Page 56 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 56
Page 6 Scrimshaw Thursday December 6,....1 979 cent decision to sell the property. the store, Mr. King said that "a lot "They would have let me stay here of things enter Into It. The fact that 'as Jong as I wanted," Mr. King the store needs remodeling and my pointed out. "We worked together age are a couple of the more lrn- on the sale and now the new owner portantreasons." has the whole package {ownership Does the sale of King's Market of the business and the property)." symbolize the graduai extinction of When asked the Inevitable ques- the small town, family market? tlon about what he Intended to do When discussing this topic Mr. once he sold the store, Mr. King King mused that "ten years ago It replied "I hate to say It. .., don't was unbelievable how many small mention It! I like to tell people that stores like this we had. We usedto I :-vIII be sweeping streets. But I'm have abOut2 dcren- And now they sure that I'll manage to keep are ail gone except for the two busy." Myers markets, the East End In explainIng why he was seiling Market, andmy own." Politicians active Ed Johnsc;;, state of Maryland. However, The SGA has recognized the anyone Is permitted to attend any Young Democrats of Western of the Young Democrats meetings Maryland College as an official heldThursdaysat7:30p.m. organization. The Young The Young Democrats of Democrats is a small group of Maryland will begin having guest students interested in changing speakers and Issue seminars many goals. during the second semester. Young Democrats are also During Jan Term they hope to looking forward to holding Issuea newsletter. Any Interested seminars and hosting-guest Individual Is welcome to sit in on a For years, one of the most which now his store was I new speakers to learn more about the meeting and consider joining. popular places that hungry WMC oncethe location of Jesste Royer's ~;:7~::p~n!~oen:~~~e~:~~t~:~ I~~~:::st:;e~~~s~;;7n~~e~~~:~: :~~~ t~~\ ~otrwa;~d to : /oe;~ nO: students have fled In search of edt- and Mike McKinney'S wheel February or March of 1980. The for delegate to the Democratic awareness of our nation through ble alternatives to Cafeteria offer- wright business.That was about 60 market was sold to George's Su- National Convention to be held theorganlzaiton. ings hasbeenKlng'sMarket. When or 70years ago.Although the main per-thrift, a small chain which next August In New York. Other I a convenience store ~Ins Its ex- activity of the proprietors was the pansion and rennovatlon of the old manufacture and sale of wagon =;:~~~!~s~U~r~l~i~;~~=e"d :;i~ I~!~~~~:e:!sl~o~u~=.n~~;~ Panel on Iran building In March, It will mark the and buggy wheels, Mr. King added close of Ed King's 20 year role as that "they starte':!=.:::'..:.;:.- ......-.-., ... .., 1<>;::oJ __ " _,_I Westmins!er!3l:ld I Reisterstown only I COMING FOR CHRISTMAS Sunday 1219 through I I ThUfsday12113 ~,=!!.o=.=.:~~c.:t=:.,,, ~-------------------------- ..J
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