Page 40 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 40
;~~M\~' Two views of Iran _Dialo9 ue . could lead to What are we depending on? drastic Improvements nation "" According to the The current situation seerm to . . .' / John Hines Ayatollah, economic pressures give the hostages little to look In this ISSue, we would like to propose what we feel could ultimately Can International pressure from the international community forward to. It would not need to beasolutiontomanyproblems. . force the Ayatollah to free the will not effect theIr cause. ThIs be a government authorized After four years here, the WMC student has accumulated a great American hostages? Is the might be true, but the optImists execution, It would be the action ~:~~,k~~w~=~=~:'iS~;~t:=c:~~e':c=:~~P:, ~~~o~ah~:I~tt~~~hi;lttl~~t~~~~~~~=l~t;~~1t~~I:~!t~I:C:~~!~~O~I~~g;~a~t~~e~~~~~~~~~dll~~ special programs. Seniors often find themselves evaluating their' natives before reacting? Will the make a sound, logical decision the Americans. Whatever the overall education, what they felt it did and didn't do. At the end of the I. students now holding the hostages given the situation. This ~also circumstances, If blood Is shed, spring semester, they have a unique and valuable perspective, a I listen to the Ayatollah If he tells assumes that the Ayatollah has the Iranian nation will be the perspective that is largely wasted. Although their opinions may con- I 1hem to free the Americans? If all the same values and morals as .target of either U.S. or In. tain a diagnosis and proposed cure for major departmental problems,' these are true, then we can ex- western civilization, a poor ternatlonal m1l1tary ...force, in the student has no forum for expression. The CITE forms are limited pect. In time, a peaceful assumption given the Ayatollah's reprisal for their breach of in- to one particular course, and they evaluate that course in an isolated resolution In Iran. Unfortunately, past history. ternatlonal law. The actual context.. Obviously, requirements and prerequisites are carefully the chance of all three occurring If by chance the Ayatollah outcome of the crisis may be far structured in order to achieve certain goals, yet the student never gets Is not good. Those who feel that decides to free the hostages, there less consequential, If the hostages a chance to say whether or not he felt the structure was successful. there Is a good chance of freeing Is no reason to feel safe with the are freed. But after all the We would like to pro~e the cre8;tion of a forum where an in-depth the hostages without bloodsh~ assumption that the students will. economic and political cards have overall evaluation of his or her department would be given by the are depending on the predlct- I cooperate with his wishes any been played, it will still boll down senior.· ability of the students, the more th~~y would listen to to a single question; do any of . -. h t I - Our idea is so simple that it may seem incredibly radical. We pro- Ayatollah, .....and their troubled President Carter. th P them give a damn? posethat the senior majors sit down in small groups with their depart- ran: Ignoring e rop e ment head and talk about their impressio", of Ihe departmentIdeally this dialogue would occur with a small number of people in a relaxed setting. The sector would have a chance to talk about the im- .A~l Al.zatorl- animals. Thus, Islam doesnot pro- provements he would like to see in everything from curriculums to In Iran now a tragedy ts taking mote murder. Don't be cruel to they will declare to the world that classrooms. This would also give students a chanc.eto list what they place. Not because of Islam as the your enemy and forgive him; pro- what Is taking place In Iran is not Islam In any way or shape, and felt were positive aspects to their education, and this insure that such media and most of the people be- phet Mohammed forgave his ene- that they refuse to support It. They facets remain a part of the department and the community. ueve. but because the junta ruling rnles when he was In a position of have done so with these goals In We think such a forum would require an effort at honesty and thls country are practicing what power enabling him to sentence their mind. courage, on the part of both the students and the faculty. However, we Islam dislikes. Life In Islam Is them to death. But In Iran we face However, It doesn't seem that feel that this effort would be the beginning of a vital and necessary sacred. The leaders of the nation of a [unte that Ignores this message. this tragedy Is approaching an end. communication, onewhich would immeasurably improve the quality Islam cautioned the muslfms not to As a muslim I wonder about the The United States' policy, and that our education. harm any kind of living creatures, people killed In the name of Islam. of all the parties' dealing with the Personal Viewpoint- Including the vegltalon life and the I wonder about the people beIng Is problem, Indicates wisdom and taken hostages because they be- professionalism. Your support and Only excellence deserves honors long to America, a nation that sup- knowledge of the facts are hIghly requested, and are of Importance ported their enemy, the Shah. When I heared about the Em- to the safety of the hostages. I pray by the class of 1980. them to earn a 3.4average. bassy tragedy I hoped that the to God thaf this tragedy will end Dave Cleveland ---NOw these"same leaders argue The attitude uPOn which the muslIm countries will move fast to without any bloodshed,and that we hostages_:_..I ...;.tlh.~t.iii -Honors Is an award given to a that by publishing requirements" arguments for the previous low counter such an act and to tree the could live In peace, love, and har- limited number of gr.aduatlng for honors, the school made a pro- standards are founded Is based seniors as a mark of academic ex- mise to the students, and that by upon the belief that students ere' cellence. As such, Honors serves a raisIng the requirements the motivated to work towards a cer- dual purpose. It Is a visible reward school has not only broken a pro- taln GPA. But such an attitude Is gIVen by the sebec! to deserving mise, It has also made It Impossl- sick, and should not be encouraged students, and It serves as an easy blefor 17 current seniors who had a and reinforced. GPA should be an method for other stUdents,faculty, 3.2 or higher to earn honors be- accurate reflection of students' and outsiders to distinguish those, cause they cannot raise the aver- work, not the motivation for It. who have a record of commend- ageshigh enoughInone year. The final argument of those stu. able academic performance. Both of these arguments are In- dent leaders Is based upon pity. Excellence Is a comparative valid. In the documents where Somestudents who had 3.2average l few. Last year when 35% of the honors requirements are found, may have been plannIng on going term which can apply only to a to grad school and be denied that the college catalog and the student graduating seniors qualified for handbook, can also be found the chance by the act of the faculty Honors, the faculty decided to do statementthatthecollegereserves raising the honors requirements. something. What they did was the right to change any reqefre- The answer to this argument retse the requirements for general ments so published. Any student's reachesthe heart of the Issue.Does Honors from a GPA of 3.2 to 3.4, belief In promised requirements Is this college have obligation to help· high Honors from 3.5 to 3.6 and based upon Ignorance for which all Its graduates who desire en. highest Honors from 3.75to 3.8.At that student alone Is responsible. trance to grad school? If so, we the time, some student leaders ar- The plight of the 17 students is should assign Summa Cum Laude gued that the class of 1979 was it again their OW!)responslb1l1ty.It Is to everyone of the grad school can- very good class, so the high per- the result of actions of the students dldates. centage receiving honors was an aHer the change In requirements. The obligation this college does anomaly. They also claimed that The change was made In April, have Is to represent truthfully to the class of 1980 would do worse. prior to final exams. If these the world the quality of Its stu. However, calculations have shown students cared greatly about dents' academic performance. To that the large percentage of ste. Honors, they could have started award It to the undeserving be- l:IlIIIfi •• , dents from the class of 1979 was no trying to raise their averages lm- cause they mistakenly believe it anomaly, but merely the culmina- mediately. Now their problelT' Is upon the world. To give It to grad ""'I11III. was promised Is to perpetrate a lie tlon of a gradual upward trend in that they are taking so few courses .... honor-receiving students. Further, for grades that they can't raise school candidates merely because :~~t;: o~t~~h~a~~~~~t ::.: ~~:Ird~~~:e~~o :y;~a~~;~ it: ~:rt~~~~:~~ ~~h:~:~~r~dd::~~ ~~~~~ to graduate with Honors. This Is chose their schedules. If they took Ing. To award It to 35% of an ;:'::":.~:S:;;-.;;;C;';-~-~Ri!!-§-~l-;:-M~-~-§oS;·~-H~-::-~--i-,-;;;A-r:w:,:;-:..;:_;;;__, ~h:~I::r:~:eC_l~S~na~i~:,I~:~;:; ;:a~:~y ~:r~~O;-n g;:~e~::~: ::;:~~~ec~;:~~n~oo;:~:I~:~k- diction of the decrease predicted then It would still be possible tor . ~ - .I"'l Harassment information needed / Nar"lcy Menefee. Editor-in-Chief The National Advisory Council data which might Identify the re- hearings on this subject In the I Dave Cleveland. .. Managing Editor on Women's EducatIonal Pro- spondent, but should describe the fufiJre. Ultimately, the Council Bill Byrne News Editor grams Is conducting an on·golng type of harassment Involved, the 'may make recommendations for protect to examine ways In which Institutional and academic setting appropriate Federal action on the 'I Jim Wellman · . Business Manager the Federal government can and In which the Incldent(s) took place, problem If warranted by ttie pro- Phyllis Menschner . . Sports Editor should assist In protecting students any Institutional or other action on led's findings. Vernon Roberts. · Photography Editor from being sexually harassed by the matter If the Incident was The National Advisory Council Scott Dahne. · Photography Editor faculty, staff or other employees of reported, and the eventual out- on Women's Educational Pro- Ralph Preisendorfer . . Graphics secondary and postsecondary edu. :S~:~:1:~~a~~ C:~: I SpeCial Assistant. . Joan Hughes cation InstitutIons. As part of fhat ~~~:~ :~::~~tst': ~h~n~l~u:~t :~~n~::OO; Typists. . Jane Bielefield, Patsi, Moyler study, the Council Is requesting In· any time, we hope to conclude this gress to advise and report on at- I Phil Lapadula formallon from former and pre· phase of the project by January talnlng sex equity In education. Its I sent· victims about their· experi- ences, and from any others who !~~~I~: ::or:~~e~~s~=~I~ ~~II~e~~~e;:~~~g:nS~~~: ~~: ~::::~:p:,e~lC:gm:I~::ln~~~~~~~e~e~~;:7: bi~~:~:h~~do:~I:~es may have knowledge of such on the nature, scope, and clr-:um· Responsesshould be addressed to communicate In any other fashion, please address material to: Scrim- harassment. stances of the sexual harassment the chair of the Cot/ncll, Ms. Eliza . shaw, Box 1, Western Maryland College,Westminster, MD 21157. Responsesneed not provide any reported, the Council mCly hold M. Carney.
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