Page 55 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 55
Thursday December 6, 1979 Scrimshaw Page 5 Student workers face new limits from page 1 they would, according to the hourly wage. very clear that the colege policy He said tnet he was told that limit had been surpassed. average number of hours they Later, when Joan was Informed would be to adhere to the federal students would not be allowed todo According to Mr. Aull, the would be expected to work, earn of the new policy, she sent letters regulations." this. Mr. Yingling added that co!lege has been violating federal their maximum limits before the to all her workers which told them The student employee super. "when I related a specific example of a student with a low work study regulations by following these year was over, Mr. Bennett stated of the policy change, whether it visor for the Cafeteria and the Pub, procedures. College Work Study that "no that was not done, but I would affect each student worker, Mr. Robert Yingling, charged that maximum earnings limit and funds are allocated according to can't say specifically that It didn't the number of hours each had "not only myself, but the students asked if she would lose her job once financial need. If a student earns happen." already worked, and the other also" have been mislead by the this limit had been reached, I was more than this amount, federal Mr. Aull expressed concern that Information .. sent on the other administration In regard to the told In effect, the impression was regutatlons are being broken. "many people were becoming letter. Joan summed up by saying, change In policy. given, that they would not be en These regulations clearly state emotional about this issue because "They knew what the letter said." Mr. Yingling freely admits to forcing the limits this year, that that "An Institution may not of rumours." He added "(the Mr. Aull stated that "it may be have told his employees (some of something could be worked out." award CWS assistance to a student Financial Aid Office) is a student . unfair, but that Is the way the whom have worked over their CWS Mr. Yingling emphasised that tt me cws.wnenccmcrneowttn eu service area. I'd like to think that regulations are written." He added limits in past years) that they did "they did not directly say that the other resources, exceeds the we are trying to help students." that the Middle Income ASSistance not have to worry. He said that "I student would be fired. If they had, studenfsflnancialneed." The recent controversy Act, which has Increased federal -have always been under the lrn- I would have done somethIng about itthen." Mr. Aull cautioned that 11 the surrounding the college's work aid to higher education, will also pression that there would be some college ccnttnued its present study program has left many lead to ctcser monitoring of how way to rehire students once they When asked about the meeting procedures, "a very possible students with doubts about how those funds are being spent. "The exceeded their earnings between employee supervisors and repercussion Is that when well this goal is being achieved. easiest thing fOl""us to do would be eligibility." the Financial Aid Office, Head (Federal) auditors discover this Joan Nixon, director of College to let the program continue as it One cafeteria pub employee has Librarian and employee super we could lose our assistance." Activities, told Scrimshaw she -was. But to make sure that we do been forced to stop working as she visor for students working in the Mr. Aull emphasized that this expects to lose about five to six not lose the funds, this is what we has exceeded her work study library, Mr. George Bachmann, change in enforcement of the workers because of the new policy. have done." earnings by the allowed 5200 limit. stated that "I was lett with the regulations would only affect a She said some of her workers will The Financial Aid Office According to Mr. Yingling, "within impreSSion that once a student limited number of students and be able to work for a longer time, maintains that It explained to the next couple months, probably earned his maximum amount that it would not prevent any only If they work less hours per campus employee supervisors that by the end of January, it will affect wJthln some leeway, they would student from earning enough week. the CWS earnings limits would be at least 10 to 15 students. Before probably have to stop working. I'm money fo pay for tnerr college When asked when she found out enforced this year and that If spring break It will be a total of not. sure who was to be responsible for keeping records of when expenses. about the new policy, Ms. Nixon students with low limits were going ebout ze." He explained that the only said she had assumed the old '0 work all year, they must stagger Mr. Yingling explained that he students were in danger of students this change would affect policy to still be In effect when she their hours accordingly. asked at the supervisors meeting reaching those limits. If it appears are those "students In the halllt of sent out job descriptions to her The Director of Admissions and earlier this year if students would likely that a student Is going to making well over their maximum student workers In the summer. Financial Aid, Mr. L. Leslie be allowed to switch over to exceed his limits, there shOUld be work study earnings." However, these descriptions in- Bennett, stated that, "We held a campus employment when their some effort to tell employee Many work study students have eluded the total amount each meeting to discuss this matter with CWS funding had been depleted. supervisors to cut back." argued that the regulations are student In WOf"k study could make, employee supervisors. The general .- .., unfair because they place a limit plus the average number of hours InfoJmatlon was given and on the amount of money financially to be worked per week and the questlonswereraised.ltwasmade DAVIS SHOES & BOOTS. INC. ~:~:us st~d~~!S a~fo:in~arnoth~~ .--~----------------.., students to earn as much as they ~ Featuring shoes by ~nt. • ~ a!~~ Country Air Inn ra~~e f~f:t~~: ~:~:::t Crusby commented In a con. 2610lJttlestownPlke3.5~onRt97 versatrcn wJfh Dr. John, "We see if Fairground Village Shopping Cenler this way: one, we've been misled SAT 1218 Eclipse: Rock and Roll Westminster. Md. 857-4727 dny pl •• a r-··········~:::::::·H······ii;;;;··········'! by someone; two, we don't think SAT 12/15 Back Porch Pickers It's right." 2S'0.6"~ SAT12/22 Eclipse: Rock and RO'"I~ 25'0'" According to Mr. Bennett, 'U '.OJ although no direct action was any pl.. Propel" dress required •. '-41''''~ Dll6e .: ~:~I~ t~o~n::ll:=~ntt: :~~:ct~~~ L.. ::$3.:;;,O:;,O,;;OO::.'"::.' ---I : 113W.MainSt. • stt:t~ rC~~·:;~UT·~~-::···H~·ME':i~D~·SOU~S·······, -, "~t the Forks" COLD..BEER! ! COLD BEER ~I~~fsu:e~:~~:~~~~tlt:?:; be i' MUSHROOMS : i i at the meeting that this would TACOS" BREADED ! BEER SPECIALS s~~d:n~: ! OS & GINNY'S Bavarian beer $4.99 a case ,; ~~n:~o:~eg s~r~~~o~:s:o .= : were approaching their limits was of i "THE PIT" i With This Coupon : .~O% off all wines to be the joint responsibility , • Toke a Bottle Home Jor Christmas : • supervisors and the Financial AId • ... • • Office. • 425 E. Main St. 8.'·9848 : i.~!!;.~~~~•••~:~~x:.;••~!~5j~~•..;~~e:~~i~~~;J , I Employee supervisors were 1000n 7 days a week 11 e.m. -I a.m. lunch SpecIals n a.m_ to 2 p.m. • required to fill out job descriptions I l 25 0 for positions they wanted filled by • ' FF ANY PIZZA : those L•••••••••••!~::~:~c..~~:~::!.".~u~i students. The Financial Aid Office • WITH THIS AD • Lunch Specials Dinner Specials then-assigned students to fill positions. The job description included the average number of , Ihll~ 'Goldsmlt. Johansso~s hours per week that the student (.JI.'~ ,SIIDersmit. would be expected towork. When asked If the Financial Aid • of Fine c. rafts Office had assigned any work Keg (I;~ study students to positions where m-designed Sigmas sing ~.~:-.1O-5, pottery jewelry J~,~D . wood: leather. Sue Crumbaugh Bah Humbug! Finals might be 10" OFF WITH COLLEGE III I nn 1J'~ weighing hea",lIy on most students' minds, but the Sigma's recently - Locuat Lane MaI~Downtown ' were lighthearted and merry for carrollng at the nearby Westmin- *Rt. 30 Manchester, MD. ster Nursing and Convalescent International Foreign Center on Sunday, December 2. The Center Is located on WaShing· 10 Minutes from Westminster ton Road across from Westminster ~.~.·21 Car Service HighSchool. \'Sill Specializing in aU types Open 7 Days The Sigma Sigma Tau sorority caroled through the brightly decor· of foreign cars _ Free.-Pickup 11 A,M to 2 AM ated cOl""rldors of the Center. The 10% Q/seount·" halls resounded" with the refraIns (with this ad) and-Delivery 25 different Imports of everyone's favorite Christmas -(to WMC campus) carols. Much appreciated were the r-!!PI two PhlDelts who accompanied the 24-hour road service (848-6009) • Heineken, Lowenbrau Dark and MHier on tap sorority. Residents and staff of the ~ 876-7030 Convalescent Center welcomed the Monday carolers and some joined in for the %mile north of campus on· Penn Ave. 25' draft Free Pizza singing.
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