Page 36 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 36
Page 4 Scrimshaw November 8, 1979 Alcohol - vandalism correlation probed from page 1 vandalism or violence that has body believes Is usually false presseda willingness to aid In pro. anyonewho has ever beenpenallz. because of the natural fact that If come to her attention has also In· rumors. blems either on an "en campus ed for similar actions. There Is no alcohol is allowed on campus, atcc- volved alcohol, She has also When interviewed, the person. basis oron a referral basis. "set" punishment for any violation hoi will be used more openly and noticed that those casesthat have nel at the infirmary said that they NewsAnalysis: and no known precedents for pun. more often on campus, and there. been associated with "social have not observed any cases of We feel that the adm'lnistratlon ishment of any violation that the fore, more Instances will occur. organizations." i.e. Frats and alcoholism this year, but point out Is only adding to the problem by Deansdeal with. If the Deanswish The Dean also commented that sororities, have tendedto be more that most students are probably not making the punishments hand. to eliminate violations, they are "the Pub has provided a positive serious than other violations. She unwilling to seekhelpon their own. ed down by the Dean public know. going to have to prove to the stu.' atmosphere for drinking on cam- equated this to group gatherings They said that there are fewer ledge. How Is a potential offender dent body, all potential offenders, pus." and the associatedpeer pressures. casesof Injury this year that seem going to rationalize not committing that they will enforce the rules. be revi d laidlaw CI· Dean laidlaw says there that When specifically asked about to be alcohol related. The staff ex- a violation If he has never known of Telling noonedoesnothing! there are "Decided possible cases ass times to e revisec of alcoholism" on Campus.WhenIt alcohol and fraternities, explained her belief that the treter. comes to her attention that a stu nttles have • "pro electret pcucv " ' dent has been reportedly involved which "advocates drinking." Nancy Menefee flict with Time Code 5 as well. The other major proposal con. In alcohol related violations, Dean laidlaw usually recommends that .i: 1~~~:erS:~dex~huastef~~c~:~~ Sc~~~~~~~~'m~~~eeCI~I~~~:I~er~~~i~~=~o~~:a~:~I~t~~~I~~~C:~on how ~~::. ~~ ~~:~~;eeS~=~r;~~: the student seek the aid of an out. daJismor other violations. Shesaid two major proposals. At present, there should be two ed dropping the two 4'12 week side agency such as A.A. Shesaid that alcohol related violations are One proposal Is a recommence. students, appointed. by the SGA, terms and instituting one three that the school's Career and Coun taken very seriously by the ec- tlon to do away with Code T (7:50 serving on the committee. How. week sessionand 'onesix week ses- seling Service also refers students ministration. When It was pointed e.m.) classes. It has been sug- ever, thesepositions have not been sion. Thesesessionswould be com. to oft campus agencies when ne- out that there is a general feeling gested that Code T would begin at filled. DeanMowbray felt that this blned with other programs (Such cessary. in the student body that most 8:30a.m. The Codewould then con- was "Unfortunate." He explained as evening prOgrams and two- When asked about the reletlon- violators go unpunished or under tlnue 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and M with a that, "'A lot of the committee work week workshops) in order to pro- ship between elcohcl and van- punished, she explained that the possibility of dropping M. Code 6 is done first semester.: and It vide greater alternatives and ap- dalism or violence on campus, the only people who know the exact which now ends at 2:40 would end doesn't look like we're going to preaches for the Summer School Dean Implied that there is a disposition of a caseare the Dean at 3:20. If continued, the M would have students.This Iswhere things_ Program. definite relationship. She pointed of Students, the Dean of Housing end much later. Labs that nowcon- do get decided. Final decisions are The Committee welcomes stu. out that practically every case of and the violator. What the student fllct with Time Code6 would con. made by the faculty, but they de. dent comments. Dean Mowbray Faculty delays honors decision pendon their commtttee-there is a remarked, "Students have the op- portunlty to do something now, or gooddeal of weight on the commit. forever hold their peace" tees" Benitez, and parliamentarian secretary to the committee, the suddenly changed ~UI.C
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