Page 46 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 46
Nukes energy gambit In this Scrimshaw we hope to raise some questions about the existence and. use of nuclear Some people feel that the companies operating link to cancer have remained a baffling problem, power and nuclear weaponry. We feel that nuclear the plants can be responsible for safety. Can especially with wastes from testing. After nuclear power is more than a political issue. We believe that conglomerates whose main goal is profit be ex. tests were conducted in Nevada in the 1950's, the lur acceptance or rejection of nuclear energy is a pected . to pursue the high standards of safety counties most affected by fallout were surveyed It pivotalpoint in deciding the future of our planet. needed to insure the health of the people? Three was found that children born during those years Mile Island's Unit II remained in operation during 095H958) had a doubled incidence of luekemia CAN NUCLEAR POWER BE MADE SAFE? maintenance work that rendered critical auxllery when compared with children born before and after cooling pumps Inoperative- which was a violation of the testing. -fn the wake of the Three Mile Island incident, Federal Regulations. concern about nuclear safety has deepened. The The plant was also charged with rushing Unit II WE HAVE THE POWER. Kemeny Commission (the President's Commission into operation in order to receive $40 million in tax- The final area of concern is the risk factor. on the accident at Three Mile Island) examined the write-ens and a $49 million dollar rate increase. Nuclear accidents are often compared to aviation Nuclear Regulatory Commission and proposed Metropolitan Edison, the plant operator denies the disasters. The worst aviation disasters have death certain recommendations. Hcwever, the com- charges. tolls of about 300. Experts felt that if the Three Mile missioners wrote, "We do not claim that our Human error is, of course, an always present Island situation had worsened, residents within a proposed recommendations are sufficient to assure incalcuable safety factor. Concern has also been twenty-mile area would have been affected - and the safety of nuclear power ... We must not assume raised about the possibility of nuclear plants as that is an estimated 650,000 people. The land that an accident of this or greater seriousness potential targets ina war. surrounding Harrisburg cou1d have been left a cannot happen again, even if the changes we wasteland. recommend are made." One report, Quoted in the IN WHOSE BACK YARD DO WE DUMP THE And so we gamble. We gamble the power to run Baltimore Sun, contained the following predic- WASTE'? our rock concerts, our electric can-openers, our tions: "During the 1980'S, a 40 percent chance exists lights, our micro-wave ovens against the belief that of at least one accident involving a radioactive At present nuclear wastes are increasing by 10- it won't happen, and if it does happen it won't be release. In the 1990's the chance rises to 50 per- 30% a year. The Energy Department estimates that thatbad ... cent." The Kemeny Staff concluded that while those commercial wastes will double in the next three Mind power enlightened the world with the risks aresmaller than many others faced by sccie- years. Present waste sites are plagued by leakage benefits of nuclear power, and now it must also ty, "accidents similar to Three Mile Island should and corrosion. It is not surprizing that a nation make the world safe from the devastation of be expected." which was never properly able to dispose of regular unleashed nuclear power. We must not and cannot garbage is unable to solve the problems of nuclear forget that this power is the most destructive power WHO CAN WE TRUST TO MAKE IT ~AFE'? waste. we havehad, greater than the forces of nature. Yet the attitude persists that we can make In it's 37 year existence, the Atomic Age's We feel that until safety becomes realized, nuclear power "safe." Scrimshaw asks, who is go- radioactive debris includes: 7,000 tons of burned out nuclear power production should be halted. ing to make it safe? The Nuclear Regulatory com·. reactor fuel, 140 million tons of uranium mine spoils. Kudos: SGA-BETES mission has come under fire for it's part in the and 69 million cubic feet of low-level radioactive and military wastes. wastes, Three Mile Island accident. The NRC w~s aware of . 'flaws Inthe design plan of the plant. It had raised Nuclear waste must be isolated from humans for Scrimshaw would like to commend the SGA on questions about the containment system with thousands of years. It is a three-fold problem: first their choice of the Gamma Beta Chi Fraternity to Babcock and Wilson (the reactor's manufacturer) we must transport the waste, second we must find co-sponsor the Christmas Dance. .... but the plant was still in oper~tion. isolated places on our crowded planet, and third, we The Betes proposed that 100% of the profits be Plants are licensed in hearings set by the NRC. mustfind containers that will last forever. contributed to a memorial scholarship fund According to Baltimore Sun Staff Correspondent Finally, this is a problem not only of our established in the name of John D. Nawrocki ('77). Robert Ruby, "If, before the hearing, the staff generation, but of the generations to come who, John was WMC soccer and lacrosse player who was discovers a safety problem affecting not only the regardless of what we choose to do about nuclear killed ina car accident last year ..... new facility but some already built, the agency power, will face problems with the existing wastes The fraternities are often considered as simply takes the seemingly logical step of classifymg the for the next thousand years. - social organizations: although part of their goals problem as 'generic.' But once the problem is so are service-oriented. Both aspects have something labeled, the plant can be licenced without resolving WHOSE HALF ·LlFE DO WE INFLICT THIS to offer the campus. We are pleased to see the Betes UPON? USing their role in a traditional social occasion as a the problem." chance to perform a service for the school and for At present lew-level radiation and it's possible the memory of their brother, John Nawrocki. Letters to the Editor be done away with. I am notaskJng It sounds just lovely to condemn alllgn Itself with Christian values. Proof wanted that you tell us any names, all I wars and killing and to have If you're going to condone abortion humor? want to know Is If someone, everyone living In peace and services In the Scrimshaw, don't According to those who have To: Dean Laidlaw & Dean anyone, was punished for all the tranquility. However, thIs denotes use Christianity as a excuse to been here for a while, It used to be the custom to print one such issue Mowbray, vandalism on campus, and I want a non-existent utopia, Every condemn the army for "killing of Scrimshaw each year. In it. The problem with vandalism on to know what the punIshments person alive today within hIs or her people." I don't see any difference apparently, nothing was sacred. this campus concerns me, as it were. Prove to me that I, and the own nation Is forced to contend between two forms of murder. We at the Computer Center (on should the entire student body, people who have not va~allsed with a complex, real and often Theresa Denlon the 47th floor of the Student cen- because we are paying for It. For this campus, will really get in brutal world. Even as the U.S. ter) will set our guard dog on you, three and one half years I have !~::;:~ been given no reason to believe ~~~:~eto I~:~a~t::~ t~:~~~~~~;: ~:~v6~~~~;~I~~t:~:~~ ;~t~II~~~~ Laughs, pleasef ~h;o~I~::.~~~t~e~~:t:~u lhat the people responsible for the are not goIng to pay for the wm- other countries, It has no magic We recently unearthed a copy of your' pencils and point them at vandalism have payed any more dows In Rouzer, the five telephones 'control In erasIng the evil and the Dec. 17, 1975 issue of the something. Even If it Is us! than I have to repair their In Rouzer, the window In the game animosity Inherent In other people. Scrimshaw, and found that it was a WMC Computer Center Staff destruction. I have never met room, the broken doors, the broken Wars are horrible but un- very funny rag. (Mother Em, EagE!f' Ernie, anyone on this campus who felt fIre equipment, all the shower fortunately they do exist. I'd like to What's happened to the spirIt Sweet Sue, Serendipitous Skip, that the admlnlstratlem was too doors and candy machInes in see this country try to defend itself behind that kInd of publication? Cheerful Charlie, and little U~) hard em vandals. I have never Rouzer the bathrooms in the In a future war without the Support Are there no Iconoclasts among An ' goes" .issue Will be heard of anyone getting fIned student center... and protection of U.S. Military.' you? Where Is your sense or forthcommg In the Spring. ed. enough to come close to the cost of r-'-..;....~·S":·=-·C·="':Ri=-::l:'M=--::-S:=:·-::H;-::-.A~-::W~=---' the damage they have done. That John Hines D:~:r~~~1c~~::;~~~~ot:i~ means I am payIng for them. Why ROTC defended citizens, yet when It comes time to should I not bel1eve the rumor that defend theIr values In supporting I heard yesterday that the person Dear t:ditor the U.S. In a crtsts, they moan and who,..smashed the front doors out of I am disturbed by your editorial complain or skip off to hide in Nancy Menefee. Rouzer was only fined $20, when in the November 8th Issue of the another country. However, once . Editor-in-Chief the new windows must have cost at Scrimshaw entitled, "Worth the the crisis has ended they have the Dave Cleveland. Managing Editor least $15O.? I hear that type of Risk?" My disgust concerning the nerve to come back and reap all Bill Byrne News Editor rumor every day and so does article is two-fold. First, I would the benefits of this country without Jim Wellman. BUSiness Manager everyone else. How can you con. like to say that It Is a shame this lendIng any support. American Phyllis Menschner . Sports Editor Hnue to ignore the fact that no one college paper doesn't feel a strong citizens who do not care enough or Vernon Roberts. Photography Editor believes that you enforce the sense of pride In advertising the have en'ough pride in their country Scott Dahne. Photography Editor rules? Prove If To Us. Prove to me ROTC program. If this program and what It stands for to at least Ralph Preisendorfer . . . . . . . . Graphics that the rumors that I hear are were not operating, proper -suppor,t it verbally, have no right Special ASSistants only rumors. Prove to me that if I training would not be instilled in to sit back and condemn an army Typists Bill Hearn Joan Hughes am nailed for smashing college potential members of the \..1.5. that is working to insure the sur. Jane BielefieJd, Patsi, Moyler property worth hundreds of Army; presently attending vival of the United States as a Phil Lapadula dollars, that I won't [uet get fined a college. This training is in. Democracy. few dollars and get a little slap on dlspensible in building a com- Secondly, I would like to point ~~;:;:::P;~i~ogm~~;;:in~;~~~~~~e:.e~:;:~oe b~~~:~:h~~do:~i~~d':: the wrist f:t;;;~~~,~~~o~:i::rS:~~::i~:i:~ :~: t~~!~~rl~;":~::t~~nads~~~i~::' communicate in any other fashion, please address material to Scrim- r want your policy of secrecy to independent Democratic nation. by Hillcrest Clinic has no right to shaw, Box 1, Western Maryland College, Westminster, MD 211$7.
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