Page 38 - Scrimshaw1979-80
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page 2 'Ihur!!dal_, November 15, 1979 Press charged with coverup Pub burglarized hom page 1 that It (moving members of the could never be realized In the J'8~fr~~gUl~:~ break there were ~k~~s~n~~~~~r:~I~r~~~~nn~a:h!~ were mezmerlzed by a leader and People to the Soviet Union, as country they wer~ born In." two separate breek.tos in the Pub. better pa~t of a keg of beer, which moved to the middle oT the jungle, some reports said they hoped to Mark rene's conviction that we' The breakins are currently being was removed from the keg. During when the leader gave them the do) would be such an incredibly should examine why the American investigated by security. They are the second breakln the offenders order, they followed his order and continuing embarraslng ex- dream failed these peopleIs worth believed to have beendoneby stu. attempted to break open the juke- all committed suicide." pertence for us that it might be consideration, however hedid little dents. Mr.. Fasanodid not want to box, but were scared off by mare that becametheir final end. C========,_",='- Lane attacked the State better for them to die in JonestoW'n to help us understand the night· make further comment. According guard. --' Department for not warning Soviet Union. I hopenoboqy In the S h d I - h f _I than forever to plague us In the CongressmanLeo Ryan about Ihe C _e u ,ing-c a_nge at s e:~R:::~,~'~~~"~o~~~h p:;'~,~~;SI~~n~·~~t::n::;;'~~~I~..:,ih Temple might precIpitate. Lane strong factual Information. , claimed that the State Department Lane alsoaccusedthe New York Lee Maxwell Dr. Sam Allspach, chairman of that extend past the period alloted knew that Ryan's visit would push Times of printing a front page Students were almost barred the Underqreduate Affairs Policy can keep students out of subse- Jones to the breaking point, and article which said that he and a from taking any exam any time and Curriculum Committee, and quent classesand may even Inter- that massmurder would follow. former member of the People's other than the time the class was Initiator of the motion, defended fere wIth other classes,,that share Lane claimed that In September Temple had flown to Zurich to scheduled. A motion thus inter. the motion at the meeting and later the same room where the test cc. of 1977,Jonesthreatened to kill the remove millions of dollars of preted was voted down by the commented In an Interview that curs earlier. population of the Peoples Temple Temple funds from a secret bank faculty at their last meeting two the faculty's Interpretation was Dean McCormick, when attack- (then at 500) if the Guyanese account. weeksago. mistaken: "We (the committee) lng the motion at the meeting, government followed through with The article actually appearedon However, some faculty mem felt It that it was quite flexible, that pointed out that the measure was Its plans to return his son to the page 12, not the front page. bers queslion whether that Inter. It permitted extenuating circum- unnecessarybecauseit was under. United States. Soon after that, Although Lane gave the lm- pretatlon Iscorrect. stances... Ihere are dIfferent ways stood as part of the schedule rules according to Lane, Jones sent pressrcn that the Times stated The facuity defeated the motion to Interpret the semantics." that nocoursetime shouldever ex- documents to every U.S. clearly that he had taken the by a 3-2 margin after some vigor. The motion, an applicatIon of a tend Into the course immediately Congressmansaying Ihe peopleof money, the following quote from ousdebateamongdifferent faculty recommendation made by the preceding It or following It. Jonestownhad made "the decision that article provides new Insight members Including Dean McCor. UAPCC reads as follows: "Under Dr. Allspach. while agreeing to die" if they were persecutedor into the controversy: "A Justice mrck. While some members of the no clrcumstences should an ex. with the Dean that the motion was thaf investigated bYcthaango:ternment. ~epartment spo~e~:;n~~sa~L faculty defendedthe motion, many ~n~lnaatlro~~a~;d-!~~~d~~~mC~~;~~:~~~aa~d s~~I:e~~:S~~lo:~~:s.~: ' "You tell ane~e~:rr~~ep~~fsorda(t:'me~~;~~hl~~~r':~~~~~~~;,etteck- period be allowed to be given out- said that he knew of one specific where the U S BUSinessmanager of the Peoples Many faculty members Inter- side the gIven limits of the period case of this occurlng, and he feels Government ends ~ecn~~~o~:d i~ene:~c~:,ltz~~I~~~ ~~:e~~~ ~:t~~~e~ ;;e:~y n~t~:; ~~~~~~yW~!~~;:~;~n: ~f:I~~~ou~~~ SO~:~~I~c~:~~~cbke!~~~1ains that Y k assets The Spokesman added, tl th d I the regularly make exception under Section 304 while this is a problem, it Isn't a a~d the Ne_w o,~ hOW~~~~,"I don't know that for a SC~:dUI~ncla~: n:erlod. This then (handicapped who must arlrive major one because of the few In- T r m e s begJns..... fact. could seemingly exclude any ea~l:,an11:~::~~at:'~~;alned that ~~~."~::t~~~tp~~~;~;~rT~~mD;:~ Lane the State D~part- whLeann~/:~:C~~d~~t:~t~;:r/~:: ~t~~:~e~~~:at:~~~,t~~:~;~t;::~~ UPACC was responding to prob- that "whenever this comesup, I'm ment both In the lecture and In his State Department spokesman from takln an exam later because lem It perceived In how exams usually the last fofind out." re- press conference fo.- mlsl~adlng denied having said that Lane took extlnuatin g When asked how he might (111_ were being run now: too many ex. :~~:'~:::i~::~~~~~I~~::~i:%~,':;:?t;~~~;:~:£i:':,:h:::~.:~~:i~~~i:1i~t:~::~~~':;~~~,~iF.i:~~~:~~;~~::::~:;:~::~:?:,~:,~o~::~~~£;~~: circumstances Ryan and this preclpatatlng solve such a problem of repeated emergency) keep ness, fa::11 a the money. He failed to mention ams were starting earlier and/or ~;t"I~~~t~t:: t~heeI~~:~~~g:;::~ ~nest~~Pj~~91~!~~~~~:n~a~~~~: was that It put unreaso~ab~ef~on. ~~:~;dt~: ~~f~~ ~~~~~:es~~I~;~;: !~c~~~l~:=~ :~:;I:~m;~~t t~: began looking Into the events had begun.While Lane made light ~~~~~t:su:~:: ~~~t;uu;e~;s~T::~ who finished their exams on time should honor the Integrity of the surrounding the Jo~estown of what must have .been a tragic ~eltthe dlclslon of whether togrant by giving others an unfair advan. schedule and the other faculty tragedy, they began asking why situation, his anecdotesdid little to a special eXo!lmtime to a student tage." :hC:~~~IJ~~t,~~st~r--------, member." :::~e~t:~~et~::~:~:~ya~af~r ~!:e~;;~:~:h~!~~~~. strongest-pofnts ::r~U~!~ leff to the Individual In- u:~~~%~~~e;n fateful trip. DespIte Lane s were made at the beginning of the Rumor settled D .-1 stafements to the contrary, the lecture. He pointed out that r oem OJ press did raise these questions Americans had not paid enough -, ~~~th~~~~I:~I:e :~: a~~:eds7~~:~ntt~~~:;t;~~h~:h:a::I:~~t:~:~ Keith Arnold clubroom. the week the Hinge· When the new sorority came to The rumour that I Department knew that Ryan the Temple members were mostly Black Studenl Union clubroom the attention of DeanMoytbray had Moment the Filmore Watts and In danger and wIthheld that In· from formation.) ghettos, and "a lifetime of living would be given to the new sorority make It clear that the school, "did Although Lane raised these there convinced them they could Is, according to Dean Mowbray, not have room for them" to have a questions,the closestheever came never befirst classcitizens." false. The clubroom, which was clubroom. Since then, however, a A silenceIn the mind to answering them was his ob- Lane stated that 1100Americans onceasororltyclubroom,lshaving small room adjacent to the Phi aholefilledwlfhtouch servation that: "I hope no one II' went to Guyana In search of a work done"onII, but It will remain Alpha Mu clubroom Is being paint. the Sfate Department ever sale dream which they had concluded the Hinge.Black Student Union ed to serve as the Alpha Nu Omega anOctober sunset Committee pOSitions empty ~~b~:,mt:~':'~,~;w=;'~:,::::,~: blistering colors ontothe clouds a red wool sweater smaller than the other sorority on a night so crisp the stars seem Russell Johnson 7. The Trustee Committee on committees. "I urge any student clubrooms, but Is, nevertheless, tosn.;.p There are stili spots left on StudentAffairs· There Is room for who Is InterestedJn getting Involv- more than the new sorority was In. like the steam In the radiator various college commltte~s, reo onesophomoreelectedby the SGA. ed In the policy making sector of formed toe_x.E_ect. pipes. ports Dean Wray Mowbray, Dean 8. Student VisItors to the Board this school to send a letter of In- of Student Affairs, and Mike of Trustees. There Is room for one terest to me because the faculty Steinmetz, PresidentoftheS.G.A. sophomoreselectedby the SGA. and administration will not know Thosecommittees are o!ISfollows: "I would like to see students ap. what we want unless we tell DAVIS SHOES & BOOTS. INC. l. The Admissions, Flnanelo!ll pointedto thesecommIttees," said them," said Steinmetz. Steinmetz Aid, and Standards Committee· DeanMowbray, "beco!luseIt Is 1m. was not sure why studentshave not There Is room for two seniors porto!lntto have direct student In. signed up for these committees Featuring shoes by selected by the committee from a volvement In the formulation of'other than there (the students) not list of applicants presented by the SChoolpolicy. I conSider It un. being aW(lre of the Importance of SGA.A 3.0GPA IsrequIred. fortunate that In the past the SGA thesecommittees. 2. The Athletic Council· There Is has had to literally go out and When Mobwbray was asked the room for one junIor male. recruit students for these posl. same question (Why students have Fairground Village Shopping Cen1er 3. The Disciplinary Hearing tlons," continued Mowbray, "be- not sIgned up for the committee?) Board· There Is room for three. cause the actions these commlf. he said, "I've heard criticisms of Westminster, Md. 857-4727 juniors elected by the entlre stu· tees fake directly affect the the SGAofficers but that Is not the dent body. stUdents." only problem, because in the past 4. The Calendar and Schedule Steinmetz Is also upset at the there lust has not been that many -International Foreign Committee - There is room for two lack of student Interest In these studentsapplylng." studenfsselectedby the SGA. .... , 5. The Undergraduate Academic Car Service '. Policy and Curriculum Committee 5'0/1 . There Is room for two students Specializing in all types selectedby the SGA.. nvpfa_ of foreign cars Free Pickup 6. The Library Committee Country Air Inn 10% Discount There Is room for two students 2610 Utdestown Pike 3.5mlon Rt. 97 (with this ad) and Delivery selectedby the SGA. (to WMC campus) LIVE MUSIC SA T. NIGHT fIi!i!!IMI 24·hoUi road service (848-6009) Happy Birthday ~, Ralph ... 25'0/1 NOV. 17 ~ 876-7.030 III 25'0/1 I anypfa_ Proper dress required tiny pi~aa you can too draw %mile nortn of campus on Penn Ave. $3.00 cover c.
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