Page 44 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 44
page 8 Thursday, November 15, 1979: Record Review. Sixties revisited "Tusk" falls short Susan Claypool Kurt Llnkoff outstandIng love songs and a few ~ngs that are really off the wall. Two of the songs, Ttte Ledge, and Thars Enough For Me, are so funky that at times they soundas If little kids were playing them. Side fwo, with one exception, is Stevie Nick's side. She Sings lust about all of the songsand she reer. ly does them [ustlce. The one ex- ception Is the song, Not That Fun.. ny and not only Is this songnot fun. ny, but It doesn't even belong on this album. The musIcal quality Is not up to the caliber of the album. Fleetwood Mac's newest Is good, but I do not think It Is necessarlty great. It has some excellent songs, but they are lust too few and far between. Irs a goodalbum, but not worth $13.00. This album could have been the hottest Item In the last five years, but cbvlousfy they trtec to be too diverse, and they biewlt. ThIs album was generously do- nafed by Record Gallery (140 VllJagel where you can fInd thIs and a whole lot more at WestmIns- ter's only real record store. P.S.Ms. Haze- want to go out on a date? C;:~i~:;:Cietto erform French collection exhibited Y P , , Colette felt the one thing her when female writers were just not The Choral Arts Society of cer-, ed of local musicians interested In Jenifer Ulrey, mother had taught her was "to see being published, especially etvorc- roll Countywill present Its faUcon. performing the finest choral The current exhibit In the other peopleaswell asnatore." ed women.Colette lived In France cert Sunday, November 18,at 3:00 masterpieces. Many singing and! Decker College Center Is from the At the age of eighteen, Colette her whole life and wrote well into p.m. in Baker Memorial Chapel. or serving on the official board or French Embassy and contains married a man who published her eighties. Most of her works 1- free of charge and open to the as advisors are associated with I seventy- three black and white end. other peoples work under his have beentranslated. WMC or are former students. sing In Latin name. He did this with Colette's The exhibit of photos and letters color photos dealing with the life of public. They -will "Gloria" by Francis Poulenc and -The Poulenc will be accom-, Colette. Colette, who died In the- work as well. Four of her books reflect the warmth, Imagination, In German the cantata "wecnet panled by full orchestra and the I early 1950's, was a well known were published under hIs name. He and character of Colette at varIous auf"byJ.S. Bach. Bach by chamber orchestra. The French writer. She wrote malnlyi used to lock her In her room to phases of her life. Colette was a The director Is David Kreider, a same program, with organ ec. novels and works that were ctee- write. Dr. Cobb remarked that talented writer who, according to well-known organist, teacher and companlment, will be given In slfled somewhere befween an "Colette later felt that this helped Cobb,"viewed writing as a craft." concert pianist; and the organist Is Baltimore on Sunday, Dec. 2 at essay and a short story. Eulalia her attain the discipline needed to Estale DanIel. Soloist will be 5:30 PM at the Cathedral of Mary Cobb, Assistant Professor of write welt." Shelater divorced her Help! Wan ! part-time Foreign Languages, describes Col- I Elaine Conover, Julia Hitchcock our Queen,5300 N. Charles St. ette as "a very sensual writer who husband, but found It extremely waitress - hostess; part·tlme schedule, diffIcult flexible James Young, Glenn Patterson; to make a living, she The Choral Arts Society Is sup. l and Harry Loats. The chorus of ap. ported financially by prIvate and was very aware of her physical began working as a mime on stage Apply in working conditions: pleasant surroundings and had many for.d corporate patronage,and partially person-Maggie's, proximately 60 sIngers Is compos- and continued to do this well after • by the local musician's union and memories of her childhood." Ac- she had become a famous writer. Washington Road at Green cordIng to Or. Cobb,Colette's workT ':,::h~I''::W~.'~d:::"::''":l9~tg:he~t::,::lm:::e~o::,,'WW~!.'~s=,,= ee=t='n=w=e'='m='=n'=te="===f • __ .. ~ theMarylandArtsCouncli. was In the "French tradItion of a r -- -.:-: Students have probably noticed A~COMEOV Ith th f h Open auditions for the musical, fhepostersbearlngfhedrawlngot psychological novel which dealt ~, '. Goldsmith COMPANY, will be held Sunday, ~:::OO~ln~~~;"I:~on~lnt~ ~:~ :nd mo~t::~~s~ H~;n:t~!;~:~~ ! Silversmith ~.:~~~r~=y::~!::::~ Choral Arts Society. :a~~~!~h~~:~~;:~n~r~;;,e:~: Purveyor.s of Fine Crafts t:;"::~al~'~M:~cll~::il~'~~ ._ Custom-designed Slng;r7"tor a pit chorus. All speak- 7'~.,.",.~ ~_ " ~ pottery ~-" - .jewelry ~,IIIJA_ A-,A ,'~" ~~~~~n,ghe;:;dc:~:e~~nc:~~~~ leather wood ;:~·i::at.10-S, ~';,"d'::::'~;:s~~'!;.~:~~~~ 10% OFF WITH COLLEGE I pleasebring a prepared piece. ~_ _ ',/I" ®.. . _Cold ~eer. Locust Lane Mall Downtown' .....-1!:""4<;;;;,~-, ,., @- pizzi. .. y_~dwic:hes 1 I I '8,00 FREEI'CarrollPlazaShoppin.Center S~lad Bar P,M, ' Il'OO P.M 8 II 1 QUARTERP_OIlNOER· f "=-~'CaIl=::::Ah~e::::ad::::f::::o::::,T=ak=eE°:!!ut::::o=nI=e=rS==:::8=7:::6=.3=5=5=O=-'~ 4, 7 ! WIth thU ~po" I' r 8 REC.RD 6 I _When YOU purchase ; ,a QUARTER POUNDER, • I Breakfast I Lunch 3 9 GALLERY 6 7 IN~candoit ~I ',Dinnet 3 o 1 -- 9 ° 1 McDogald's canT. Sub & Pizza SpedillJst~, . .(!\; , Soft Ice Cream Daily ~pecials' We still have Carroll County's largest Sundaes' Banana Splits . _Amort walk, selection of latest releases, Imported trom camptlS_ and domestic albums! And a huge , I/, Re""",OW" onl, • ·Sunday11/18 through selection of catalog albums and tapes! • _ Thursday 11/22' ::a1~~~estminster Open 6 AM til 12 ~'C!!.o,:,:,u,:~~c==!i. L-_~ __ .:... Sat_U'_d_ay_a_n_d_s_u_nd_a_Y-lL.__ -_..;';.;4.;.O_V_III_.:;.o._S_b_OP;.;p..;ID..;o..;C_o_o'_- .I
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