Page 48 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 48
Page 4 Scrimshaw Thursday, November 29, 1979 "House of Blue Leaves" in review . two nuns subsequentlyblow up. A wishesthat Bananaswould resume formances of Teresa Baker as sinister depravity to make his Helga Hem . grief.strlcken Billy appears, an. the encouraging personality she Bunny, Judy Walker as Bananas character effective. A major The House of Blue Leaves, a nouncing his departure for had in the "old days." Instead,she and Jim Ralston as Ronnie. Ms. weaknessof the play was Jeffrey tragicomedy by John Guare, was Australia to recuperate from his now perceives the hopelessnessof Baker and Ms. Walker bothexuded Dyer's portrayal- of Artie. He presented by WMC's Dramatic loss. Artie's, dream, causing Artie to their characters perfectly in their merely delivered his lines rather Arts Department November 16·18 This turn at events devastates hide from the harsh reality she movements and speech. Fur- than having Artie speak them. He in Alumni Hall. Theplay, underthe Artie. He has lost his chance for represents. thermore, as characters of op- never truly captured his direction of Tim Weinfeld, was the stardom and the woman who has Western Maryland's production posite personalities, they offset character. Other supporting rotes second In a series of productions instilled the dream of succes.ln . of The Houseof Blue Leaves was each other well. Jim Ralston including Corey Mann as Billy and dealing with the theme "The him. "'e Is left with his wife, overall fairly good. Strengths of combined the right amounts of KImberly xost as Corrina were Slxtl~~; The Spirit and the Mad· Bananas, who reflects only the the production Included the per. humor along with crazed and handledadequately. ? The play, set In 1965durmgPope cannotface life wIth his wife in her Wh t' ·t II b ness. . grim reality of his situation. He a s I a t GT P.,,', vlstt 10 New V",k, rever ves .,""01 stete aod ultlrnatelv Mil, a OU • !.';.~~endShaau~h~~:~~~tew~~ngd~~~~;~::~~:;: escape by strangling himself Into believing he can stili The House of Blue Leaves Fred Smyth becomea-rich andfam?u~success. conveysa number of Insights Into No one sees him come. He just Bunny Flingus, Artie s mistress, society. First, the play portrays appears. He comes unnoticed reas~ures him of his talent, con- the emphasis placed on being amidst the rabble of 'screaming vinclng him that his big break will famous to quality one as a success fans, waving pom-poms,and "The come If the two of them go to In life. Artie, Bunny, Ronnie and ~~~~;:e~:gil~fr~~~~~r;~u~us~~~~~~ ;~!::~;ni~ent~~I~evUe~~ta~:n':i~:: :~~~~a;a~!~ :;~I:: t~~ ~p:~~;~ #lrough the cinders. The Green holdsArtie and Bunny back. Artie much for his spiritual leadership, Terror isback! thus resolves to commit her to a but becuase he Is a world- AfterseveralyearswlthnoWMC mental hospital. He caus the renownedfigure. At the end of the Terror, some loyal WMC fan has hospital the Houseof Blue Leaves lay, she doesn't give Artie so taken matters Into his o~n hands, because of the illusion of blue ~uCh as a second thought when or paws I shouldsay. Hes created leaves causedby bluebirds sitting she is handed the opportunity to a mild-manneredmonster that has on the branches of a tree outside work for Billy Einhorn. become the source of much th~~~Plt::~horn, a HOllYWood' Ron~~handiB~n~~s hav~ bot: ~:~~~~e~~r:~:h ~~~~~~o~';r~ producer, representsArtie's link to ~:~c:lr. R::i~'sode:I~':~:' ~~~e thodoxinterview, Involving letters, the world of fame. Bunny per- causes him to resort to a morally phone calls, and mtddte-men, the ;~:~~: :~~~:~n~~~t~~I~~t~: I~~~ wrong ~Iction~or the I~akeof .the _~:~k \:~~I'w~:,v~:)Jj~~~~n~ t:~ :t:e~~'~~~~sa:ak::nt~:~b: ~ba;s: so;~'~enjoyment that wearing the Hollywood circles. Billy agrees ~e:.:~!s o~assunk~~lnto r~:~;7~ anonymoushero. from opposing fans but says It costumeIlrings him has Its prices, and sends his girlfriend Corrina and mental anguish.Sheperceives like Zarro, Bat,:"an, and doesn't bother him. "After the however. He says. that the cool ~t~"I~r t~ccomp~ny the couple ~erself a~ a "nobody," Implying !u:~~~~~ ~~a~;s,IUt~e ~,ci~~~ee;:~~f:;g ~~7e, S~O~:;dI~~r:;,~:~~ra~~:s h~~t p~:t~OO~~~~ oM~a~hlle: RonnieShaugnessy, that her =~an~el ~:: bhuman believes that secrecy is the key to remarks, questioning, among forfable but In the gym, he really Artie's son, Is plotting to achieve being has n 1m~ s ecause his (or her) effectiveness. "I think other th ings, my sexual suffers. "I thought I was going to world renown by t)lowlng up the shedoesnotpossessarne. that everyone will !lave a better preferences. But if I went to dieatthe peprally this year. I was Pope. Ronnie relates how his life Another level at Insight involves Impression of the GT if they are 'Gettysburg I'd bebitter, too." running late that night and had to has been a series of rejections, Artie's refusal to accept reality always guessingw!lohe is." Kids are his biggest fans. He changein the men's locker room of first from his father and Billy and change.. He cannot admit to The secrecy addsto his fUn, too. pays more attention to them than the pool, sprint to the gym, and Einhorn, and most recently from himself that he will succeedIn the He says, "One of the nice things adults because they are more then jump around and cheer for hissuperior officer in theArmy. songwrlting profession. He about beingthe Terror Isthat Ican "intrigued" by him. "They don't thirty minutes! This Is why I will Everyone's dreams begin therefore latches onto people who break away from ali the pressures know whether to run or pet my only be able to cheer for short disintegrating when RonnIe, reinforce his illusion (such as of day to day life for a few hours a paw," he says. "I also don't have periodsaHhebasketball games." realizing tlfe InfeaslblHty of his Bunny), and tries to escapethose week. I can run around, give to worry about them trying to The GT would like to cheer for , plot against the Pope, gives the who reflect the truth continually weird In general." He also admits figure-outwho Is insidethe maskso the other sports on campus but (such as people funny looks, and just act r-==-------==--------. doesn'twant to be around so much Artie it Is relaxing to spendextra time boxed bomb to Corrina. She and Bananas.) that he likes the attention directed the GT's way. "My egoenjoys the with them." that he becomestaken for granted. "I don't have time to go to all the He does have to worry about 1 . __ ~_._ .•. - _. '.~, • _ pom-pom-glrls trying to forcibly scaring them, though, especially games but all anyone has to do is I ;PrJ, ~ find out who's In the costume!" younger children. "I try to be as let It be knownthat they would like The Terror Is pleased with the to see the Green Terror at a big careful as possible. I wave, smile ~ response he's been getting from and don't move too close until I'm game or special event and i'll Cold Beer fans. One alumn!JStold him that :~J . - ...s,a._n_d~ich~.swent to WMC and that the present sure that the subject in question makeevery effqrtto helpout." The GreenTerror's main goal is there was a Green Terror when he understands that I'm not looking justtoaddtopeople'senjoymentof for my next meal!" In spite of his _ __ PlZza~ costume was quite an Im- caution somekids do get upsetand the games and enthusiasm at provement. "Once people figure run crying Into their parents arms. WMC. "Being the GT Is my way of Canoll P}aza Shoppinp; Center Salad Bar out what I'm supposed to be, I "One parent asked me if I would showing a little school spIrit." He think they like me," he says. "I hopesthat "people can appreciate ~=============:::::===.;~r : take off my mask so tnat her son , at games every now and then to ~ 876..3550 Call Ahead for Takeout OrderS the GT as someonewho shows.up always enjoy posing for pictures could see that J was really a per- MY! MY! HEY! HEY! HERE ARE THE I Ca'tIIiage HDU6e £iquM6 5 ~~::~r~:rd t~~d Gh::~ ~e;~ 113 W. Main 51. SPECIALS FOR TODAY!! , GOLD BEER ;:,!~tthe Forks'" COLD..BEER! • that's what it's all about. ;.r-"'-~t~i;rr=C';,.",,,,,,,--'r 800P.,,·1100P.". 8 8 I BEER SPECIALS ';. : I Free Sundae 4 REC.RD 7 . .,Grolsch - - $3.80 a 6-pak ':. w;'h pu
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