaw1979-80
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Page 4 Scrimshaw Thursday December 6, 1979 Special election forum r~----- r--------------~ I-Freshman Class President I Judicial Board best interestsinatl areas. for class president on Friday, December Bart Stocksdale One goal that I hope to fulfill as 7th. Craig Ray Michael Grusby Freshman Class President Is to prevent P.S. Vote for Runningmate Scott Lch- student apathy on campus i~sues. I also mann for vice. President. Lee Maxwell When President, my main cbjectlve will hope to keep a line of communication open be to raise money for our class, while at between the memberS\.of the Freshman All classes may vote for Judicial Board the same time, having fun. By co- Class and the Administration. For these Bob Egan sponserlng dances, raffles and other reasons I ask you to elect Mike Grusby events with the SGA, It Is my aim to in. Freshman Class President. Dear freshman, I Freshman I crease the Freshman Class Treasury so My name Is Bob Egan, and I'm running that we may have funds for future ac- Gary Harris for president of the freshman class. If and tivities. In addition, -by conducting when elected, I will try to be an effective l Historian charitable events we would both develope Toall Freshman students: president and represent the views of my pride In ourselves as a class and enhance My name is Gary Harris and I am class. John Hackney our reputation In the college community. running for Freshman class president. The My experience In high school duty of class president Involves organizing organizations will help to make me a My name Is John Hackney.- I am a In high school, I served on various the ideas of the freshman class, and student government committees, In- putting those ideas to work. With your competent president. I have been on my history major running for Freshman class cluding one in which I was responsible for ideas and help, the freshman class can be high school's Homecoming committee, Historian. As class Historian my appropriating Federal money which was a big success. I am willing to put the time and on other school social committees. On responsibilities will be to keep an accurate and class -ec. of all individual record given to our school. At this time, I am and eftort of hard work Into these ideas. my church's social committee, I have complishments in the school and in the working to help the campus employees I have had experience working with helped plan dances, ski trips, and trips to community tor the purpose of evaluating wDOwill be losing their college work· study other student government associations Ocean City. our achievements and leaving a prominent jobs due to a change In the Interpretation and feel confident of belnq " able to My experience In these activities will impression onthe history of Western of a federal law. In short, I am willing to represent you as the freshman class help me in the most Important job of Maryland College. . work for both the class and the school's president. So, remember vote Gary Harris president: raising money for future ac- I feel I am ....quallfled for the office tivities by sponsoring dances, mixers, and IFreshman Vice-President I other events. If I'm elected, I wll"l work because of my background. As a student at making the freshman towards class an Hills High School in New Parsippany I was very active In school and important Influence on the campus. Jersey Sincerely, Scott Lohmann So on Dec. ath, come out and vote, Scott BOB EGAN community affairs. I partlcfpated In Student Government on many committees Freshman Students: Lohmann Vice-President of the Freshman ranging from the Prom Committee to Class. My name Is Scott Lohmann and I am P.S. Vote for Gary Harris, the man Freshman preventing vandalism in my school and running for the office of Freshman Vice- who's capable, for President. community. In addition, I was active in President. I feel I can perform the duties many class fundraisers. Academically, I of this office to the best of my abilities and Traci "Breeze" Holland was named to my school's honor roll and help the president In every way possible. Treasurer chosen to be In "Who's Who Among Some people might think that the office of As a freshman and a member of the American High School Students" and Vice-President is not very Important and Western Maryland College Community, I "America's Names and Faces", the latter does not fill a vital role In the Freshman feel It Is my duty to become involved In the Craig Albert of the two being based on academics, Executive Board. These people are college's activities. J come from a small I would like to take this opportunity to athletics, and community service. During definitely wrong. Vice-President must high school in Pennsylvania where I was announce my candidacy for Freshman my free time, I perttcfpated In three help In organizing committees, be involved in many activities such as sports Class Treasurer. My main goals are for a Varsity Sports and service clubs. chairman of some specialized committees. ~and student government. I want to become united class and toal1but eliminate apathy At WMC, I am active In Intramurals, Vice-President of the Freshman CJass to fill In fOl" the absentee President, and organize ectrvnres that will be fun and that from our class. As for qualifications to be The Hinge CIUD, and Wrestling. I would Various other Important roles. people will want to attend. We the fresh- treasurer,_one must have a knowledge of like toget involved In ~tudent qcve-oment My experience of other Student men should start out on the right foot and basic accounting and knowledge of the use because I feel It is my duty to use my full Government-type activities Include: potential and abilities to help the school Senior Class President of my high school :~r,~urn apathetic, I think with my help we I" ~fr:sh~~C:I~~,~. !o~:~:rbo:~ 'a h~:rt~~ and our class. class, vrce- President of my high school's candidate and vote for me on December 7. By electing the right candidates to of· Key Club, and I am currently serving as Tracl "Breeze" Holland Thank you. nee. I feel the freshman class can make fourth floor Rouzer Hall Representative. Candidate for vrce- President I Cary Albert some very eventful accomplishments and of the Freshman Class therefore make our four year history very I Freshman Secretary I I.m'~~~~:fo~f~e~:~:i:lff"'hm.n 7th Is a very lm- December significant. per-tent date In the hlstcrv ot our country( Make It an Important date in the history of Class of '83. Elect Meredith Rankin clubs, and graduated with honors. I was class treasurer. I would like this position the Freshman Class Historian. John Hackney also a member of the National Honor because I wan' to show the Western My nam~~Us~u~rt~~,~~ and I am from ~~~II~t:~~ ::m~~':~,pal~dth~~~~:b,y,e:as~ ~:;:~;~ ~~~~ea~~;;n~:~tYa~~~~;e,c:~~ Marita de Groot Randallstown, Maryland. I am a freshman -tovcrvec In community and school affairs. tributor tothe~pathy problem. I know that I am a candidate for the office of class _ ;:~~~m~~~n~::'n::: f;e~~~n~~tr:!~~~ ~:'~SI:a~=st~::'it:~o~~tr:t~~:~~!~gA:k~ :i~,f~~~~mi~~ I~':~~ d::~a;he~ :~~~t:tn~; historian. I would like to see the members secretary. The secretary plays an Irn- personally raised $700 for the use of arises. As treasurer, I would push for as ot the freshman class get to know each portant role In the development of the scholarships to deserving students. many class activities as possible because I other by participating In class events, I would like to see a number of different ~~~~ingHeth~asc:::s r~~~Oa~~lb,I!~~esOfa~d ~~:~~ntly, I am a member of the Hinge :uar~:r~:~~U;t~~~~~:O~~I~~t~~~:en~:'t~ actlvltles·planned for this purpose, so this cecrstcns concerning their welt-belnq. As freshman secretary, I feel I ccorc c., wou.'d like for ever~ freshman to acquire a year will be a year every freshman will enjoy and remember. As class historian, I ~:~~' t~": :hc;:t~~:ssm~~!c:~Sa~~el~~U~~r: serve our class very well. I am very in- la~!;ng ~ense o~p~ld~ln t~elr class.,' ~m o would willingly serve my class to provide productive and profitable freshman ;~~~~t~d~~u~a~~n~~i~:~=,s~~~~s~:u:h! ;es~~oa~s ~:~au~a~ wa~~ou~a:;~~~'tb be ; this opportunity. I want to help the freshman class, so vote for me, Marlta de 0 CI~~sh·19hschool, I was an active member ::~r,~~::~:g P~~~~~'~e ~~~~:. IWh :.!=t~: :~c~:~s~ ~:~: ::::~ I,~t~~ f:~~h:~ ~~~~s~ Groot, for class historian. Marlta de Groot ~!n:~~ ;e~~~~~' ;!~b I~~O~~ i~~i~~~s~ :~::~~~!~S:r:ill support their officers, Merrill for treasurer on Fr~~:J~ M. Merrill fIonorboard r-----------------------~ Listed below is an update on Breakfast Honor Board cases to date, and the violations and penalties In each Lunch case. In addition to these cases one other hearing wa"Sheld that did not Dinner produce a guilty verdict. (l) A student was found guilty of plagarlsm on a term paper In a Political Science class and was SnII & Pizza SpeCiilIist.~ given a zero (0) on the paper. - (2) A student was found guilty of -Soft Ice Cream - DCJily Specials glv!ng out answers to a chemistry final and was given a failure for Sundaes -....A short walk the course. - (3) A student was found guilty of T. Banana Splits from campus plagarlsm on an IDS term paper, and It being a second violation of the HonOl" Code, was suspended Weddings * Natural Portraits Rt. 140 Westminster Open 6 AM til 12 from school for the duration of the 848·9110 Saturdav and Sunday next semester. ext·363
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