Page 41 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 41
Letters to the Editor Equality needed at all levels Kathy Clay respect and help enabled me to ed us as second-rate citizens, ROTC vlndicated !e~:~~:ut~t~~:n:r~o~t:~~I:;~~~~;~~:~':;:a::k~ldF::~ ~:~~~~~;;I~or:wm~:o~~~a:~~:!~~~;S;n~~s:~~~,:~~:eh~Va~oar~~ hO::eV:r~p~~~e r~~~rt~:~ts::~: DearEditor, ~~~~n:h~:~~~~~~:~ ftrh~~~: and Black) dents weren't so lucky, however. gaveIf taus. After two straight weeks of no And yes, the thought of being wast- of7~~~~~~h~;;e;~:~~dat~o~~~:~~~~~~s ~~ t~etlCh:::n onfa~~~:~ ~~~:I~:::!I:tl;u~~a:~~~I:! ~gSOam:;~~bfen!:-~~~h:i! %~~ National Merit Scholarship to' behindandeventually lost Interest mately be an element In ludging jaundice In your mouth. I am Ob1i 9-1Army hospital for the .:est of my Wake Forest University. Everyone In school. students for admissions to unlver- ed to agree with the Ideals of this life hasoften ~rossedmy mind. But was Impressed·-untlL.they dlscov- Many Americans have assumed slties, just as athletic and acedem- great American republ1c and the Nancy, somebody has to do It, and ered that my SAT scores were that onceminorities were given the Ic ability or maturity may be ele- constlfutlonal clause of freedom of It Is my choice that I have made, so lower than thoseof somewhite Na- same educational opportunities ments. speech, especially with the use of lay the hell off and bethankful that tlonal Merit winners. and facilities as whites, their Thus the decision left the doors editorials. But my dear Nancy, I .1 give a damn for your freedom as I had to admit that I had receiv- academic standing would Improve wide open for what Is called at- feel that you should take a long, well. Incidently, If there Is a draft, ed my award through the National automatically. However, because flrmatlve action. Affirmative ac. hard look at yourself as a newspe- you'll have togo anyway. Achievement Scholarship Pro- most of these students COUldn'tad- tlon programs seek to make cer. per editor and your newspaper It- Respectfully, gram for Outstanding Negro Stu- just quickly to their new junior and taln that minorities are considered self before you try to criticize other I J 1MGROVE dents, run by the National Merit senior high schools, separate stan- for admission to cotleqes-cas well Important and necessary tnstttu- - CorporatIon. Smiling, I made a fee- dards for blacks and whites began- as for better jObs·-butdo not force tlonsof this campus. In caseyou're Attacks groundless ble loke abouthand1caps. to develop. universities or institutIons to ac- wondering what I am talking But inside, it was no laughing Teachers and administrators be- cept a set number of mlnorloty ep- about, let me refer you to the Madame Editor matter. Being a minority Is often gan to csee-ene evetuete-wbrte plicaatlons. In my opinion, afflrm- Western Maryland Council of the After reading your edJtorlal on like being stuck in the minor students and minority students dif- ettve-ectlcns programs deal with Boy Scouts of America, at least ROTC, and talking to friends, I leagues. ferenty. -In many cases, grading minorities as Invldluals--not as that's what you think the Military decided to come to the rescue The incident started me thinking scales were altered in favor of numbers. ScienceDepartment Is. Well I ask before you were put In front of a about educational equality. In my minorities. Many Institutions of higher you, do you believe In upholding flrlngsquadandshot. opinion, many minority students I experienced this double stan- education have voluntarily adopt- the Ideals for which you write, As a member of the Scrimshaw are given the opportunity for good dard In [untor high. Although I ed such programs without federal mainly "Freedom of the Press" staff, I could only find one thing education too late In their nves-et received a number of academic pressure, and I feel that many and all the other freedoms associ- wrong with your editorial. I feel the junior high, high school, or eel- awards, I realized that many white more will follow in their .rcctetece ated with the United States? Well that you should have said "I as lege level. studentswere actually more deser- now that quotas have been cutrew- without people with good liberal editor feel" etc., Insteadof making Educational equality should be ving of the awards than I. As a ed. arts college educations to run It sound like everyone working on aimed for in kindergarten or the result, I had mixed feelings of Affirmative action at the college todays highly sophisticated Army Scrimshaw shared that view. first grade, when a child begins to pride and guilt, and I felt bad when level is very important. But it's which Is absolutely nec.essary Many people were accusing you develop self-confidence, as well as I faced resentment from some of even more Important that the bet- (more than I can say for your of yellow journalism. If It were a senseof herself asa student. the white kids who felt they shouid tie against educational equality be newspaper) our freedoms could anything save an editorial, I could I was In the fourth grade when I havewon thosea";:'ards. stepped up at the ground level. In probably be written on the end of a see their point; but since an attended my first Integrated The giving of special consldera- the first grade, minority students sewing needle. In fact, If it wasn't editorial Is a statement of opinion, schoot-enc I wasn't prepared for tions to mInority students had been must be given the same opportunl- for the Army Merr:11IGrant, other- their accusations hold noground. the cultural shock. For the first even more of a problem at the col- ty as white children so that they wise known as the Land Grant Act The first ammendment gives time In my life, I realized I was a lege level. Last year, the Supreme can learn atthe same pace. of 1862,this campus would pro- citizens the right to freedom of the minority. There were only two or Court handeddown the Bakke decl- Testbooks, school facilities, and bably not exist today. So you see press; thus enabling anyone to three other blacks In each class- sian, stating that rigid admlnlstra- teachers must be of top quality. Nancy, without the Army you 'have their opinion printed. You room. I discovered Immediately tlon quotas based solely on race Schoolsshould be Integrated when- might not be getting the gooct had every right to print your opl- that my' writing and math skills were forbidden. ever possible. If we provide good Liberal Arts Education that you nlon just as I and others have the didn't measure up to those of the I can't say that I was unhappy education for. all children In the are. ! right to res~nd to what you have white children. with the decision. Like many first place, the scaleswon't have to In your editorial you also sug- • to say. Fortunately, my parents were blacks, I felf uncomfortable with be tipped In favor of minorities at a gested that the peopleon this cam- D,!ne Buschmeyer L.,;"';;;'y;",_;'::'P::P::o';,;";,;ve;,;, .....;,T..;he;,."_'o_ve_,_.';,;';,.Oh_._q:..'o_t._,_;y_'t_em_._It_'_tlo:..m_.;,."';_' _'_.t_e'_d_.t_e. .J iyU~~I~::~T;~~::~:; ~'::;~::~ Up Against the Wall shoes activity Is planned for the month. In many casesthis may be "Keep your church off my state" true for underclassmen (freshrr""n and sophomores~)b~t I am sure that those who signed contracts as junIors were fully aware and ma- Phil LaPaduhi claim to base all their beliefs on a that they were "born.agaln" Chris- century. The protestants who now tians. I have nofigures for 1978,but l ture enough to know what ~hey The current crisis in Iran brIngs literal Interpretation of the bible. the number for 1980is sure to in- make up the majority of the popu· Ireland were latlon of Northern were doing. In fact all require- to public attention an Issuethat has Yet: when one reads the bible, one ments and obligations are explaln- rIsen to Increasing Importance discovers that nowhere In the bible crease. Such political abuse of originally British. When Britain ed In detail before a pen is ever over the last few years. The Issue does God state hIs position on such religion Is deplorable. Political gave the rest of Ireland Indepen- lifted or an oath of allegiance of religion and politics Is one that complex, twentieth century Issues stooges such as Billy Graham are dence, they held on to Northern sworn. I am sure that anyone who can no longer be Ignored.-The fact as SALT II, U.S. recognition of often very convincing. Soconvinc- Ireland In order to exploit the' loins any Army is fully aware that that a right-wing extremist, rell· RhodesIa, ERA, the conflict In Ing In fact, that It Is easy to forget cheap labor and economic weaUh one day he or she might be ~alled gious fanatic has seized control of Northern Ireland, or prayer In that Graham supported Nixon to of the region. If God Is on the side on to lay his or her life on the line a government and seems Intent on public schools. However, these are the bitter end as well as this coun- of Paisley, then God Is on the side for +helr country and what he or dragging his country back to the all Issues that the Christian Fun- try's disastrous Vietnam policy. of oppression and discrImination. sh~ lelleves In. After ali, Isn't that middle agesshouldcome as nosur- damentallsts have taken partisan Stili, the mass media today Is be· What Is neededIn Northern Ireland th~'eason for the RevolutIonary .prise In light of recent trends. So- stands on while claiming to speak ing swamped by Christian Fun- today is someonewho can compro- damentalists preaching ·the gospel mise and bring people together, ~ ~~gY~~ :~~I=:~vh~:I~u=~r~ ~:II~~p~~~f~u~e~s~~~~~;~a:e~~ fO~':ca:~tIY'a new lobby called the according to Adam Smith. You can but Paisley preaches division and y( ~ editorial. But did you know Ing the political InstItutions of a na· Christian Voice was formed in turn on the radio at any time of tha hatred in the name of the Lord. thg. If a student signs an ROTC tlon has become a world wide ob- Washington with Its Christian Fun· day or night and hear the shrill The most noble thing about c(iilract as a freshman they can session and is nowhere more evl- damentallsts members dedicated voices of Southern Baptist preach· religion Is Its attempt to raise man drop ROTC at any time before his dent than In our own country. to lobbying for right-wing political ers denouncing everyone from above the other creatures of the commIssioning and not be obllgat- I am not merely referring to the causes. No matter what positions Jane Fonda to Ralph Nader as earth In order that man might ed to the military In any way. Even many political cults oper~tlng these people take on the Issues, "communists." Such regression to realize his hIgher spiritual ex- after-taking possibly thousands of behind religious masks, but to such a lobby Is an out·rlght slap In 1950'sstyle McCarthy wltchhunt- ·Istence. As long as religion Is con- dollars In assistance from Uncle more accepted movementsaswell. the face to anybody who believes In Ing Is not going to save anyone. I cerned with uplifting man and Sam, a person can quit ROTC.The Nearly everyone has heard of the the Institution-of separation of An even more obscene example enlightening him, It can be a mean- government feels that It Is a good "born-again" Fund~mental1st chUrch and state. Since the Chrls- of what can happen when religion ingful experIence for the in- Investment to find out that a ~r- Christian movement that has be- tlan Fundamentalists have taken and politics are mixed Is tile dividual. But when religion son Is not capable of what ROTC Is come such a powerful force on col- right-wing, In many cases ultra· Reverend R.K. Paisley of Betfast, becomes embroiled In partisan all about. lege campuses throughout the conservative views In virtually all Ireland. The fire and brimstone pOlitics, It InvarIably becomes an In your editorial you also spoke country. I first became Interested of the major Issues, we are fundamentalist Is founder of his Instrument of regressIon and of Christian values and knocked In this movement, also referred to naturally led to assume that God Is own church and political party. In backwardness. down the ad whIch feeds your as the charismatic movement, In a Repubtlcan. thundering sermons, Paisley has When something as emotionally newspaper's face. But howcan you 1975.Over the next two years, I at- Although Fundamental'lsts been heard to denounce the Pope charged as the Charismatic move-' speak about taking a human tlfe tended several revival meetings broadcasts blast Jimmy Carter for asa "liar," "Impostor," and "anti- ment becomes Involved In the and turn around and let Hl1l Crest and prayer groups, while develop- supporting the SALT II treaty, It Christ." He assures his protestant political arena, the consequence"s following that the Catholics will can bedetrimental to a democratic m:~~ never control f~:~I~~td;~:t:C~~f~C~~.:~~I~~~~ ~~~e:a~r~:~~;~at~~~~~s =~~:~dj~~ti;at~~~;=~~~;~ Northern Ireland system. Anyone who has listened tlfe for a better way of life for the ment. I therefore speak as an In- to the treaty based on the bible and that his uncompromising to the shrill, emotional voice of a personwho decidesto abort a preg- Sider on thIs Issue, not merely as since no matter how you Interpret Scotch-Irish presbyterians will CharIsmatic preacher and has also nancy. What about the free abor"- an outside cbserver. In 19n, I ,It, nuclear weapons were not even prevail because "God Is on their listened to a tape of Adolph Hitler tlons offered by our Infirmary to decided to disassociate myself heard of In 1 A.D. Nevertheless, side." Anyone who has read the will notice a frightening similarity. I any female cotlege student? What from the movement when I saw Cart~ who the fundamentalists book Trinity knows that the sltua· This is not to suggest that their politics are the same, but it Is dlf· tlon in Northern ireland is caused help put Into office, is now de- about a quick way to dispose of a that what I thought was a strictly human life, by making or offering spiritUal movement was turning nounced as an agent of satan for more by economic differences than flcult to deny the similarity In the this service free. into a politIcal chlrade. Sincethen, not taking extremist positions on religion. The Catholics In Northern delivery. In closing Nancy. I feel Inclined all my worst fears regarding the Issueslike SALT. Ireland have been discriminated I realize that there are to fell you that I am one of twenty- politIcally reactionary direction of In 1976,no less than thIrty can. against In everything from em moderates within the charismatic nine students who signed an ROTC the movementnave come true. dldates for High office, including p:oyment to land owning since the continued on page 3 contract on campus this semester. The ChrJstlan Fundamentalists Carter ran on platforms streSsing British moved In In the early 17th
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